{ "name": "Pasta with almond pepper sauce", "nutritionTable": { "values": "{\"SALT\":22.5014,\"CALORIES\":2542.7,\"CARBS\":372.7,\"PROTEINS\":85.56,\"FAT\":104.93,\"FIBERS\":46.08}" }, "code": "r119776741", "ingredients": { "i81128685": 500, "i-875230352": 500, "i-961511074": 120, "i2020002901": 50, "i1482058374": 20 }, "description": "Ready in 20 minutes", "preparation": [ "Cook the pasta al dente according to the package directions.", "In the meantime, roast the almonds in a pan.", "In a blender mix the roasted almonds, peppers, olive oil and garlic. Season with salt and pepper.", "Drain the pasta, mix with the sauce and serve with almonds on top." ], "categories": [ -1997696521 ], "preparationTimeMins": 20, "creationTime": "2023-07-03T13:47:51.041720300", "imagePath": "https://gitlab.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/se2-projekt/tasty-pages/-/raw/main/src/main/resources/images/Paprika-Mandel-Pasta.jpg" }