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  • add-docker-compose-cluster-support
  • add-gitlab-ci-support
  • master default protected
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.027Feb2420191630Jan24169827Nov2120643k8s: make image directive configurablemastermasterk8s: make more Helm Chart values configurablek8s: fix resource file extensionk8s: use default strategy type in deploymentk8s: drop prefix in object file namesk8s: add HorizontalPodAutoscalerk8s: run as non-rootk8s: reduce number of replicask8s: add resource limitsk8s: add readiness and liveness probeRevert "k8s: allow multiple reader and writer clients for PVC"k8s: allow multiple reader and writer clients for PVCk8s: increase PVC storage space to 1Gik8s: clean upk8s: define app version in Helm Chartk8s: define Helm Chart API versionk8s: move Helm Chart to properly named subdirectoryAdd support to run in Kubernetesdocker: switch to own Docker registrygitlab-ci: build, tag and push Docker imageUpdate README.mdAdded swaggerremoved multerMerge branch 'switch-to-json' into 'master'using json and strings nowMerge branch 'update-default-port' into 'master'Merge branch 'add-docker-compose-cluster-support' into 'master'Merge branch 'add-gitlab-ci-support' into 'master'all: set default listen port to 8080gitlab-ci: add basic CIadd-gitlab-ci-s…add-gitlab-ci-supportdocker: add support to run in a compose microservice clusteradd-docker-comp…add-docker-compose-cluster-supportdocker: remove compose container nameMerge branch 'delete-images' into 'master'delete endpoint implementedMerge branch 'add-docker-support' into 'master'Add Docker supportInitial commit