diff --git a/ws/Archetypes/mi-maven-archetype-javafxml/README.md b/ws/Archetypes/mi-maven-archetype-javafxml/README.md
index dba5ed5853a9bf9bbc8516613d3f6c58af458391..5e468c49fa6fec76742ae1b2dbfd398dc10415c4 100644
--- a/ws/Archetypes/mi-maven-archetype-javafxml/README.md
+++ b/ws/Archetypes/mi-maven-archetype-javafxml/README.md
@@ -13,21 +13,22 @@ https://maven.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/nexus/#browse/browse:mi-maven:de%2Fhdm_stuttga
 <!-- language-all: bash -->
 1. Follow https://freedocs.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/sd1_sect_mavenCli.html#sd1_fig_mavenMiRepo to configure the above MI  
-   Maven Nexus Maven repository server for CLI usage.
-2. Choose your desired archetype version and create a new project by executing:
+   Maven Nexus Maven repository server for CLI usage in your `~/.m2/settings.xml` configuration.
+1. Choose your desired archetype version and create a new project by executing:
        mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local -DarchetypeGroupId=de.hdm-stuttgart.mi \
        -DarchetypeArtifactId=mi-maven-archetype-javafxml -DarchetypeVersion=21.0.1 \
        -DgroupId=de.mi.hdm_stuttgart -DartifactId=hellojavafx -DinteractiveMode=false
-4. Execute `mvn  javafx:run`. You should see a GUI window popping up. Enter input and see corresponding log entries
+1. Execute `mvn javafx:run`. You should see a GUI window popping up. Enter input and see corresponding log entries
    in your underlying shell. In case you favour the Idea GUI over terminal commands you may click
-   `Run -->Edit Configurations`. Then add a Maven run configuration entering `javafx:run` in the Run / Command line
-   textfield mimicking the previous `mvn  javafx:run` terminal command.
-4. Optional: Working with IntelliJ IDEA follow
+   `Run 🠖 Edit Configurations`. Then add a Maven run configuration entering `javafx:run` in the Run / Command line
+   textfield mimicking the previous `mvn javafx:run` terminal command.
+1. Optional: Working with Idea follow
    https://freedocs.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/sd1_sect_idea.html#sd1_fig_mavenIdeaArchetypeCatalogPlugin to configure
    the MI Maven Nexus Maven repository server in your IDE as well. This allows for using the current archetype for
-   creating new JavaFXML projects by virtue of Idea's GUI.
+   creating new JavaFXML projects by virtue of Idea's GUI. 
+   > Note: You still need `~/.m2/settings.xml` as a prerequisite.