The following repository contains the folder with a Restaurant App. The applications use the NestJS framework. It is containerized with the help of a docker file runing the folowing command in the folder where Dokerfile is:
`docker build ah210/nestapp`
### Minikube Set up
Once the image is build is important to set our local minikube and start it with the following command:
`minikube start --driver=docker`
I wrote "driver=docker", because I use the docker as virtual machine but feel free to use other drivers such as virtual box or VMware.
I wrote "driver=docker", because I use the docker as virtual machine but feel free to use other drivers such as virtual box or VMware. After the minkube is runing is important to run the following command:
`minikube kubectl get all`
This command will make minikube get all it needs to run a kubernetes cluster.
### Gitlab
In order to download the latest version of gitlab type the following command:
`docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest`
### Helm
The repository contains a Helm chart. Through this chart our Restaurant API can be deployed in a Kubernetes Cluster. In our case we will use the minikube. Runing the following command.