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Commit b7b2bbe1 authored by Goik Martin's avatar Goik Martin
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(function(module) {
"use strict";
/* globals app, socket */
var user = module.parent.require('./user'),
meta = module.parent.require('./meta'),
db = module.parent.require('./database'),
winston = module.parent.require('winston'),
passport = module.parent.require('passport'),
fs = module.parent.require('fs'),
path = module.parent.require('path'),
nconf = module.parent.require('nconf'),
async = module.parent.require('async'),
local_strategy = module.parent.require('passport-local').Strategy,
ldapjs = require('ldapjs');
var config = {};
var office_ldap = {
name: "Office LDAP",
get_domain: function (base) {
var domain = '';
if (base !== '') {
var temp = base.match(/dc=([^,]*)/g);
if (temp.length > 0) {
domain = (str) {
return str.match(/dc=([^,]*)/)[1];
}).reduce(function (current, previous) {
return current + '.' + previous;
return domain;
admin: function (custom_header, callback) {
"route": "/plugins/office_ldap",
"icon": "fa-cog",
"name": "LDAP Settings"
callback(null, custom_header);
init: function(params, callback) {
function render(req, res, next) {
res.render('office_ldap', {});
meta.settings.get('officeldap', function(err, options) {
config = options;
params.router.get('/admin/plugins/office_ldap', params.middleware.admin.buildHeader, render);
params.router.get('/api/admin/plugins/office_ldap', render);
get_config: function(options, callback) {
meta.settings.get('officeldap', function(err, settings) {
if (err) {
return callback(null, options);
config = settings;
options.officeldap = settings;
callback(null, options);
murmurhash3_32_gc: function(key, seed) {
seed = seed || 12345;
var remainder, bytes, h1, h1b, c1, c1b, c2, c2b, k1, i;
remainder = key.length & 3; // key.length % 4
bytes = key.length - remainder;
h1 = seed;
c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
c2 = 0x1b873593;
i = 0;
while (i < bytes) {
k1 = ((key.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff)) | ((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 8) | ((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 16) | ((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 24);
k1 = ((((k1 & 0xffff) * c1) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c1) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;
k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17);
k1 = ((((k1 & 0xffff) * c2) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c2) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;
h1 ^= k1;
h1 = (h1 << 13) | (h1 >>> 19);
h1b = ((((h1 & 0xffff) * 5) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 5) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;
h1 = (((h1b & 0xffff) + 0x6b64) + ((((h1b >>> 16) + 0xe654) & 0xffff) << 16));
k1 = 0;
switch (remainder) {
case 3: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i + 2) & 0xff) << 16; break;
case 2: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xff) << 8; break;
case 1: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff);
k1 = (((k1 & 0xffff) * c1) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c1) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff;
k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17);
k1 = (((k1 & 0xffff) * c2) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c2) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff;
h1 ^= k1;
h1 ^= key.length;
h1 ^= h1 >>> 16;
h1 = (((h1 & 0xffff) * 0x85ebca6b) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 0x85ebca6b) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff;
h1 ^= h1 >>> 13;
h1 = ((((h1 & 0xffff) * 0xc2b2ae35) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 0xc2b2ae35) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;
h1 ^= h1 >>> 16;
return h1 >>> 0;
stringtoint: function (str) {
return str.split('').map(function (char) {
return char.charCodeAt(0);
}).reduce(function (current, previous) {
return previous + current;
override: function () {
var options = {
url: config.server + ':' + config.port
passport.use(new local_strategy({
passReqToCallback: true
}, function (req, username, password, next) {
if (!username) {
return next(new Error('[[error:invalid-email]]'));
if (!password) {
return next(new Error('[[error:invalid-password]]'));
var userdetails = username.split('@');
var client = ldapjs.createClient(options);
if (userdetails.length == 1) {
username = username.trim() + '@' + office_ldap.get_domain(config.base);
client.bind(username, password, function(err) {
if (err) {
return next(new Error('[[error:invalid-password]]'));
var opt = {
filter: '(&(' + config.filter + '=' + userdetails[0] + '))',
scope: 'sub',
sizeLimit: 1
};, opt, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
return next(new Error('[[error:invalid-email]]'));
res.on('searchEntry', function(entry) {
var profile = entry.object;
var id = office_ldap.murmurhash3_32_gc(profile.displayName);
if (!profile.mail) {
profile.mail = username;
office_ldap.login(id, profile.displayName, profile.mail, function (err, userObject) {
if (err) {
return next(new Error('[[error:invalid-email]]'));
return next(null, userObject);
res.on('error', function(err) {
winston.error('error: ' + err.message);
return next(new Error('[[error:invalid-email]]'));
login: function (ldapid, handle, email, callback) {
var _self = this;
_self.getuidby_ldapid(ldapid, function (err, uid) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
if (uid !== null) {
return callback(null, {
uid: uid
} else {
// New User
var success = function (uid) {
// Save provider-specific information to the user
user.setUserField(uid, 'ldapid', ldapid);
db.setObjectField('ldapid:uid', ldapid, uid);
callback(null, {
uid: uid
return user.getUidByEmail(email, function (err, uid) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
if (!uid) {
var pattern = new RegExp(/[\ ]*\(.*\)/);
if (pattern.test(handle)) {
handle = handle.replace(pattern, '');
return user.create({username: handle, email: email}, function (err, uid) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
if (config.autovalidate == 1) {
user.setUserField(uid, 'email:confirmed', 1);
return success(uid);
} else {
return success(uid); // Existing account -- merge
getuidby_ldapid: function (ldapid, callback) {
db.getObjectField('ldapid:uid', ldapid, function (err, uid) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, uid);
module.exports = office_ldap;
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