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Merging first draft of the project into Master branch

Casimiro de Oliveira Kethella Karoline requested to merge Feature1 into master

From now on lets always use the master branch as our main branch. If you want to include new functionality or refactor existing code, always do the following steps:

  1. Create a new feature branch -->(terminal command: git checkout -b )
  2. Switch to the new feature branch -->(terminal command: git checkout )
  3. Implement/create your code
  4. Once you are done, create a merge request in Git Lab (you can add reviewers direct on Git lab) Minimun of ONE person in the group should accept the merge request
  5. Merge your code into master (once it is reviewed and aproved) This may seen extra work but it is important to keep the project well organized and follow a clean workflow

** THIS LINK explains the workflow**

Merge request reports
