package; import mi.hdm.exceptions.InvalidRecipeException; import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll; import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows; class RecipeTest { private final static List<RecipeComponent> ingredients = ValidObjectsPool.getValidIngredientList(); private final static Map<RecipeComponent, Integer> recipeMap = new HashMap<>(); @BeforeAll public static void setUpAll() { ingredients.forEach(ingredient -> recipeMap.put(ingredient, 100)); } @Test @DisplayName("Test invalid name: Recipes with an invalid name (name is null or empty) should not be created") void shouldNotCreateRecipeWithInvalidName() { assertThrows(InvalidRecipeException.class, () -> new Recipe(null, recipeMap, "Description!", List.of("step 1"), null, 100)); assertThrows(InvalidRecipeException.class, () -> new Recipe("", recipeMap, "Description!", List.of("step 1"), null, 100)); } @Test @DisplayName("Test invalid ingredients: Recipes with an invalid ingredient map (map is null or empty) should not be created") void shouldNotCreateRecipeWithInvalidIngredientMap() { assertThrows(InvalidRecipeException.class, () -> new Recipe("Valid name", null, "Description!", List.of("step 1"), null, 100)); assertThrows(InvalidRecipeException.class, () -> new Recipe("Valid name", Map.of(), "Description!", List.of("step 1"), null, 100)); } @Test @DisplayName("Test invalid preparation: Recipes with an invalid preparation list (list is null or empty) should not be created") void shouldNotCreateRecipeWithInvalidPrep() { assertThrows(InvalidRecipeException.class, () -> new Recipe("Valid name", recipeMap, "Description!", null, null, 100)); assertThrows(InvalidRecipeException.class, () -> new Recipe("Valid name", recipeMap, "Description!", List.of(), null, 100)); } @Test void getNutritionTableWhenSetManually() { //given NutritionTable nutritionTable = ValidObjectsPool.getValidNutritionTableOne(); //when Recipe underTest = new Recipe("Valid name", recipeMap, "Valid description", List.of("Step 1"), null, 20, nutritionTable); //then assertEquals(nutritionTable, underTest.getNutritionTable()); } @Test void getNutritionTableWhenCalculated() { //given NutritionTable nutritionTable = ValidObjectsPool.getValidNutritionTableOne(); Ingredient ingredientOne = new Ingredient(Measurement.GRAM, "Zucker", nutritionTable); //when Recipe underTest = new Recipe("Valid name", Map.of(ingredientOne, 100), "Valid description", List.of("Step 1"), null, 20); //then assertEquals(nutritionTable, underTest.getNutritionTable()); } @Test void canAddCategory() { //given Category category = new Category("Category", 0xFF0000); NutritionTable nutritionTable = ValidObjectsPool.getValidNutritionTableOne(); Ingredient ingredientOne = new Ingredient(Measurement.GRAM, "Zucker", nutritionTable); Recipe underTest = new Recipe("Valid name", Map.of(ingredientOne, 100), "Valid description", List.of("Step 1"), new ArrayList<>(), 20); //when underTest.addCategory(category); //then assertEquals( List.of(category), underTest.getCategories() ); } @Test void canAddCategoryWhenNull() { //given Category category = new Category("Category", 0xFF0000); NutritionTable nutritionTable = ValidObjectsPool.getValidNutritionTableOne(); Ingredient ingredientOne = new Ingredient(Measurement.GRAM, "Zucker", nutritionTable); Recipe underTest = new Recipe("Valid name", Map.of(ingredientOne, 100), "Valid description", List.of("Step 1"), null, 20); //when underTest.addCategory(category); //then assertEquals( List.of(category), underTest.getCategories() ); } }