The following repository contains the folder with a Restaurant App. The applications use the NestJS framework and can be deployed using a Helm chart in a Kubernetes Cluster. The automatization of its deployment is through a gitlab CI/CD pipeline made possible.
The following repository contains the folder with a Restaurant App. The applications use the NestJS framework. It is containerized with the help of a docker file runing the folowing command in the folder where Dokerfile is:
`docker build ah210/nestapp`
Once the image is build is important to set our local minikube and start it with the following command:
`minikube start --driver=docker`
I wrote "driver=docker", because I use the docker as virtual machine but feel free to use other drivers such as virtual box or VMware.
The repository contains a Helm chart. Through this chart our Restaurant API can be deployed in a Kubernetes Cluster. In our case we will use the minikube. Runing the following command.
`helm install nestapp helm-chart/`
The automatization of its deployment is through a gitlab CI/CD pipeline made possible. The pipeline is build in this repository.
for further information about the Project please direct to the wiki on the following link: