diff --git a/Doc/DbDevel/jdbc.xml b/Doc/DbDevel/jdbc.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d10911ce0a122874df49292805d4a26157b844b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Doc/DbDevel/jdbc.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3699 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter annotations="slide" version="5.1" xml:id="introPersistence"
-         xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xila="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude/local-attributes"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
-         xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/transclusion"
-         xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
-         xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
-         xmlns:db="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">
-  <title>Accessing Relational Data</title>
-  <info>
-    <abstract>
-      <para>Concept of persistence</para>
-      <para>Data exchange RDBMS ⇌ Java application</para>
-      <para>Dealing with transactions</para>
-    </abstract>
-  </info>
-  <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_prerequisites">
-    <title>Prerequisite knowledge</title>
-    <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem>
-        <para><xref linkend="glo_RDBMS"/> schema and <xref
-        linkend="glo_Sql_DDL"/>:</para>
-        <para><code>PRIMARY KEY</code>, <code>UNIQUE</code>, <code>FOREIGN
-        KEY</code>, <code>NOT NULL</code>, datatypes.</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para><xref linkend="glo_SQL"/>, <xref linkend="glo_Sql_DML"/>:</para>
-        <para>Predicate based queries, joins.</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Transactions, <xref linkend="glo_ACID"/> principle:</para>
-        <para>Isolation level 1 - 4.</para>
-      </listitem>
-    </itemizedlist>
-  </figure>
-  <section xml:id="persistence">
-    <title>Persistence in Object Oriented languages</title>
-    <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_persistence">
-      <title>Persistence <xref linkend="bib_Bauer15"/></title>
-      <para>Persistence allows an object to outlive the process that created
-      it.</para>
-      <para>The state of the object may be stored to disk and an object with
-      the same state re-created at some point in the future.</para>
-    </figure>
-    <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_transientJavaClass">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_Java"/> transient instances</title>
-      <programlisting language="java">public class User {
-  String commonName; // Common name e.g. 'Joe Bix'
-  String uid;        // Unique login name e.g. 'bix'
-  ...                // getters, setters and other stuff
-// Thread lifespan (transient instance)
-User u = new User("Joe Bix", "bix");</programlisting>
-    </figure>
-    <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_persistentObjects">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_RDBMS"/> persistent records</title>
-      <programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User(
-  commonName CHAR(80)
--- Persistent record (see <emphasis role="red">D</emphasis>urability in <xref
-          linkend="glo_ACID"/>)
-INSERT INTO User VALUES('Joe Bix', 'bix');</programlisting>
-    </figure>
-    <figure xml:id="processObjPersist">
-      <title>Persisting transient <code>User</code> instances</title>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/persistence.fig" scale="65"/>
-        </imageobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </figure>
-    <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_javaRdbmsCommunication">
-      <title>Observations</title>
-      <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Processes in disjoint address spaces:</para>
-          <orderedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><trademark
-              xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase">JRE</trademark>
-              runtime.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><xref linkend="glo_RDBMS"/> server.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </orderedlist>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Multiple runtimes possible (<abbrev
-          xlink:href="https://secure.php.net">PHP</abbrev>)</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><quote>save</quote> and <quote>load</quote> denote
-          communications across OS boundaries.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-    </figure>
-  </section>
-  <section xml:id="jdbcIntro">
-    <title>Introduction to <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/></title>
-    <info>
-      <abstract>
-        <para>Writing data by java.sql.Statement</para>
-        <para>Reading data using ResultSet</para>
-        <para>Dealing with transactions</para>
-      </abstract>
-    </info>
-    <section xml:id="jdbcWrite">
-      <title>Write access, principles</title>
-      <info>
-        <abstract>
-          <para>JDBC architecture</para>
-          <para>Important interfaces in java.sql</para>
-          <para>Write data using java.sql.Statement</para>
-        </abstract>
-      </info>
-      <para>Connecting an application to a database by establishing a
-      connection between client and database server:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="jdbcClientServer">
-        <title>Networking between clients and database server</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/clientserv.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_jdbcFeatures">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> features</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Protocol connecting database client and server.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Vendor dependent implementations.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <para>So <trademark
-      xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jdbc">JDBC</trademark>
-      is just one among a whole bunch of protocol implementations connecting
-      database servers and applications. Consequently <trademark
-      xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jdbc">JDBC</trademark>
-      is expected to appear in the lower layer of multi-tier applications. We
-      take a three-tier application as a starting point:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="jdbcThreeTier">
-        <title><trademark
-        xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jdbc">JDBC</trademark>
-        in a three-tier application</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/jdbcThreeTier.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <para>We may add an additional layer. Web applications are typically
-      being build on top of an application server (<productname
-      xlink:href="https://www.ibm.com/software/de/websphere/">WebSphere</productname>,
-      <productname
-      xlink:href="https://glassfish.java.net">Glassfish</productname>,
-      <productname
-      xlink:href="https://www.jboss.org/jbossas">Jboss</productname>,...)
-      providing additional services:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="jdbcFourTier">
-        <title><trademark
-        xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jdbc">JDBC</trademark>
-        connecting application server and database.</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/jdbcFourTier.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <para>Opening a connection to a database server requires:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_jdbcOpenPrerequisites">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> connection parameter</title>
-        <orderedlist>
-          <listitem xml:id="ItemJdbcProtocol">
-            <para>Database server type i.e. <productname
-            xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/us/products/database">Oracle</productname>,
-            <productname
-            xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Db2">DB2</productname>,
-            <productname
-            xlink:href="http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/informix">Informix</productname>,
-            <xref linkend="glo_Soft_Postgresql"/>, <productname
-            xlink:href="https://www.mysql.com">Mysql</productname>
-            <abbrev>etc.</abbrev> due to vendor specific <trademark
-            xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-            protocol implementations.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Server <link
-            xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System">DNS</link>
-            name or IP number.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Server service's port number.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem xml:id="itemJdbcDatabaseName">
-            <para>The database name within the given server.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Optional: A database user's account name and
-            password.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </orderedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <para>Items <xref linkend="ItemJdbcProtocol"/> - <xref
-      linkend="itemJdbcDatabaseName"/> will be encapsulated into a so called
-      <trademark
-      xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-      <link
-      xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Locator">URL</link>.
-      We consider a typical example corresponding to the previous parameter
-      list:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="jdbcUrlComponents">
-        <title>Components of a <trademark
-        xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-        URL</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/jdbcurl.fig" scale="65"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_jdbc_UrlRfc">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_IETF"/> Uniform Resource Identifier</title>
-        <para><uri
-        xlink:href="https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt">https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt</uri>:</para>
-        <programlisting language="bnf">absoluteURI   = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
-hier_part     = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ]
-net_path      = "//" authority [ abs_path ]
-abs_path      = "/"  path_segments
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_protocolExamples">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_URL"/> examples</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><code>http://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/aaa</code></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><code>http://someserver.com:8080/someResource</code></para>
-            <para>Non-standard port 8080</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><code>ftp://mirror.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/Firmen</code></para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_subProtocolExamples">
-        <title>Sub protocol examples</title>
-        <informaltable border="0">
-          <colgroup width="23%"/>
-          <colgroup width="77%"/>
-          <tr>
-            <th>Database</th>
-            <th><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> URI</th>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top">PostgreSQL</td>
-            <td
-            valign="top">jdbc:postgresql://&lt;HOST&gt;:&lt;PORT&gt;/[database]</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top">MySQL</td>
-            <td
-            valign="top">jdbc:mysql://[host][:port]/[database][?p1=v1]...</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top">Oracle</td>
-            <td
-            valign="top">jdbc:oracle:thin:[user/password]@[host][:port]:SID</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top">DB2</td>
-            <td
-            valign="top">jdbc:db2://&lt;HOST&gt;:&lt;PORT&gt;/[database]</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top">Derby</td>
-            <td valign="top">jdbc:derby://[host][:port]/[database]</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top">MS. SQL S.</td>
-            <td
-            valign="top">jdbc:sqlserver://host[:port];user=xxx;password=xyz</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top">Sybase</td>
-            <td
-            valign="top">jdbc:sybase:Tds:&lt;HOST&gt;:&lt;PORT&gt;/[database]</td>
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_nonStandardPorts">
-        <title>No standard port assignments ...</title>
-        <informaltable border="1">
-          <colgroup width="35%"/>
-          <colgroup width="65%"/>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><glosslist>
-                <glossentry>
-                  <glossterm>Postgresql:</glossterm>
-                  <glossdef>
-                    <para>5432</para>
-                  </glossdef>
-                </glossentry>
-                <glossentry>
-                  <glossterm>IBM DB2:</glossterm>
-                  <glossdef>
-                    <para>50000</para>
-                  </glossdef>
-                </glossentry>
-                <glossentry>
-                  <glossterm>Oracle:</glossterm>
-                  <glossdef>
-                    <para>1521</para>
-                  </glossdef>
-                </glossentry>
-              </glosslist></td>
-            <td valign="top"><itemizedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>No official <xref linkend="glo_IETF"/> standard port
-                  assignments</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Vendor specific defaults</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Explicit port specification required</para>
-                </listitem>
-              </itemizedlist></td>
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_postgresqlLinuxStandardPort">
-        <title><productname>... but Postgresql</productname> made it into
-        Linux</title>
-        <screen>&gt;grep postgresql /etc/services 
-postgresql      5432/tcp       postgres      # PostgreSQL Database
-postgresql      5432/udp       postgres</screen>
-      </figure>
-      <para>Writing <trademark
-      xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-      based applications follows a simple scheme:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_jdbcArchitecture">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> architecture</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/jdbcarch.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <para>From a programmer's point of view the <classname
-      xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/DriverManager.html">java.sql.DriverManager</classname>
-      is a bootstrapping object: Other objects like <classname
-      xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html">Connection</classname>
-      instances are being created from this central and unique object.</para>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_jdbcBootstrap">
-        <title><classname
-        xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/DriverManager.html">DriverManager</classname>:
-        Bootstrapping connections</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Bootstrapping object.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><classname
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/DriverManager.html">java.sql.DriverManager</classname>
-            shipped with <xref linkend="glo_JRE"/>.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Interfacing <xref linkend="glo_JRE"/> and <xref
-            linkend="glo_JDBC"/> driver.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Provides instances of <classname
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html">java.sql.Connection</classname>.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>See <xref linkend="exerciseJdbcWhyInterface"/>.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_mysqlConnection">
-        <title>Example: <productname>Mysql</productname> connection
-        implementation</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Interface <classname
-            xlink:href="https://github.com/mysql/mysql-connector-j/blob/release/5.1/src/com/mysql/jdbc/MySQLConnection.java#L35">MySQLConnection</classname>
-            <code>extends</code> <classname
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html">java.sql.Connection</classname></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Class <classname
-            xlink:href="https://github.com/mysql/mysql-connector-j/blob/release/5.1/src/com/mysql/jdbc/ConnectionImpl.java#L71">ConnectionImpl</classname>
-            implements <classname
-            xlink:href="https://github.com/mysql/mysql-connector-j/blob/release/5.1/src/com/mysql/jdbc/MySQLConnection.java#L35">MySQLConnection</classname></para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_driverLibraries">
-        <title>Driver libraries</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><filename>postgresql-42.1.4.jar</filename></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><filename>mysql-connector-java-x.y.z.jar</filename></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><filename>ojdbc6.jar</filename></para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_driverLibrariesMaven">
-        <title>Driver libraries by <xref linkend="glo_Maven"/></title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <programlisting language="xml">&lt;groupId&gt;postgresql&lt;/groupId&gt;
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <programlisting language="xml">&lt;groupId&gt;com.oracle&lt;/groupId&gt;  <emphasis
-                role="red">&lt;!-- requires access credentials --&gt;</emphasis>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_driverUnavailable">
-        <title>Driver unavailable</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <programlisting language="none">conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
- "jdbc:postgresql<emphasis role="red">l</emphasis>://localhost/hdm", "hdmuser", "XYZ");</programlisting>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><screen>java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for
- jdbc:postgresqll://localhost/hdm
-  at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:689)
-  at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:247)
- ...</screen></para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <para><xref linkend="sda1_fig_jdbcArchitecture"/> does not show details
-      about the relations between <classname>java.sql.Connection</classname>,
-      <classname>java.sql.Statement</classname> and
-      <classname>java.sql.ResultSet</classname> objects. We start by giving a
-      rough description of these three interfaces' tasks and
-      responsibilities:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_ConnectionInterface">
-        <title><classname>Connection</classname> interface</title>
-        <glosslist>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm><classname
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html">java.sql.Connection</classname></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <itemizedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Holding a permanent database server connection
-                  .</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Stateful protocol.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Per connection properties: <link
-                  xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#setTransactionIsolation(int)">Isolation
-                  level</link>, <link
-                  xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#setAutoCommit(boolean)">auto
-                  commit</link>,...</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para><methodname
-                  xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#rollback()">rollback()</methodname>
-                  / <methodname
-                  xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#commit()">commit()</methodname>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-              </itemizedlist>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-        </glosslist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_StatementInterface">
-        <title><classname>Statement</classname> interface</title>
-        <glosslist>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm><classname
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html">java.sql.Statement</classname></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <para>Two distinct operation classes:</para>
-              <glosslist>
-                <glossentry>
-                  <glossterm><code
-                  xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#executeUpdate(java.lang.String)">executeUpdate()</code></glossterm>
-                  <glossdef>
-                    <para><code>INSERT</code>, <code>UPDATE</code>,
-                    <code>DELETE</code>: Integer return code</para>
-                  </glossdef>
-                </glossentry>
-                <glossentry>
-                  <glossterm><code
-                  xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#executeQuery(java.lang.String)">executeQuery()</code></glossterm>
-                  <glossdef>
-                    <para><code>SELECT</code>: Returning <classname
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html">java.sql.ResultSet</classname>,
-                    see <xref linkend="jdbcRead"/>.</para>
-                  </glossdef>
-                </glossentry>
-              </glosslist>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-        </glosslist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="jdbcObjectCreation">
-        <title><trademark
-        xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jdbc">JDBC</trademark>
-        instances and relationships.</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/jdbcObjectRelation.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_importantConnectionMethods">
-        <title>Important <classname>Connection</classname> methods</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#createStatement()">createStatement()</link></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#setAutoCommit(boolean)">setAutoCommit()</link>,
-            <link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#getAutoCommit()">getAutoCommit()</link></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#getWarnings()">getWarnings()</link></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#isClosed()">isClosed()</link>,
-            <link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#isValid(int)">isValid(int
-            timeout)</link></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#rollback()">rollback()</link>,
-            <link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#commit()">commit()</link></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#close()">close()</link></para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_importantStatementMethods">
-        <title>Important <classname>Statement</classname> methods</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#executeUpdate(java.lang.String)">executeUpdate(String
-            sql)</link></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#getConnection()">getConnection()</link></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#getResultSet()">getResultSet()</link></para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#close()">close()</link>
-            and <link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#isClosed()">isClosed()</link></para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_connectionThreads">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> and threading.</title>
-        <para>From <link
-        xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/cd/A97335_02/apps.102/a83724/tips1.htm">JDBC
-        and Multithreading</link>:</para>
-        <blockquote>
-          <para><quote>Because all Oracle JDBC API methods are synchronized,
-          if two threads try to use the connection object simultaneously, then
-          one will be forced to wait until the other one finishes its
-          use.</quote></para>
-        </blockquote>
-        <para>Consequence:</para>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Use one <classname>java.sql.Connection</classname> per
-            thread.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Use <link
-            xlink:href="https://www.developer.com/java/data/understanding-jdbc-connection-pooling.html">connection
-            pooling</link> e.g. <link
-            xlink:href="http://www.mchange.com/projects/c3p0">c3po</link>.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_connectionPooling">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> connection pooling</title>
-        <programlisting language="java">try (final Connection conn =
-       <link xlink:href="https://www.developer.com/java/data/understanding-jdbc-connection-pooling.html">C3P0DataSource</link>.getInstance().getConnection()) {
-  final PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.create...;
-    ...
-  pstmt.executeUpdate();
-  // Auto close connection, back to pool.
-} catch (SQLException e) {
-  e.printStackTrace();
-      </figure>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="writeAccessCoding">
-      <title>Write access, coding!</title>
-      <info>
-        <abstract>
-          <para>Providing a driver based on maven.</para>
-          <para>Specifying unit tests.</para>
-        </abstract>
-      </info>
-      <para><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> applications require a per project
-      driver configuration:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_configurePostgresqlMaven">
-        <title><filename>pom.xml</filename> driver <emphasis
-        role="red">runtime</emphasis> scope</title>
-        <programlisting language="xml">...
-  &lt;groupId&gt;postgresql&lt;/groupId&gt;
-  &lt;artifactId&gt;postgresql&lt;/artifactId&gt;
-  &lt;version&gt;9.1-901-1.jdbc4&lt;/version&gt;
-  &lt;scope&gt;<emphasis role="red">runtime</emphasis>&lt;/scope&gt;
-&lt;/dependency&gt; ...</programlisting>
-      </figure>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sda1_qanda_whyScopeRuntime">
-        <title>Why <tag class="starttag">scope</tag><code>runtime</code><tag
-        class="endtag">scope</tag>?</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>Why is the <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> <link
-              linkend="sda1_fig_configurePostgresqlMaven">driver
-              dependency</link> not being required at compile time?</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>According to <xref linkend="sda1_fig_jdbcArchitecture"/> a
-              <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> based application requires just
-              interfaces rather than classes at compile time. The actual
-              instances of <classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html">java.sql.Connection</classname>,
-              <classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html">java.sql.Statement</classname>
-              and friends will be created during the bootstrap process
-              starting from <classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/DriverManager.html">java.sql.DriverManager</classname>.</para>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-      <para>So how does it actually work with respect to coding? We first
-      prepare a database table:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="figSchemaPerson">
-        <title><code>Person</code> table</title>
-        <programlisting language="sql"><emphasis role="strong">CREATE</emphasis> <emphasis
-            role="strong">TABLE</emphasis> Person (
-   name CHAR(20)
-  ,email CHAR(20) <emphasis>UNIQUE</emphasis>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_addPersonDataset">
-        <title>Objective: insert person record</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><xref linkend="glo_Java"/> application executing:</para>
-            <programlisting language="xml">INSERT INTO Person VALUES('Jim', 'jim@foo.org')</programlisting>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>No data returned (No <classname
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html">java.sql.ResultSet</classname>).</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Success / failure related database return parameter.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_jdbcSimpleWrite">
-        <title><trademark
-        xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-        backed data insert</title>
-        <programlisting language="java">// <link
-            xlink:href="https://gitlab.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/goik/GoikLectures/blob/master/ws/eclipse/Jdbc/src/main/java/sda/jdbc/intro/SimpleInsert.java#L22">Step 1: Open connection to database server</link>
-final Connection conn = DriverManager.<link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/DriverManager.html#getConnection(java.lang.String)">getConnection</link> (
-  "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/hdm",          // Connection parameter URL
-  "hdmuser",                                  // Username
-  "XYZ");                                     // Password
-// Step 2: Create a Statement instance
-final Statement stmt = conn.<link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#createStatement()">createStatement()</link>;
-// Step 3: Execute the desired INSERT
-final int updateCount = stmt.<link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#executeUpdate(java.lang.String)">executeUpdate</link>(
-  "INSERT INTO Person VALUES('Jim', 'jim@foo.org')");
-// Step 4: Give feedback to the end user
-System.out.println("Successfully inserted " + updateCount + " dataset(s)");</programlisting>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_figJ_dbcSimpleWriteResult">
-        <title>Result</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Execution yields:</para>
-            <screen>Successfully inserted 1 dataset(s)</screen>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Note: The database server <link
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#executeUpdate(java.lang.String)">returns</link>
-            the number of inserted / modified / deleted inserted
-            datasets.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_jdbcTwiceConfig">
-        <title>Two <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> configurations</title>
-        <orderedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><xref linkend="glo_IDE"/> level.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Project level (<xref linkend="glo_Maven"/>).</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </orderedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_DupInsert">
-        <title>Exception on inserting objects</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>Set up <xref linkend="sda1_fig_jdbcSimpleWrite"/> as a
-              <xref linkend="glo_Maven"/> project yourself. Create a
-              corresponding table prior to executing your application.</para>
-              <para>Execute your application twice. What happens? Give an
-              explanation.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>We require a database table <filename
-              xlink:href="https://gitlab.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/goik/GoikLectures/blob/master/P/Sda1/Jdbc/Insert/Minimum/src/main/resources/schema.sql">resources/schema.sql</filename>
-              prior to execution:</para>
-              <programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE Person (
-   name char(80)
-  ,email CHAR(20) UNIQUE
-              <para>Building the executable jar and running
-              de.hdm_stuttgart.sda1.insert.SimpleInsert yields:</para>
-              <screen>goik@goiki Minimum&gt; mvn package
-[INFO] Scanning for projects...
-[INFO] Replacing .../Jdbc/Insert/Minimum/target/insert_user-0.1.jar
-  with .../Jdbc/Insert/Minimum/target/insert_user-0.1-shaded.jar
-goik@goiki Minimum&gt; java -jar /.../Jdbc/Insert/Minimum/target/insert_user-0.1.jar
-<emphasis role="red">Successfully inserted 1 dataset(s)</emphasis></screen>
-              <para>We may check our database:</para>
-              <screen>MariaDB [hdm]&gt; SELECT * FROM Person;
-| name | email       |
-| Jim  | jim@foo.org |
-1 row in set (0.00 sec)</screen>
-              <para>A second invocation results in a runtime error:</para>
-              <para>The exception relates to a constraint violation with
-              respect to the <code>UNIQUE</code> attribute <code>email</code>
-              in our schema definition file
-              <filename>resources/schema.sql</filename>: We cannot add a
-              second entry having the same value
-              <code>'jim@foo.org'</code>.</para>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_appDeficencies">
-        <title><xref linkend="sda1_fig_jdbcSimpleWrite"/> deficiencies</title>
-        <glosslist>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Missing exception handling:</glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <programlisting language="none">public static void main(String[] args)
-  <emphasis role="red">throws SQLException</emphasis> { ...</programlisting>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Hard coded connection parameters:</glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <programlisting language="none">... = DriverManager.getConnection (
-  "<emphasis role="red">jdbc:postgresql://localhost/hdm</emphasis>", //JDBC URL
-  "<emphasis role="red">hdmuser</emphasis>",                         // Username
-  "<emphasis role="red">XYZ</emphasis>")                             // Password</programlisting>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-        </glosslist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_jdbcPropertiesPrinciple">
-        <title>Why properties?</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Connection parameter changes require recompilation!</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Parameters should be configurable.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-        <blockquote>
-          <para>Possible solution: <xref linkend="glo_Java"/>
-          properties.</para>
-        </blockquote>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_propertyExternalization">
-        <title><filename>message.properties</filename> string
-        externalization</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/externalize.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_propertyExternalizationCode">
-        <title>Properties code sketch</title>
-        <glosslist>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Properties key / value file
-            <filename>resources/jdbc.properties</filename></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <programlisting language="properties"><emphasis role="red">jdbcurl</emphasis>=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/hdm
-<emphasis role="red">username</emphasis>=hdmuser
-<emphasis role="red">password</emphasis>=XYZ</programlisting>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-        </glosslist>
-        <glosslist>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>ResourceBundle reading properties</glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <programlisting language="none">// resources/<emphasis
-                  role="red">jdbc</emphasis>.properties
-ResourceBundle jdbcProperties = ResourceBundle.getBundle("<emphasis role="red">jdbc</emphasis>");</programlisting>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Using ResourceBundle</glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <programlisting language="none">... Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
-      jdbcProperties.getString("<emphasis role="red">jdbcurl</emphasis>"),
-      jdbcProperties.getString("<emphasis role="red">username</emphasis>"),
-      jdbcProperties.getString("<emphasis role="red">password</emphasis>"));</programlisting>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-        </glosslist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_IdeaExternalizeStrings">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_Soft_IntellijIDEA"/> <link
-        xlink:href="https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/extracting-hard-coded-string-literals.html">settings</link>,
-        <link
-        xlink:href="https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/recognizing-hard-coded-string-literals.html">preconditions</link></title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/externalizeStrings.png"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_sqlUnitTests">
-        <title>Database related unit test phases</title>
-        <orderedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><emphasis role="red">Set up:</emphasis> Test
-            preparation.</para>
-            <itemizedlist>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>Open database connection</para>
-              </listitem>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>Create a required schema.</para>
-              </listitem>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>Optional: Insert initial data.</para>
-              </listitem>
-            </itemizedlist>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><emphasis role="red">Test:</emphasis> Execute <xref
-            linkend="glo_JDBC"/> CRUD / SELECT operations.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><emphasis role="red">Tear down:</emphasis></para>
-            <itemizedlist>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>Drop schema</para>
-              </listitem>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>Close database connection.</para>
-              </listitem>
-            </itemizedlist>
-          </listitem>
-        </orderedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement">
-        <title>Implementing unit tests</title>
-        <programlisting language="none"><link
-            xlink:href="https://gitlab.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/goik/GoikLectures/blob/master/P/Sda1/Jdbc/Insert/MinimumTest/src/test/java/de/hdm_stuttgart/sda1/insert/InsertTest.java">public class InsertTest</link> {
-  static private Connection conn;
-  static private Statement stmt;
-  @BeforeClass <co linkends="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-1"
-            xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-1-co"/> static public void initDatabase() throws SQLException {
-    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
-      SimpleInsert.jdbcProperties.getString("jdbcurl"),
-      SimpleInsert.jdbcProperties.getString("username"),...);
-    <emphasis role="red">ScriptUtils.executeSqlScript(conn, new ClassPathResource("schema.sql"));</emphasis>
-    stmt = conn.createStatement();}
-  @Test <co linkends="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-2"
-            xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-2-co"/>
-  public void test_010_insertJill() throws SQLException {
-    Assert.assertEquals(1, SimpleInsert.insertPerson(
-         stmt, "Jill", "jill@programmer.org"));
- }
-@AfterClass <co linkends="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-3"
-            xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-3-co"/> static public void releaseDatabase()
-   throws SQLException {conn.close();}</programlisting>
-      </figure>
-      <calloutlist>
-        <callout arearefs="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-1-co"
-                 xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-1">
-          <para>Set up phase.</para>
-        </callout>
-        <callout arearefs="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-2-co"
-                 xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-2">
-          <para>Test execution phase.</para>
-        </callout>
-        <callout arearefs="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-3-co"
-                 xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbUnitTestImplement-3">
-          <para>Tear down phase.</para>
-        </callout>
-      </calloutlist>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_dbSpringSupport">
-        <title><link xlink:href="https://spring.io">Spring</link> is your
-        friend</title>
-        <para>Getting <emphasis role="red"
-        xlink:href="https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/jdbc/datasource/init/ScriptUtils.html#executeSqlScript-java.sql.Connection-org.springframework.core.io.Resource-">ScriptUtils.executeSqlScript(...)</emphasis>
-        to work:</para>
-        <programlisting language="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
-  &lt;groupId&gt;org.springframework&lt;/groupId&gt;
-  &lt;artifactId&gt;spring-jdbc&lt;/artifactId&gt;
-  &lt;version&gt;5.3.1&lt;/version&gt;
-  <emphasis role="red">&lt;scope&gt;test&lt;/scope&gt;</emphasis>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_sqlTestingProjectLayout">
-        <title>Project layout</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/sqlUnitTestLayout.png"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_jdbcCloseConnection">
-        <title>Closing connections</title>
-        <programlisting language="java">final Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(...);
-... // CRUD operations
-conn.close(); // Important! Wanna use a <link
-            linkend="sda1_jdbc_connectionPooling">connection pool</link> instead?</programlisting>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_jdbcAutoCloseConnection">
-        <title>Employ <classname
-        xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/lang/AutoCloseable.html">AutoCloseable</classname></title>
-        <para>Using <link
-        xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/tryResourceClose.html">try-with-resources
-        statement</link>.</para>
-        <programlisting language="java">try (final Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(...) {
-  ... // CRUD operations
-} catch (SQLException e) {...}</programlisting>
-      </figure>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_DupInsertUnitTest">
-        <title>Interactive inserts, connection properties, error handling and
-        unit tests</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>Extend the previous example by adding support for
-              interactive insert of person data. <classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/util/Scanner.html">java.util.Scanner</classname>
-              is your friend:</para>
-              <para>Ask the end user to enter name and email addresses of
-              persons until being satisfied. In case of constraint violations
-              issue a warning rather then terminating the application as
-              in:</para>
-              <mediaobject>
-                <videoobject>
-                  <videodata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/Insert/personRecords.webm"
-                             format="video/webm"/>
-                </videoobject>
-              </mediaobject>
-              <para>Moreover <xref linkend="quandaentry_DupInsert"/> does not
-              yet contain any tests: SQL schema or application modifications
-              may lead to inconsistencies. Provide the following tests:</para>
-              <orderedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Inserting multiple <classname>Person</classname>
-                  records.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Trying to insert Person records containing email
-                  duplicates.</para>
-                </listitem>
-              </orderedlist>
-              <tip>
-                <orderedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Use a connection property file for both your
-                    application and related unit tests.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Consider catching <classname
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException.html">java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException</classname>
-                    in case of email duplicates.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Implement a separate method doing the actual INSERT
-                    operations. This method can be used both in your
-                    application and unit tests:</para>
-                    <programlisting language="java">/**
- * &lt;p&gt;Try inserting new Person record.&lt;/p&gt;
- *
- * @param statement To be used for SQL INSERT attempt.
- * @param name Person's name
- * @param email Person's email
- * @return Inserted reord count: 1 on successful INSERT,
- *  0 in case of duplicate email violating UNIQUE constraint.
- *
- * @throws SQLException To be thrown in case of
- * non - {@link SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException}
- * errors.
- */
-static public int insertPerson(
-  final Statement statement, final String name, final String email)
-    throws SQLException {...}</programlisting>
-                  </listitem>
-                </orderedlist>
-              </tip>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>Our last exercise's database schema <filename
-              xlink:href="https://gitlab.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/goik/GoikLectures/blob/master/P/Sda1/Jdbc/Insert/Minimum/src/main/resources/schema.sql">resources/schema.sql</filename>
-              may remain untouched. Solution:</para>
-              <annotation role="make">
-                <para role="eclipse">P/Sda1/Jdbc/Insert/MinimumTest</para>
-              </annotation>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandaXmldata2relational">
-        <title>Avoiding intermediate <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> file
-        export</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>In <xref linkend="quandaentry_SqlFromXml"/> shows a <xref
-              linkend="glo_SAX"/> application transforming XML product catalog
-              instances into a series of SQL statements. Implement a <xref
-              linkend="glo_JDBC"/> based application which reads the following
-              type of data and writes it to a relational database:</para>
-              <programlisting language="xml">&lt;catalog&gt;
-  &lt;item orderNo="3218"&gt;Swinging headset&lt;/item&gt;
-  &lt;item orderNo="9921"&gt;200W Stereo Amplifier&lt;/item&gt;
-              <para>Error handling may be implemented by simply issuing a
-              corresponding message before exiting the application. In order
-              to assure data integrity transferring data shall be realized in
-              an <quote>all or nothing</quote> fashion by grouping all
-              <code>INSERT</code>s into a single transaction. You may want to
-              read about <link
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#setAutoCommit(boolean)">setAutoCommit(boolean
-              autoCommit)</link> and <link
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#commit()">commit()</link>
-              for this purpose.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <annotation role="make">
-                <para role="eclipse">P/Sda1/catalog2rdbms</para>
-              </annotation>
-              <para>This solution requires a <command>mvn</command>
-              <option>install</option> on dependent project
-              <quote>saxerrorhandler</quote>:</para>
-              <annotation role="make">
-                <para role="eclipse">P/Sda1/saxerrorhandler</para>
-              </annotation>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="exerciseJdbcWhyInterface">
-        <title>Interfaces and classes in <trademark
-        xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark></title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>The <trademark
-              xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-              standard mostly defines interfaces like <classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html">Connection</classname>
-              and <classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html">Statement</classname>.
-              Why are these not being defined as classes? Moreover why is
-              <classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/DriverManager.html">DriverManager</classname>
-              being defined as a class rather than an interface?</para>
-              <para>You may want to supply code examples backing your
-              argumentation.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>Figure <xref linkend="sda1_fig_jdbcArchitecture"/> depicts
-              <trademark
-              xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-              being a vendor independent architecture. Oracle for example may
-              implement a class
-              <classname>com.oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection</classname>:</para>
-              <programlisting annotations="nojavadoc" language="java">package com.oracle.jdbc;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.Statement;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-public class OracleConnection implements Connection {
-Statement createStatement(int resultSetType,
-                        int resultSetConcurrency)
-                          throws SQLException) {
-  // Implementation omitted here due to
-  // limited personal hacking capabilities
-  ...
-              <para>Using <trademark
-              xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-              interfaces rather than vendor specific classes allows for
-              decoupling an application from a specific database platform. It
-              requires a database vendor's implementation not to be exposed to
-              our own <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> code but to be encapsulated
-              by a set of interfaces.</para>
-              <para>Regarding the special role of <classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/DriverManager.html">DriverManager</classname>
-              we notice the need for a starting point: An application requires
-              an initial entry point for accessing a given framework. In
-              theory (<emphasis role="bold">BUT NOT IN PRACTICE!!!</emphasis>)
-              the following (ugly) code might be possible:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">package my.personal.application;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.Statement;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-public someClass {
-  public void someMethod(){
-      Connection conn = <emphasis role="bold">new OracleConnection()</emphasis>; // bad idea!
-      ...
-  }
- ...
-              <para>The problem with this approach is its explicit constructor
-              call: Whenever we want to use another database we have two
-              possibilities:</para>
-              <itemizedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Modify and recompile / redeploy our code.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Introduce some sort of dispatch mechanism supporting a
-                  fixed (albeit not extensible!) set of databases
-                  beforehand:</para>
-                  <programlisting language="java">public void someMethod(final String vendor){
-  final Connection conn;
-  switch(vendor) {
-     case "ORACLE":
-        conn = new OracleConnection();
-        break;
-     case "DB2":
-        conn = new Db2Connection();
-        break;
-     default:
-        conn = null;
-        break;
-  }
-  ...
-                  <para>Each time adding a new database requires extending the
-                  above code.</para>
-                </listitem>
-              </itemizedlist>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_Close">
-        <title>Closing <trademark
-        xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-        connections</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>Why is it important to call the <link
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#close()">close()</link>
-              method for <classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html">Connection</classname>
-              and / or <classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html">Statement</classname>
-              instances?</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>A <trademark
-              xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-              connection ties network resources (socket connections). These
-              may get used up if e.g. new connections are being established
-              within a loop.</para>
-              <para>The situation is similar to memory leaks in programming
-              languages lacking a garbage collector.</para>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_DriverDispatch">
-        <title>Driver dispatch mechanism</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>In exercise <xref linkend="exerciseJdbcWhyInterface"/> we
-              saw a hypothetic way to resolve the interface/class resolution
-              problem by using a switch clause. How is this
-              <code>switch</code> clause's logic actually realized in a
-              <trademark
-              xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-              based application? (<quote>behind the scenes</quote>)</para>
-              <para>Hint: Read the documentation of
-              <classname>java.sql.DriverManager</classname>.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>Prior to opening a Connection a <trademark
-              xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-              driver registers itself at the
-              <classname>java.sql.DriverManager</classname>. For this purpose
-              the standard defines the <code language="java">static</code>
-              <link
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/DriverManager.html#registerDriver(java.sql.Driver)">registerDriver(Driver)</link>
-              method. On success driver is being added to an internal
-              dictionary:</para>
-              <informaltable border="1">
-                <col width="20%"/>
-                <col width="30%"/>
-                <tr>
-                  <th>protocol</th>
-                  <th>driver instance</th>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                  <td>jdbc:postgresql</td>
-                  <td>Postgresql driver instance</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                  <td>jdbc:oracle</td>
-                  <td>Oracle driver instance</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                  <td>...</td>
-                  <td>...</td>
-                </tr>
-              </informaltable>
-              <para>So whenever the method <link
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/DriverManager.html#getConnection(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)">getConnection()</link>
-              is being called the
-              <classname>java.sql.DriverManager</classname> will scan the
-              <trademark
-              xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-              URL and isolate the protocol part. If we start with
-              <code>jdbc:postgresql://someserver.com:5432/someDatabase</code>
-              this is just <code>jdbc:postgresql</code>. The value is then
-              being looked up in the above table of registered drivers to
-              choose an appropriate instance or null otherwise. This way our
-              hypothetic switch including the default value null is actually
-              implemented.</para>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="jdbcSecurity">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> and security</title>
-      <info>
-        <abstract>
-          <para>Attack vectors.</para>
-          <para>Sanitizing user input</para>
-          <para>Solution by PreparedStatement</para>
-        </abstract>
-      </info>
-      <section xml:id="jdbcSecurityNetwork">
-        <title>Network sniffing</title>
-        <para>Sniffing <trademark
-        xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-        network traffic is one possibility for intruders to compromise
-        database applications. This requires physical access to either
-        of:</para>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Server host</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Client host</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>intermediate hub, switch or router.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-        <figure xml:id="figJdbcSniffing">
-          <title>Sniffing a <trademark
-          xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-          connection by an intruder.</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/jdbcSniffing.multi.svg"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure>
-        <para>We demonstrate a possible attack by analyzing the network
-        traffic between our application shown in <xref
-        linkend="sda1_fig_jdbcSimpleWrite"/> and the <productname
-        xlink:href="https://www.mysql.com">Mysql</productname> database
-        server. Prior to starting the application we set up <productname
-        xlink:href="https://www.wireshark.org">Wireshark</productname> for
-        filtered capturing:</para>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_jdbcAttackWireshark">
-          <title>Setting up <productname
-          xlink:href="https://www.wireshark.org">Wireshark</productname></title>
-          <informaltable border="0">
-            <colgroup width="75%"/>
-            <colgroup width="25%"/>
-            <tr>
-              <td valign="top"><itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Database server and <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/>
-                    client on same machine.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Connecting to the <varname>loopback</varname> (lo)
-                    interface only.</para>
-                    <para>(Sufficient since client connects to
-                    <varname>localhost</varname>)</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Capture packets of type <acronym
-                    xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol">TCP</acronym>
-                    having port number 3306.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist></td>
-              <td valign="top"><mediaobject>
-                  <imageobject>
-                    <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/wireshark.png"/>
-                  </imageobject>
-                </mediaobject></td>
-            </tr>
-          </informaltable>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_jdbcWiresharkResults">
-          <title>Capturing results</title>
-          <screen>[...
- A...........!.......................<emphasis role="red">hdmuser</emphasis> <co
-              xml:id="tcpCaptureUsername"/>......U.&gt;S.%..~h...!.xhdm............j..../*
- ... <emphasis role="red">INSERT INTO Person VALUES('Jim', 'jim@foo.org')</emphasis> <co
-              xml:id="tcpCaptureSqlInsert"/>6...
-  .&amp;.<emphasis role="red">#23000Duplicate entry 'jim@foo.org' for key 'email'</emphasis> <co
-              xml:id="tcpCaptureErrmsg"/></screen>
-          <calloutlist>
-            <callout arearefs="tcpCaptureUsername">
-              <para><varname>username</varname> initiating database
-              connection.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="tcpCaptureSqlInsert">
-              <para><code>INSERT(...)</code> statement.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="tcpCaptureErrmsg">
-              <para>Resulting error message sent back to the client.</para>
-            </callout>
-          </calloutlist>
-          <para>Password?</para>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_jdbcMysqlSecurity">
-          <title><xref linkend="glo_Soft_Mysql"/> security</title>
-          <para>What about the missing password?</para>
-          <para><link
-          xlink:href="https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/security-against-attack.html">Making
-          MySQL Secure Against Attackers</link>:</para>
-          <blockquote>
-            <para>When you connect to a MySQL server, you should use a
-            password.</para>
-            <para>The password is not transmitted in clear text over the
-            connection.</para>
-          </blockquote>
-        </figure>
-        <para>So regarding our (current) <productname
-        xlink:href="https://www.mysql.com">Mysql</productname> implementation
-        the impact of this attack type is somewhat limited but still severe:
-        All data being transmitted between client and server may be disclosed.
-        This typically comprises sensible data as well. Possible
-        solutions:</para>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_jdbcSecurityImpact">
-          <title><xref linkend="glo_Soft_Mysql"/> security</title>
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Data exchange client to server nearly fully
-              disclosed.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><productname
-              xlink:href="https://www.mysql.com">Mysql</productname> mitigates
-              the attack type's severity</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Possible solutions:</para>
-              <itemizedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Encrypted tunnel between client and server: like e.g.
-                  <link
-                  xlink:href="https://www.debianadmin.com/howto-use-ssh-local-and-remote-port-forwarding.html">ssh
-                  port forwarding</link> or <link
-                  xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_network">VPN</link>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Use <trademark
-                  xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-                  driver supporting <xref linkend="glo_TLS"/>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-              </itemizedlist>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
-        </figure>
-      </section>
-      <section xml:id="sqlInjection">
-        <title>SQL injection</title>
-        <figure xml:id="figSqlAssemble">
-          <title>Assembling SQL</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/sqlconstruct.multi.svg"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="figSqlInject">
-          <title>SQL injection principle</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/sqlinject.multi.svg"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_preventRadar">
-          <title>Preventing traffic tickets</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/radar.jpg"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_littleBobbyTables">
-          <title><link xlink:href="http://xkcd.com/327">Trouble at
-          school</link></title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/exploits_of_a_mom.png"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure>
-        <para>Before diving into technical details we shed some light on the
-        possible impact of this common attack type:</para>
-        <figure xml:id="figHeartlandSecurityBreach">
-          <title>SQL injection impact</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/heartland.fig"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_sqlInjectionRelevance">
-          <title>SQL injection relevance, <xref
-          linkend="bib_Clarke09"/></title>
-          <blockquote>
-            <para>Many people say they know what SQL injection is, but all
-            they have heard about or experienced are trivial examples.</para>
-            <para>SQL injection is one of the most devastating vulnerabilities
-            to impact a business, as it can lead to exposure of all of the
-            sensitive information stored in an application's database,
-            including handy information such as usernames, passwords, names,
-            addresses, phone numbers, and credit card details.</para>
-          </blockquote>
-        </figure>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sqlInjectDropTable">
-          <title>Attack from the dark side</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Use your <xref linkend="quandaentry_DupInsertUnitTest"/>
-                application and the idea of <xref linkend="figSqlInject"/> to
-                launch an SQL injection attack. We provide some hints:</para>
-                <orderedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Executing multi-line statements may require explicit
-                    <code>COMMIT</code> statements:</para>
-                    <programlisting language="sql">INSERT INTO Person VALUES (...);DROP TABLE Person;<emphasis
-                        role="red">COMMIT</emphasis>;...</programlisting>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>You may use either of the two input fields
-                    <quote>name</quote> or <quote>email</quote> to inject
-                    arbitrary SQL code.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </orderedlist>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <para>Logging tells us about SQL code being generated when
-                inserting a record based on e.g. user <emphasis
-                role="red">Eve</emphasis> having an email <emphasis
-                role="red">eve@my.org</emphasis>:</para>
-                <programlisting language="sql">main INFO  insert.SimpleInsert - Executing «INSERT INTO Person VALUES('<emphasis
-                    role="red">Eve</emphasis>', '<emphasis role="red">eve@my.org</emphasis>')»</programlisting>
-                <para>We craft our first input <code>username</code> replacing
-                <emphasis role="red">Eve</emphasis> to launch our
-                attack:</para>
-                <programlisting language="sql"><emphasis role="red">Eve', 'eve@my.org');DROP TABLE Person;COMMIT;INSERT INTO Person VALUES('jim</emphasis></programlisting>
-                <para>A corresponding dialog reads:</para>
-                <screen>MinimumTest&gt; java -jar /ma/goik/GoikLectures/P/Sda1/Jdbc/Insert/MinimumTest/target/insert_user-0.1.jar
-Enter a person's name or 'x' to exit: <emphasis role="red">Eve', 'eve@my.org');DROP TABLE Person;INSERT INTO Person VALUES('jim</emphasis>
-Enter <emphasis role="red">Eve', 'eve@my.org');DROP TABLE Person;INSERT INTO Person VALUES('jim's</emphasis> email or 'x' to exit: jim@company.com
-                <screen>java -jar /home/goik/.m2/repository/de/hdm_stuttgart/sda1/insert/insert_user/0.2/insert_user-0.2.jar
-Enter a person's name or 'x' to exit: <emphasis role="red">Eve', 'eve@my.org');DROP TABLE Person;COMMIT;INSERT INTO Person VALUES('jim</emphasis> 
-Enter <emphasis role="red">Eve', 'eve@my.org');DROP TABLE Person;COMMIT;INSERT INTO Person VALUES('jim's</emphasis> email or 'x' to exit: sd@de
-Exception in thread "main" org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "person" does not exist
-  Position: 13
-	at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(QueryExecutorImpl.java:2103)
-	at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(QueryExecutorImpl.java:1836)</screen>
-                <para>This <quote>successfully</quote> kills our
-                <code>Person</code> table:</para>
-                <screen>goik@goikschlepptop MinimumTest&gt; cat A1.log
-main INFO  insert.SimpleInsert - Executing «INSERT INTO Person VALUES('Eve', 'eve@my.org');DROP TABLE Person;COMMIT;INSERT INTO Person VALUES('jim', 'jim@company.com')»
-main ERROR insert.SimpleInsert - General database connection problem:
-java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'hdm.Person' doesn't exist
-  at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:112) ~[insert_user-0.1.jar:?]
-                <para>According to the message text the table
-                <code>Person</code> gets dropped as expected. Thus the
-                subsequent (second) <code>INSERT</code> action is then bound
-                to fail.</para>
-                <para>In practice this result may be avoided: The database
-                user in question will (hopefully!) not have sufficient
-                permissions to drop the whole table. Use <code>GRANT</code> /
-                <code>REVOKE</code> statements accordingly!</para>
-                <para>Malicious modifications by INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE
-                statements of data records are still possible though!</para>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-      <section xml:id="sanitizeUserInput">
-        <title>Sanitizing user input</title>
-        <para>There are at least two general ways to deal with the disastrous
-        result of <xref linkend="sqlInjectDropTable"/>:</para>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Keep the database server from interpreting user input
-            completely. This is probably the best way and will be discussed in
-            <xref linkend="sectPreparedStatements"/>.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Let the application check and process user input. Dangerous
-            user input may be modified prior to being embedded in SQL
-            statements or being rejected completely.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-        <para>The first method is definitely superior in most cases. There are
-        however cases where the restrictions being implied are too severe. We
-        may for example choose dynamically which tables shall be accessed. So
-        an SQL statement's structure rather than just its predicates is
-        affected by user input. There are at least two standard procedures
-        dealing with this problem:</para>
-        <glosslist>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Input Filtering</glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <para>In the simplest case we check a user's input by regular
-              expressions. An example is an input field in a login window
-              representing a system user name. Legal input may allows letters
-              and digits only. Special characters, whitespace etc. are
-              typically prohibited. The input does have a minimum length of
-              one character. A maximum length may be imposed as well. So we
-              may choose the regular expression <code>[A-Za-z0-9]+</code> to
-              check valid user names.</para>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm><foreignphrase>Whitelisting</foreignphrase></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <para>In many cases Input fields only allow a restricted set of
-              values. Consider an input field for names of planets. An
-              application may keep a dictionary table to validate user
-              input:</para>
-              <informaltable border="1">
-                <col width="10%"/>
-                <col width="5%"/>
-                <tr>
-                  <td>Mercury</td>
-                  <td>1</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                  <td>Venus</td>
-                  <td>2</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                  <td>Earth</td>
-                  <td>3</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                  <td>...</td>
-                  <td>...</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                  <td>Neptune</td>
-                  <td>9</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                  <td><emphasis role="bold">Default:</emphasis></td>
-                  <td><emphasis role="bold">0</emphasis></td>
-                </tr>
-              </informaltable>
-              <para>So if a user enters a valid planet name a corresponding
-              number representing this particular planet will be sent to the
-              database. If the user enters an invalid string an error message
-              may be raised.</para>
-              <para>In a GUI in many situations this may be better
-              accomplished by presenting the list of planets to choose from.
-              In this case a user has no chance to enter invalid or even
-              malicious code.</para>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-        </glosslist>
-        <para>So we have an <quote>interceptor</quote> sitting between user
-        input fields and SQL generating code:</para>
-        <figure xml:id="figInputFiltering">
-          <title>Validating user input prior to dynamically composing SQL
-          statements.</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/filtering.fig"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_RegexpUse">
-          <title>Using regular expressions in <xref
-          linkend="glo_Java"/></title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>This exercise is a preparation for <xref
-                linkend="exercisefilterUserInput"/>. The aim is to deal with
-                regular expressions and to use them in <xref
-                linkend="glo_Java"/>. If you don't know yet about regular
-                expressions / pattern matching you may want to read either
-                of:</para>
-                <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><link
-                    xlink:href="http://www.aivosto.com/vbtips/regex.html">Regular
-                    expressions - An introduction</link></para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><link
-                    xlink:href="http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/939/An-Introduction-to-Regular-Expressions">An
-                    Introduction to Regular Expressions</link></para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><link
-                    xlink:href="http://www.regular-expressions.info/tutorial.html">Regular
-                    Expression Tutorial</link></para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-                <para>Complete the implementation of the following
-                skeleton:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">...
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
-public static void main(String[] args) {
-   final String [] wordList = new String [] {"Eric", "126653BBb", "_login","some text"};
-   final String [] regexpList = new String[] {"[A-K].*", "[^0-9]+.*", "_[a-z]+", ""};
-   for (final String word: wordList) {
-      for (final String regexp: regexpList) {
-         testMatch(word, regexp);
-      }
-   }
- * Matching a given word by a regular expression. A log message is being
- * written to stdout.
- *
- * Hint: The implementation is based on the explanation being given in the
- * introduction to {@link Pattern}
- *
- * @param word This string will be matched by the subsequent argument.
- * @param regexp The regular expression tested to match the previous argument.
- * @return true if regexp matches word, false otherwise.
- */
-public static boolean testMatch(final String word, final String regexp) {
-.../* to be implemented by <emphasis role="bold">**YOU**</emphasis>   */
-                <para>As being noted in the <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> above
-                you may want to read the documentation of class
-                <classname>java.util.regex.Pattern</classname>. The intended
-                output of the above application is:</para>
-                <screen>The expression '[A-K].*' matches 'Eric'
-The expression '[^0-9]+.*' ...
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <para>A possible implementation is given by:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
- * This class is intended to gain some basic experience with
- * regular expressions and their usage in Java
- *
- * @author goik
- *
- */
-public class RegexpPrimer {
-   public static void main(String[] args) {
-      final String [] wordList = new String [] {"Eric", "126653BBb", "_login","some text"};
-      final String [] regexpList = new String[] {"[A-K].*", "[^0-9]+.*", "_[a-z]+", ""};
-      for (final String word: wordList) {
-         for (final String regexp: regexpList) {
-            testMatch(word, regexp);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   /**
-    * Matching a given word by a regular expression. A log message is being
-    * written to stdout.
-    *
-    * Hint: The implementation is based on the explanation being given in the
-    * introduction to {@link Pattern}
-    *
-    * @param word This string will be matched by the subsequent argument.
-    * @param regexp The regular expression tested to match the previous argument.
-    * @return true if regexp matches word, false otherwise.
-    */
-   public static boolean testMatch(final String word, final String regexp) {
-      Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regexp);
-      Matcher m = p.matcher(word);
-      if (m.matches()) {
-         System.out.println("The expression '" + regexp + "' matches '" + word + "'");
-         return true;
-      } else {
-         System.out.println("The expression '" + regexp + "' does not match '" + word + "'");
-         return false;
-      }
-   }
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="exercisefilterUserInput">
-          <title>Input validation by regular expressions</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>The application of <xref linkend="sqlInjectDropTable"/>
-                proved to be vulnerable to SQL injection. Sanitize the two
-                user input field's values to prevent such behaviour.</para>
-                <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Find appropriate validators to check both
-                    <code>username</code> and <code>email</code>. Some
-                    hints:</para>
-                    <glosslist>
-                      <glossentry>
-                        <glossterm><code>username</code></glossterm>
-                        <glossdef>
-                          <para>Regarding SQL injection the <quote>;</quote>
-                          character is among the most critical. You may want
-                          to exclude certain special characters like (,) and
-                          similar as well by means of a regular expression.
-                          This doesn't harm since their presence in a user's
-                          name is most likely a typo rather then any sensitive
-                          input. On the other hand it becomes increasingly
-                          hard to construct suitable injection attack
-                          strings.</para>
-                        </glossdef>
-                      </glossentry>
-                      <glossentry>
-                        <glossterm><code>email</code></glossterm>
-                        <glossdef>
-                          <para>There are tons of <quote>ultimate</quote>
-                          regular expressions available to check email
-                          addresses. Remember that rather avoiding
-                          <quote>wrong</quote> email addresses the present
-                          task is to avoid SQL injection. So find a reasonable
-                          one which may be too permissive regarding RFC email
-                          syntax rules but sufficient to secure your
-                          application.</para>
-                          <para>A concise definition of an email's syntax is
-                          being given in <link
-                          xlink:href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.4.1">RFC5322</link>.
-                          Its implementation is beyond scope of the current
-                          lecture. Moreover it is questionable whether E-mail
-                          clients and mail transfer agents implement strict
-                          RFC compliance.</para>
-                        </glossdef>
-                      </glossentry>
-                    </glosslist>
-                    <para>Both regular expressions must cover the whole user
-                    input from the beginning to the end. This can be achieved
-                    by using <code>^ ... $</code>.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>The <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> standard class
-                    <classname>javax.swing.InputVerifier</classname> may help
-                    you validating user input.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>The following screen shot may provide an idea for
-                    GUI realization and user interaction in case of errors. Of
-                    course the submit button's action should be disabled in
-                    case of erroneous input. The user should receive a helpful
-                    error message instead.</para>
-                    <figure xml:id="figInsertValidate">
-                      <title>Error message being presented to the
-                      user.</title>
-                      <mediaobject>
-                        <imageobject>
-                          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/insertValidate.screen.png"/>
-                        </imageobject>
-                        <caption>
-                          <para>In the current example the trailing
-                          <quote>;</quote> within the E-Mail field is
-                          invalid.</para>
-                        </caption>
-                      </mediaobject>
-                    </figure>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-                <tip>
-                  <para>Vaadin does provide regular expression based
-                  validation support. You may want to consider <classname
-                  xlink:href="https://vaadin.com/api/com/vaadin/data/validator/EmailValidator.html">EmailValidator</classname>
-                  instead.</para>
-                </tip>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <annotation role="make">
-                  <para role="eclipse">P/Sda1/InsertGui/V8</para>
-                </annotation>
-                <para>Validation will be based on both on regular expressions
-                and Vaadins built in <classname
-                xlink:href="https://vaadin.com/api/com/vaadin/data/validator/EmailValidator.html">EmailValidator</classname>:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">   @Override
-   protected void init(final VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) {
-    ...
-      // Sanitizing user names by regular expression
-      nameField.addValidator(new RegexpValidator("[^;\"'()]+",
-        "Sorry but this does not appear to be a user's name"));
-      // Adding an input validator for sanitizing username and e-mail input values.
-      // Caveat: Vaadin's validator will refuse e.g. "domainregistry@de"
-      // and may generally be non-RFC compliant.
-      emailField.addValidator(new EmailValidator("Not a valid email"));
-    ...
-   void conditionallyActivateInsertButton() {
-      final boolean isValid =
-            0 &lt; nameField.getValue().trim().length() &amp;&amp;
-            nameField.isValid() &amp;&amp;
-            // empty fields are not being validated!
-            0 &lt; emailField.getValue().trim().length() &amp;&amp;
-            <emphasis role="bold">emailField.isValid();</emphasis>
-                ...</programlisting>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-      <section xml:id="sectPreparedStatements">
-        <title><classname>java.sql.PreparedStatement</classname></title>
-        <para>Sanitizing user input is a means to secure an application. The
-        <trademark
-        xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-        standard however provides a mechanism being superior regarding the
-        purpose of protecting applications against SQL injection attacks. We
-        shed some light on our current mechanism sending SQL statements to a
-        database server:</para>
-        <figure xml:id="sqlTransport">
-          <title>SQL statements in <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> applications get
-          parsed at the database server</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/sqlTransport.fig"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_interpretSqlQuestions">
-          <title>Two questions</title>
-          <orderedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>What happens when executing structural identical SQL
-              statements (differing only by attribute values)
-              repeatedly?</para>
-              <para>E.g. inserting thousands of records of identical
-              structure.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Is this architecture adequate with respect to security
-              concerns?</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </orderedlist>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_interpretSqlPerformance">
-          <title>Addressing performance</title>
-          <programlisting language="sql">INSERT INTO Person VALUES ('Jim', 'jim@q.org')
-INSERT INTO Person VALUES ('Eve', 'eve@y.org')
-INSERT INTO Person VALUES ('Pete', 'p@rr.com')
-          <para>Wasting time parsing SQL over and over again!</para>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_interpretSqlPerformanceMitigation">
-          <title>Addressing performance mitigation</title>
-          <programlisting language="sql">INSERT INTO Person VALUES
-  ('Jim', 'jim@q.org'),
-  ('Eve', 'eve@y.org'),
-  ('Pete', 'p@rr.com') ... ;</programlisting>
-          <para>Dealing with large record counts even this option may become
-          questionable.</para>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_interpretSqlSecurity">
-          <title>Addressing security</title>
-          <para>The database server's interpreter may interpret an attacker's
-          malicious code among with intended <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/>.</para>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_interpretSqlSecurityPerformanceSolution">
-          <title>Solution: Use
-          <classname>java.sql.PreparedStatement</classname></title>
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Parsing happens only once.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Reuse per record.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Avoids parsing contained «payload» / user input.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sqlTransportPrepare">
-          <title><classname>PreparedStatement</classname> principle.</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/sqlTransportPrepare.fig"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure>
-        <para>Prepared statements are an example for parameterized SQL
-        statements which do exist in various programming languages. When using
-        <classname>java.sql.PreparedStatement</classname> instances we
-        actually have three distinct phases:</para>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_parameterizedSql">
-          <title>Three phases using parameterized queries</title>
-          <orderedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para xml:id="exerciseGuiWritePrepared"><classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/PreparedStatement.html">PreparedStatement</classname>
-              instance creation: Parsing <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> statement
-              possibly containing place holders.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Set values of all placeholder values: No <xref
-              linkend="glo_SQL"/> parsing happens.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Execute the statement.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </orderedlist>
-          <para>Steps 2. and 3. may be repeated without requiring re-parsing
-          <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> statements thus saving database server
-          resources.</para>
-        </figure>
-        <para>Our introductory toy application <xref
-        linkend="sda1_fig_jdbcSimpleWrite"/> may be rewritten using <classname
-        xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/PreparedStatement.html">PreparedStatement</classname>
-        objects:</para>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedStatementExample">
-          <title><classname
-          xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/PreparedStatement.html">PreparedStatement</classname>
-          example</title>
-          <programlisting language="java">final Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection (...
-final PreparedStatement pStmt = conn.prepareStatement(
-  "INSERT INTO Person VALUES(<emphasis role="bold">?, ?</emphasis>)");<co
-              xml:id="listPrepCreate"/>
-pStmt.setString(1, "Jim");<co xml:id="listPrepSet1"/>
-pStmt.setString(2, "jim@foo.org");<co xml:id="listPrepSet2"/>
-final int updateCount = pStmt.executeUpdate();<co xml:id="listPrepExec"/>
-System.out.println("Successfully inserted " + updateCount + " dataset(s)");</programlisting>
-        </figure>
-        <calloutlist>
-          <callout arearefs="listPrepCreate">
-            <para>An instance of
-            <classname>java.sql.PreparedStatement</classname> is being
-            created. Notice the two question marks representing two place
-            holders for string values to be inserted in the next step.</para>
-          </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="listPrepSet1 listPrepSet2">
-            <para>Fill in the two placeholder values being defined at <coref
-            linkend="listPrepCreate"/>.</para>
-            <caution>
-              <para>Since half the world of programming folks will index a
-              list of n elements starting from 0 to n-1, <trademark
-              xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-              apparently counts from 1 to n. Working with <trademark
-              xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-              would have been too easy otherwise!</para>
-            </caution>
-          </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="listPrepExec">
-            <para>Execute the beast! Notice the empty parameter list. No SQL
-            is required since we already prepared it in <coref
-            linkend="listPrepCreate"/>.</para>
-          </callout>
-        </calloutlist>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedSecurityResult">
-          <title>Injection attempt example</title>
-          <programlisting language="sql">Jim', 'jim@c.com');DROP TABLE Person;INSERT INTO Person VALUES('Joe</programlisting>
-          <para>Attacker's injection text simply becomes part of the database
-          server's content.</para>
-          <para>Problem solved!</para>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport">
-          <title>No dynamic table support</title>
-          <programlisting language="java">PreparedSatatement statement =
-  connection.prepareStatement("SELECT ? <co
-              linkends="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-1.2"
-              xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-1.2-co"/> from ?" <co
-              linkends="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-2.2"
-              xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-2.2-co"/>);
-statement.setString(1, "birthday") <co
-              linkends="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-3.2"
-              xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-3.2-co"/>;
-statement.setString(2, "Persons") <co
-              linkends="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-4.2"
-              xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-4.2-co"/>;
-ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery() <co
-              linkends="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-5"
-              xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-5-co"/>;</programlisting>
-          <para>In a nutshell: <emphasis role="red">Only attribute value
-          literals may be parameterized.</emphasis></para>
-        </figure>
-        <calloutlist>
-          <callout arearefs="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-1.2-co"
-                   xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-1.2">
-            <para>Providing an attributes name as parameter.</para>
-          </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-2.2-co"
-                   xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-2.2">
-            <para>Providing the table name to be queried as parameter.</para>
-          </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-3.2-co"
-                   xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-3.2">
-            <para>Setting the desired attributes name intending:</para>
-            <programlisting language="none">SELECT <emphasis role="red">birthday</emphasis> FROM ...</programlisting>
-          </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-4.2-co"
-                   xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-4.2">
-            <para>Setting the table name to be queried intending:</para>
-            <programlisting language="none">SELECT birthday FROM <emphasis
-                role="red">Persons</emphasis></programlisting>
-          </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-5-co"
-                   xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_preparedNoDynamicTableSupport-5">
-            <para>Fails: Only attribute value literals are allowed.</para>
-          </callout>
-        </calloutlist>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="exerciseSqlInjectPrepare">
-          <title>Prepared Statements to keep the barbarians at the
-          gate</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Use <classname
-                xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/PreparedStatement.html">PreparedStatement</classname>
-                objects to sanitize your flawed <xref
-                linkend="quandaentry_DupInsertUnitTest"/> implementation being
-                susceptible to <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> injection
-                attacks.</para>
-                <para>When you are done repeat your injection attempt from
-                <xref linkend="sqlInjectDropTable"/>. You may require larger
-                string lengths in your <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> schema for
-                accommodating the injection string.</para>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <para>See:</para>
-                <annotation role="make">
-                  <para role="eclipse">P/Sda1/Jdbc/Insert/Prepared</para>
-                </annotation>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="jdbcRead">
-      <title>Read Access</title>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_readAndWrite">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> read and write</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><code language="sql">CREATE</code> / <code
-            language="sql">UPDATE</code> / <code
-            language="sql">DELETE</code></para>
-            <para>client modifies database server data:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">int result = statement.executeUpdate("UPDATE Person ...");</programlisting>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><code language="sql">SELECT</code></para>
-            <para>client receives copies of database server data:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("SELECT ... FROM Person ...");</programlisting>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="jdbcReadWrite">
-        <title>Server / client object's life cycle</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/jdbcReadWrite.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_readContainer">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> record container</title>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>No standard Collections container e.g. <classname
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/util/List.html">java.util.List</classname>.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><quote>Own</quote> container standard <classname
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html">java.sql.ResultSet</classname>
-            holding transient database.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="figJdbcRead">
-        <title>Reading data from a database server.</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/jdbcread.fig" scale="65"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <para>We take an example. Suppose our database contains a table of our
-      friends' nicknames and their respective birth dates:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_friendsBirthDates">
-        <title>Names and birth dates of friends</title>
-        <informaltable border="0">
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE Friends (
-  ,nickname char(10)
-  ,birthdate DATE
-            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="sql">INSERT INTO Friends VALUES
-   (1, 'Jim', '1991-10-10')
-  ,(2, 'Eve', '2003-05-24')
-  ,(3, 'Mick','2001-12-30')
-  ;</programlisting></td>
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_codeReadingFriendsData">
-        <title>Accessing friend's database records</title>
-        <programlisting language="java">final Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection (...);
-final Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
-<emphasis role="bold">// Step 3: Creating the client side JDBC container holding our data records</emphasis>
-<emphasis role="bold">final ResultSet data = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Friends");</emphasis> <co
-            linkends="listingJdbcRead-1" xml:id="listingJdbcRead-1-co"/>
-<emphasis role="bold">// Step 4: Dataset iteration
-while (data.next()) {</emphasis> <co linkends="listingJdbcRead-2"
-            xml:id="listingJdbcRead-2-co"/>
-<emphasis role="bold">   System.out.println(data.getInt("id")</emphasis> <co
-            linkends="listingJdbcRead-3" xml:id="listingJdbcRead-3-co"/>
-   <emphasis role="bold">    + ", " + data.getString("nickname")</emphasis> <co
-            linkends="listingJdbcRead-3" xml:id="listingJdbcRead-4-co"/>
-       <emphasis role="bold">+ ", " + data.getString("birthdate"));</emphasis> <co
-            linkends="listingJdbcRead-3" xml:id="listingJdbcRead-5-co"/>
-      </figure>
-      <calloutlist>
-        <callout arearefs="listingJdbcRead-1-co" xml:id="listingJdbcRead-1">
-          <para>As being mentioned in the introduction to this section the
-          <trademark
-          xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity">JDBC</trademark>
-          standard provides a container interface rather than using
-          <classname>java.util.List</classname> or similar.</para>
-        </callout>
-        <callout arearefs="listingJdbcRead-2-co" xml:id="listingJdbcRead-2">
-          <para>Calling <link
-          xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#next()">next()</link>
-          prior to actually accessing data on the client side is mandatory!
-          The <link
-          xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#next()">next()</link>
-          method positions an internal iterator to the first element of our
-          dataset unless the latter being empty. Follow the link address and
-          **read** the documentation.</para>
-        </callout>
-        <callout arearefs="listingJdbcRead-3-co listingJdbcRead-4-co listingJdbcRead-5-co"
-                 xml:id="listingJdbcRead-3">
-          <para>The access methods have to be chosen according to matching
-          types. An overview of database/<xref linkend="glo_Java"/> type
-          mappings is being given in <uri
-          xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jdbc/getstart/mapping.html">https://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jdbc/getstart/mapping.html</uri>.</para>
-        </callout>
-      </calloutlist>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_ResultSetStates">
-        <title>Important <classname
-        xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html">ResultSet</classname>
-        states</title>
-        <glosslist>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>New: <code language="java">resultSet =
-            statement.executeQuery(...)</code></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <para>Caution: Data not yet accessible!</para>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Cursor positioned: <code
-            language="java">resultSet.next()</code> returning <code
-            language="java">true</code></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <para>Data accessible until <code
-              language="java">resultSet.next()</code>returns <code
-              language="java">false</code>.</para>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Closed: <code language="java">resultSet.next()</code>
-            returning <code language="java">false</code></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <para>Caution: Data not longer accessible!</para>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-        </glosslist>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_Sql2JdbcTypeConversion">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> to <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> type
-        conversions</title>
-        <informaltable border="1">
-          <tr>
-            <th><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> Type</th>
-            <th><xref linkend="glo_Java"/> type</th>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="sql">CHAR</code>, <code
-            language="sql">VARCHAR</code>, <code
-            language="sql">LONGVARCHAR</code></td>
-            <td valign="top"><classname>String</classname></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="sql">NUMERIC</code>, <code
-            language="sql">DECIMAL</code></td>
-            <td valign="top"><classname>java.math.BigDecimal</classname></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="sql">BIT</code></td>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="java">boolean</code></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="sql">TINYINT</code></td>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="java">byte</code></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="sql">...</code></td>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="java">...</code></td>
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-        <para>Shamelessly copied from <link
-        xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jdbc/getstart/mapping.html#1051555">JDBC
-        Types Mapped to Java Types</link>.</para>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_Jdbc2SqlTypeConversion">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_Java"/> to <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> type
-        conversions</title>
-        <informaltable border="1">
-          <tr>
-            <th><xref linkend="glo_Java"/> Type</th>
-            <th><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> type</th>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><classname>String</classname></td>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="sql">CHAR</code>, <code
-            language="sql">VARCHAR</code>, <code
-            language="sql">LONGVARCHAR</code></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><classname>java.math.BigDecimal</classname></td>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="sql">NUMERIC</code></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="java">boolean</code></td>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="sql">BIT</code></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="sql">...</code></td>
-            <td valign="top"><code language="java">...</code></td>
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-        <para>Shamelessly copied from <link
-        xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jdbc/getstart/mapping.html#1033804">Java
-        Types Mapped to JDBC Types</link>.</para>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_ResultSetTypedAccess">
-        <title>Fixed type accessors</title>
-        <programlisting language="java">int getInt​(int columnIndex)
-double getDouble​(int columnIndex)
-Date getDate​(int columnIndex)
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_ResultSetGetObject">
-        <title>Polymorphic accessors</title>
-        <programlisting language="java">Object getObject​(int columnIndex)</programlisting>
-        <para><link
-        xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#getObject(int)">Gets
-        the value of the designated column in the current row of this
-        ResultSet object as an Object in the Java programming
-        language.</link></para>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_ResultSetByColumnString">
-        <title>Access by column name</title>
-        <informaltable border="0">
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">final int id =
-  resultSet.getInt("id");
-final String nickName =
-  resultSet.getString("nickname");
-final Date birthDate =
-  resultSet.getDate​("birthdate");</programlisting></td>
-            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE Friends (
-  ,nickname char(10)
-  ,birthdate DATE
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-      </figure>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_ResultSetByColumnIndex">
-        <title>Access by column index</title>
-        <informaltable border="0">
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">final int id =
-  resultSet.getInt(1);
-final String nickName =
-  resultSet.getString(2);
-final Date birthDate =
-  resultSet.getDate(3);</programlisting></td>
-            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE Friends (
-  ,nickname char(10)
-  ,birthdate DATE
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-      </figure>
-      <para>We now present a series of exercises thereby exploring important
-      aspects of <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> read access.</para>
-      <section xml:id="sectGetterTypeConversion">
-        <title>Getter methods and type conversion</title>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_JdbcTypeConversion">
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Apart from type mappings the <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/>
-                access methods like <link
-                xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#getString(int)">getString()</link>
-                may also be used for type conversion. Modify <xref
-                linkend="sda1_jdbc_fig_codeReadingFriendsData"/> by:</para>
-                <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Read the database attribute <code>id</code> by <link
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#getString(java.lang.String)">getString(String)</link>.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Read the database attribute nickname by <link
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#getInt(java.lang.String)">getInt(String)</link>.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-                <para>What do you observe?</para>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <para>Modifying our iteration loop:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">// Step 4: Dataset iteration
-while (data.next()) {
-    System.out.println(data.<emphasis role="bold">getString</emphasis>("id") <co
-                    linkends="jdbcReadWrongType-1"
-                    xml:id="jdbcReadWrongType-1-co"/>
-           + ", " + data.<emphasis role="bold">getInt</emphasis>("nickname") <co
-                    linkends="jdbcReadWrongType-2"
-                    xml:id="jdbcReadWrongType-2-co"/>
-           + ", " + data.getString("birthdate"));
-                <para>We observe:</para>
-                <calloutlist>
-                  <callout arearefs="jdbcReadWrongType-1-co"
-                           xml:id="jdbcReadWrongType-1">
-                    <para>Calling <link
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#getString(int)">getString()</link>
-                    for a database attribute of type INTEGER does not cause
-                    any trouble: The value gets silently converted to a string
-                    value.</para>
-                  </callout>
-                  <callout arearefs="jdbcReadWrongType-2-co"
-                           xml:id="jdbcReadWrongType-2">
-                    <para>Calling <link
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#getInt(java.lang.String)">getInt(String)</link>
-                    for the database field of type CHAR yields an (expected)
-                    Exception:</para>
-                  </callout>
-                </calloutlist>
-                <screen>Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Invalid value for getInt() - 'Jim'
-  at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:1073)
-                <para>We may however provide <quote>compatible</quote> data
-                records:</para>
-                <programlisting language="sql">DELETE FROM Friends;
-INSERT INTO Friends VALUES (1, <emphasis role="bold">'31'</emphasis>, '1991-10-10');</programlisting>
-                <para>This time our application executes perfectly
-                well:</para>
-                <screen>1, 31, 1991-10-10</screen>
-                <para>Conclusion: The <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> driver
-                performs a conversion from a string type to an integer similar
-                like the <link
-                xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/lang/Integer.html#parseInt(java.lang.String)">parseInt(String)</link>
-                method.</para>
-                <para>The next series of exercises aims on a more powerful
-                implementation of our person data insertion application in
-                <xref linkend="sda1SectGuiAuthenticateTheRealMcCoy"/>.</para>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_ResultSetHandlingNull">
-          <title>Problem: <code language="java">null</code> value
-          ambiguity</title>
-          <programlisting language="java">final int count = resultSet.getInt("numProducts");</programlisting>
-          <para>Problem: Two possibilities in case of <code
-          language="java">count == 0</code>:</para>
-          <orderedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>DB attribute <property>numProducts</property> is 0
-              (zero).</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>DB attribute <property>numProducts</property> is <code
-              language="sql">null</code>.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </orderedlist>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_ResultSetHandlingNullResolve">
-          <title>Resolving <code language="java">null</code> value
-          ambiguity</title>
-          <programlisting language="java">final int count = resultSet.getInt("numProducts");
-if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
-} else {
-          <para>See <methodname
-          xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#wasNull()">wasNull()</methodname>.</para>
-        </figure>
-      </section>
-      <section xml:id="sectHandlingNullValues">
-        <title>Handling NULL values.</title>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_HandlingNull">
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>The attribute <code>birthday</code> in our database
-                table Friends allows <code>NULL</code> values:</para>
-                <programlisting language="sql">INSERT INTO Friends VALUES
-   (1, 'Jim', '1991-10-10')
-  ,(2, <emphasis role="bold"> NULL</emphasis>, '2003-5-24')
-  ,(3, 'Mick', '2001-12-30');</programlisting>
-                <para>Starting our current application yields:</para>
-                <screen>1, Jim, 1991-10-10
-2, null, 2003-05-24
-3, Mick, 2001-12-30</screen>
-                <para>This might be confuses with a person having the nickname
-                <quote>null</quote>. Instead we would like to have:</para>
-                <screen>1, Jim, 1991-10-10
-2, -Name unknown- , 2003-05-24
-3, Mick, 2001-12-30</screen>
-                <para>Extend the current code of
-                <classname>sda.jdbc.intro.SimpleRead</classname> to produce
-                the above result in case of nickname <code>NULL</code>
-                values.</para>
-                <para>Hint: Read the documentation of <link
-                xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#wasNull()">wasNull()</link>.</para>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <para>A possible implementation is being given in
-                <classname>sda.jdbc.intro.v1.SimpleRead</classname>.</para>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-      <section xml:id="sda1SectRelationadatal2Xml">
-        <title>Reversing <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> to Rdbms</title>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:base="qandaRelationaldata2Xml"
-                  xml:id="qandaRelationaldata2Xml">
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Reverse exercise <xref
-                linkend="qandaXmldata2relational"/> to read Rdbms data via
-                <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> and export corresponding XML data
-                using Jdom. You will need two database tables describing each
-                product among with at least one description. Consider the
-                following schema among with some sample data:</para>
-                <programlisting language="sql">DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Description;
-  ,name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
-  ,age SMALLINT
-CREATE TABLE Description (
-   product INTEGER NOT NULL
-  ,orderIndex int NOT NULL   -- preserving the order of descriptions belonging to a given product
-  ,text VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
-  ,UNIQUE(product, orderIndex)
-  ,FOREIGN KEY(product) REFERENCES Product(id)
--- example data corresponding to products.xml --
--- A single product lacking age property --
-INSERT INTO Product (id, name) VALUES (1, 'Monkey Picked Tea');
-INSERT INTO Description VALUES(1, 0, 'Picked only by specially trained monkeys.');
-INSERT INTO Description VALUES(1, 1, 'Rare wild Chinese tea.');
-INSERT INTO Product VALUES (2, '4-Person Instant Tent', 15);
-INSERT INTO Description VALUES(2, 0, 'Exclusive WeatherTec system.');
-INSERT INTO Description VALUES(2, 1, '4-person, 1-compartment tent.');
-INSERT INTO Description VALUES(2, 2, 'Pre-attached tent poles.');</programlisting>
-                <orderedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Explain the ratio of the <code>UNIQUE(product,
-                    orderIndex)</code> constraint in
-                    <classname>Description</classname>.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Write a <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> application which
-                    reads from your RDBMS data and exports a corresponding
-                    <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> instance:</para>
-                    <programlisting language="xml">&lt;catalog&gt;
-  &lt;product id="1"&gt;
-    &lt;name&gt;Monkey Picked Tea&lt;/name&gt;
-    &lt;description&gt;Picked only by specially trained monkeys&lt;/description&gt;
-    &lt;description&gt;Rare wild Chinese tea.&lt;/description&gt;
-  &lt;/product&gt;
-  &lt;product id="2"&gt;
-    &lt;name&gt;4-Person Instant Tent&lt;/name&gt;
-    &lt;description&gt;Exclusive WeatherTec system.&lt;/description&gt;
-    &lt;description&gt;4-person, 1-compartment tent.&lt;/description&gt;
-    &lt;description&gt;Pre-attached tent poles.&lt;/description&gt;
-    &lt;age&gt;15&lt;/age&gt;
-  &lt;/product&gt;
-                    <para>Use <link
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/PreparedStatement.html">PreparedStatement</link>
-                    instances throughout your application.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </orderedlist>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <orderedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Without <code>UNIQUE(product, orderIndex)</code> the
-                    following state would become possible:</para>
-                    <literallayout>+---------+------------------------------+------------+
-| product | text                         | orderIndex |
-|   ...   |             ...              |    ...     |
-|       2 | Exclusive WeatherTec system. |          1 |
-|       2 | 4-person, 1-compartment tent.|          1 |
-|   ...   |             ...              |    ...     |
-                    <para>The presence of two distinct descriptions having
-                    identical orderIndex does not enforce the required
-                    order.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>See:</para>
-                    <annotation role="make">
-                      <para role="eclipse">P/Sda1/rdbms2catalog</para>
-                    </annotation>
-                  </listitem>
-                </orderedlist>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-      <section xml:id="sda1SectCatalog2html">
-        <title>Generating HTML from both XML and relational input data</title>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sda1QandaCatalogRdbms">
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>We want to extend the transformation <xref
-                linkend="xml2xml"/> by reading price information from a RDBMS.
-                Consider the following schema:</para>
-                <programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE Product(
- ,price DECIMAL (9,2) NOT NULL
-INSERT INTO Product VALUES('x-223', 330.20);
-INSERT INTO Product VALUES('w-124', 110.40);
-                <para>Adding prices to your final HTML output may be
-                implemented the following way:</para>
-                <mediaobject>
-                  <imageobject>
-                    <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/xml2html.fig"/>
-                  </imageobject>
-                </mediaobject>
-                <para>You may start by implementing <emphasis>and
-                testing</emphasis> the following methods of a RDBMS
-                interfacing class using <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/>:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">public class DbAccess {
-   /** Open a connection to a RDBMS.
-    * @param jdbcUrl The database server's address
-    * @param userName The user's name
-    * @param password The user's password
-    */
-   public void connect(final String jdbcUrl,
-         final String userName, final String password) {
-    ...
-   }
-   /** Read the price from the RDBMS for a given article number. In a "real"
-    *  application we'd use an integer type rather than a string.
-    * @param articleNumber
-    *   The number of the article for which we search pricing information.
-    * @return
-    *   The price if available, else an error message.
-    */
-   public String readPrice(final String articleNumber) {
-      ...
-   }
-   /**
-    * Close the database connection.
-    */
-   public void close() {
-      ...
-      }
-   }
-                <tip>
-                  <para>You may want to write a small testbed assuring RDBMS
-                  access functionality working properly prior to integrating
-                  it into your <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> application producing
-                  HTML output.</para>
-                </tip>
-                <para>Then extend <xref linkend="xml2xml"/> by introducing a
-                new method <methodname>addPrices(final Document
-                catalog)</methodname> which adds prices to the <acronym
-                xlink:href="https://www.w3.org/DOM">DOM</acronym> tree
-                accordingly.</para>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <para>The additional functionality on top of <xref
-                linkend="xml2xml"/> is represented by a method
-                <methodname>de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sda1.rdbmsxml2html.XmlRdbms2Html.addPrices()</methodname>.
-                This method modifies the <acronym
-                xlink:href="https://www.w3.org/DOM">DOM</acronym> input tree
-                prior to applying the XSL by inserting data received from the
-                RDBMS:</para>
-                <annotation role="make">
-                  <para role="eclipse">P/Sda1/rdbmsXml2Html</para>
-                </annotation>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="sda1_jdbc_sect_surrogateKeys">
-      <title>Handling surrogate keys</title>
-      <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_userGroup">
-        <title>Users and groups</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Jdbc/Users/userModel.svg"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="sda1_jdbc_tarnsactions">
-      <title>Transactions</title>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_AutoCommit">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> and transactions</title>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_transactionIsolationLevel">
-          <title>Isolation level</title>
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><emphasis role="bold">Level 0</emphasis>: Prevent other
-              transactions from changing data that has already been modified
-              by an uncommitted transaction.</para>
-              <para>Other transactions can read uncommitted data resulting in
-              <quote>dirty reads</quote>.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><emphasis role="bold">Level 1</emphasis>: Prevents dirty
-              reads. (Default on many <xref linkend="glo_RDBMS"/>)</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><emphasis role="bold">Level 2</emphasis>: prevents
-              non-repeatable reads.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><emphasis role="bold">Level 3</emphasis>: Data read by one
-              transaction is valid until the end of that transaction,
-              preventing phantom rows.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
-        </figure>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sda1_jdbc_qandaIs1Vs2">
-          <title>Isolation level 1 vs. 2</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>What is the difference between Isolation level 1 and
-                two?</para>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <para>Consider the following schedule being prohibited in
-                isolation level 1:</para>
-                <informaltable border="0">
-                  <tr>
-                    <th>Transaction A</th>
-                    <th>Transaction B</th>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                    <td valign="top">begin transaction</td>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">begin transaction</td>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                    <td valign="top">write X</td>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">read X (Dirty read)</td>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                    <td valign="top">rollback transaction</td>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">...</td>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                  </tr>
-                </informaltable>
-                <para>Isolation level 2 will prohibit successfully committed
-                intermediate results as well:</para>
-                <informaltable border="0">
-                  <tr>
-                    <th>Transaction A</th>
-                    <th>Transaction B</th>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">begin transaction</td>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">read X</td>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                    <td valign="top">begin transaction</td>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                    <td valign="top">write X</td>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                    <td valign="top">commit transaction</td>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">read X</td>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                  </tr>
-                  <tr>
-                    <td valign="top">commit</td>
-                    <td valign="top">-</td>
-                  </tr>
-                </informaltable>
-                <para>Note that the second <quote>read X</quote> operation in
-                transaction A will access successfully committed data
-                presumably different to its first <quote>read X</quote>
-                result. This is compatible with isolation level 1 since no
-                <quote>dirty</quote> data is being involved. Isolation level 2
-                prevents this behaviour.</para>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_jdbcIsolationLevelApi">
-          <title><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> Isolation level</title>
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Transaction unsupported: <property
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_NONE">Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE</property></para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Level 0: <property
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED">Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED</property></para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Level 1: <property
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED">Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED</property></para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Level 2: <property
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ">Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ</property></para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Level 2: <property
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE">Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABL</property></para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
-        </figure>
-        <figure xml:id="sda1_jdbc_fig_jdbcSetIsolationLevel">
-          <title>Setting the isolation level</title>
-          <programlisting language="java">connection.setTransactionIsolation​(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);</programlisting>
-          <para>See <code
-          xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED">Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED</code>
-          and <methodname
-          xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#setTransactionIsolation(int)">setTransactionIsolation</methodname>.</para>
-          <note>
-            <para>Will become effective when starting next transaction.</para>
-          </note>
-        </figure>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <itemizedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para><link
-                  xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#setAutoCommit(boolean)">How
-                  does the method setAutoCommit()</link> relate to <link
-                  xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#commit()">commit()</link>
-                  and <link
-                  xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#rollback()">rollback()</link>?
-                  Is there a <quote>start transaction</quote> method on
-                  offer?</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>How may we group individual <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/>
-                  statement into transactions?</para>
-                </listitem>
-              </itemizedlist>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>A connection's default state is <code>autocommit ==
-              true</code>. In this state each individual <xref
-              linkend="glo_SQL"/> statement (<code>SELECT</code>,
-              <code>UPDATE</code>, ...) defines a separate transaction.</para>
-              <para>The <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> API does not provide a
-              <quote>start transaction</quote> equivalent. Instead
-              transactions are being started implicitly and last until <code
-              language="java">connection</code>.<methodname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#commit()">commit()</methodname>
-              is being executed.</para>
-              <para>Grouping two or more <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> statements
-              into a transaction in turn requires:</para>
-              <orderedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Calling
-                  <code>connection.setAutoComit(false)</code>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>All subsequent <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> statements
-                  will implicitly become part of the <quote>current</quote>
-                  transaction till either of the following three events
-                  happen:</para>
-                  <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
-                    <listitem>
-                      <para><link
-                      xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#commit()">commit()</link></para>
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                      <para><link
-                      xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#rollback()">rollback()</link></para>
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                      <para>The transaction gets aborted by the database
-                      server. This may for example happen in case of a
-                      deadlock conflict with a second transaction.</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                  </orderedlist>
-                  <note>
-                    <para>Both <link
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#commit()">commit()</link>
-                    and <link
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#rollback()">rollback()</link>
-                    are being initiated from the client side whereas aborting
-                    a transaction happens on behalf of the database
-                    server.</para>
-                  </note>
-                </listitem>
-              </orderedlist>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_AbortTran">
-        <title>Aborted transactions</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>In the previous exercise we mentioned the possibility of a
-              transaction aborts being issued by a database server. Which
-              responsibility arises for an application programmer?</para>
-              <tip>
-                <para>How may an implementation become aware of an «abort
-                transaction» event?</para>
-              </tip>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>On aborting a transaction a database server will cause the
-              corresponding <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> client to throw a
-              <classname
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/sql/SQLException.html">SQLException</classname>.
-              An application is obliged to implement a sensible <code
-              language="java">catch(...)</code> clause.</para>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-    </section>
-  </section>