Film Database App -
This is a complete film database software project that consists of a backend with Java Spring Boot and a frontend with React. The project allows users to browse movies, rate them, add favorites, and write reviews. It includes a REST API and connects to a MongoDB database.
- Java 11 or higher
- Node.js and npm
- MongoDB
Backend Installation (Java Spring Boot)
Clone repository:
git clone
- Set up MongoDB Atlas:
- Create an account on MongoDB Atlas.
- Create a new cluster and obtain the connection string.
- Configure MongoDB Connection:
- Enter your MongoDB connection cridentials in
file or just leave it and use our environment variables.
Navigate to the backend directory:
cd Backend
Install dependencies:
./mvnw install
Start the application:
Run main in Backend/src/main/java/mi/filmdatenprofis/movieapp/
or:./mvnw spring-boot:run
Frontend Installation
- Install dependencies:
cd Frontend/my-app/ npm install
- Start the application:
npm start
- Go to http://localhost:3000
You can reach the backend via http://localhost:8080 and see/test endpoints via Swagger UI on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
In the Backend directory there is a README file with information about all the API-Endpoints.