- Jan 13, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Update: ParserTest.java (change text of an exception) Update: AzureDB.java (rephrased some exceptions; fixed SQL statement of "uploadCommunityMap" method) Update: OracleDB.java (rephrased some exceptions; fixed SQL statement of "uploadCommunityMap" method) Update: GsonHandler.java (rephrased some exceptions) Update: DDL_Script_Oracle.sql (added second community map) Update: DDL_Script_AzureDB.sql (added second community map) Update: Persistence.java (added method to verify core maps and community maps; moved methods from RuntimeInfo.java for creating RemoteMapsList and setting map for next game round) Update: RuntimeInfo.java (moved methods from RuntimeInfo.java for creating RemoteMapsList and setting map for next game round; added method to calculate game time) Update: log4j2.xml (enabled logging to file)
- Jan 12, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Update: ParserTest.java (change text of an exception) Update: AzureDB.java (added method to reset stats) Update: OracleDB.java (added method to reset stats) Update: ISQLDataBase.java (added method to reset stats) Update: DDL_Script_Oracle.sql (changed max length for mapData; added new test maps) Update: DDL_Script_AzureDB.sql (changed max length for mapData; added new test maps) Update: Persistence.java (added method to reset locally stored mapData if corrupted)
- Jan 11, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Update: ParserTest.java (added a lot of new tests and changed tests for mapData Strings for changed specifications)
- Jan 10, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Update: Parser.java (method for parsing IP now contains additional check; method for parsing mapData completely rebuilt to allow different map sizes and Tile-Numbers from 0 to 99)
- Jan 09, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Update: Parser.java (method for parsing IP now contains additional check; method for parsing mapData completely rebuilt to allow different map sizes and Tile-Numbers from 0 to 99)
- Jan 08, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
# Conflicts: # src/main/java/module-info.java
Schuh Martin authored
Update: Persistence.java (new method to update and save statistics)
Elrabu authored
- Jan 07, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Update: OracleDB.java (changed Exceptions Update: Parser.java (renamed method) Update: Persistence.java (methods now public. Moved some methods from RuntimeInfo.java to Persistence.java) Update: RuntimeInfo.java (Moved methods from RuntimeInfo.java to Persistence.java)
Schlütter Yannik authored
Update: CryptoUtils.java (Nof differentiate between Files that can be encrypted multiple times, Files that can only be encrypted once and Files that have already been encrypted) Update: CryptoUtilsTest.java (Added new UnitTests and a RepeatedTest more to come yet) #60
Schlütter Yannik authored
Schlütter Yannik authored
Update: CryptoUtils.java (Nof differentiate between Files that can be encrypted multiple times, Files that can only be encrypted once and Files that have already been encrypted) Update: CryptoUtilsTest.java (Added new UnitTests and a RepeatedTest more to come yet) #60
Schuh Martin authored
Update: OracleDB.java (fixed methods, changed Exception type) Update: Renamed DatabaseError.java to DatabaseException.java Update: Renamed ParserError.java to ParserException.java Update: GsonHandler.java (fixed methods, changed Exception type) Update: ISQLDataBase.java (changed Exception type) Update: PlayerStatistics.java (removed field "statsLoaded") Update: Persistence.java (updated methods) Update: RuntimeInfo.java (updated methods)
- Jan 06, 2024
Schlütter Yannik authored
Update: Code for working encryption while not interfering with already encrypted code in CryptoUtils.java Add: CryptoUtilsTest.java (Added UnitTests for CryptoUtils.java Class) Add: files for UnitTestsencryptedtestFile
- Jan 04, 2024
Schlütter Yannik authored
Update: Code for working encryption while not interfering with already encrypted code in CryptoUtils.java which has also been done for not yet pushed java Tests
Schuh Martin authored
Update: DDL_Script_Oracle.sql (Minor fix to allow UPDATE privilege in communitymaps table in "map_downloads" column) Update: AzureDB.java (minor fixes + code to update download-counter when downloading community map from SQL Server) Update: OracleDB.java (minor fixes + code to update download-counter when downloading community map from SQL Server)
- Jan 03, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Update: DDL_Script_AzureDB.sql (map_data column now UNIQUE; added better test data) Update: ParserTest.java (added better test data)
Schuh Martin authored
Fix: ParserTest.java (fixed methods for parser tests) Note: Parser + Parser Tests complete and error free
- Jan 02, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Fix: Parser.java (fixed methods after running tests) Update: ParserTest.java (added tests for Parser.java methods) Update: pom.xml (added JUNIT params dependency for parameterized tests)
- Jan 01, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Add: Parser.java (including methods for parsing user inputs) Add: Test for parser
- Dec 31, 2023
Schuh Martin authored
Update: CryptoUtils.java (moved key into CryptoUtils Class) Update: GsonHandler.java (added methods to read/write playerAccount) Add/Feature: HashGenerator.java (New Class to create SHA1 hashes) Update: ISQLDataBase.java (minor changes) Update: OracleDB.java (minor changes; moved key to CryptoUtils Class) Update: Persistence.java (new method to create player account) Update: PlayerStatistics.java (minor changes) Update: RuntimeInfo.java (minor changes)
- Dec 26, 2023
Schuh Martin authored
Update: GsonHandler.java (removed unnecessary methods) Update: ISQLDataBase.java (completed list of methods) Update: OracleDB.java (completed SQL-CRUD methods) Update: Persistence.java (minor changes) Update: PlayerStatistics.java (minor changes)
- Dec 25, 2023
Schlütter Yannik authored
- Dec 22, 2023
Schuh Martin authored
- Dec 21, 2023
Schlütter Yannik authored
- Dec 20, 2023
Schlütter Yannik authored
Feature: Added decrypting of logindata for our current ORacleDB database and our old AzureDB database Add: CryptoUtils.java (for decrypting loginfiles) Add: CryptoException.java (to catch multiple Exceptions from CryptoUtils.java Class) Update: OracleDB.java, DBalt.java(added lines for decrypting and a method to get the decrypted logindata stored into variables) Add: AzureDB_logindetails, document.encrypted and OracleDB_logindetails as a alternative to document.encrypted (These files contain the decrypted logindata for our database) #60
- Dec 19, 2023
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Add: AppSettings.java (to store settings of application) Add: MapInfo.java (to store limited Information about CommunityMaps on SQL Server) Add: MapType.java (ENUM for Type of map - relevant for GsonHandler Class) Add: PlayerAccount.java (Class to store details about player account) Add: playerAccount.json (Player Account info stored locally encrypted) Add: playerStatsLocal.json (to store player statistics for local account) Add: appSettings.json (to store application settings in persistence) Update: DDL_Script_Oracle.sql (added lines for creating player statistics table) Update: GsonHandler.java (added methods for saving and loading playerStatistics, playerAccount, appSettings and moved file paths from "Persistence" class) Update: Persistence.java (added some methods, moved file paths from "Persistence" class) Update: RuntimeInfo.java (added some methods)
- Dec 18, 2023
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Merge DataBase to development See merge request !7
Schuh Martin authored
# Conflicts: # src/main/java/de/hdm_stuttgart/battlearena/Controller/GameSceneController.java # src/main/java/module-info.java
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Busch Elias authored