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--- a/Doc/Sd1/arrays.xml
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-  <title>Statements</title>
+  <title>Arrays</title>
   <section xml:id="sw1SectionArrays">
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter version="5.0" xml:id="sd1ClassesInstancesState"
-         xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
-         xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
-         xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
-         xmlns:db="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">
-  <title>-------------------------------- Classes, instances and internal
-  state (20.10)</title>
-  <section xml:id="sd1VariableExercises">
-    <title>Extending our interest calculator</title>
-    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1QandaExtendInterest">
-      <qandadiv>
-        <qandaentry>
-          <question>
-            <para>Our current <code>Account</code> class does not handle
-            negative balances accordingly. Typically banks will charge a
-            different interest rate whenever an account is in debt i.e. having
-            a negative balance. In this case a second so called default
-            interest rate (being significantly higher) will be applied.</para>
-            <para>Extend the current project by adding a new instance variable
-            <varname>defaultInterestRate</varname> along with getter and
-            setter methods. Then change the implementation of
-            <code>applyInterest()</code> and <code>applyInterest(int
-            years)</code> by using the correct interest value according to the
-            account's balance being positive or negative.</para>
-            <caution>
-              <para>Do not forget to change the <command>Javadoc</command>
-              comments accordingly!</para>
-            </caution>
-          </question>
-          <answer>
-            <annotation role="make">
-              <para role="eclipse">Sd1/interest/V2</para>
-            </annotation>
-            <para>We introduce a new variable <code>defaultInterestRate</code>
-            to cover negative balance values:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  private static double         
-  interestRate = 1.5,           // applied to positive balances
-  <emphasis role="bold">defaultInterestRate = 15.;    // applied to negative balances</emphasis></programlisting>
-            <para>We need the appropriate getter and setter methods in
-            <classname
-            xlink:href="Ref/api/P/interest/V2/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/interest/Account.html">Account</classname>:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   * @return
-   *     the current default interest rate value.
-   */
-  public static double <link
-                xlink:href="Ref/api/P/interest/V2/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/interest/Account.html#getDefaultInterestRate--">getDefaultInterestRate()</link> {
-    return defaultInterestRate;
-  }
-  /**
-   * This interest rate will be applied to negative balances. In contrast
-   * {{@link #setInterestRate(double)} will handle positive balance values.
-   * 
-   * @param defaultInterestRate
-   *                         the desired default interest rate value.
-   */
-  public static void <link
-                xlink:href="Ref/api/P/interest/V2/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/interest/Account.html#setDefaultInterestRate-double-">setDefaultInterestRate(double defaultInterestRate)</link> {
-    Account.defaultInterestRate = defaultInterestRate;
-  }</programlisting>
-            <para>The computed interest depends on positive or negative
-            balance values:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  public void applyInterest(int years) {
-    if (0 &lt; balance) {
-      balance = balance * Math.pow((1 + interestRate / 100), years) ;
-    } else if (balance &lt; 0){
-      balance = balance * Math.pow((1 + defaultInterestRate / 100), years) ;
-    }
-  }</programlisting>
-            <para>A complete solution including updated
-            <productname>Javadoc</productname> comments can be downloaded
-            <link
-            xlink:href="https://cloud.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/owncloud/public.php?service=files&amp;t=577bc9091391524692b6d812a6d2737a">from
-            here</link>.</para>
-          </answer>
-        </qandaentry>
-      </qandadiv>
-    </qandaset>
-    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1VariableComplexExpression">
-      <title>Programmers favourite expression</title>
-      <qandadiv>
-        <qandaentry>
-          <question>
-            <para>Consider the following code fragment:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">    int a = 6, 
-        b = 7,
-        c = -3,
-        result = 0;
-    result += ++a - b++ + --c;</programlisting>
-            <para>Rewrite this code by decomposing the last line into several
-            lines to make the code easier to understand.</para>
-            <para>Hint: After execution of your modified code all variable
-            must have identical values with respect to the original code. In
-            other words: Your modifications shall not alter the code's
-            behaviour in any way.</para>
-          </question>
-          <answer>
-            <para>Incrementing <code>++a</code> and decrementing
-            <code>--c</code> happens prior to adding / subtracting their
-            values to the variable <code>result</code> (prefix notation). The
-            increment operation <code>b--</code> in contrast happens after
-            being being subtracted from variable <code>result</code> (postfix
-            notation). The following code snippet is thus equivalent:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">    int a = 6, 
-        b = 7,
-        c = -3,
-        result = 0;
-    ++a;
-    --c;
-    result += a - b + c; // or even: result = result + a - b + c;
-    b++;</programlisting>
-          </answer>
-        </qandaentry>
-      </qandadiv>
-    </qandaset>
-    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1QandaIntOverflow">
-      <title>Integer value considerations.</title>
-      <qandadiv>
-        <qandaentry>
-          <question>
-            <para>Consider the following piece of code:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">int a = ..., b = ...;
-...// statements being omitted
-int sum = a + b;</programlisting>
-            <para>Which representation related problem may arise here? May you
-            supply a solution?</para>
-          </question>
-          <answer>
-            <para>The sum of a and b may either exceed
-            <code>java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE</code> or in turn may be less
-            than <code>java.lang.Integer.MIN_VALUE</code>. To avoid this type
-            of overflow error our variable <code>sum</code> may be declared of
-            type long:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">int a = ..., b = ...;
-...// statements being omitted
-long sum = a + b;</programlisting>
-            <para>Unfortunately this does not (yet) help at all: Since both
-            operands <code>a</code> and <code>b</code> are of type
-            <code>int</code> the expression <code>a + b</code> is also of type
-            int and will be evaluated as such. To circumvent this problem we
-            have to cast at least one operand to type <code>long</code> prior
-            to computing the sum. This works since the cast operator
-            <code>(long)</code> does have higher priority than the
-            <quote>+</quote> operator</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">int a = ..., b = ...;
-...// statements being omitted
-long sum = (long)a + b;</programlisting>
-          </answer>
-        </qandaentry>
-      </qandadiv>
-    </qandaset>
-    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sde1QandaFraction">
-      <title>A class representing fractions</title>
-      <qandadiv>
-        <qandaentry>
-          <question>
-            <para>Implement a class representing fractions. You may find a
-            dummy implementation containing some (not yet working) sample
-            usage code being contained in a <code>main()</code> method. This
-            Maven archive also includes a <xref linkend="glo_Junit"/>
-            test.</para>
-            <annotation role="make">
-              <para role="eclipse">Sd1/fraction/V05</para>
-            </annotation>
-          </question>
-          <answer>
-            <annotation role="make">
-              <para role="eclipse">Sd1/fraction/V1</para>
-            </annotation>
-            <para>See implementation at <link
-            xlink:href="Ref/api/P/fraction/V1/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/fraction/Fraction.html">Fraction</link>.</para>
-          </answer>
-        </qandaentry>
-      </qandadiv>
-    </qandaset>
-  </section>
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/coreClasses.xml b/Doc/Sd1/coreClasses.xml
index aa7f46e0393b60518459cb41d77520102ab86420..fe85c3bab44567b80e13bb789928a4fb23931197 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/coreClasses.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/coreClasses.xml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-  <title>Statements</title>
+  <title>Core Classes</title>
   <section xml:id="sw1SectionCoreClasses">
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/errorHandling.xml b/Doc/Sd1/errorHandling.xml
index 565be73157eb0caa27d054c0712bdbe37c93b029..765765eaf54447772c64d26dc047b0d6f1dd7d00 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/errorHandling.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/errorHandling.xml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-  <title>Statements</title>
+  <title>Error Handling</title>
   <section xml:id="sw1SectionErrorHandling">
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/inheritance.xml b/Doc/Sd1/inheritance.xml
index bb1b5aa731f814cfc88ff40c6b7079d4b8d56c99..b505d67daf2aace0feb1854af908e99e29c997d9 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/inheritance.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/inheritance.xml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-  <title>Statements</title>
+  <title>Inheritance</title>
   <section xml:id="sw1SectionInheritance">
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/interfacesAbstractClasses.xml b/Doc/Sd1/interfacesAbstractClasses.xml
index d3e40dbde2d2805255265f94c45a77319634079e..c5f64de79f7f60ad1d05812d5d06a418f79cc2d6 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/interfacesAbstractClasses.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/interfacesAbstractClasses.xml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-  <title>Statements</title>
+  <title>Interfaces and Abstract Classes</title>
   <section xml:id="sw1SectionInterfacesAbstractClasses">
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/objectsClasses.xml b/Doc/Sd1/objectsClasses.xml
index 8c5414605a2e8371b466ed5b217c53de2e8ceeeb..cb6ff0408ee65c5f570579e243ce9249bc0fc740 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/objectsClasses.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/objectsClasses.xml
@@ -7,11 +7,959 @@
-  <title>Statements</title>
+  <title>Objects and Classes</title>
-  <section xml:id="sw1SectionObjectsClasses">
-    <title/>
+  <section xml:id="sd1CrabsEnhancePrepare">
+    <title>Preparations</title>
-    <para/>
+    <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
+        <para>Read ...</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>static vs. non-static methods and fields.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>the <code>final</code> keyword's meaning.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>The way a garbage collector works.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+      </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+  </section>
+  <section xml:id="sd1GeometryClasses">
+    <title>Dealing with geometry classes</title>
+    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1ImplementRectangle">
+      <title>Modeling rectangles</title>
+      <qandaentry>
+        <question>
+          <para>We want to model rectangles being defined y width and height
+          to allow for the subsequently demonstrated operations:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">final Rectangle r = new Rectangle(8, 5); <co
+              linkends="sw1CalloutRectangle-1" xml:id="constructor"/>
+System.out.println("Perimeter:" + r.getPerimeter()<co
+              linkends="sw1CalloutRectangle-2" xml:id="getPerimeter"/>);
+System.out.println("Area:" + r.getArea()<co linkends="sw1CalloutRectangle-3"
+              xml:id="getArea"/>);
+r.setWidth(4); <co linkends="sw1CalloutRectangle-4" xml:id="setWidth"/>
+System.out.println("Perimeter:" + r.getPerimeter()); <co
+              linkends="sw1CalloutRectangle-5"
+              xml:id="sw1CalloutRectangle-5-co"/>
+System.out.println("Area:" + r.getArea());</programlisting>
+          <calloutlist>
+            <callout arearefs="constructor" xml:id="sw1CalloutRectangle-1">
+              <para>Creating an instance of class
+              <classname>Rectangle</classname> by calling a non-default
+              constructor which allows for providing width (8) and height
+              (5).</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="getPerimeter" xml:id="sw1CalloutRectangle-2">
+              <para>Returning the rectangle's perimeter, </para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="getArea" xml:id="sw1CalloutRectangle-3">
+              <para>Returning the rectangle's area.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="setWidth" xml:id="sw1CalloutRectangle-4">
+              <para>Setting with and height to new values.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="sw1CalloutRectangle-5-co"
+                     xml:id="sw1CalloutRectangle-5">
+              <para>Write (possibly) changed perimeter and area values.</para>
+            </callout>
+          </calloutlist>
+          <para>You may start from the following
+          <classname>Rectangle</classname> class dummy implementation:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Representing rectangular shapes. 
+ *
+ */
+public class Rectangle {
+  /**
+   *  
+   * @param width The rectangle's width
+   * @param heigth The rectangle's height
+   */
+  public Rectangle (double width, double heigth) {
+     //TODO
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The rectangle's area.
+   */
+  public double getArea() {
+    return 0; // TODO
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The rectangle's perimeter.
+   */
+  public double getPerimeter() {
+    return 0; // TODO
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The rectangle's width.
+   */
+  public double getWidth() {
+     return 0; // TODO
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param width The rectangle's new width
+   */
+  public void setWidth(double width) {
+      // TODO
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The rectangle's height.
+   */
+  public double getHeight() {
+     return 0; // TODO
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param width The rectangle's new height
+   */
+  public void setHeight(double height) {
+      // TODO
+  }
+        </question>
+        <answer>
+          <para>First we define two instance (= non-static) variables
+          <code>width</code> and <code>height</code> representing a
+          <classname>Rectangle</classname>'s corresponding two parameters
+          <code>width</code> and <code>height</code>:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">public class Rectangle {
+  // Instance variables representing a rectangle's parameters
+  private double <emphasis role="bold">width</emphasis>, <emphasis role="bold">height</emphasis>;
+          <para>Next we allow for changing these two parameters:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">public class Rectangle {
+  // Instance variables representing a rectangle's parameters
+  private double width, height;
+  /**
+   * @param width Changing the rectangle's width
+   */
+  public void setWidth(double w) {
+      <emphasis role="bold">width = w;</emphasis>
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param width Changing the rectangle's height
+   */
+  public void setHeight(double height) {
+      <emphasis role="bold">this.height = height;</emphasis>
+  }
+          <para>Note the subtle implementation difference between
+          <methodname>setWidth(...)</methodname> and
+          <methodname>setHeight(...)</methodname>:</para>
+          <glosslist>
+            <glossentry xml:id="glossMethodDiff1">
+              <glossterm><methodname>setWidth(double
+              w)</methodname></glossterm>
+              <glossdef>
+                <para>We use the formal parameter name <quote>w</quote>. Its
+                name does not conflict with the instance variable name
+                <quote>width</quote> being defined at class level. We can
+                simply assign this value to our corresponding instance
+                variable using <code>width = w;</code>.</para>
+              </glossdef>
+            </glossentry>
+            <glossentry xml:id="xmlMethodDiff2">
+              <glossterm><methodname>setHeight(double
+              height)</methodname></glossterm>
+              <glossdef>
+                <para>The method's formal parameter <quote>height</quote>
+                shadows the instance variable's name being defined at class
+                level. We need the <quote>this</quote> keyword in
+                <code>this.height = height</code> to resolve the
+                ambiguity.</para>
+              </glossdef>
+            </glossentry>
+          </glosslist>
+          <para>Both ways are perfectly legal. The complete implementation
+          including all remaining methods reads:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Representing rectangular shapes. 
+ *
+ */
+public class Rectangle {
+  // Instance variables representing a rectangle's parameters
+  private double width, height;
+  /**
+   *  
+   * @param width The rectangle's width
+   * @param heigth The rectangle's height
+   */
+  public Rectangle (double width, double height) {
+     setWidth(width);
+     setHeight(height);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The rectangle's area.
+   */
+  public double getArea() {
+    return width * height;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The rectangle's perimeter.
+   */
+  public double getPerimeter() {
+    return 2 * (width + height); 
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The rectangle's width.
+   */
+  public double getWidth() {
+     return width;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param width The rectangle's new width
+   */
+  public void setWidth(double w) {
+      width = w;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The rectangle's height.
+   */
+  public double getHeight() {
+     return height;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param width The rectangle's new height
+   */
+  public void setHeight(double height) {
+      this.height = height;
+  }
+        </answer>
+      </qandaentry>
+    </qandaset>
+    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandasetGeometry">
+      <title>Modeling circles</title>
+      <qandadiv>
+        <qandaentry>
+          <question>
+            <para>We provide a corresponding class
+            <classname>Circle</classname> dummy implementation:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">package step1.dummy;
+ * A circle of given radius
+ * 
+ */
+public class Circle {
+  /**
+   * A new circle
+   * 
+   * @param radius
+   *          The desired radius.
+   */
+  public Circle(double radius) {
+    // TODO
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The circle's area.
+   */
+  public double getArea() {
+    return 0; // TODO
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The circle's perimeter.
+   */
+  public double getPerimeter() {
+    return 0; // TODO
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The circle's radius.
+   */
+  public double getRadius() {
+    return 0; // TODO
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param radius
+   *          Setting the circle's radius to a new value.
+   */
+  public void setRadius(double radius) {
+    // TODO
+  }
+            <para>Instances of this class shall be usable in the following
+            fashion:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+    final Circle c = new Circle(2.3);
+    System.out.println("Radius:" + c.getRadius());
+    System.out.println("Perimeter:" + c.getPerimeter());
+    System.out.println("Area:" + c.getArea());
+    // Changing the circle's radius to a different value
+    c.setRadius(4.7);
+    System.out.println("Radius:" + c.getRadius());
+    System.out.println("Perimeter:" + c.getPerimeter());
+    System.out.println("Area:" + c.getArea());
+  }</programlisting>
+            <para>Hint: Obviously you'll have to define an instance variable
+            within Circle to keep track of its current radius value. All
+            methods mentioned above simply depend on this single value.</para>
+          </question>
+          <answer>
+            <para>We define an instance variable <code>radius</code> inside
+            our class <classname>Circle</classname>:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">public class Circle {
+  double radius;
+            <para>Next we implement our method to change a circle's
+            radius:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">  public void setRadius(double r) {
+    radius = r;
+  }</programlisting>
+            <para>Note that we have chosen a different value for the method's
+            formal radius parameter to be <quote>r</quote> rather than
+            <quote>radius</quote>. Many people prefer to use radius here
+            making it easier for a programmer to recognize the expected name
+            in the generated <xref linkend="glo_Javadoc"/>:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">  public void setRadius(double radius) {
+    <emphasis role="bold">this.</emphasis>radius = radius;
+  }</programlisting>
+            <para>This requires the usage of the <code>this</code> keyword to
+            distinguish the formal parameter in <methodname>setRadius(double
+            radius)</methodname> from the instance variable previously being
+            defined within our class <classname>Circle</classname>. In other
+            words: We have to resolve a name shadowing conflict.</para>
+            <para>The rest of the implementation is (quite) straightforward. A
+            complete class reads:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">package step1;
+ * A circle of given radius
+ *
+ */
+public class Circle {
+  double radius;
+  /**
+   * A new circle
+   * @param radius The desired radius.
+   */
+  public Circle(double radius) {
+    setRadius(radius);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The circle's area.
+   */
+  public double getArea() {
+    return radius * radius * Math.PI;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The circle's perimeter.
+   */
+  public double getPerimeter() {
+    return 2 * Math.PI * radius;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return The circle's radius.
+   */
+  public double getRadius() {
+    return radius;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param radius Setting the circle's radius to a new value.
+   */
+  public void setRadius(double radius) {
+    this.radius = radius;
+  }
+          </answer>
+        </qandaentry>
+        <qandaentry>
+          <question>
+            <para>Our current Circle and Rectangle class only models shape
+            parameters and does not allow for translation in a coordinate
+            system:</para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>Add two more instance variables x and y and
+                corresponding setter methods to account for a shape's
+                translation vector with respect to the origin (0,0). The
+                following hint may be helpful:</para>
+                <programlisting language="java">  /**
+   * @param x The circle's x center coordinate value
+   */
+  public void setX(double x) {
+    // TODO
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param x The circle's x center coordinate value
+   */
+  public void setY(double y) {
+    // TODO
+  }</programlisting>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>We would like Rectangle and Circle instances to be
+                visualized as <acronym>SVG</acronym> graphics. Add a method
+                <methodname>void writeSvg()</methodname> to both classes which
+                allows for <acronym>SVG</acronym> code export to standard
+                output. You may want to read the w3schools <link
+                xlink:href="http://www.w3schools.com/svg/svg_rect.asp">rectangle</link>
+                and <link
+                xlink:href="http://www.w3schools.com/svg/svg_circle.asp">circle</link>
+                examples. Use System.out.println(...) calls to create the
+                desired <acronym>SVG</acronym> output. You may need
+                <code>\"</code> to represent double quotes as in the
+                subsequent example:</para>
+                <programlisting language="java">System.out.println("&lt;rect width=\"20\"" ...</programlisting>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+            <para>The following code snippet may serve to illustrate the
+            intended use of <methodname>void writeSvg()</methodname>:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">public class Driver {
+  public static void main(String[] args) {
+    System.out.println("&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;");
+    System.out.println("  &lt;svg width='300' height='200' &gt;");
+    // Draw a rectangle as SVG
+    final Rectangle r = new Rectangle(5, 4);
+    r.setX(2);
+    r.setY(1);
+    r.writeSvg(); 
+    // Draw a circle as SVG
+    final Circle c = new Circle(1, 1, 3);
+    c.setX(3);
+    c.setY(1);
+    c.writeSvg();
+    System.out.println("  &lt;/svg &gt;");
+    System.out.println("&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;");
+  }
+            <para>Implement the method <methodname>void
+            writeSvg()</methodname> in both classes
+            <classname>Rectangle</classname> and
+            <classname>Circle</classname>. This should produce an output
+            result like:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
+  &lt;body&gt;
+    &lt;svg width='300' height='200' &gt;
+      <emphasis role="bold">&lt;rect width='100.0' height='80.0' x='40.0' y='20.0'' style='fill:rgb(0,255,0);stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)'/&gt;</emphasis>
+      <emphasis role="bold">&lt;circle r='60.0' cx='60.0' cy='20.0' style='fill:rgb(0,0,255);stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)'/&gt;</emphasis>
+      &lt;/svg &gt;
+  &lt;/body&gt;
+            <para>You may enter this output into a file sfg.html. A web
+            browser should visualize this output as:</para>
+            <informalfigure>
+              <mediaobject>
+                <imageobject>
+                  <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/svgGeometry.png"/>
+                </imageobject>
+              </mediaobject>
+            </informalfigure>
+          </question>
+          <answer>
+            <programlisting language="java">  private double x, y, width, height;
+ ...
+  /**
+   * @param x The rectangle's x center coordinate value
+   */
+  public void setX(double x) {
+    this.x = x;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param x The rectangle's x center coordinate value
+   */
+  public void setY(double y) {
+    this.y = y;
+  }
+public void writeSvg() {
+    final int scale = 20;
+    System.out.println( 
+        "&lt;rect width='" + scale * width +"' height='" + scale * height +
+        "' x='" + scale * x + "'" + " y='" + scale * y + "'" +
+        "' style='fill:rgb(0,255,0);stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)'/&gt;");
+  }
+            <programlisting language="java">public class Circle {
+  double x, y, radius;
+  /**
+   * @param x The circle's x center coordinate value
+   */
+  public void setX(double x) {
+    this.x = x;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param x The circle's x center coordinate value
+   */
+  public void setY(double y) {
+    this.y = y;
+  }
+public void writeSvg() {
+  final int scale = 20;
+    System.out.println( 
+        "&lt;circle r='" + scale * radius + 
+        "' cx='" + scale * x + "'" + " cy='" + scale * y + 
+        "' style='fill:rgb(0,0,255);stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)'/&gt;");
+  }
+          </answer>
+        </qandaentry>
+      </qandadiv>
+    </qandaset>
+  </section>
+  <section version="5.0" xml:id="sd1InterestCalculator">
+    <title>Lecture 5 - A simple interest calculator</title>
+    <para>Consider the following implementation of an interest
+    calculator:</para>
+    <annotation role="make">
+      <para role="eclipse">Sd1/interest/V1</para>
+    </annotation>
+    <glosslist>
+      <glossentry>
+        <glossterm>Instance versus class variables and methods</glossterm>
+        <glossdef>
+          <para>Examples:</para>
+          <glosslist>
+            <glossentry>
+              <glossterm>Instance variables and methods, non-static
+              declaration</glossterm>
+              <glossdef>
+                <para><code>private double balance</code>, <code>public void
+                setBalance(double balance)</code></para>
+              </glossdef>
+            </glossentry>
+            <glossentry>
+              <glossterm>Class variables and methods, static
+              declaration</glossterm>
+              <glossdef>
+                <para><code>private static double </code>interestRate,
+                <code>public static void setInterestRate(double
+                z)</code></para>
+              </glossdef>
+            </glossentry>
+          </glosslist>
+          <para>For both categories chapter 5, <quote>Fields in a Class
+          Definition</quote> and <quote>Methods in a Class
+          Definition</quote>.</para>
+        </glossdef>
+      </glossentry>
+      <glossentry>
+        <glossterm>Formal parameter names and variable scopes</glossterm>
+        <glossdef>
+          <programlisting language="java">  /**
+   * Setting the interest rate common to all accounts.
+   * 
+   * @param z
+   *            the desired (global) interest rate.
+   */
+  public static void setInterestRate(double z) {  // Scope of variable "z" limited is just the next block {...},
+    interestRate = z;                             // in contrast interestRate has class scope.
+  }</programlisting>
+          <para>The formal variable's name <quote><code>z</code></quote> may
+          be <emphasis>consistently</emphasis> renamed to any other legal,
+          non-conflicting value like
+          <quote><code>myFunnyVariableName</code></quote>:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">  public static void setInterestRate(double myFunnyVariableName) {  
+    interestRate = myFunnyVariableName;                             
+  }</programlisting>
+          <para>Name shadowing conflicts can be resolved by using the keyword
+          <emphasis><code>this</code></emphasis> <coref
+          linkend="sd1ListingThis"/>:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">public class Konto {
+  private double balance;   <emphasis role="bold">// variable "stand" being shadowed inside body of setStand(...)</emphasis>
+  public void setStand(double stand) {
+    if (balance &lt;= 10000) {
+      <emphasis role="bold">this</emphasis>.balance <co
+              xml:id="sd1ListingThis"/> = balance; // "this" required to resolve name shadowing conflict
+                                  // by formal parameter name "double balance".
+    } else {
+      System.out.println("Balance" + balance + " exceeds " + 10000);
+    }
+  }
+        </glossdef>
+      </glossentry>
+      <glossentry>
+        <glossterm>Access restrictions public / private / protected to
+        attributes and methods</glossterm>
+        <glossdef>
+          <programlisting language="java">public class Account {
+  <emphasis role="bold">private</emphasis> static double         // Visible for class methods only
+  interestRate = 1.5;   
+  <emphasis role="bold">public</emphasis> void applyInterest() { // Externally visible
+    balance = balance * (1 + interestRate / 100);
+  }
+          <para>See , chapter 5, <quote>CONTROLLING ACCESS TO CLASS
+          MEMBERS</quote>.</para>
+        </glossdef>
+      </glossentry>
+      <glossentry>
+        <glossterm>Method overloading</glossterm>
+        <glossdef>
+          <para>Example:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">public class Account {
+  public Account() {            // Default Constructor without any parameter
+    setBalance(0);              
+  }
+  public Account(double balance) {  // <emphasis role="bold">Overloaded</emphasis> non-default constructor creating an account
+    setBalance(balance);            // with (possibly) non-zero balance.
+  }
+  public void applyInterest() {          // Just one year    
+    balance = balance * 
+      (1 + interestRate / 100);
+  }
+  public void applyInterest(int years) {  // <emphasis role="bold">Overloaded</emphasis> method allowing for different time periods.
+    balance = balance * 
+       Math.pow((1 + interestRate / 100), years);
+  }
+          <para>See , chapter 5, <quote>METHOD OVERLOADING</quote>.</para>
+        </glossdef>
+      </glossentry>
+      <glossentry>
+        <glossterm>Use of standard mathematical functions</glossterm>
+        <glossdef>
+          <programlisting language="java">Math.pow((1 + interestRate / 100), years)</programlisting>
+          <para>See , chapter 2, <quote>MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS AND
+          CONSTANTS</quote>.</para>
+        </glossdef>
+      </glossentry>
+    </glosslist>
+  </section>
+  <section xml:id="sd1VariableExercises">
+    <title>Extending our interest calculator</title>
+    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1QandaExtendInterest">
+      <qandadiv>
+        <qandaentry>
+          <question>
+            <para>Our current <code>Account</code> class does not handle
+            negative balances accordingly. Typically banks will charge a
+            different interest rate whenever an account is in debt i.e. having
+            a negative balance. In this case a second so called default
+            interest rate (being significantly higher) will be applied.</para>
+            <para>Extend the current project by adding a new instance variable
+            <varname>defaultInterestRate</varname> along with getter and
+            setter methods. Then change the implementation of
+            <code>applyInterest()</code> and <code>applyInterest(int
+            years)</code> by using the correct interest value according to the
+            account's balance being positive or negative.</para>
+            <caution>
+              <para>Do not forget to change the <command>Javadoc</command>
+              comments accordingly!</para>
+            </caution>
+          </question>
+          <answer>
+            <annotation role="make">
+              <para role="eclipse">Sd1/interest/V2</para>
+            </annotation>
+            <para>We introduce a new variable <code>defaultInterestRate</code>
+            to cover negative balance values:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">  private static double         
+  interestRate = 1.5,           // applied to positive balances
+  <emphasis role="bold">defaultInterestRate = 15.;    // applied to negative balances</emphasis></programlisting>
+            <para>We need the appropriate getter and setter methods in
+            <classname
+            xlink:href="Ref/api/P/interest/V2/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/interest/Account.html">Account</classname>:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">  /**
+   * @return
+   *     the current default interest rate value.
+   */
+  public static double <link
+                xlink:href="Ref/api/P/interest/V2/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/interest/Account.html#getDefaultInterestRate--">getDefaultInterestRate()</link> {
+    return defaultInterestRate;
+  }
+  /**
+   * This interest rate will be applied to negative balances. In contrast
+   * {{@link #setInterestRate(double)} will handle positive balance values.
+   * 
+   * @param defaultInterestRate
+   *                         the desired default interest rate value.
+   */
+  public static void <link
+                xlink:href="Ref/api/P/interest/V2/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/interest/Account.html#setDefaultInterestRate-double-">setDefaultInterestRate(double defaultInterestRate)</link> {
+    Account.defaultInterestRate = defaultInterestRate;
+  }</programlisting>
+            <para>The computed interest depends on positive or negative
+            balance values:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">  public void applyInterest(int years) {
+    if (0 &lt; balance) {
+      balance = balance * Math.pow((1 + interestRate / 100), years) ;
+    } else if (balance &lt; 0){
+      balance = balance * Math.pow((1 + defaultInterestRate / 100), years) ;
+    }
+  }</programlisting>
+            <para>A complete solution including updated
+            <productname>Javadoc</productname> comments can be downloaded
+            <link
+            xlink:href="https://cloud.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/owncloud/public.php?service=files&amp;t=577bc9091391524692b6d812a6d2737a">from
+            here</link>.</para>
+          </answer>
+        </qandaentry>
+      </qandadiv>
+    </qandaset>
+    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1VariableComplexExpression">
+      <title>Programmers favourite expression</title>
+      <qandadiv>
+        <qandaentry>
+          <question>
+            <para>Consider the following code fragment:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">    int a = 6, 
+        b = 7,
+        c = -3,
+        result = 0;
+    result += ++a - b++ + --c;</programlisting>
+            <para>Rewrite this code by decomposing the last line into several
+            lines to make the code easier to understand.</para>
+            <para>Hint: After execution of your modified code all variable
+            must have identical values with respect to the original code. In
+            other words: Your modifications shall not alter the code's
+            behaviour in any way.</para>
+          </question>
+          <answer>
+            <para>Incrementing <code>++a</code> and decrementing
+            <code>--c</code> happens prior to adding / subtracting their
+            values to the variable <code>result</code> (prefix notation). The
+            increment operation <code>b--</code> in contrast happens after
+            being being subtracted from variable <code>result</code> (postfix
+            notation). The following code snippet is thus equivalent:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">    int a = 6, 
+        b = 7,
+        c = -3,
+        result = 0;
+    ++a;
+    --c;
+    result += a - b + c; // or even: result = result + a - b + c;
+    b++;</programlisting>
+          </answer>
+        </qandaentry>
+      </qandadiv>
+    </qandaset>
+    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1QandaIntOverflow">
+      <title>Integer value considerations.</title>
+      <qandadiv>
+        <qandaentry>
+          <question>
+            <para>Consider the following piece of code:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">int a = ..., b = ...;
+...// statements being omitted
+int sum = a + b;</programlisting>
+            <para>Which representation related problem may arise here? May you
+            supply a solution?</para>
+          </question>
+          <answer>
+            <para>The sum of a and b may either exceed
+            <code>java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE</code> or in turn may be less
+            than <code>java.lang.Integer.MIN_VALUE</code>. To avoid this type
+            of overflow error our variable <code>sum</code> may be declared of
+            type long:</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">int a = ..., b = ...;
+...// statements being omitted
+long sum = a + b;</programlisting>
+            <para>Unfortunately this does not (yet) help at all: Since both
+            operands <code>a</code> and <code>b</code> are of type
+            <code>int</code> the expression <code>a + b</code> is also of type
+            int and will be evaluated as such. To circumvent this problem we
+            have to cast at least one operand to type <code>long</code> prior
+            to computing the sum. This works since the cast operator
+            <code>(long)</code> does have higher priority than the
+            <quote>+</quote> operator</para>
+            <programlisting language="java">int a = ..., b = ...;
+...// statements being omitted
+long sum = (long)a + b;</programlisting>
+          </answer>
+        </qandaentry>
+      </qandadiv>
+    </qandaset>
+    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sde1QandaFraction">
+      <title>A class representing fractions</title>
+      <qandadiv>
+        <qandaentry>
+          <question>
+            <para>Implement a class representing fractions. You may find a
+            dummy implementation containing some (not yet working) sample
+            usage code being contained in a <code>main()</code> method. This
+            Maven archive also includes a <xref linkend="glo_Junit"/>
+            test.</para>
+            <annotation role="make">
+              <para role="eclipse">Sd1/fraction/V05</para>
+            </annotation>
+          </question>
+          <answer>
+            <annotation role="make">
+              <para role="eclipse">Sd1/fraction/V1</para>
+            </annotation>
+            <para>See implementation at <link
+            xlink:href="Ref/api/P/fraction/V1/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/fraction/Fraction.html">Fraction</link>.</para>
+          </answer>
+        </qandaentry>
+      </qandadiv>
+    </qandaset>
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/workingWithNumbers.xml b/Doc/Sd1/workingWithNumbers.xml
index 9c99672ab7d55fe48f7d8768e4fa450dab8cf0d5..548a2d866c06b8413838dd2d7cbedb4b71ddc886 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/workingWithNumbers.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/workingWithNumbers.xml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-  <title>Statements</title>
+  <title>Working with Numbers</title>
   <section xml:id="sw1SectionWorkingWithNumbers">
diff --git a/Doc/lectures.xml b/Doc/lectures.xml
index ce1bf3433847b98b75388b1192fd0e8a2cbb3d53..998734ed5d31d15a7051949cbd83fa50940e25d8 100644
--- a/Doc/lectures.xml
+++ b/Doc/lectures.xml
@@ -34,15 +34,21 @@
     <xi:include href="Sd1/languageFundamentals.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
     <xi:include href="Sd1/statements.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
     <xi:include href="Sd1/objectsClasses.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
     <xi:include href="Sd1/coreClasses.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
     <xi:include href="Sd1/arrays.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
     <xi:include href="Sd1/inheritance.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
     <xi:include href="Sd1/errorHandling.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
     <xi:include href="Sd1/workingWithNumbers.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
-    <xi:include href="Sd1/interfacesAbstractClasses.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
-    <xi:include href="Sd1/class.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
+    <xi:include href="Sd1/interfacesAbstractClasses.xml"
+                xpointer="element(/1)"/>
     <xi:include href="Sd1/loop.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
diff --git a/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/DriverCircle.java b/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/DriverCircle.java
index 0cfc4b56e5db6e48b500e9f256101952eb233e75..d9c48f26b0cb5192420ea21efae27bca002f0bc6 100644
--- a/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/DriverCircle.java
+++ b/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/DriverCircle.java
@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ package step1;
 public class DriverCircle {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
-    Circle c = new Circle(2.3);
+    final Circle c = new Circle(2.3);
     System.out.println("Radius:" + c.getRadius());
     System.out.println("Perimeter:" + c.getPerimeter());
     System.out.println("Area:" + c.getArea());
     // Changing the circle's radius to a different value
     System.out.println("Radius:" + c.getRadius());
     System.out.println("Perimeter:" + c.getPerimeter());
     System.out.println("Area:" + c.getArea());
diff --git a/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/DriverRctangle.java b/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/DriverRectangle.java
similarity index 80%
rename from ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/DriverRctangle.java
rename to ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/DriverRectangle.java
index aa66f1e308d02de92a2a09663adfed83e4c81087..0aa0b888b4d6493e022dab641558a60091ab95f9 100644
--- a/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/DriverRctangle.java
+++ b/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/DriverRectangle.java
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
 package step1;
-public class DriverRctangle {
+public class DriverRectangle {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
-    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(8, 5);
+    final Rectangle r = new Rectangle(8, 5);
     System.out.println("Perimeter:" + r.getPerimeter());
     System.out.println("Area:" + r.getArea());
     System.out.println("Perimeter:" + r.getPerimeter());
     System.out.println("Area:" + r.getArea());
diff --git a/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/Rectangle.java b/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/Rectangle.java
index 4db06de036fb01b803242ec0f759eef88afbe487..ec621bbf6c43d53430722321171518134ccbaf43 100644
--- a/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/Rectangle.java
+++ b/ws/eclipse/Sde1/Figur/src/step1/Rectangle.java
@@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ public class Rectangle {
   public void setHeight(double height) {
       this.height = height;
\ No newline at end of file