- Jan 06, 2024
Schlütter Yannik authored
Update: Code for working encryption while not interfering with already encrypted code in CryptoUtils.java Add: CryptoUtilsTest.java (Added UnitTests for CryptoUtils.java Class) Add: files for UnitTestsencryptedtestFile
- Jan 04, 2024
Schlütter Yannik authored
Update: Code for working encryption while not interfering with already encrypted code in CryptoUtils.java which has also been done for not yet pushed java Tests
Schuh Martin authored
Update: DDL_Script_Oracle.sql (Minor fix to allow UPDATE privilege in communitymaps table in "map_downloads" column) Update: AzureDB.java (minor fixes + code to update download-counter when downloading community map from SQL Server) Update: OracleDB.java (minor fixes + code to update download-counter when downloading community map from SQL Server)
- Jan 03, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Update: DDL_Script_AzureDB.sql (map_data column now UNIQUE; added better test data) Update: ParserTest.java (added better test data)
Schuh Martin authored
Fix: ParserTest.java (fixed methods for parser tests) Note: Parser + Parser Tests complete and error free
- Jan 02, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Fix: Parser.java (fixed methods after running tests) Update: ParserTest.java (added tests for Parser.java methods) Update: pom.xml (added JUNIT params dependency for parameterized tests)
- Jan 01, 2024
Schuh Martin authored
Add: Parser.java (including methods for parsing user inputs) Add: Test for parser
- Dec 31, 2023
Schuh Martin authored
Update: CryptoUtils.java (moved key into CryptoUtils Class) Update: GsonHandler.java (added methods to read/write playerAccount) Add/Feature: HashGenerator.java (New Class to create SHA1 hashes) Update: ISQLDataBase.java (minor changes) Update: OracleDB.java (minor changes; moved key to CryptoUtils Class) Update: Persistence.java (new method to create player account) Update: PlayerStatistics.java (minor changes) Update: RuntimeInfo.java (minor changes)
- Dec 26, 2023
Schuh Martin authored
Update: GsonHandler.java (removed unnecessary methods) Update: ISQLDataBase.java (completed list of methods) Update: OracleDB.java (completed SQL-CRUD methods) Update: Persistence.java (minor changes) Update: PlayerStatistics.java (minor changes)
- Dec 25, 2023
Schlütter Yannik authored
- Dec 22, 2023
Schuh Martin authored
- Dec 21, 2023
Schlütter Yannik authored
- Dec 20, 2023
Schlütter Yannik authored
Feature: Added decrypting of logindata for our current ORacleDB database and our old AzureDB database Add: CryptoUtils.java (for decrypting loginfiles) Add: CryptoException.java (to catch multiple Exceptions from CryptoUtils.java Class) Update: OracleDB.java, DBalt.java(added lines for decrypting and a method to get the decrypted logindata stored into variables) Add: AzureDB_logindetails, document.encrypted and OracleDB_logindetails as a alternative to document.encrypted (These files contain the decrypted logindata for our database) #60
- Dec 19, 2023
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Add: AppSettings.java (to store settings of application) Add: MapInfo.java (to store limited Information about CommunityMaps on SQL Server) Add: MapType.java (ENUM for Type of map - relevant for GsonHandler Class) Add: PlayerAccount.java (Class to store details about player account) Add: playerAccount.json (Player Account info stored locally encrypted) Add: playerStatsLocal.json (to store player statistics for local account) Add: appSettings.json (to store application settings in persistence) Update: DDL_Script_Oracle.sql (added lines for creating player statistics table) Update: GsonHandler.java (added methods for saving and loading playerStatistics, playerAccount, appSettings and moved file paths from "Persistence" class) Update: Persistence.java (added some methods, moved file paths from "Persistence" class) Update: RuntimeInfo.java (added some methods)
- Dec 18, 2023
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
# Conflicts: # src/main/java/de/hdm_stuttgart/battlearena/Controller/GameSceneController.java # src/main/java/module-info.java
Schuh Martin authored
Schuh Martin authored
Busch Elias authored
Busch Elias authored
# Conflicts: # src/main/java/de/hdm_stuttgart/battlearena/Model/Multiplayer/ConnectionHandler.java # src/main/java/module-info.java
Busch Elias authored
- Dec 17, 2023
Schuh Martin authored
Add: playerStats.json Add: OracleDB.java (OracleDB communication added) Update: AzureDB.java (Methods changed) Update: DDL Script (optimised for OracleDB) Update: GsonHandler.java (removed instance of "Persistence" Singleton as attribute Update: module-info.java (added lines for OracleDB) Update: Persistence.java (added methods for loading and saving data) Update: pom.xml (added OracleDB as dependency) Update: RuntimeInfo.java (added methods for analysing and utilizing data from persistence) Update: MapData.java (changed attributes)
- Dec 11, 2023
Schlütter Yannik authored
Schlütter Yannik authored
Gehrung Jonas authored
Merge UI into Development See merge request !4
Gehrung Jonas authored
# Conflicts: # src/main/java/de/hdm_stuttgart/battlearena/Main/Main.java
Tran Peter authored
Busch Elias authored
Update: Server class and serverhandler class can now be started by creating a class instance, ipaddress can also be set each with a setter.
Busch Elias authored
Tran Peter authored
Scherbaum Maximilian authored
update: exports in module-info.java, fix: collisions with map not detected, fix: missing methods in IEntity.java #34
Tran Peter authored
Tran Peter authored
Scherbaum Maximilian authored