<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chapter annotations="slide" version="5.1" xml:id="sw1ChapterInheritance"

  <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_guessWho">
    <title>Guess who's inheriting the money</title>

        <imagedata fileref="Fig/guessWho.svg"/>

  <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_biologicalInherit">
    <title>Biology and inheritance</title>

        <imagedata fileref="Fig/biologicalInheritance.svg"/>

  <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode">
    <title>Duplicate code</title>

    <informaltable border="0">
        <td valign="top"><programlisting language="none">public class Rectangle{
  // Center coordinate
  <emphasis role="red">private double x</emphasis>; <co
  <emphasis role="red">private double y</emphasis>;

  <emphasis role="red">public void move
    (double dx, double dy){</emphasis> <co
     <emphasis role="red">x += dx;
     y += dy;
  private double width, height; <co linkends="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-3"
              xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-3-co"/> ...

        <td valign="top"><programlisting language="none">public class Circle {
  // Center coordinate
  <emphasis role="red">private double x</emphasis>; <coref
  <emphasis role="red">private double y</emphasis>;

  <emphasis role="red">public void move
    (double dx, double dy){</emphasis> <coref
     <emphasis role="red">x += dx;
     y += dy;
  private double radius; <coref linkend="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-3-co"/> ...

    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-1-co"
        <para>The center coordinate (<code language="java">x</code>|<code
        language="java">y)</code> appears both in
        <classname>Rectangle</classname> and

      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-2-co"
        <para>The move(...) method is being defined <emphasis
        role="bold">identically</emphasis> both in
        <classname>Rectangle</classname> and

      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-3-co"
            <para><property>width</property> and <property>height</property>
            only appear in class <classname>Rectangle</classname>.</para>

            <para><property>radius</property> only appears in class

  <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_ideaFactorOutCommonCode">
    <title>Idea: Centralize common code</title>

        <para>Create a parent class <classname>Shape</classname> containing
        common code portions.</para>

        <para>Relate both <classname>Rectangle</classname> and
        <classname>Circle</classname> to <classname>Shape</classname>.</para>

  <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeCommonSpecific">
    <title>Common and specific properties</title>

    <informaltable border="0">
      <colgroup width="40%"/>

      <colgroup width="20%"/>

      <colgroup width="40%"/>

        <th align="center" colspan="3" valign="top">Common
        <classname>Rectangle</classname> and <classname>Circle</classname>

        <td valign="top"/>

        <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">double x;
double y;</programlisting></td>

        <td valign="top"/>

        <th align="center" valign="top"><classname>Rectangle</classname>


        <th align="center" valign="top"><classname>Circle</classname>

        <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">double width;
double height;</programlisting></td>


        <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">double radius;</programlisting></td>

  <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeInheritPrinciple">
    <title>Basic shape inheritance</title>

        <imagedata fileref="Fig/shapeBasicInherit.multi.svg"/>

  <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_intro">

        <para>Derived classes inherit state and behaviour.</para>

        <para>Refinement, specialization.</para>

        <para><quote>is-A</quote> relationship:</para>

            <para>A rectangle <emphasis role="red">is a</emphasis>

            <para>A circle <emphasis role="red">is a</emphasis> shape.</para>

  <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeSimpleImplement">
    <title>Implementing <classname>Shape</classname> hierarchy</title>

    <informaltable border="0">
      <colgroup width="25%"/>

      <colgroup width="25%"/>

      <colgroup width="25%"/>

      <colgroup width="25%"/>

        <td valign="top"/>

        <td colspan="2" valign="top"><programlisting language="java">public class Shape {
  private double x, y;

        <td valign="top"/>

        <td colspan="2" valign="top"><programlisting language="java">public class Rectangle extends Shape {
  private double width;
  private double height;

        <td colspan="2" valign="top"><programlisting language="java">public class Circle extends Shape {
  private double radius;

  <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_createShapesInstances">
    <title>Creating instances</title>

    <programlisting language="java">final double x = 2, y = 3;
final Shape shape = new Shape(x, y);

final double width = 2, height = 5;
final Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x, y , width, height);

final double radius = 2.5;
final Circle circle = new Circle(x, y , radius);</programlisting>

  <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_createShapesConstruct">
    <title><classname>Shape</classname> constructor</title>

    <programlisting language="java">/**
  * Creating a shape located at center coordinate.
  * @param x The center's x component.
  * @param y The center's y component.
public Shape(double x,double y) {
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;

  <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_createRectangle">
    <title>Creating <classname>Rectangle</classname> instances</title>

    <programlisting language="java">final Rectangle r = 
   new Rectangle(x, y <co linkends="sda_inherit_fig_createRectangle-1"
                 width, height <co

      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_createRectangle-1-co"
        <para>Center coordinate components <quote>belonging</quote> to
        superclass <classname>Shape</classname>.</para>

      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_createRectangle-2-co"
        <para>width and height <quote>belonging</quote> to class

    <para>Solution: Nested constructor call. Coming soon ...</para>

  <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor">
    <title><classname>Rectangle</classname> constructor</title>

    <programlisting language="java">/**
  * Creating a rectangle at (x|y) of given width and height.
  * @param x Center's x component.
  * @param y Center's y component.
  * @param width Rectangle's width.
  * @param height Rectangle's height.
public <link
        xlink:href="https://gitlab.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/goik/GoikLectures/blob/master/P/Sd1/Figure/ToString/src/main/java/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/shape/model/Rectangle.java">Rectangle</link>(double x, double y,
             double width, double height) {
  super(x, y) <co linkends="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor-1"
  this.width = width; this.height = height <co

    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor-1-co"
        <para>Passing center coordinate to superclass
        <classname>Shape</classname>'s constructor.</para>

          <para>This <emphasis>must</emphasis> be the first statement within
          <classname>Rectangle</classname>'s constructor.</para>

      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor-2-co"
        <para>Processing <code language="java">width</code> and <code
        language="java">height</code> in <quote>current</quote>
        <classname>Rectangle</classname> constructor.</para>

  <section xml:id="sd1_inherit_sect_overrideEquals">
    <title>Overriding <methodname>equals()</methodname> and

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_ShapeEquals">

      <programlisting language="java">public abstract class Shape {
  @Override <co linkends="sda_inherit_fig_ShapeEquals-1"
          xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_ShapeEquals-1-co"/> public boolean equals(final Object o) {
    if (o instanceof Shape <emphasis role="red">s</emphasis> <co
          xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_ShapeEquals-2-co"/>) { 
      return x == <emphasis role="red">s</emphasis>.x &amp;&amp; y == <emphasis
          role="red">s</emphasis>.y; <co
    } else {
      return false; <co linkends="sda_inherit_fig_ShapeEquals-5"
    } ...</programlisting>

      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_ShapeEquals-1-co"
          <para>Promise: The current method overrides a superclass

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_ShapeEquals-2-co"
          <para>Other instance is a <classname>Shape</classname>

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_ShapeEquals-4-co"
          <para>Return <code language="java">true</code> if and only if both
          center coordinate pairs are equal.</para>

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_ShapeEquals-5-co"
          <para>Other object distinct from class

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleEquals">

      <programlisting language="java">public class Rectangle extends Shape {
  @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) {
    if (o instanceof Rectangle <emphasis role="red">r</emphasis>) {
      return super.equals(o) <co linkends="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleEquals-1"
          xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleEquals-1-co"/> &amp;&amp;
             width == <emphasis role="red">r</emphasis>.width &amp;&amp; height == <emphasis
          role="red">r</emphasis>.height <co
    } else {
      return false;
    } ...</programlisting>

      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleEquals-1-co"
          <para>Including superclass method

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleEquals-2-co"
          <para>Return <code language="java">true</code> if and only if both
          <code language="java">width</code> and <code
          language="java">height</code> pairs are equal.</para>

    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1_qanda_stringEqualProblem">
      <title>Let me pass, please!</title>

            <para>Consider the following snippet:</para>

            <programlisting language="java">final Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in));
do {
  System.out.print("Please enter password: ");
  final String password = scan.nextLine();
  if (password == "secret") {
    break;  // Leave enclosing do ... while loop
  } else {
    System.out.println("Sorry, please try again");
} while (true);
  System.out.println("You made it!");
  // ...</programlisting>

            <para>Describe the above code's intended behaviour. Will it
            succeed? Execute the above code and provide a clue for correcting
            the underlying flaw.</para>

            <para>The user is being asked for a password. Only when entering
            <code>"secret"</code> access shall be granted.</para>

            <para>Unfortunately comparing the user's input and the
            corresponding password is seriously flawed:</para>

            <programlisting language="java">...
  if (password == "secret")

            <para>On execution the string literal "secret" will be represented
            as a <classname xlink:href="javaapi://String">String</classname>
            object in memory. Each new user input string will be represented
            as a <emphasis>different</emphasis> <classname
            xlink:href="javaapi://String">String</classname> object in memory
            as well.</para>

            <para>Unfortunately the <quote>==</quote> operator only works as
            expected for the eight built in primitive <xref
            linkend="glo_Java"/> types. With respect to class instances
            variables hold references to objects rather than to the objects'
            values. The <quote>==</quote> operator compares for object
            identity rather than for object equality.</para>

            <para>Two different <classname
            xlink:href="javaapi://String">String</classname> instances may off
            course be equal with respect to their <quote>payload</quote>
            namely the values they both represent. Comparing for object
            equality rather than for object identity in <xref
            linkend="glo_Java"/> requires using the
            <methodname>equals(...)</methodname> method instead. A
            prerequisite for this to work requires the class authors
            overriding the <methodname
            o)</methodname> method accordingly. This override does exist in
            class <classname xlink:href="javaapi://String">String</classname>.
            Within the given context we may thus simply use <methodname

            <programlisting language="none">final Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in));
do {
  System.out.print("Please enter password: ");
  final String password = scan.nextLine();
  <emphasis role="red">if (password.equals("secret"))</emphasis> {
    break;  // Leave enclosing do ... while loop
  } else {
    System.out.println("Sorry, please try again");
} while (true);
System.out.println("You made it!");
// ...</programlisting>

    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1_qanda_enomNoEqualsRequired">
      <title>Why is == correctly comparing <code language="java">enum</code>

            <para>The preceding exercise <xref
            linkend="sd1_qanda_stringEqualProblem"/> told us to override
            o)</methodname> when comparing different objects for equality. The
            == operator on the other hand does compare for object identity
            rather than semantic equality of objects based on their respective
            attribute values. However comparing <code
            language="java">Enum</code> instances for equality using the <code
            language="java">==</code> operator seems to be sufficient<abbrev>

            <programlisting language="java">Day day = Day.Saturday;

// Sufficient using operator == ?
if (day == Day.FRIDAY) ... 

// Or do we require equals?
if (day.equals(Day.FRIDAY)) ...</programlisting>

            <para>Do we thus require an <methodname>equals(Object
            o)</methodname> method in <code language="java">enum</code>
            <classname>Day</classname> for comparisons? Give a precise

            <para>In case of <code language="java">enum</code> instances using
            the <quote>==</quote> operator is sufficient. Due to the way <code
            language="java">enum</code>'s are being constructed instance
            creation is limited to the underlying <code
            language="java">enum</code>'s scope by its implicitly <code
            language="java">private</code> constructor. It is thus impossible
            creating new instances outside the respective <code
            language="java">enum</code>'s scope.</para>

            <para>Therefore for any two given <code
            language="java">enum</code> instances both object identity and
            equality of their respective values is being guaranteed to yield
            the very same result:</para>

            <programlisting language="none">MyEnum instance1 = MyEnum.x,                      // MyEnum representing
       instance2 = MyEnum.y;                      // some enum type.

final boolean
  <emphasis role="red">objectIdentity</emphasis> = (instance1 == instance2),        // Both boolean values will
  <emphasis role="red">objectEquality</emphasis> = instance1.equals(instance2);     // always be equal.</programlisting>

            <para>As an aside: In case of <code language="java">null</code>
            values using the <quote>==</quote> operator avoids

            <programlisting language="java">Day day = null;

if (day == Day.FRIDAY) ...      // Just different, no problems

if (day.equals(Day.FRIDAY)) ... // Oops: NPE approaching ...</programlisting>

  <section xml:id="sd1_inherit_sect_overrideToString">
    <title>Overriding toString()</title>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeInstanceLog">
      <title>Printing a <classname>Shape</classname>'s info</title>

      <informaltable border="0">


          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="none">package inherit;

public class Run {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  final Shape shape =
     new Shape(<emphasis role="red">2.0</emphasis>, <emphasis role="red">3.0</emphasis>); // Center coordinates
    System.out.println(shape); </programlisting></td>

          <td valign="top"><screen>inherit.Shape@37d31475</screen><para>Desired:</para><screen><emphasis

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeToStringRedefine">
      <title>Overwriting <methodname

          <imagedata fileref="Fig/shapeOverrideToStringIde.multi.svg"/>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeExtendObject">
      <title><classname>Shape</classname> extending

          <imagedata fileref="Fig/shapeRedefineToString.multi.svg"/>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleLogging">
      <title>Logging <classname>Rectangle</classname> instances</title>

      <informaltable border="0">


          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">final Rectangle r =                   // Center coordinates,
  new Rectangle(2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0);  // width and height

          <td valign="top"><screen>(2.0|3.0)</screen><para>Desired:</para><screen><emphasis
                role="red">Rectangle at </emphasis>(2.0|3.0)<emphasis
                role="red">, width= 3.0, height=4.0</emphasis></screen></td>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleOverrideToStringAgain">
      <title>Override <methodname>toString()</methodname> in class

      <programlisting language="java">public class Rectangle extends Shape {
  @Override public String toString() {
    return "<emphasis role="red">Rectangle at </emphasis>" + super.toString() <co
          xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleOverrideToStringAgain-1-co"/> +
      "<emphasis role="red">, width= </emphasis>" + <emphasis role="red">width</emphasis> + "<emphasis
          role="red">, height=</emphasis>" + <emphasis role="red">height</emphasis>; <co
  } ...</programlisting>

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleOverrideToStringAgain-1-co"
          <para>The <code language="java"
          keyword allows for calling the superclass
          <classname>Shape</classname>'s <methodname>toString()</methodname>
          method inserting the (2.0|3.0) center coordinate.</para>

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleOverrideToStringAgain-2-co"
          <para>Append class <classname>Rectangle</classname>'s
          <quote>own</quote> <code language="java">width</code> and <code
          language="java">height</code> attribute values.</para>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_rectangleExtendShapa">
      <title><classname>Rectangle</classname> extending

          <imagedata fileref="Fig/rectangleRedefineToString.multi.svg"/>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_CircleComplete">

      <programlisting language="java">public class Circle extends Shape {
   * Creating a circle of given center and radius
   * @param x Center's x component.
   * @param y Center's y component.
   * @param radius The circle's radius.
  public Circle(double x,double y, double radius) {
    super(x, y);
    this.radius = radius;
  @Override public String toString() {
    return "Circle at " + super.toString() +", radius= " + radius;
  private double radius;

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeToString">
      <title><classname>Shape</classname> and

          <imagedata fileref="Fig/shapeToString.svg"/>

    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
      <title><classname>String</classname> vs.

            <para>Consider two <classname

            <informaltable border="1">
              <colgroup width="54%"/>

              <colgroup width="46%"/>


                <th>Execution result</th>

                <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">final <link
  a = new StringBuffer("test"),
  b = new StringBuffer("test");


                <td valign="top"><screen>false</screen></td>

            <para>Strangely instances of String behave differently:</para>

            <informaltable border="1">
              <colgroup width="54%"/>

              <colgroup width="46%"/>


                <th>Execution result</th>

                <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">final String
  a = new String("test"),
  b = new String("test");


                <td valign="top"><screen>true</screen></td>

            <para>Explain this different behaviour.</para>

              <para>Take a closer look at the <classname
              xlink:href="javaapi://String">String</classname> and <classname
              <xref linkend="glo_API"/> regarding the
              <methodname>toString()</methodname> method.</para>

            <para>The <classname
            xlink:href="javaapi://String">String</classname> <xref
            linkend="glo_API"/> reveals:</para>

            <screen>public boolean equals (Object anObject)
Compares this string to the specified object. The result is true if and only if the argument is
not null and is a String object that represents the same sequence of characters as this object.

Overrides: equals in class Object

anObject - The object to compare this String against

true if the given object represents a String equivalent to this string, false otherwise</screen>

            <para>In a nutshell: Two instances of String will be compared for
            equality character by character. The superclass <classname
            method is being overridden.</para>

            <para>In class <classname
            xlink:href="javaapi://StringBuffer">StringBuffer</classname> we do
            not find any <methodname>equals()</methodname> method. Thus
            is not being overridden. When comparing two instances of
            effectively <classname
            will be executed. Its <xref linkend="glo_API"/> reveals:</para>

            <screen>public boolean equals (Object obj)
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
obj - the reference object with which to compare.
true <emphasis role="red">if this object is the same as the obj argument</emphasis>; false otherwise.</screen>

            <para>Thus two instances of <classname
            xlink:href="javaapi://StringBuffer">StringBuffer</classname> will
            be compared for object identity rather than representing the same
            string value.</para>

    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
      <title>Alternate implementation of opposite directions</title>

            <para>Provide a different implementation of your <methodname
            from <xref linkend="sd1_qanda_enumDirectionNeighbours"/>. Follow
            Start by investigating both <methodname
            and <methodname

            <para>We observe the following ordinal values:</para>

            <informaltable border="0">
                <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">public enum Direction {

  N(   0, "north"),         // 0
  NE( 45, "north by east"), // 1
  E(  90, "east"),          // 2
  SE(135, "south by east"), // 3
  S( 180, "south"),         // 4
  SW(225, "south by west"), // 5
  W( 270, "west"),          // 6
  NW(315, "north by west"); // 7

                <td valign="top"><programlisting language="none">public Direction opposite() {
    switch (this) {
      case N: return S;   // <emphasis role="red">0 --&gt; 4</emphasis>
      case NE: return SW; // <emphasis role="red">1 --&gt; 5</emphasis>
      case E: return W;   // <emphasis role="red">2 --&gt; 6</emphasis>
      case SE: return NW; // <emphasis role="red">3 --&gt; 7</emphasis>
      case S: return N;   // <emphasis role="red">4 --&gt; 0</emphasis>
      case SW: return NE; // <emphasis role="red">5 --&gt; 1</emphasis>
      case W: return E;   // <emphasis role="red">6 --&gt; 2</emphasis>
      case NW: return SE; // <emphasis role="red">7 --&gt; 3</emphasis>

            <para>We are thus left implementing an integer shift <code>(0, 1,
            2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)</code> to <code>(4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2,

            <programlisting language="java">public Direction <link
                xlink:href="https://gitlab.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/goik/GoikLectures/blob/master/Doc/Sd1/Ref/ObjectsAndClasses/Enum/Compass_3.0/src/main/java/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/direction/Direction.java#L28">opposite()</link> {
     return values()[ (ordinal() + 4) % 8];

  <section xml:id="sd1_inherit_sect_final">
    <title><code language="java">final</code> methods</title>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_moveRectangle">
      <title>Moving <classname>Shape</classname> instances</title>

          <imagedata fileref="Fig/rectangleTranslate.multi.svg"/>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeMove">
      <title>Implementing <classname>Shape</classname> movements</title>

      <programlisting language="java">public class Shape {
   * Move by a given translation vector
   * @param xTrans Translation's x component
   * @param yTrans Translation's y component
  public void move(final int xTrans, final int yTrans) {
    x += xTrans;
    y += yTrans;
  } ...</programlisting>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeMoveProblemSubclass">
      <title>Fools are everywhere!</title>

      <programlisting language="java">public class Rectangle extends Shape {
  @Override public void move(int xTrans, int yTrans) {
    // I'm so dumb!

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeMoveProblemSubclassSolution">
      <title>Solution: <emphasis role="red">final</emphasis> prevents

      <programlisting language="none">public abstract class Shape {
... public <emphasis role="red">final</emphasis> void move(final int xTrans, final int yTrans) {
      x += xTrans;
      y += yTrans;

      <programlisting language="java">public class Rectangle extends Shape {
  // Syntax error: 'move(int, int)' cannot override
  // 'move(int, int)' in 'inherit.Shape'; overridden method is final
  @Override public void move(int xTrans, int yTrans) {...</programlisting>

  <section xml:id="sd1_inherit_sect_abstractMethods">
    <title>Abstract methods</title>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_subclassImplementGetArea">
      <title>Calculating a shape's area</title>

      <informaltable border="0">
          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">public class Rectangle extents Shape {
   * Calculate the area.
   * @return The rectangle's area
  public double getArea() {
    return width * height;
  } ...</programlisting></td>

          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">public class Circle extents Shape {
   * Calculate the area.
   * @return The circle's area
  public double getArea() {
    return PI * radius * radius;
  } ...</programlisting></td>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall">
      <title>Desired: Polymorphic <methodname>getArea()</methodname>

      <programlisting language="none">final Shape[] shapes <co
          xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-1-co"/> = {
    new Circle(1, 1, 2.) <co
    new Rectangle(1, -1, 2., 3.)<coref

for (final Shape s : shapes) {
  System.out.println(s.toString() + ": <emphasis role="red">area = " + s.getArea()</emphasis>); <co

      <screen>Circle at (1.0|1.0), radius= 2.0: <emphasis role="red">area = 12.566370614359172</emphasis>
Rectangle at (1.0|-1.0), width= 2.0, height=3.0: <emphasis role="red">area = 6.0</emphasis></screen>

      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-1-co"
          <para>An array of <classname>Shape</classname> references.</para>

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-2-co"
          <para>A <classname>Rectangle</classname> <quote>is a</quote>
          <classname>Shape</classname> and likewise is
          <classname>Circle</classname>. We can thus assign both
          <classname>Circle</classname> and <classname>Rectangle</classname>
          instances to variables (or array elements) of type
          <classname>Shape</classname> by means of upcasting.</para>

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-3-co"
          <para>Polymorphic dispatch: Depending on the object's type the <xref
          linkend="glo_Java"/> runtime will automatically choose either
          or <classname>Circle</classname>.<methodname>getArea()</methodname>
          / <classname>Circle</classname>.<methodname>toString()</methodname>/

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_getAreaPolymorphicProblem">

          <para>No meaningful <methodname>getArea()</methodname> method in
          class <classname>Shape</classname> possible.</para>

          <para>Meaningful implementations exist both in subclass<classname>
          Rectangle</classname> and <classname>Circle</classname>.</para>

      <para>Solution: Abstract method <methodname>getArea()</methodname> in
      superclass <classname>Shape</classname>.</para>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea">
      <title><code language="java">abstract</code> method

      <informaltable border="0">
        <colgroup width="25%"/>

        <colgroup width="25%"/>

        <colgroup width="25%"/>

        <colgroup width="25%"/>

          <td valign="top"/>

          <td colspan="2" valign="top"><programlisting language="java">abstract<co
                xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-1-co"/> public class Shape {
   * Calculate the shape's area.
   * @return The shape's area
  abstract<co linkends="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-2"
                xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-2-co"/> public double getArea()<co
                xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-3-co"/>; ...</programlisting></td>

          <td valign="top"/>

          <td colspan="2" valign="top"><programlisting language="java">public class Rectangle extends Shape {
  @Override<co linkends="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-4"
  public double getArea() {
    return width * height;

          <td colspan="2" valign="top"><programlisting language="java">public class Circle ... {
 @Override<coref linkend="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-4-co"/>
  public double getArea() {
    return Math.PI *
           radius * radius;
  } ...</programlisting></td>

      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-1-co"
          <para>Superclass <classname>Shape</classname> contains an <code
          language="java">abstract</code> method and must thus itself be
          declared <code language="java">abstract</code> as well.</para>

            <para>You cannot create instances of <code
            language="java">abstract</code> classes. You may however create
            instances of derived non-<code language="java">abstract</code>

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-2-co"
          <para>Method <classname>getArea()</classname> cannot be implemented
          in a meaningful way. Its <code language="java">abstract</code>
          modifier is a promise that some concrete (= non-<code
          language="java">abstract</code>) subclass will either offer an
          implementation of <classname>getArea()</classname> or will have an
          intermediate parent class doing so.</para>

          <para>In other words: The <code language="java">abstract</code>
          keyword requires a corresponding implementation in some derived
          non-<code language="java">abstract</code> subclass.</para>

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-3-co"
          <para>An <code language="java">abstract</code> method must not have
          an implementing body <code language="java">{...}</code>.</para>

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-4-co"
          <para>Both <classname>Rectangle</classname> and
          <classname>Circle</classname> are concrete (=non-<code
          language="java">abstract</code>) classes and are thus obliged to
          provide an implementation of <methodname>double

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeGetAreaAbstract">
      <title><code language="java">abstract</code> method

          <imagedata fileref="Fig/shapeGetAreaAbstract.multi.svg"/>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_whatIsShapeAnyway">
      <title>What's a <quote>shape</quote> anyway?</title>

          <imagedata fileref="Fig/ghost.svg"/>

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_noAbstractInstances">
      <title>No instances of <code language="java">abstract</code>

      <programlisting language="none">final Shape s =
   new Shape(1., 2.); // <emphasis role="red">'Shape' is abstract; cannot be instantiated</emphasis></programlisting>

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_getAreaCompulsory">
      <title>Mandatory <methodname>getArea()</methodname>

      <programlisting language="none">// Error: <emphasis role="red">Class 'Circle' must either be declared abstract or</emphasis>
//        <emphasis role="red">implement abstract method 'getArea()' in 'Shape'</emphasis>
public class Circle extends Shape {

  public Circle(double x,double y, double radius) {
    super(x, y);
    this.radius = radius;
  private double radius;

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_abstractFacts">
      <title>Facts about <code language="java">abstract</code> fields, methods
      and classes.</title>

          <para>A class containing an <code language="java">abstract</code>
          method must itself be declared <code

          <para><code language="java">abstract</code> classes are allowed to
          host non-<code language="java">abstract</code> methods.</para>

          <para>A class may be declared <code language="java">abstract</code>
          irrespective of purely containing non-<code
          language="java">abstract</code> methods.</para>

    <section xml:id="sw1SectGeometryInherit">
      <title>Geometry classes reconsidered</title>

      <para>Starting in <xref linkend="sd1_qanda_geometry_Rectangle"/> you
      implemented rectangle and circle related classes. You may have observed
      translation related parameters to be shape independent.</para>

      <para>Our <classname>Rectangle</classname> and
      <classname>Circle</classname> instances are being described by <code
      language="java">width</code>, <code language="java">height</code> and
      <code>radius</code>. Implementing a drawing application requires
      <emphasis>arbitrary</emphasis> objects to be moved from one position to
      another e.g.:</para>

      <figure xml:id="sd1FigFigureMove">
        <title>Moving shapes</title>

            <imagedata fileref="Fig/figureMove.svg"/>

      <para>We might implement translation (move) related parameters and
      methods in both classes Rectangle and Circle independently. But since
      the underlying operation is indeed shape independent we choose a
      different approach using inheritance in the subsequent exercises.</para>

      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1QandaFigureBaseClass">
        <title>Defining a <classname>Shape</classname> class hierarchy</title>

              <para>Our two geometric primitives circle and rectangle will
              need a reference point (x,y) to define
              <methodname>move(...)</methodname> operations. We choose the
              center of gravity both for rectangles and circles:</para>

                  <imagedata fileref="Fig/figureCenter.svg"/>

              <para>We thus need two additional parameters
              <property>x</property> and <property>y</property> representing
              an object's position. Consider the following inheritance diagram
              and implement the three <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> classes
              <classname>Shape</classname>, <classname>Circle</classname> and

                  <imagedata fileref="Fig/qandaShapeBasic.svg"/>

              <para>Create unit tests checking for correct implementation of
              the translation example from <xref linkend="sd1FigFigureMove"/>
              and the all other methods.</para>

              <para>Why is <methodname>move(...)</methodname> being defined
              returning an instance of class

                <para>Think of multiple / combined operations.</para>

              <annotation role="make">
                <para role="eclipse">P/Sd1/Figure/BaseClass</para>

              <para>Defining <methodname>move(...)</methodname> returning an
              instance of class <classname>Shape</classname> allows for
              operation chaining:</para>

              <programlisting language="java">final Circle c = new Circle(1., 2., 3.0);
double p = c.move(1, 5).move(-3, 7).getPrimeter();</programlisting>

      <section xml:id="sd1SectFigureScale">
        <title>Scaling shapes</title>

        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1QandaFigureScaling">
                <para>We want shapes to become scalable:</para>

                    <imagedata fileref="Fig/scale.svg"/>

                <para>In the above example the rectangle is being shrunk to
                50% of its original size whereas the circle's radius is being
                doubled. Add a corresponding
                <methodname>scale(...)</methodname> method to the inheritance
                hierarchy which allows for operation chaining as well.</para>

                <para>Provide appropriate unit tests.</para>

                <annotation role="make">
                  <para role="eclipse">P/Sd1/Figure/Scale</para>

                <para>This task is pretty much straightforward. Since scaling
                requires specific details (like radius or width and height) a
                <methodname>scale()</methodname> method cannot be implemented
                on top level of our inheritance hierarchy. We thus start by
                defining an abstract method in our class

                <programlisting language="java">/**
  * @param factor Scale the current shape by this value.
  * @return The current object.
public abstract Shape scale(double factor);</programlisting>

                <para>This method has to be implemented in our two concrete
                classes <classname>Circle</classname> and

                <para>Sensible unit tests may be based on the observation

                    <para>A shape's perimeter grows linear with the scaling

                    <para>A shape's area grows linear with the scaling
                    factor's square.</para>

      <section xml:id="sd1SectFigureToString">
        <title>Providing <methodname

        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1QandaFigureToString">

                <programlisting language="java">final Circle c = new Circle(-2, -1, 3.5);
final Rectangle r = new Rectangle(3, 1, 1.5, 4.4);


                <para>This creates the following output:</para>


                <para>This result is due to the invocation of the <methodname
                method being defined in the <classname
                xlink:href="javaapi://Object">Object</classname> superclass.
                Override this method in <classname>Shape</classname>,
                <classname>Circle</classname> and
                <classname>Rectangle</classname> accordingly to get:</para>

                <screen>Circle (-2.0,-1.0), radius=3.5
Rectangle (3.0,1.0), width=1.5, height=4.4</screen>

                <para>Provide appropriate unit tests.</para>

                  <para>You may access
                  <methodname>Shape.toString()</methodname> from derived
                  classes by using <code

                <annotation role="make">
                  <para role="eclipse">P/Sd1/Figure/ToString</para>

  <section xml:id="sd1_inherit_sect_protected">
    <title><code language="java">protected</code> access</title>

    <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime">
      <title><code language="java">protected</code> access</title>

      <programlisting language="none"><emphasis role="red">package model</emphasis>;
public abstract class Shape <co

  final protected long <emphasis role="red">creationTime</emphasis> <co
          xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-2-co"/>= System.nanoTime();
<emphasis role="red">package model.sub</emphasis>;
public class Rectangle <co linkends="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-3"
          xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-3-co"/>extends Shape {
  static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(Rectangle.class);

  @Override public double getArea() {
    log.info("Rectangle creation time:" + <emphasis role="red">creationTime</emphasis> <co
    return width * height;
  } ...

      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-1-co"
          <para>Defining superclass <classname>Shape</classname> in package
          <code language="java">model</code>.</para>

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-2-co"
          <para>Defining a <code language="java">protected</code> instance
          attribute <property>creationTime</property> in superclass

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-3-co"
          <para>Deriving class <classname>Rectangle</classname> in different
          package <code language="java">model.sub</code> from superclass <code

        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-4-co"
          <para>Accessing superclass attribute
          <property>creationTime</property> across package boundary.</para>

    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1_qanda_protectedPackagePrivate">
      <title><code language="java">protected</code> vs. <quote>package

            <para>Implement <xref
            linkend="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime"/> in your IDE but
            exchanging <classname>Rectangle</classname> by
            <classname>Circle</classname> accordingly. Then execute
            and watch the logging outcome.</para>

            <para>Now apply the following two changes:</para>

                <para>Remove <code language="java">creationTime</code>'s <code
                language="java">protected</code> modifier.</para>

                <para>Move class <classname>Circle</classname> to package

            <para>Are you still able to run your code? Explain the

            <para>Implementing class <classname>Circle</classname> is

            <programlisting language="none">public class Circle extends Shape {
  static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(Circle.class);

  @Override public double getArea() {
    log.info("Circle creation time:" + creationTime );
    return Math.PI * radius * radius;
  private double radius;

            <para>Executing <code language="java">new
            Circle().getArea()</code> results in:</para>

            <screen>2018-01-03 08:31:18,811 INFO  [main] sup.Circle (Circle.java:11) - Circle creation time:3340216708709</screen>

            <para>Removing <code language="java">protected</code> yields a
            compile time error:</para>

            <programlisting language="none">public class Circle extends Shape {
  static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(Circle.class);

  @Override public double getArea() {

<emphasis role="red">// Error: 'creationTime' is not public in 'testprotect.model.Shape'.
// Cannot be accessed from outside package</emphasis>
    log.info("Circle creation time:" + creationTime );

            <para>Moving class <classname>Circle</classname> to package
            <package>model</package> resolves the issue: Having both classes
            <classname>Shape</classname> and <classname>Circle</classname> in
            a common package <package>model</package> implies <quote>package
            private</quote> access. Thus every method in
            <classname>Circle</classname> has full access to all fields and
            methods of <classname>Shape</classname>.</para>

              <para>In a production environment this may or may not be desired
              and is thus a design choice.</para>

    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1_qanda_protectedAccessProblem">
      <title><code language="java">protected</code> access involving different

            <para>We reconsider class <classname>AlphaSub</classname> from
            <xref linkend="sd1_qanda_oracleAccessExample"/>:</para>

            <programlisting language="java">package package_two;

import package_one.Alpha;

public class AlphaSub
              extends Alpha {

  void dummy(/* Inherited */) {
    int v;
    v = attribPublic;
    v = attribProtected;
    v = <emphasis role="red">attribDefault</emphasis>;
    v = <emphasis role="red">attribPrivate</emphasis>;

            <para>If we try to access a different instance's <code
            language="java">attribProtected</code> we fail:</para>

            <programlisting language="java">package package_two;

import package_one.Alpha;

public class AlphaSub
              extends Alpha {

  void dummy(final Alpha a) {
    int v;
    v = a.<emphasis role="red">attribProtected</emphasis>;

            <para>Why is this access prohibited? Both the calling instance and
            the argument <code language="java">a</code> still belong to the
            <classname>Alpha</classname> / <classname>AlphaSum</classname>
            class hierarchy. Explain the different behavior.</para>

            <para><code language="java">protected</code> inherited access
            grants an instance's subclass method access to a superclass
            attribute or method involving one common instance.</para>

            <para>The current use case differs: We have two (presumably
            different) instances one trying to access another's <code
            language="java">protected</code> attribute. This does not involve
            inheritance at all and thus fails.</para>

  <section xml:id="sd1_sect_finalClass">
    <title><code language="java">final</code> classes</title>

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_finalClass">
      <title><code language="java">final</code> classes</title>

      <programlisting language="java">public final class Shape { ... }

public class Rectangle
  extends Shape { // Error: final class cannot be extended

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_finalClassRatio">
      <title><code language="java">final</code> classes rationale</title>

          <para>Design decision.</para>

          <para>Slight performance gain.</para>

          <para>Prominent Example: <classname

  <section xml:id="sd1_inherit_sect_instanceOf">
    <title>The <code language="java"

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_defeatPolymorphism">
      <title><quote>Defeating</quote> polymorphism</title>

      <informaltable border="0">
        <colgroup width="68%"/>

        <colgroup width="32%"/>

          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
  final Shape[] shapes = {
    new Circle(1, 1, 2.),
    new Rectangle(1, -1, 2., 3.)};
static void print(final Shape[] shapes) {
  for (final Shape s : shapes) {
    if (s <link xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-15.html#jls-15.20.2">instanceof</link> Rectangle) {
      System.out.println("Type Rectangle");
    } else if (s <link
                xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-15.html#jls-15.20.2">instanceof</link> Circle) {
      System.out.println("Type Circle");

          <td valign="top"><screen>Type Circle
Type Rectangle</screen></td>

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_shapeDefineEqualsExamples">
      <title>Defining <methodname>equals(...)</methodname>:

      <programlisting language="java">Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(1, 2, 5, 4),
          r2 = new Rectangle(1, 2, 1, 7),
          r3 = new Rectangle(1, 2, 5, 4);

Circle c = new Circle(-2, 3, 5);

System.out.print(r1.equals("Hi"));//<emphasis role="red">false</emphasis>: Differing classes Rectangle and String.
System.out.print(r1.equals(r2));  //<emphasis role="red">false</emphasis>: Differing width and height.
System.out.print(r3.equals(r1));  //<emphasis role="red">true</emphasis>:  Two rectangles having identical
                                  //       (x|y), width and height.
System.out.print(r1.equals(c));   //<emphasis role="red">false</emphasis>: Differing classes Rectangle and Circle.
System.out.print(c.equals(c));    //<emphasis role="red">true</emphasis>: Object equal to itself.</programlisting>

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_shapeDefineEquals">
      <title>Defining <methodname>equals(...)</methodname> of
      <classname>Shape</classname> instances</title>

      <para>Two <classname>Shape</classname> instances shall be considered
      equal if:</para>

          <para>Both instances are of common type <abbrev>i.e.</abbrev> either
          <classname>Rectangle</classname> or

          <para>Their center coordinates match within a threshold of
              <m:math display="inline">



          <para><code language="java">width</code> and <code
          language="java">height</code> or <code language="java">radius</code>
          match within a threshold of <inlineequation>
              <m:math display="inline">



    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_equalByCoordinate">
      <title>Comparing center coordinates</title>

      <programlisting language="java">public abstract class Shape {
  private double x, y;

  protected boolean equalCenter(final Shape o) {
      return Math.abs(o.x - x) + Math.abs(o.y - y) &lt; 1.E-15;

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_rectangleEquals">
      <title>Implementing <classname>Rectangle</classname>.<methodname

      <programlisting language="java">public class Rectangle extends Shape {
    @Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (o <link
          xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-15.html#jls-15.20.2">instanceof</link> Rectangle <emphasis
          role="red">r</emphasis>) {

      final Rectangle oRectangle = (Rectangle) o; // Cast is «legal»
      return super.equalCenter(<emphasis role="red">r</emphasis>) &amp;&amp;
             Math.abs(<emphasis role="red">r</emphasis>.width- width) +
                 Math.abs(<emphasis role="red">r</emphasis>.height- height) &lt; 1.E-15;
    return false;

      <para>For <code language="java">o == null</code> the expression <code
      language="java">o <link
      Rectangle</code> evaluates to <code language="java">false</code>.</para>

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_circleEquals">
      <title>Implementing <classname>Circle</classname>.<methodname

      <programlisting language="java">public class Circle extends Shape {
  @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) {
    if (o <link
          xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-15.html#jls-15.20.2">instanceof</link> Circle <emphasis
      return super.equalCenter(<emphasis role="red">c</emphasis>) &amp;&amp;
        Math.abs(<emphasis role="red">c</emphasis>.radius - radius) &lt; 1.E-15;
    return false;
  } ...</programlisting>

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_testShapeEquals">
      <title>Testing equality of <classname>Shape</classname> objects</title>

      <informaltable border="0">
        <colgroup width="72%"/>

        <colgroup width="28%"/>

          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">final Rectangle
    r1 = new Rectangle(2, 3, 1,4),
    r2 = new Rectangle(2, 3, 2,8),
    r3 = new Rectangle(2, 3, 1,4);

final Circle c = new Circle(2,3, 7);

System.out.println("r1.equals(r2): " + r1.equals(r2));
System.out.println("r1.equals(r3): " + r1.equals(r3));
System.out.println("c.equals(r1): " + c.equals(r1));</programlisting></td>

          <td valign="top"><screen>r1.equals(r2): false
r1.equals(r3): true
c.equals(r1): false</screen></td>

  <section xml:id="sd1_inherit_sect_Override">
    <title>The <classname
    xlink:href="javaapi://Override">@Override</classname> annotation.</title>

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_overrideToString">
      <title>Overriding Object.toString()</title>

      <programlisting language="java">public class Shape {

  double x, y;
  @Override  // Promise: Subsequent method overrides Object.toString();
  public String toString() {
    return "(" + x + "|" + y + ")";

    <figure xml:id="sd1_inherit_fig_NotOverrideToString">
      <title>@Override: Easy compile time error detection</title>

      <programlisting language="java">public class Shape {

  double x, y;
  @Override  <emphasis role="red">// Error: method does not override a method from a supertype</emphasis>
  public String toString(int value) {
    return "(" + x + "|" + y + ")";

      <para>Explanation: The given method does not override <methodname