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similarity index 100%
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9383d7e9ce929dbe0b0d29e45629472f841d1e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doc/DbDevel/dbDevel.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3806 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<part version="5.1" xml:id="dbDevel" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
+      xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+      xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
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+      xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+      xmlns:db="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">
+  <title>113473 Database and application development</title>
+  <chapter xml:id="chap_dbDevel_dbFeatures">
+    <title>Database features</title>
+    <section xml:id="chap_dbDevel_dbFeatures_queryLanguage">
+      <title>Query language</title>
+      <para/>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="chap_dbDevel_dbFeatures_schema">
+      <title>Schema</title>
+      <para/>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="chap_dbDevel_dbFeatures_singleMulti">
+      <title>Single / Multiuser</title>
+      <para/>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="chap_dbDevel_dbFeatures_network">
+      <title>Network</title>
+      <para/>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="chap_dbDevel_dbFeatures_transact">
+      <title>Transactions / recovery</title>
+      <para/>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="chap_dbDevel_dbFeatures_">
+      <title>API</title>
+      <para/>
+    </section>
+  </chapter>
+  <chapter xml:id="chap_dbDevel_dbOverview">
+    <title>Selected database (types) overview</title>
+    <section xml:id="chap_dbDevel_dbOverview_Sql">
+      <title>SQL</title>
+      <para/>
+    </section>
+  </chapter>
+  <chapter xml:id="ldap">
+    <title><link linkend="glo_LDAP">Ldap</link> and <link
+    linkend="glo_JDBC">JDBC</link></title>
+    <section xml:id="ldapIntro">
+      <title>Getting started with <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/></title>
+      <para>Resources:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><link
+          xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ch3">Schema,
+          objectclasses and attributes</link></para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><link xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/apd">LDAP
+          Glossary</link></para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="ldapSetup">
+      <title>Setting up an <productname
+      xlink:href="http://www.openldap.org">Openldap</productname>
+      server</title>
+      <para>The MI department provides an <productname
+      xlink:href="http://www.openldap.org">Openldap</productname> server at
+      each workstation (<productname
+      xlink:href="http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop">Ubuntu</productname> / Linux
+      only). The <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/> manager credentials are:</para>
+      <glosslist>
+        <glossentry>
+          <glossterm>Bind <xref linkend="glo_DN"/>:</glossterm>
+          <glossdef>
+            <para><code>cn=admin,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</code></para>
+          </glossdef>
+        </glossentry>
+        <glossentry>
+          <glossterm>Bind password:</glossterm>
+          <glossdef>
+            <para><code>XYZ</code></para>
+          </glossdef>
+        </glossentry>
+      </glosslist>
+      <para>In addition <xref linkend="glo_Soft_ApacheDirectoryStudio"/> is in
+      place and may serve as a means to conveniently establish <xref
+      linkend="glo_LDAP"/> communications. Console geeks may use <command
+      xlink:href="http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LDAP-HOWTO/utilities.html">ldapmodify</command>
+      and friends.</para>
+      <task>
+        <title>Set up a connection to your local <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/>
+        server</title>
+        <procedure>
+          <step>
+            <para>Open <xref
+            linkend="glo_Soft_ApacheDirectoryStudio"/>.</para>
+          </step>
+          <step>
+            <para>Activate the <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/> perspective.</para>
+          </step>
+          <step>
+            <para>In the <quote>Connections</quote> window right click
+            <quote>New Connection ...</quote> like in <uri
+            xlink:href="https://directory.apache.org/studio/users-guide/ldap_browser/gettingstarted_create_connection.html">http://directory.apache.org/studio/users-guide/ldap_browser/gettingstarted_create_connection.html</uri>.</para>
+          </step>
+          <step>
+            <para>Configure a connection to <parameter
+            xlink:href="http://www.techterms.com/definition/localhost">localhost</parameter>
+            using the above bind parameters.</para>
+          </step>
+        </procedure>
+      </task>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="ldapSimpleInserts">
+      <title>Adding some sample data using <xref
+      linkend="glo_Soft_ApacheDirectoryStudio"/></title>
+      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandaPopulateLdap">
+        <title>Populating the <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/></title>
+        <qandadiv>
+          <qandaentry>
+            <question>
+              <para>Add two departments <code>billing</code> and
+              <code>research</code>. Then supply corresponding user entries to
+              both departments by using the <link
+              xlink:href="https://directory.apache.org/studio/users-guide/ldap_browser/gettingstarted_browse.html">LDAP
+              browser view</link>. (As being mentioned previously hardcore
+              hackers take <link
+              xlink:href="http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LDAP-HOWTO/utilities.html">this
+              track</link> neglecting time consuming <xref linkend="glo_GUI"/>
+              stuff).</para>
+              <para>Hint: If you do have limited understanding of <xref
+              linkend="glo_LDAP"/> classes an schemata you may want to create
+              entries containing the following <parameter
+              xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/apd/index.html#objectclass">objectClass</parameter>
+              values:</para>
+              <glosslist>
+                <glossentry>
+                  <glossterm>Departments <code>billing</code> and
+                  <code>research</code>:</glossterm>
+                  <glossdef>
+                    <itemizedlist>
+                      <listitem>
+                        <para><code
+                        xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ape/#organizationalunit">organizationalUnit</code>
+                        (structural)</para>
+                      </listitem>
+                    </itemizedlist>
+                  </glossdef>
+                </glossentry>
+                <glossentry>
+                  <glossterm>Child user entries below <code>billing</code> and
+                  <code>research</code>:</glossterm>
+                  <glossdef>
+                    <itemizedlist>
+                      <listitem>
+                        <para><code
+                        xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ape/#organizationalperson">organizationalPerson</code>
+                        (structural) and <code
+                        xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ape/#posixaccount">posixAccount</code>
+                        (auxiliary)</para>
+                      </listitem>
+                    </itemizedlist>
+                  </glossdef>
+                </glossentry>
+              </glosslist>
+              <para>Note that required parent <parameter
+              xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/apd/index.html#objectclass">objectClass</parameter>
+              definitions like <code>top</code> and <code
+              xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ape/#person">person</code>
+              are being omitted here. <xref
+              linkend="glo_Soft_ApacheDirectoryStudio"/> will gracefully add
+              missing objectClasses on behalf of you automatically. The
+              subsequent <xref linkend="glo_LDIF"/> dump may serve as a
+              hint:</para>
+              <programlisting language="ldif">...
+	      <emphasis role="bold">dn: ou=billing,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</emphasis>
+	      objectClass: top
+	      objectClass: organizationalUnit
+	      ou: billing
+	      <emphasis role="bold">dn: ou=research,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</emphasis>
+	      objectClass: top
+	      objectClass: organizationalUnit
+	      ou: research
+	      <emphasis role="bold">dn: uid=lapinski,ou=billing,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</emphasis>
+	      objectClass: posixAccount
+	      objectClass: top
+	      objectClass: person
+	      objectClass: organizationalPerson
+	      cn: Mee Lapinski
+	      gidNumber: 100
+	      homeDirectory: /home/lapinski
+	      sn: Lapinski
+	      uid: lapinski
+	      uidNumber: 1023
+	      ...</programlisting>
+              <para>Question: What is the ratio behind adding the
+              <code>objectClass</code> value <code>posixAccount</code>? Hint:
+              Try to create a corresponding dataset having two persons with
+              identical names within the same department.</para>
+            </question>
+            <answer>
+              <para>Your result may look like:</para>
+              <figure xml:id="figureLdapTwoDepartments">
+                <title>Two departments billing and research populated with
+                sample user entries</title>
+                <screenshot>
+                  <mediaobject>
+                    <imageobject>
+                      <imagedata fileref="Ref/Screen/ldapSampleUsers.png"/>
+                    </imageobject>
+                  </mediaobject>
+                </screenshot>
+              </figure>
+              <para>Without having the <code>objectClass</code> value
+              <code>posixAccount</code> the attribute <code>uid</code> would
+              be disallowed and could thus not be part of our <xref
+              linkend="glo_DN"/> values. This would leave us with solutions
+              like:</para>
+              <programlisting language="ldif"><emphasis role="bold">dn: cn=Mee Lapinski,ou=billing,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</emphasis></programlisting>
+              <para>This in turn disallows identical common names (e.g. a
+              second <personname>Mee Lapinski</personname>) within the same
+              department. Thus the auxiliary objectClass posixAccount enables
+              us to introduce additional mandatory <code>uid</code> attribute
+              being the unique identifier within a given parent scope.</para>
+            </answer>
+          </qandaentry>
+        </qandadiv>
+      </qandaset>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="ldifImportExport">
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_LDIF"/> export and import</title>
+      <para>This section is intended to get acquainted with <xref
+      linkend="glo_LDIF"/> representation of <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/> data
+      and requires successful completion of <xref
+      linkend="qandaPopulateLdap"/> as a prerequisite. You may want to read
+      <uri
+      xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ch8">http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ch8</uri>.</para>
+      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qanda_ldifExportImport">
+        <title>Exporting, modifying and importing <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/>
+        data using the <xref linkend="glo_LDIF"/> interchange
+        representation.</title>
+        <qandadiv>
+          <qandaentry>
+            <question>
+              <para>Export your current database state being left from <xref
+              linkend="qandaPopulateLdap"/> to an <xref linkend="glo_LDIF"/>
+              text file.</para>
+              <para>Subsequently use this database dump file as a starting
+              point to create a <xref linkend="glo_LDIF"/> import file adding
+              a department <quote>pr</quote> (public relations) containing a
+              user <quote>Paul Simon</quote> with suitable attribute values to
+              the dataset.</para>
+            </question>
+            <answer>
+              <para>Adding the new entries in question requires:</para>
+              <screen>version: 1
+	      dn: ou=pr,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de
+	      objectClass: top
+	      objectClass: organizationalUnit
+	      ou: pr
+	      dn: uid=simon,ou=pr,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de
+	      objectClass: posixAccount
+	      objectClass: top
+	      objectClass: person
+	      objectClass: organizationalPerson
+	      cn: Paul Simon
+	      gidNumber: 130
+	      homeDirectory: /home/tauras
+	      sn: Svetlana
+	      uid: tauras
+	      uidNumber: 1028</screen>
+            </answer>
+          </qandaentry>
+        </qandadiv>
+      </qandaset>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="ditSearch">
+      <title>Searching the <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/></title>
+      <para>Like relational and other database types <xref
+      linkend="glo_LDAP"/> provides a <link
+      xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/apa/search.html">query
+      language</link> to filter result entries.</para>
+      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qanda_firstLdapQuery">
+        <title>Filtering child elements</title>
+        <qandadiv>
+          <qandaentry>
+            <question>
+              <para>Create <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/> queries corresponding to
+              the following descriptions:</para>
+              <orderedlist>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>All users entries within the whole <xref
+                  linkend="glo_DIT"/> having a gidNumber value of 100.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>All user entries belonging to the billing department
+                  having a <code>uid</code> value greater than 1023.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>All user entries within the whole <xref
+                  linkend="glo_DIT"/> having a common name containing the
+                  substring <quote>ei</quote>.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>All user entries within the whole <xref
+                  linkend="glo_DIT"/> belonging to gidNumber == 100 or having
+                  a <code>uid</code> value starting with letter
+                  <quote>t</quote>.</para>
+                </listitem>
+              </orderedlist>
+              <para>Hint: <xref linkend="glo_Soft_ApacheDirectoryStudio"/>
+              allows both for <link
+              xlink:href="https://directory.apache.org/studio/users-guide/ldap_browser/tools_filter_editor_dialog.html">filtering</link>
+              and <link
+              xlink:href="https://directory.apache.org/studio/users-guide/ldap_browser/gettingstarted_search.html">searching</link>
+              providing nifty features like attribute name completion and
+              syntax highlighting. For regular searches you may define:</para>
+              <itemizedlist>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>The <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/> entry to start from
+                  being identified by its <xref linkend="glo_DN"/>.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>The search scope being either of object, one level or
+                  subtree.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>Boolean expressions based on attribute values.</para>
+                </listitem>
+              </itemizedlist>
+              <para>But yes, I forgot to mention <link
+              xlink:href="http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LDAP-HOWTO/utilities.html">something</link>.</para>
+            </question>
+            <answer>
+              <orderedlist>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para><emphasis role="bold">All users entries within the
+                  whole </emphasis><xref linkend="glo_DIT"/><emphasis
+                  role="bold"> having a gidNumber value of
+                  100.</emphasis></para>
+                  <para>Solution: <code>(gidNumber=100)</code>, starting from
+                  top of <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/> having subtree
+                  scope.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para><emphasis role="bold">All user entries belonging to
+                  the billing department having a <code>uid</code> value
+                  greater than 1023.</emphasis></para>
+                  <para>Solution: <code>(uidNumber&gt;=1024)</code> starting
+                  from <xref linkend="glo_DN"/>
+                  <code>ou=billing,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</code> and scope
+                  <code>one level</code>.</para>
+                  <para>Notice the expression
+                  <code>(uidNumber&gt;=1024)</code> in favour of the seemingly
+                  equivalent but syntactically illegal counterpart
+                  <code>(uidNumber&gt;1023)</code>.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para><emphasis role="bold">All user entries within the
+                  whole </emphasis><xref linkend="glo_DIT"/><emphasis
+                  role="bold"> having a common name containing the substring
+                  <quote>ei</quote>.</emphasis></para>
+                  <para>Solution: <code>(cn=*ei*)</code>, starting from top of
+                  <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/> having subtree scope.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para><emphasis role="bold">All user entries within the
+                  whole </emphasis><xref linkend="glo_DIT"/><emphasis
+                  role="bold"> belonging to gidNumber == 100 or having a
+                  <code>uid</code> value starting with letter
+                  <quote>t</quote>.</emphasis></para>
+                  <para>Solution: <code>(|(gidNumber=100)(uid=t*))</code>,
+                  starting from top of <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/> having
+                  subtree scope.</para>
+                </listitem>
+              </orderedlist>
+            </answer>
+          </qandaentry>
+        </qandadiv>
+      </qandaset>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="unix2sql2ldap">
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_UNIX"/> to <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> to <xref
+      linkend="glo_LDAP"/></title>
+      <para><xref linkend="glo_UNIX"/> type operating systems manage users,
+      groups and their respective relationships in three different text
+      files:</para>
+      <glosslist>
+        <glossentry>
+          <glossterm><filename>/etc/passwd</filename></glossterm>
+          <glossdef>
+            <para>Users being defined on the system:</para>
+            <literallayout>root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
+            <para>We illustrate the meaning of this <xref linkend="glo_CSV"/>
+            (actually **character** separated) by examining the first
+            row:</para>
+            <glosslist>
+              <glossentry>
+                <glossterm>Column 1, <code>root</code>:</glossterm>
+                <glossdef>
+                  <para>The user's unique system name as being entered at
+                  login.</para>
+                </glossdef>
+              </glossentry>
+              <glossentry>
+                <glossterm>Column 2, x<code>:</code></glossterm>
+                <glossdef>
+                  <para>This field is not being used on current <xref
+                  linkend="glo_UNIX"/> implementations. Historically either
+                  the user's clear text password or its hash value was present
+                  here. For security reasons this attribute has been moved to
+                  a third file <filename>/etc/shadow</filename> being read
+                  access protected to non-administrator users.</para>
+                </glossdef>
+              </glossentry>
+              <glossentry>
+                <glossterm>Column 3, <code>0</code>:</glossterm>
+                <glossdef>
+                  <para>The user's unique integer numerical
+                  <parameter>uid</parameter> number value.</para>
+                </glossdef>
+              </glossentry>
+              <glossentry>
+                <glossterm>Column 4, <code>0</code>:</glossterm>
+                <glossdef>
+                  <para>The user's unique primary group integer numerical
+                  <parameter>gid</parameter> number value. The value
+                  <quote>0</quote> here refers to a group root of identical
+                  name being defined in <filename>/etc/group</filename>, see
+                  next section.</para>
+                </glossdef>
+              </glossentry>
+              <glossentry>
+                <glossterm>Column 5, <code>root</code>:</glossterm>
+                <glossdef>
+                  <para>The user's common name. For a regular user account
+                  this might be <quote>Jim Beam</quote> for example.</para>
+                </glossdef>
+              </glossentry>
+              <glossentry>
+                <glossterm>Column 6, <filename>/root</filename>:</glossterm>
+                <glossdef>
+                  <para>The user's home directory. Might be /home/beam for a
+                  user <quote>Jim Beam</quote>.</para>
+                </glossdef>
+              </glossentry>
+              <glossentry>
+                <glossterm>Column 7, <command>/bin/bash</command>:</glossterm>
+                <glossdef>
+                  <para>The user's login shell (command interpreter. This
+                  attribute contains a reference to a command interpreter like
+                  <command>/bin/(t)csh</command>, <command>/bin/ksh</command>
+                  and so on.</para>
+                </glossdef>
+              </glossentry>
+            </glosslist>
+          </glossdef>
+        </glossentry>
+        <glossentry>
+          <glossterm><filename>/etc/group</filename></glossterm>
+          <glossdef>
+            <para>This file contains all groups being defined on the
+            system:</para>
+            <literallayout>root:x:0:
+adm:x:4:syslog,mi <co xml:id="secondaryGroupmembership"/>
+            <glosslist>
+              <glossentry>
+                <glossterm>Column1,root:</glossterm>
+                <glossdef>
+                  <para>The group's name</para>
+                </glossdef>
+              </glossentry>
+              <glossentry>
+                <glossterm>Column 2, x:</glossterm>
+                <glossdef>
+                  <para>Not used</para>
+                </glossdef>
+              </glossentry>
+              <glossentry>
+                <glossterm>Column 3, 4:</glossterm>
+                <glossdef>
+                  <para>The group's unique <parameter>gid</parameter>
+                  number</para>
+                </glossdef>
+              </glossentry>
+              <glossentry>
+                <glossterm>Column 4, <code>syslog,mi</code>:</glossterm>
+                <glossdef>
+                  <para>The set <code>{syslog,mi}</code> <coref
+                  linkend="secondaryGroupmembership"/> defines secondary group
+                  memberships: These two users will belong to the group
+                  <code>adm</code> in addition to their respective primary
+                  group definition.</para>
+                </glossdef>
+              </glossentry>
+            </glosslist>
+          </glossdef>
+        </glossentry>
+      </glosslist>
+      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandUnixToSqlToLdap">
+        <title>Exporting and importing data</title>
+        <qandadiv>
+          <qandaentry>
+            <question>
+              <para>Write two applications being able to perform the following
+              tasks:</para>
+              <orderedlist>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>Import the previously described UNIX user and group
+                  data ton an RDBMS using <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/>. You will
+                  have to define a suitable SQL schema first.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>Transfer RDBMS data to your local <xref
+                  linkend="glo_LDAP"/> server using <link
+                  xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/jndi/tutorial/ldap/misc/url.html">JNDI</link>.</para>
+                </listitem>
+              </orderedlist>
+            </question>
+            <answer>
+              <annotation role="make">
+                <para
+                role="eclipse">DbDevel/UnixSqlLdap/Jndi/Unix2Rdbms</para>
+              </annotation>
+              <annotation role="make">
+                <para
+                role="eclipse">DbDevel/UnixSqlLdap/Jndi/Rdbms2Ldap</para>
+              </annotation>
+            </answer>
+          </qandaentry>
+        </qandadiv>
+      </qandaset>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="transactionsInJdbc">
+      <title>Transactions in <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/></title>
+      <para>You may review some remarks on SQL standard isolation level
+      definitions:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><xref linkend="glo_Javadoc"/>:</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><link
+              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED">TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED</link></para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><link
+              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED">TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED</link></para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><link
+              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ">TRANSACTION_READ_REPEATABLE_READ</link></para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><link
+              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE">TRANSACTION_READ_SERIALIZABLE</link></para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><link
+          xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/issue-archive/2005/05-nov/o65asktom-082389.html">On
+          Transaction Isolation Levels (Oracle)</link></para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><link
+          xlink:href="https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms378149(v=sql.110).aspx">Understanding
+          Isolation Levels (Microsoft)</link></para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <section xml:id="accountTransferPessimistic">
+        <title>Account Transfer using pessimistic concurrency control</title>
+        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandaJdbcIsolation">
+          <title>Accounts and balances</title>
+          <qandadiv>
+            <qandaentry>
+              <question>
+                <para>Consider the following simple schema of accounts keeping
+                customer balances:</para>
+                <programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE Account (
+	      ,balance INT NOT NULL
+	      )</programlisting>
+                <para>Write two GUI applications to:</para>
+                <itemizedlist>
+                  <listitem>
+                    <para>Transfer amounts from one account to another</para>
+                  </listitem>
+                  <listitem>
+                    <para>Get the sum of all balances</para>
+                  </listitem>
+                </itemizedlist>
+                <informalfigure>
+                  <mediaobject>
+                    <imageobject>
+                      <imagedata fileref="Ref/Screen/accountTransferSum.png"/>
+                    </imageobject>
+                  </mediaobject>
+                </informalfigure>
+              </question>
+              <answer>
+                <annotation role="make">
+                  <para role="eclipse">DbDevel/account</para>
+                </annotation>
+              </answer>
+            </qandaentry>
+          </qandadiv>
+        </qandaset>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="accountTransferOptimistic">
+        <title>Account Transfer using optimistic concurrency control</title>
+        <figure xml:id="fig_optimisticConcurrencyControl">
+          <title>Optimistic concurrency control</title>
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject>
+              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/concurrentOptimistic.svg"/>
+            </imageobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </figure>
+        <para>An interfering transaction obeying the protocol causes a
+        transaction failure:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="concurrentObtimisticFail">
+          <title>Failure with optimistic transactions</title>
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject>
+              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/concurrentOptimisticFail.svg"/>
+            </imageobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </figure>
+        <para>Considerations:</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Race conditions, time of check to time of use</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandaTransferOptimistic">
+          <title>Optimistic account transfer</title>
+          <qandadiv>
+            <qandaentry>
+              <question>
+                <para>Implement your (pessimistic) account transfer
+                application <xref linkend="qandaJdbcIsolation"/> in an
+                optimistic manner:</para>
+                <itemizedlist>
+                  <listitem>
+                    <para>Make sure both source and destination accounts get
+                    protected against interfering transactions.</para>
+                  </listitem>
+                  <listitem>
+                    <para>Provide a means to definitely avoid deadlocks during
+                    the second transaction section of a balance transfer
+                    operation.</para>
+                  </listitem>
+                  <listitem>
+                    <para>Supply a suitable message in case of an interfering
+                    second balance transfer</para>
+                  </listitem>
+                </itemizedlist>
+              </question>
+            </qandaentry>
+          </qandadiv>
+        </qandaset>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+  </chapter>
+  <chapter version="5.1" xml:id="jpa">
+    <title><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/></title>
+    <remark>Mapping tools should be used only by someone familiar with
+    relational technology. O-R mapping is not meant to save developers from
+    understanding mapping problems or to hide them altogether. It is meant for
+    those who have an understanding of the issues and know what they need, but
+    who don't want to have to write thousands of lines of code to deal with a
+    problem that has already been solved.<xref
+    linkend="bib_Keith09"/>.</remark>
+    <section xml:id="configureEclipseMaven">
+      <title>Configuring a Maven based Eclipse <xref linkend="glo_Java"/>
+      project with Hibernate</title>
+      <para>We will use Maven for several purposes:</para>
+      <figure xml:id="fig_reasonsUsingMaven">
+        <title>Reasons for using Maven</title>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject>
+            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/mavenIntro.fig" scale="65"/>
+          </imageobject>
+        </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <para>We do explain the problem of managing transitive dependencies in
+      projects:</para>
+      <figure xml:id="fig_transitiveDependencies">
+        <title>Transitive dependencies</title>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject>
+            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/transitiveDep.fig" scale="65"/>
+          </imageobject>
+        </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <section xml:id="sect_createHibernateConfiguration">
+        <title>Creating a <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> configuration</title>
+        <para><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> is intended to provide persistence
+        services saving transient <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> instances to a
+        database. For this purpose we have to provide:</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>The type of database (Oracle, DB2, <xref
+            linkend="glo_Soft_Mysql"/>,...)</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> driver class name.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> connection parameters</para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>Server name</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>port</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>user name</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>password</para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>A list of classes to be mapped</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Parameters defining the log level, whether generated SQL
+            code shall be logged etc.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> offers an XML based configuration
+        syntax typically residing in
+        <filename>src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml</filename>. We
+        show a toy example of a <filename>hibernate.cfg.xml</filename>
+        configuration file mapping just one class
+        <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> to a <xref
+        linkend="glo_Soft_Mysql"/> database server:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="hibernateConfigurationFile">
+          <title>A basic <filename>persistence.xml</filename> <xref
+          linkend="glo_JPA"/> configuration file.</title>
+          <programlisting language="xml">&lt;persistence
+    version="2.1"
+    xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence"
+    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+    xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence 
+    http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_2_1.xsd"&gt;
+    &lt;!-- 
+         The &lt;code&gt;persistence.xml&lt;/code&gt; file configures at least one persistence unit;
+         each unit must have a unique name.
+    --&gt;
+    &lt;persistence-unit name="entitytemplatePU"&gt;
+        &lt;!-- 
+            Hibernate will scan your classpath for mapped classes and add them automatically
+            to your persistence unit.
+             &lt;exclude-unlisted-classes&gt;false&lt;/exclude-unlisted-classes&gt;
+        --&gt;
+        &lt;exclude-unlisted-classes&gt;false&lt;/exclude-unlisted-classes&gt;
+        &lt;!-- 
+            Disabling the previous option "exclude-unlisted-classes" requires entity classes to
+            be listed explicitely. You may want to uncomment the following definition.
+            &lt;class&gt;my.base.url.Airline&lt;/class&gt;
+        --&gt;
+        &lt;!-- 
+            Standard or vendor-specific options can be set as properties on a persistence unit.
+            Any standard properties have the &lt;code&gt;javax.persistence&lt;/code&gt; name prefix, Hibernate's
+            settings use &lt;code&gt;hibernate&lt;/code&gt;
+        --&gt;
+        &lt;properties&gt;
+            &lt;!-- 
+                JDBC database connection parameter
+            --&gt;
+            &lt;property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/&gt;
+            &lt;property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hdm?useSSL=false"/&gt;
+            &lt;property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="hdmuser"/&gt;
+            &lt;property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="XYZ"/&gt;
+            &lt;!-- 
+                The JPA engine should drop and re-create the SQL schema in the database
+                automatically when it boots. This is ideal for automated testing, when
+                you want to work with a clean database for every test run.
+            --&gt;
+            &lt;property
+                name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action"
+                value="drop-and-create"/&gt;
+            &lt;!-- 
+                When printing SQL in logs, let Hibernate format the SQL nicely and generate
+                comments into the SQL string so we know why Hibernate executed the SQL statement.
+            --&gt;
+            &lt;property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true"/&gt;
+            &lt;property name="hibernate.use_sql_comments" value="true"/&gt;
+            &lt;!-- Enable Hibernate scanning for entity classes and adding them automatically
+                but not for hbm.xml files. --&gt;
+            &lt;property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class"/&gt;
+        &lt;/properties&gt;
+    &lt;/persistence-unit&gt;
+        </figure>
+        <para>This file may be edited with a simple text editor. Note the
+        <filename>persistence_2_1.xsd</filename> schema which allows for
+        validation.</para>
+        <para>The Eclipse <productname
+        xlink:href="https://www.jboss.org/tools">Jboss Tools</productname>
+        Eclipse plugin provides a configuration editor simplifying this task.
+        They may be installed on top of Eclipse <link
+        xlink:href="https://www.jboss.org/tools/download">in several
+        ways</link>. The following video shows some of its features.</para>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <videoobject>
+            <videodata fileref="Ref/Video/hibernateConfig.mp4"/>
+          </videoobject>
+        </mediaobject>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="sect_hibernateBasics">
+      <title>A round trip working with objects</title>
+      <para>Hibernate may be regarded as a persistence provider to <xref
+      linkend="glo_JPA"/>:</para>
+      <figure xml:id="jpaPersistProvider">
+        <title><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> persistence provider</title>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject>
+            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/persistProvider.fig"/>
+          </imageobject>
+        </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <para>The following class <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname>
+      will be used as a starting example to be mapped to a database. Notice
+      the <classname>javax.persistence.Entity</classname> <link
+      xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/annotations.html">annotation</link>
+      <coref linkend="entityAnnotation"/>:</para>
+      <figure xml:id="mappingUserInstances">
+        <title>Mapping <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> instances
+        to a database.</title>
+        <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1;
+import javax.persistence.Entity;
+import javax.persistence.Id;
+ * A simple class intended to be mapped to a database server
+ *
+ */
+@Entity <co xml:id="entityAnnotation"/>
+public class User {
+  String uid;
+  /**
+   * @return  The user's unique login name e.g. "goik"
+   */
+  @Id
+  public String getUid() {
+    return uid;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
+   */
+  public void setUid(String uid) {
+    this.uid = uid;
+  }
+  String cname;
+  /**
+   * @return The user's common name e.g. "Martin Goik"
+   */
+  public String getCname() {
+    return cname;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param cname See {@link #getCname()}.
+   */
+  public void setCname(String cname) {
+    this.cname = cname;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Hibernate/JPA require a default constructor. It has has to be
+   * implemented if any non-default constructor has been defined
+   */
+  public User() {}
+  /**
+   * @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
+   * @param cname See {@link #getCname()}.
+   */
+  public User(String uid, String cname) {
+    this.uid = uid;
+    this.cname = cname;
+  }
+      </figure>
+      <para>With respect to <xref linkend="hibernateConfigurationFile"/> we
+      notice our class <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> being
+      referenced:</para>
+      <programlisting language="xml">&lt;persistence ... &gt;
+    &lt;persistence-unit name="hibintroV1PU"&gt;
+        <emphasis role="bold">&lt;class&gt;<classname>hibintro.v1.User</classname>&lt;/class&gt;</emphasis>
+        ...
+    &lt;/persistence-unit&gt;
+     ...</programlisting>
+      <para>This line tells Hibernate to actually map
+      <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> to the database.</para>
+      <section xml:id="persistingObjects">
+        <title>Persisting objects</title>
+        <para>Persisting transient objects may be achieved in various ways.
+        <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> allows to store and retrieved object
+        values.</para>
+        <para>Having larger projects these tasks become increasingly tedious.
+        It is thus desired to automate these tasks while still using
+        <trademark
+        xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jdbc">JDBC</trademark>
+        for the low level transport layer.</para>
+        <para>The following sections start with a single class
+        <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname>:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="fig_BasicUser">
+          <title>A basic <code>User</code> class.</title>
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject>
+              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/classUser.fig"/>
+            </imageobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </figure>
+        <para>Object relational mapping (ORM) denotes the process of mapping
+        instances of classes to relational table data. In our current example
+        we may draw a simple implementation sketch:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="mappingProperties2attributes">
+          <title>Mapping properties to attributes.</title>
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject>
+              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/mapUser.fig"/>
+            </imageobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </figure>
+        <para>This is far too simplistic. What about integrity
+        constraints?</para>
+        <figure xml:id="mappingIntegrityConstraints">
+          <title>Annotating integrity constraints</title>
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject>
+              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/mapUserIntegrity.fig"/>
+            </imageobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </figure>
+        <para>We start with the following
+        <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> class lacking integrity
+        constraints completely:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.model;
+	@Entity
+	public class User {
+	String uid;
+	public String getUid() {return uid;}
+	public void setUid(String uid) {this.uid = uid;}
+	String cname;
+	public String getCname() {return cname;}
+	public void setCname(String cname) {this.cname = cname;}
+	/**
+	* Hibernate/JPA require a default constructor. It has has to be implemented
+	* if any non-default constructor has been defined
+	*/
+	public User() {}
+	/**
+	* @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
+	* @param cname See {@link #getCname()}.
+	*/
+	public User(String uid, String cname) {
+	this.uid = uid;
+	this.cname = cname;
+	}
+	}</programlisting>
+        <para>Persisting objects with Hibernate requires a
+        <classname>org.hibernate.Session</classname> instance <coref
+        linkend="sessionInstance"/>. It happens between the start <coref
+        linkend="startTransaction"/> and commit <coref
+        linkend="commitTransaction"/> of a transaction being derived from that
+        session:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.run;
+	...
+	public class PersistSingleUser {
+	public static void main(String[] args) {
+	final <classname>org.hibernate.Session</classname> session <co
+            xml:id="sessionInstance"/>= HibernateUtil.createSessionFactory("hibernate.cfg.xml").openSession();
+	final <classname>org.hibernate.Transaction</classname> transaction = session.beginTransaction();<co
+            xml:id="startTransaction"/>
+	final <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> u = new User("goik", "Martin Goik");
+	session.save(u);
+	transaction.commit(); <co xml:id="commitTransaction"/>
+	}
+	}</programlisting>
+        <para>Executing the above code yields a runtime exception:</para>
+        <screen>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
+	at myhibernate.intro.run.PersistUser.main(PersistUser.java:14)
+	Caused by: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: <emphasis role="bold">No identifier specified for entity: myhibernate.intro.model.User</emphasis>
+	...
+	at myhibernate.intro.util.HibernateUtil.buildConfiguration(HibernateUtil.java:17)
+	at myhibernate.intro.util.HibernateUtil.&lt;clinit&gt;(HibernateUtil.java:9)</screen>
+        <para>This runtime error is a little bit cryptic. The missing
+        <quote>identifier</quote> refers to the absence of a primary key
+        definition already mentioned in <xref
+        linkend="mappingIntegrityConstraints"/>. We define a key by annotating
+        the <code>uid</code> property with a
+        <classname>javax.persistence.Id</classname> annotation <coref
+        linkend="primaryKeyDefinition"/>:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.model;
+	import javax.persistence.Entity;
+	<emphasis role="bold">import javax.persistence.Id;</emphasis>
+	...
+	@Entity public class User {...
+	<emphasis role="bold">@Id</emphasis> <co xml:id="primaryKeyDefinition"/>
+	public String getUid() {
+	return uid;
+	} ...</programlisting>
+        <para>The careful reader will have noticed that we've annotated the
+        getter method rather than the property <code>uid</code> itself.
+        Hibernate / <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> can work both ways. Annotating a
+        getter however offers additional support e.g. when logging for
+        debugging purposes is required.</para>
+        <para>This time we are successful. Since we enabled the logging of SQL
+        statements in <xref linkend="hibernateConfigurationFile"/> Hibernate
+        shows us the corresponding <code>INSERT</code> statement:</para>
+        <programlisting language="sql">Hibernate: 
+	insert 
+	into
+        User
+        (cname, uid) sky
+	values
+        (?, ?)</programlisting>
+        <para>Notice the (?,?) part of our log: This indicates the internal
+        usage of <trademark
+        xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jdbc">JDBC</trademark>
+        <classname>java.sql.PreparedStatement</classname> instances. Hibernate
+        generates the following create table statement:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="fig_createTableV1User">
+          <title>Database schema mapping instances of
+          <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname>.</title>
+          <programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
+	  cname VARCHAR(255)
+	  ) </programlisting>
+        </figure>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="loadingObjectsByPrimaryKey">
+        <title>Loading Objects by primary key</title>
+        <para>Having persisted a single
+        <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> instance by means of
+        <classname>hibintro.v1.run.PersistSingleUser</classname> we may now
+        load the database object. The easiest way is based on both the
+        requested object's type <coref linkend="specLoadType"/> and its
+        primary key value <coref linkend="specLoadPrimaryKey"/>:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="loadByClassAndPrimaryKey">
+          <title>Loading a single object by a primary key value.</title>
+          <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.run;
+	  ...
+	  public class RetrieveSingleUser {
+	  ...
+	  final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
+	  final User u = (User) session.load(<emphasis role="bold">User.class</emphasis> <co
+              xml:id="specLoadType"/>, "<emphasis role="bold">goik</emphasis>" <co
+              xml:id="specLoadPrimaryKey"/>);
+	  if (null == u ) {
+	  System.out.println("No such user 'goik'");
+	  } else {
+	  System.out.println("Found user '" + u.getCname() + "'");
+	  }
+	  transaction.commit();...</programlisting>
+        </figure>
+        <para>This retrieves the expected result. Buried in other log messages
+        we find the following SQL <quote>background</quote> statement:</para>
+        <screen>...
+	INFO: HHH000232: Schema update complete
+	Hibernate: 
+	<emphasis role="bold">select
+        user0_.uid as uid0_0_,
+        user0_.cname as cname0_0_ 
+	from
+        User user0_ 
+	where
+        user0_.uid=?</emphasis>
+	Found user 'Martin Goik'</screen>
+        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_MetodNullIfNoexist">
+          <title>Choosing the correct method</title>
+          <qandadiv>
+            <qandaentry>
+              <question>
+                <para>Actually the code in <xref
+                linkend="loadByClassAndPrimaryKey"/> is not quite correct.
+                Execute it with a non-existing primary key value i.e.
+                <quote>goik2</quote>. What do you observe? Can you explain
+                that behaviour?</para>
+                <para>Read the documentation of the
+                <classname>org.hibernate.Session</classname>.<code>load()</code>
+                method and correct the code snippet.</para>
+              </question>
+              <answer>
+                <para>If there is no corresponding database object we receive
+                a <classname>org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException</classname>
+                :<coref linkend="loadUserObjectNotFoundException"/></para>
+                <screen>Hibernate: 
+		select
+		user0_.uid as uid0_0_,
+		user0_.cname as cname0_0_ 
+		from
+		User user0_ 
+		where
+		user0_.uid=?
+		Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException: <co
+                    xml:id="loadUserObjectNotFoundException"/>No row with the given identifier exists: [hibintro.v1.model.User#goik2]
+		...
+		at org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.javassist.JavassistLazyInitializer.invoke(JavassistLazyInitializer.java:185)
+		at hibintro.v1.model.User_$$_javassist_0.getCname(User_$$_javassist_0.java)
+		at hibintro.v1.run.RetrieveSingleUser.main(<emphasis role="bold">RetrieveSingleUser.java:35</emphasis>)<co
+                    xml:id="exceptionOnGetCname"/>
+		</screen>
+                <para>Due to <coref linkend="exceptionOnGetCname"/> the
+                exception is being triggered by the <code>getCname()</code>
+                call. The documentation of <code>load()</code> tells us that
+                method calls may be delegated to proxy objects which is being
+                implemented by byte code instrumentation. If however no
+                matching database object exists calling the proxy instance
+                yields a
+                <classname>org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException</classname>.</para>
+                <para>The documentation also tells us to use the corresponding
+                <methodname>org.hibernate.Session.get(Class,Serializable)</methodname>
+                method which actually returns <code>null</code> in case a
+                primary key value does not exist:</para>
+                <programlisting language="java">... final User u = (User) session.get(User.class, "goik2");
+		if (null == u ) {
+		System.out.println("No such user having key value 'goik2'");
+		...</programlisting>
+              </answer>
+            </qandaentry>
+          </qandadiv>
+        </qandaset>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="loadingObjectsByQuery">
+        <title>Loading objects by queries</title>
+        <para>Often we are interested in a (sub)set of results. We populate
+        our database with additional
+        <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> instances:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.run;
+	...
+	public class PersistUsers {
+	...
+	final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
+	final User users[] = {new User("wings", "Fred Wings"),
+        new User("eve", "Eve Briggs")} ;
+	for (final User u : users ) {session.save(u);}
+	transaction.commit(); ...</programlisting>
+        <para>Now we'd like to retrieve these objects. Hibernate offers the
+        <emphasis role="bold">H</emphasis>ibernate <emphasis
+        role="bold">Q</emphasis>uery <emphasis role="bold">L</emphasis>anguage
+        (<xref linkend="glo_HQL"/>) for object queries. As we will see <xref
+        linkend="glo_HQL"/> extends <acronym linkend="glo_SQL">SQL</acronym>
+        with respect to polymorphic queries. The current example does not use
+        inheritance leaving us with a simple <xref linkend="glo_HQL"/> query
+        <coref linkend="hqlFromUser"/> in
+        <classname>hibintro.v1.run.RetrieveAll</classname>:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="retrieveAllUserByHql">
+          <title>Retrieving <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname>
+          instances by <abbrev
+          xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch16.html">HQL</abbrev>.</title>
+          <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.run;
+	  ...
+	  public class RetrieveAll {
+	  ...
+	  final Query searchUsers = session.createQuery("<emphasis role="bold">from User</emphasis>");<co
+              xml:id="hqlFromUser"/>
+	  final List&lt;User&gt; users = (List&lt;User&gt;) searchUsers.list();
+	  for (final User u: users) {
+	  System.out.println("uid=" + u.getUid() + ", " + u.getCname());
+	  }</programlisting>
+        </figure>
+        <para>Being used to <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/>we notice the absence of
+        a SELECT clause in <coref linkend="hqlFromUser"/>: The ratio behind is
+        having a focus on objects rather than on attribute sets. Thus our
+        <xref linkend="glo_HQL"/> query returns a set of
+        <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> instances:</para>
+        <screen>uid=eve, Eve Briggs
+uid=goik, Martin Goik
+uid=wings, Fred Wings</screen>
+        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_AnalyzeHqlResult">
+          <title><xref linkend="glo_HQL"/> and <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/>,
+          analyzing results.</title>
+          <qandadiv>
+            <qandaentry>
+              <question>
+                <para>We may actually retrieve attributes rather than objects.
+                For this purpose our query actually resembles standard <xref
+                linkend="glo_SQL"/> <coref linkend="hqlWithSelect"/>:</para>
+                <programlisting language="java">final Query searchUsers = session.createQuery("<emphasis
+                    role="bold">select uid, cname from User</emphasis>" <co
+                    xml:id="hqlWithSelect"/>);
+		final Object queryResult <co xml:id="queryResultFromSelect"/>= searchUsers.list();</programlisting>
+                <para>Use the <methodname>Class.getSimpleName()</methodname>
+                reflection method to iteratively analyze the
+                <code>queryResult</code> <coref
+                linkend="queryResultFromSelect"/> instance's structure. This
+                guides you in finding suitable casts to add code similar as in
+                <xref linkend="retrieveAllUserByHql"/> in order to write
+                user's attribute values to standard output.</para>
+              </question>
+              <answer>
+                <para>A possible implementation reads:</para>
+                <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.run;
+		...
+		public class GetUsersAsAttributes {
+		...
+		final Query searchUsers = session.createQuery("<emphasis role="bold">select uid, cname from User</emphasis>");
+		@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+		final Object queryResult = searchUsers.list();
+		System.out.println("queryResult type:" + queryResult.getClass().getSimpleName()); <co
+                    xml:id="typeOfHqlResult"/>
+		final List&lt;Object&gt; usersAttributes = (List&lt;Object&gt;) queryResult;
+		for (final Object o: usersAttributes) {
+		System.out.println("result set element type:" + o.getClass().getSimpleName()); <co
+                    xml:id="typeOfEmbeddedObjects"/>
+		final Object attributes[] = (Object []) o;
+		for (Object attribute: attributes) {
+		System.out.println("attribute value:" + attribute);
+		}
+		}...</programlisting>
+                <para>Actually the two lines <coref
+                linkend="typeOfHqlResult"/> and <coref
+                linkend="typeOfEmbeddedObjects"/> are only needed during the
+                development process to discover the result set's object
+                structure.</para>
+              </answer>
+            </qandaentry>
+          </qandadiv>
+        </qandaset>
+        <para>The careful reader may already expect <abbrev
+        xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch16.html">HQL</abbrev>
+        to offer additional features namely predicate based queries. Following
+        <classname>hibintro.v1.run.SelectUser</classname> we may restrict our
+        result set by an <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> style <code>WHERE</code>
+        clause:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">    final List&lt;User&gt; users = (List&lt;User&gt;) session.createQuery(
+        "<emphasis role="bold">from User u where u.cname like '%e%'</emphasis>").list();
+	for (final User u: users) {
+	System.out.println("Found user '" + u.getCname() + "'");
+	}</programlisting>
+        <para>This time we receive a true subset of
+        <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> instances:</para>
+        <screen>Found user 'Eve Briggs'
+	Found user 'Fred Wings'</screen>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="criteriaBasedQueries">
+        <title>Criteria based queries</title>
+        <para>Selecting Objects by <abbrev
+        xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch16.html">HQL</abbrev>c
+        queries technically means parsing <abbrev
+        xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch16.html">HQL</abbrev>
+        and transforming it into some sort of abstract syntax tree. We may
+        instead create corresponding structures by using
+        <trademark>Hibernate</trademark>'s criteria API:</para>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="mappingSingleClasses">
+      <title>Mapping single entities and database tables</title>
+      <section xml:id="transientProperties">
+        <title>Transient properties</title>
+        <para>We take a closer look at <xref linkend="mappingUserInstances"/>
+        assuming that Instances of
+        <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> need an additional
+        <emphasis role="bold">GUI related</emphasis> property
+        <code>selected</code> <coref linkend="propertyIsSelected"/>:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v2;
+import javax.persistence.Entity;
+import javax.persistence.Id;
+ * A simple class intended to be mapped to a database server
+ */
+public class User {
+  String uid;
+  /**
+   * @return  The user's unique login name e.g. "goik"
+   */
+  @Id
+  public String getUid() {
+    return uid;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
+   */
+  public void setUid(String uid) {
+    this.uid = uid;
+  }
+  String cname;
+  /**
+   * @return The user's common name e.g. "Martin Goik"
+   */
+  public String getCname() {
+    return cname;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param cname See {@link #getCname()}.
+   */
+  public void setCname(String cname) {
+    this.cname = cname;
+  }
+  boolean selected = false; <co xml:id="propertyIsSelected"/>
+  public boolean isSelected() {
+   return selected;
+  }
+  public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
+     this.selected = selected;
+  }
+  protected User() {}
+  /**
+   * @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
+   * @param cname See {@link #getCname()}.
+   */
+  public User(String uid, String cname) {
+    this.uid = uid;
+    this.cname = cname;
+  }
+        <para>Hibernates produces the following <abbrev
+        xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_definition_language">DDL</abbrev>
+        statements containing an attribute <code>selected</code> <coref
+        linkend="attributeSelected"/>:</para>
+        <programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
+  cname VARCHAR(255),
+  <emphasis role="bold">selected</emphasis> <co xml:id="attributeSelected"/> BIT NOT NULL,
+) </programlisting>
+        <para>If we just annotate a Java class with an
+        <classname>javax.persistence.Entity</classname> Annotation all
+        properties of the class in question will be mapped. A <xref
+        linkend="glo_JPA"/> framework of course cannot distinguish between
+        transient and persistent properties. If we want a property to be
+        transient we have to add a <classname
+        xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Transient.html">javax.persistence.Transient</classname>
+        annotation:</para>
+        <informaltable border="1">
+          <colgroup width="6%"/>
+          <colgroup width="94%"/>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v3;
+public class User {
+       ...
+  boolean selected = false;
+  @Transient <co xml:id="transientAnnotation"/>
+  public boolean isSelected() { return selected; }
+  public void setSelected(boolean selected) { this.selected = selected; }
+       ...
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">SQL</emphasis></td>
+            <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User ( 
+    cname VARCHAR(255)
+) </programlisting></td>
+          </tr>
+        </informaltable>
+        <para>The <classname
+        xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Transient.html">javax.persistence.Transient</classname>
+        annotation inhibits the mapping of our property
+        <code>selected</code>.</para>
+        <caution>
+          <para>When loading a <classname>hibintro.v3.User</classname>
+          instance from a database all transient property values are of course
+          entirely determined by the default constructor.</para>
+        </caution>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="sect_mappingNullValues">
+        <title>Properties and NULL values</title>
+        <para>In <xref linkend="fig_createTableV1User"/> the primary key
+        <code>uid</code> property's value must not be <code>NULL</code>. This
+        is an immediate consequence of the
+        <classname>javax.persistence.Id</classname> annotation and the fact
+        that databases don't allow NULL values for key attributes.</para>
+        <para>The <code>cname</code> property however may be null. Sometimes
+        we want to ensure the corresponding database attributes to be set, at
+        least carrying an empty string value. This can be achieved by adding a
+        <classname
+        xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html">javax.persistence.Column</classname>
+        <option
+        xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html#nullable--">(nullable
+        = false)</option> annotation:</para>
+        <informaltable border="1">
+          <colgroup width="6%"/>
+          <colgroup width="94%"/>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v4;
+    ...
+@Entity public class User {
+  ...
+   String cname;
+   <emphasis role="bold"><classname
+                    xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html">@Column</classname>(<option
+                    xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html#nullable--">nullable</option> = false)</emphasis> public String getCname() {
+   return cname;
+  }
+     ...</programlisting></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">SQL</emphasis></td>
+            <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
+   cname VARCHAR(255) <emphasis role="bold">NOT NULL</emphasis> <co
+                  xml:id="cnameDatabaseNotNull"/>
+          </tr>
+        </informaltable>
+        <para>This results in a corresponding database constraint <coref
+        linkend="cnameDatabaseNotNull"/>. Attempts to store instances with
+        null values now fail:</para>
+        <informaltable border="1">
+          <colgroup width="6%"/>
+          <colgroup width="94%"/>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v4;
+	    ...
+	    public class PersistSingleUser {
+     em.getTransaction().begin();
+     {
+        em.persist(new User("goik", "Martin Goik"));
+     }
+     em.getTransaction().commit();</programlisting></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Log</emphasis></td>
+            <td><screen>Exception in thread "main" javax.persistence.PersistenceException: 
+  org.hibernate.PropertyValueException: <emphasis role="bold">not-null property references a null or transient value</emphasis> : 
+ at org.hibernate.jpa.spi.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.convert(AbstractEntityManagerImpl.java:1692)
+   ...
+ at hibintro.v4.PersistSingleUser.main(PersistSingleUser.java:22)</screen></td>
+          </tr>
+        </informaltable>
+        <para>The database constraint violation causes the <trademark
+        xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jdbc">JDBC</trademark>
+        driver to throw this exception.</para>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="mappingKeys">
+        <title>Defining keys</title>
+        <para>Frequently we need more than just a primary key. Starting from
+        <classname>hibintro.v4.User</classname> we may want to add a property
+        <code>uidNumber</code> adding a common requirement: On UNIX type
+        operation systems each user does have both a unique login name (like
+        <quote>goik</quote>) and a unique numerical value (like
+        <quote>123</quote>). We choose our primary key to be numeric <coref
+        linkend="uidNumberIsPrimaryKey"/>and the login name to become a second
+        candidate key <coref linkend="uidIsUnique"/>:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v5;
+import javax.persistence.Column;
+import javax.persistence.Entity;
+import javax.persistence.Id;
+import javax.persistence.Table;
+import javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint;
+            xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/UniqueConstraint.html">@UniqueConstraint</classname>(<option
+            xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/UniqueConstraint.html#columnNames--">columnNames</option>={"uid"})}) <co
+            xml:id="uidIsUnique"/>
+public class User {
+  int uidNumber;
+  @Id <co xml:id="uidNumberIsPrimaryKey"/>
+  public int getUidNumber() { return uidNumber; }
+  public void setUidNumber(int uidNumber) { this.uidNumber = uidNumber; }
+  String uid;
+  /**
+   * @return The user's unique login name e.g. "goik"
+   */
+  @Column(nullable=false)
+  public String getUid() { return uid; }
+  /**
+   * @param uid, See {@link #getUid()}.
+   */
+  public void setUid(String uid) { this.uid = uid; }
+  ...
+        <para>Notice the slight difference: The property <code>uid</code> may
+        need a
+        <code>@</code><code><classname>javax.persistence.Column</classname>(nullable=false)</code>
+        annotation to become a candidate key. This is <emphasis>not</emphasis>
+        automatically inferred by the
+        <classname>javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint</classname> definition
+        <coref linkend="uidIsUnique"/>. In contrast the property
+        <code>uidNumber</code> is not being referenced by the preceding
+        <classname>javax.persistence.Table</classname> annotation but
+        annotated by <classname>javax.persistence.Id</classname>. Hence a
+        <code>nullable=false</code> is not needed.</para>
+        <para>This is in accordance with <abbrev
+        xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_definition_language">DDL</abbrev>:
+        Attributes composing a primary key must not allow <code>NULL</code>
+        values but attributes only appearing in UNIQUE declarations may become
+        <code>NULL</code>.</para>
+        <para>The resulting <abbrev
+        xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_definition_language">DDL</abbrev>
+        reads:</para>
+        <programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
+  cname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="sect_ComposedKeys">
+        <title>Composed keys</title>
+        <para>Composed candidate keys are often business keys. The underlying
+        logic defines which objects are considered to be identical based on
+        their values.</para>
+        <para>As an example, we consider a company having several departments.
+        Regarding projects he following business rules shall apply:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="projectBusinessRules">
+          <title>Business rules for projects</title>
+          <orderedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Each department must have a unique name.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>A project's name must be unique within the set of all
+              projects belonging to the same department.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>A project must be assigned to exactly one
+              department.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </orderedlist>
+        </figure>
+        <para>Right now we defer considerations of the n:1 relationship
+        between departments and projects to a later chapter. Instead we focus
+        just on project instances and represent departments just by their
+        integer id values which will later become foreign keys.</para>
+        <para>In addition each project receives a unique integer id value as
+        well. This is in accordance with the <quote>best practice</quote> rule
+        of defining a <link
+        xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogate_key">surrogate
+        key</link> <coref linkend="projectPrimaryKeyDefinition"/> to be used
+        as (primary) object identifier. This immutable key will then become
+        the target in foreign key definitions:</para>
+        <informaltable border="1">
+          <colgroup width="6%"/>
+          <colgroup width="94%"/>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v6;
+   ...
+                  xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/UniqueConstraint.html">@UniqueConstraint</classname>(columnNames={"name", "department"})}) <co
+                  xml:id="projectBusinessKey"/>
+public class Project {
+  int id;
+  @Id <co xml:id="projectPrimaryKeyDefinition"/>
+  public int getId() { return id; }
+  protected void setId(int id) { this.id = id; }
+  String name;
+  @Column(nullable=false)
+  public String getName() { return name; }
+  public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
+  int department;
+  @Column(nullable=false)
+  public int getDepartment() { return department; }
+  public void setDepartment(int department) { this.department = department; }
+  ...
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
+            <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE Project (
+  id int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY <coref linkend="projectPrimaryKeyDefinition"/>,
+  department int(11) NOT NULL,
+  name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+  UNIQUE KEY name (name,department) <coref linkend="projectBusinessKey"/>
+          </tr>
+        </informaltable>
+        <calloutlist>
+          <callout arearefs="projectPrimaryKeyDefinition">
+            <para>Defining the surrogate primary key.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="projectBusinessKey">
+            <para>Defining a business key composed of a project's
+            <code>name</code> and <code>department</code> number. This
+            implements our second business rule in <xref
+            linkend="projectBusinessRules"/>.</para>
+          </callout>
+        </calloutlist>
+        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_IdGetterProtected">
+          <title><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> <code language="java">id</code>
+          getter visibility.</title>
+          <qandadiv>
+            <qandaentry>
+              <question>
+                <para>The setter void <methodname
+                annotations="nojavadoc">setId(int)</methodname>in
+                <classname>hibintro.v6.Project</classname> has protected write
+                access. Explain this choice.</para>
+              </question>
+              <answer>
+                <para>From an application developer's point of view the setter
+                should be absent: The <code>id</code> property is immutable
+                and should not be accessed at all.</para>
+                <para>When loading an instance from a database a persistence
+                provider however has to set its value. Hibernate uses the
+                reflection-API to override the restriction being imposed by
+                the <code>protected</code> modifier. So why not declare it
+                private? Doing so may cause our IDE to flag a warning about an
+                unused private method.</para>
+                <para>So choosing <code>protected</code> is a compromise: An
+                application developer cannot modify the property (unless
+                deriving a class) and our persistence provider can still set
+                its value to the database's primary key attribute
+                value.</para>
+              </answer>
+            </qandaentry>
+          </qandadiv>
+        </qandaset>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="nonUniqueIndexes">
+        <title>Indexes (non-unique)</title>
+        <para>From the viewpoint of software modelling non-unique indexes are
+        not part of the business logic but refer to database optimization.
+        Consequently <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> has no support for non-unique
+        indexes.</para>
+        <para>On the other hand performance matters. Hibernate and other
+        persistence providers offer vendor specific <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/>
+        extensions. We may find it useful to access
+        <classname>hibintro.v5.User</classname> instances having a specific
+        <code>cname</code> quickly. This can be achieved by adding a Hibernate
+        specific
+        <code>org.hibernate.annotations.</code><classname>org.hibernate.annotations.Table</classname>
+        index generating annotation <coref linkend="hibernateExtensionIndex"/>
+        which works on top of <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/>'s
+        <code>javax.persistence.</code><classname>javax.persistence.Table</classname>:</para>
+        <informaltable border="1">
+          <colgroup width="6%"/>
+          <colgroup width="94%"/>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v7;
+@Table(uniqueConstraints={@UniqueConstraint(name="uidKey", columnNames={"uid"})},
+      <emphasis role="bold">indexes = {<classname
+                    xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Index.html">@Index</classname>(<option
+                    xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Index.html#name--">name</option> = "byCname", <option
+                    xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Index.html#columnList--">columnList</option>="cname", <option
+                    xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Index.html#unique--">unique</option> = false)}</emphasis> <co
+                  xml:id="hibernateExtensionIndex"/>
+public class User {
+  int uidNumber;
+  @Id
+  public int getUidNumber() { return uidNumber; }
+  public void setUidNumber(int uidNumber) { this.uidNumber = uidNumber; }
+  String uid;
+  /**
+   * @return The user's unique login name e.g. "goik"
+   */
+  @Column(nullable=false)
+  public String getUid() { return uid; }
+  /**
+   * @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
+   */
+  public void setUid(String uid) { this.uid = uid; }
+   ...
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
+            <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
+  cname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+CREATE INDEX findCname ON User (cname ASC);</programlisting></td>
+          </tr>
+        </informaltable>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="sect_RenameTablesAndAttributes">
+        <title>Renaming tables and attributes</title>
+        <para>So far we assumed that we map classes to database tables having
+        identical names: A <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> class <code>User</code>
+        is being mapped to a relational table with identical name
+        <code>User</code>. Sometimes a renaming is desired. We may for example
+        want to access a legacy database by a newly implemented <xref
+        linkend="glo_Java"/> application. Choosing meaningful names may
+        conflict with decisions being taken when the original database design
+        took place.</para>
+        <para>In the following example we change the database tables name from
+        its default User to Person <coref linkend="renameUserToPerson"/>. The
+        properties <code>uidNummbe</code>r and <code>cname</code> are changed
+        to attribute names <code>numericUid</code> <coref
+        linkend="renameUidNumberToNumericUid"/>and <code>fullName</code>
+        <coref linkend="renameCnameToFullName"/> respectively:</para>
+        <informaltable border="1">
+          <colgroup width="6%"/>
+          <colgroup width="94%"/>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v8;
+   ...
+<classname xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Table.html">@Table</classname>(<option
+                  xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Table.html#name--">name</option>="Person") <co
+                  xml:id="renameUserToPerson"/>
+public class User {
+    int uidNumber;
+    @Id
+    <classname xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html">@Column</classname>(<option
+                  xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html#name--">name</option>="numericUid") <co
+                  xml:id="renameUidNumberToNumericUid"/>
+    public int getUidNumber() {return uidNumber;}
+    public void setUidNumber(int uidNumber) {this.uidNumber = uidNumber;}
+    String uid;
+    @Column(nullable=false)
+    public String getUid() {return uid;}
+    public void setUid(String uid) {this.uid = uid;}
+    String cname;
+    <classname xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html">@Column</classname>(<option
+                  xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html#name--">name</option>="fullName", nullable = false) <co
+                  xml:id="renameCnameToFullName"/>
+    public String getCname() {return cname;}
+    public void setCname(String cname) {this.cname = cname;}
+    ...</programlisting></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
+            <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE Person <coref
+                  linkend="renameUserToPerson"/> (
+   numericUid <coref linkend="renameUidNumberToNumericUid"/> int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+   fullName <coref linkend="renameCnameToFullName"/> varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+   uid varchar(255) NOT NULL
+          </tr>
+        </informaltable>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="sectChangeDefaultTypeMapping">
+        <title>Changing the default type mapping</title>
+        <para>Sometimes we are interested in changing <xref
+        linkend="glo_JPA"/>'s default type mapping strategy. For example
+        <trademark
+        xlink:href="https://www.mysql.com/about/legal/trademark.html">Mysql</trademark>
+        versions prior to 5.0 lack an appropriate type representing boolean
+        values. It was therefore quite common mapping boolean properties to
+        <code>CHAR(1)</code> with possible values being <code>'Y'</code> and
+        <code>'N'</code>. Hibernate will map boolean values to
+        <code>tinyint(1)</code>. Supporting older software may require to
+        tweak the standard mapping.</para>
+        <para>Unfortunately <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> itself does not offer
+        any interface for this purpose. The persistence provider may offer a
+        solution though. Hibernate for example allows to remap <coref
+        linkend="remapBooleanChar"/> types . We assume our
+        <classname>hibintro.v9.User</classname> class to have a
+        <code>boolean</code> property <code>active</code>:</para>
+        <informaltable border="1">
+          <colgroup width="6%"/>
+          <colgroup width="94%"/>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v9;
+import org.hibernate.type.Type;
+    ...
+public class User {
+    ...
+   public void setCname(String cname) {this.cname = cname;}
+   boolean active = false;
+   @Type(type="yes_no") <co xml:id="remapBooleanChar"/>
+   public boolean isActive() {return active;}
+   public void setActive(boolean active) {this.active = active;}
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
+            <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
+   uidNumber int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+   active char(1) NOT NULL,
+   cname varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+   uid varchar(255) NOT NULL
+          </tr>
+        </informaltable>
+        <para>Readers being interested in more sophisticated strategies like
+        mapping user defined data types to database types are advised to read
+        the <link
+        xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch05.html#mapping-types">manual
+        section on Hibernate types</link>.</para>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="sda2SectObjectStates">
+        <title>Object states and transitions</title>
+        <figure xml:id="sda2FigObjectStates">
+          <title>Persistence related object states</title>
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject>
+              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/persistentStates.fig"/>
+            </imageobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </figure>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="sectionXmlJpaJaxb">
+        <title><xref linkend="glo_XML"/> to <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> using
+        <xref linkend="glo_JAXB"/></title>
+        <para>Consider the following <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> dataset
+        example:</para>
+        <programlisting language="xml">&lt;catalog xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="cd.xsd"&gt;
+&lt;cd id="12"&gt;
+  &lt;title&gt;Empire Burlesque&lt;/title&gt;
+  &lt;artist&gt;Bob Dylan&lt;/artist&gt;
+  &lt;country&gt;USA&lt;/country&gt;
+  &lt;company&gt;Columbia&lt;/company&gt;
+  &lt;price&gt;10.90&lt;/price&gt;
+  &lt;year&gt;1985&lt;/year&gt;
+&lt;cd id="34"&gt;
+  &lt;title&gt;Hide your heart&lt;/title&gt;
+  &lt;artist&gt;Bonnie Tylor&lt;/artist&gt;
+  &lt;country&gt;UK&lt;/country&gt;
+  &lt;company&gt;CBS Records&lt;/company&gt;
+  &lt;price&gt;9.90&lt;/price&gt;
+  &lt;year&gt;1988&lt;/year&gt;
+ ...</programlisting>
+        <section xml:id="sectionXmlJpaJaxbSchema">
+          <title>Supplying a schema</title>
+          <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandaXmlJpaJaxbSchema">
+            <title>Integrity constraints</title>
+            <qandadiv>
+              <qandaentry>
+                <question>
+                  <para>Create a suitable XML schema enforcing the following
+                  integrity constraints:</para>
+                  <itemizedlist>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>All elements are required.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>The element <tag class="starttag">price</tag> is
+                      of decimal type having two fractional digits.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>The elements <tag class="starttag">year</tag> and
+                      <code>@id</code> are of integer type.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>The attribute <code>@id</code> defines a
+                      key.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </itemizedlist>
+                </question>
+                <answer>
+                  <programlisting language="xml">&lt;xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified"&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:simpleType name="money"&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:fractionDigits value="2"/&gt;
+		  &lt;/xs:restriction&gt;
+		  &lt;/xs:simpleType&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:element name="catalog"&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:complexType&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:sequence&gt;
+                  &lt;xs:element ref="cd" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/&gt;
+		  &lt;/xs:sequence&gt;
+		  &lt;/xs:complexType&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:key name="uniqueId"&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:selector xpath="cd"/&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:field xpath="@id"/&gt;
+		  &lt;/xs:key&gt;
+		  &lt;/xs:element&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:element name="cd"&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:complexType&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:sequence&gt;
+                  &lt;xs:element name="title" type="xs:string"/&gt;
+                  &lt;xs:element name="artist" type="xs:string"/&gt;
+                  &lt;xs:element name="country" type="xs:string"/&gt;
+                  &lt;xs:element name="company" type="xs:string"/&gt;
+                  &lt;xs:element name="price" type="money"/&gt;
+                  &lt;xs:element name="year" type="xs:int"/&gt;
+		  &lt;/xs:sequence&gt;
+		  &lt;xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:int" use="required"/&gt;
+		  &lt;/xs:complexType&gt;
+		  &lt;/xs:element&gt;
+		  &lt;/xs:schema&gt;</programlisting>
+                </answer>
+              </qandaentry>
+            </qandadiv>
+          </qandaset>
+        </section>
+        <section xml:id="sectionXmlJpaJaxbImport">
+          <title>Importing <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> data to a RDBMS</title>
+          <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandaXmlJpaJaxbImport">
+            <title>Reading XML, write using <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/></title>
+            <qandadiv>
+              <qandaentry>
+                <question>
+                  <para>Read the given XML data example using <xref
+                  linkend="glo_JAXB"/> and persist the corresponding objects
+                  to a RDBMS. This requires the following steps:</para>
+                  <itemizedlist>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>Use the <xref linkend="glo_JAXB"/> schema compiler
+                      <command
+                      xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/unix/xjc.html"><xref
+                      linkend="glo_xjc"/></command> accordingly to create
+                      domain classes corresponding to <tag
+                      class="starttag">catalog</tag> and <tag
+                      class="starttag">cd</tag> .</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>Create a <classname
+                      xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/javax/xml/bind/JAXBContext.html">JAXBContext</classname>
+                      and an <classname
+                      xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html">Unmarshaller</classname>
+                      instance to parse valid <tag
+                      class="starttag">catalog</tag> instances
+                      accordingly.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>Supply <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> annotations to
+                      the <command
+                      xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/unix/xjc.html"><xref
+                      linkend="glo_xjc"/></command> generated
+                      <classname>de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sda2.jpa.cd.domain.Catalog</classname>
+                      class.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </itemizedlist>
+                  <para>Hint: The Maven archetype <link
+                  xlink:href="https://maven-repository.com/artifact/com.github.lalyos/standalone-jpa-eclipselink-archetype">standalone-jpa-eclipselink-archetype</link>
+                  may help getting started with <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/>
+                  configuration issues. You may want to add <link
+                  xlink:href="https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/archetype-catalog.xml">http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/archetype-catalog.xml</link>
+                  to your list of archetype repositories.</para>
+                </question>
+                <answer>
+                  <annotation role="make">
+                    <para role="eclipse">Sda2/Jpa/Cd</para>
+                  </annotation>
+                </answer>
+              </qandaentry>
+            </qandadiv>
+          </qandaset>
+        </section>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="jpaInheritance">
+      <title>Inheritance</title>
+      <figure xml:id="sda2FigMapInheritIntro">
+        <title>Introducing inheritance mapping</title>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject>
+            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/mapInherit.svg"/>
+          </imageobject>
+        </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <para>Mapping inheritance hierarchies to relational databases means
+      bridging the gap between object <link
+      xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_impedance_mismatch">oriented
+      and relational models</link>. We start with a slightly modified example
+      from <xref linkend="bib_Bauer15"/>:</para>
+      <figure xml:id="fig_BillingDetails">
+        <title>Modelling payment.</title>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject>
+            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/billing.fig"/>
+          </imageobject>
+          <caption>
+            <para>Simplified Billing details example derived from <xref
+            linkend="bib_Bauer15"/>. Notice
+            <classname>inherit.v1.BillingDetails</classname> being an abstract
+            parent class of two concrete classes
+            <classname>inherit.v1.CreditCard</classname> and
+            <classname>inherit.v1.BankAccount</classname>. The attribute
+            <code>number</code> applies both to bank account and credit card
+            payments.</para>
+          </caption>
+        </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <para>Since the relational model lacks inheritance completely we have to
+      implement a database schema ourselves. We subsequently explore three
+      main approaches each of which having its own advantages and
+      disadvantages.</para>
+      <section xml:id="sect_InheritTablePerClassHierarchie">
+        <title>Single table per class hierarchy</title>
+        <para>This approach may be considered the most simple: We just create
+        one database table for storing instances of arbitrary classes
+        belonging to the inheritance hierarchy in question:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="fig_TablePerClassHierarchyData">
+          <title>A single relation mapping.</title>
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject>
+              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/billingData.fig"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <caption>
+              <para>Fitting both <classname>inherit.v1.CreditCard</classname>
+              and <classname>inherit.v1.BankAccount</classname> instances into
+              a single relation.</para>
+            </caption>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </figure>
+        <para>The relation may be created by the following <abbrev
+        xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_definition_language">DDL</abbrev>:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="fig_TablePerClassHierarchyMapping">
+          <title>Mapping the inheritance hierarchy.</title>
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject>
+              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/billingSql.fig"/>
+            </imageobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </figure>
+        <para>We take a closer look at the generated relation. Since</para>
+        <informaltable border="1">
+          <colgroup width="6%"/>
+          <colgroup width="94%"/>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.v1;
+            ...
+	    @Entity
+	    @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.<emphasis role="bold">SINGLE_TABLE</emphasis>) <co
+                  linkends="billingMapSingleTableCallout"
+                  xml:id="billingMapSingleTable"/>
+	    @DiscriminatorColumn(name="dataType", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING) <co
+                  linkends="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorCallout"
+                  xml:id="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminator"/>
+	    abstract class BillingDetails {
+	    @Id @GeneratedValue <co
+                  linkends="billingMapSingleTableIdGeneratedCallout"
+                  xml:id="billingMapSingleTableIdGenerated"/> public Long getId() ...
+	    @Column(nullable = false, length = 32)public final String getNumber() ...
+	    @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
+	    @Column(nullable = false) public Date getCreated() ...</programlisting>
+            <programlisting language="java">package inherit.v1;
+	    ...
+	    @Entity
+	    @DiscriminatorValue(value = "Credit card" <co
+                  xml:id="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorCredit"/>)
+	    public class CreditCard extends BillingDetails {
+	    ... //Nothing JPA related happens here</programlisting> <programlisting
+            language="java">package inherit.v1;
+	    ...
+	    @Entity
+	    @DiscriminatorValue(value = "Bank account" <co
+                  xml:id="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorBank"/>)
+	    public class BankAccount extends BillingDetails {
+	    ... //Nothing JPA related happens here</programlisting></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
+            <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">CREATE TABLE BillingDetails <co
+                  linkends="billingMapSingleTableCallout"
+                  xml:id="BillingDetailsGeneratedRelationName"/> (
+	    dataType varchar(31) NOT NULL,
+	    number varchar(255) NOT NULL, <co
+                  linkends="billingMapSingleTableBaseNotNull"
+                  xml:id="billingMapSingleTableCalloutNumberNotNull"/>
+	    created datetime NOT NULL, <co
+                  linkends="billingMapSingleTableBaseNotNull"
+                  xml:id="billingMapSingleTableCalloutCreatedNotNull"/>
+	    cardType int(11) DEFAULT NULL, <co
+                  linkends="billingMapSingleTableDerivedNull"
+                  xml:id="billingMapSingleTableCardTypeNull"/>
+	    expiration datetime DEFAULT NULL, <co
+                  linkends="billingMapSingleTableDerivedNull"
+                  xml:id="billingMapSingleTableExpirationNull"/>
+	    bankName varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, <co
+                  linkends="billingMapSingleTableDerivedNull"
+                  xml:id="billingMapSingleTableBankNameNull"/>
+	    swiftcode varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL <co
+                  linkends="billingMapSingleTableDerivedNull"
+                  xml:id="billingMapSingleTableSwiftCodeNull"/>
+	    )</programlisting></td>
+          </tr>
+        </informaltable>
+        <calloutlist>
+          <callout arearefs="billingMapSingleTable"
+                   xml:id="billingMapSingleTableCallout">
+            <para>All classes of the inheritance hierarchy will be mapped to a
+            single table. Unless stated otherwise the <xref
+            linkend="glo_JPA"/> provider will choose the root class' name
+            (<code>BillingDetails</code>) as default value for the generated
+            relation's name <coref
+            linkend="BillingDetailsGeneratedRelationName"/>.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminator"
+                   xml:id="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorCallout">
+            <para>The <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> provider needs a column to
+            distinguish the different types of database objects. We've chosen
+            the discriminator attribute <code>dataType</code> values to be
+            simple strings. Due to the definitions in <coref
+            linkend="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorCredit"/> and <coref
+            linkend="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorBank"/> database object
+            types are being identified by either of the two values:</para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><code>Credit card</code>: object will be mapped to
+                <classname>inherit.v1.CreditCard</classname>.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><code>Bank account</code>: object will be mapped to
+                <classname>inherit.v1.BankAccount</classname>.</para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+            <para>In a productive system the
+            <classname>javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType</classname> setting
+            will typically favour
+            <classname>javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType</classname><code>.INTEGER</code>
+            over
+            <classname>javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType</classname><code>.STRING</code>
+            unless the application in question has to deal with a legacy
+            database schema.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="billingMapSingleTableIdGenerated"
+                   xml:id="billingMapSingleTableIdGeneratedCallout">
+            <para>This one is unrelated to inheritance: Our primary key values
+            will be auto generated by the database server e.g. by
+            <code>SEQUENCE</code> or <code>IDENTITY</code> mechanisms if
+            available.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="billingMapSingleTableCalloutNumberNotNull billingMapSingleTableCalloutCreatedNotNull"
+                   xml:id="billingMapSingleTableBaseNotNull">
+            <para>Only the base class' attributes may exclude
+            <code>NULL</code> values.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="billingMapSingleTableCardTypeNull billingMapSingleTableExpirationNull billingMapSingleTableBankNameNull billingMapSingleTableSwiftCodeNull"
+                   xml:id="billingMapSingleTableDerivedNull">
+            <para>All derived classes' attributes must allow <code>NULL</code>
+            values.</para>
+          </callout>
+        </calloutlist>
+        <para>We may now insert instances of
+        <classname>inherit.v1.BankAccount</classname> or
+        <classname>inherit.v1.CreditCard</classname>:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="insertCreditBank">
+          <title>Inserting payment information</title>
+          <programlisting language="java">package inherit.v1;
+	  ...
+	  public class Persist {
+	  public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
+	  ... final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
+	  {
+          final CreditCard creditCard = new CreditCard("4412 8334 4512 9416", 1, "05/18/15");
+          session.save(creditCard);
+          final BankAccount bankAccount = new BankAccount("1107 2 31", "Lehman Brothers", "BARCGB22");
+          session.save(bankAccount);
+	  }
+	  transaction.commit(); ...</programlisting>
+        </figure>
+        <section xml:id="sect_InheritTablePerClassHierarchieLoad">
+          <title>Database object retrieval</title>
+          <para>As in <xref linkend="retrieveAllUserByHql"/> objects being
+          stored by <xref linkend="insertCreditBank"/> may be queried using
+          <abbrev
+          xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch16.html">HQL</abbrev>.</para>
+          <informaltable border="1">
+            <colgroup width="6%"/>
+            <colgroup width="94%"/>
+            <tr>
+              <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+              <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.v1;
+	      ...
+	      public class RetrieveCredit {
+	      public static void main(String[] args) {
+	      ...
+	      final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
+	      final Query searchCreditPayments = session.createQuery("<emphasis
+                    role="bold">from inherit.v1.CreditCard</emphasis>"); <co
+                    xml:id="hqlQueryCreditCard"/>
+	      final List&lt;CreditCard&gt; creditCardList = (List&lt;CreditCard&gt;) searchCreditPayments.list();
+	      for (final CreditCard c: creditCardList) {
+	      System.out.println(c);
+	      } ...</programlisting></td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
+              <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">INFO: HHH000232: Schema update complete
+	      Hibernate: 
+	      select
+              creditcard0_.id as id0_,
+              creditcard0_.created as created0_,
+              creditcard0_.number as number0_,
+              creditcard0_.cardType as cardType0_,
+              creditcard0_.expiration as expiration0_ 
+	      from
+              BillingDetails creditcard0_ 
+	      where
+              creditcard0_.<emphasis role="bold">dataType</emphasis> <co
+                    xml:id="hqlQueryCreditCard_dataType"/>='<emphasis
+                    role="bold">Credit card</emphasis>'
+	      <emphasis role="bold">CreditCard: number=4412 8334 4512 9416, created 2013-02-19 13:09:22.0,
+              cardType=1, expiration=2015-05-18 00:00:00.</emphasis> <co
+                    xml:id="hqlQueryCreditCardResultSet"/></programlisting></td>
+            </tr>
+          </informaltable>
+          <para>Some Remarks: Our query asks for instances of
+          <classname>inherit.v2.CreditCard</classname> <coref
+          linkend="hqlQueryCreditCard"/>. This gets implemented as an <xref
+          linkend="glo_SQL"/> <code>SELECT</code> choosing datasets whose
+          discriminator attribute <code>value of dataType</code> <coref
+          linkend="hqlQueryCreditCard_dataType"/> equals <quote><code>Credit
+          card</code></quote>. The current result set contains just one
+          element <coref linkend="hqlQueryCreditCardResultSet"/> in accordance
+          with <xref linkend="insertCreditBank"/>.</para>
+          <para>Retrieving both <classname>inherit.v1.CreditCard</classname>
+          and <classname>inherit.v1.BankAccount</classname> instances is
+          accomplished by querying for the common base class
+          <classname>inherit.v1.BillingDetails</classname>:</para>
+          <informaltable border="1">
+            <colgroup width="6%"/>
+            <colgroup width="94%"/>
+            <tr>
+              <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+              <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.v1;
+	      ...
+	      public class RetrieveAll {
+	      ...
+	      final Query searchBilling = session.createQuery("from <emphasis
+                    role="bold">inherit.v1.BillingDetails</emphasis>");
+	      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+	      final List&lt;BillingDetails&gt; billingDetailsList = (List&lt;BillingDetails&gt;) searchBilling.list();
+	      for (final BillingDetails c: billingDetailsList) {
+	      System.out.println(c);
+	      } ...</programlisting></td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
+              <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">INFO: HHH000232: Schema update complete
+	      Hibernate: 
+	      select
+              billingdet0_.id as id0_,
+              ...
+              billingdet0_.dataType as dataType0_ 
+	      from
+              BillingDetails billingdet0_
+	      CreditCard: number=4412 8334 4512 9416, created 2013-02-19 13:09:22.0, <co
+                    xml:id="resultSetHeterogeneous"/>
+              cardType=1, expiration=2015-05-18 00:00:00.0
+	      BankAccount: number=1107 2 31, created 2013-02-19 13:09:22.0,
+              bankName=Lehman Brothers, swiftcode=BARCGB22</programlisting></td>
+            </tr>
+          </informaltable>
+          <para>This is the first example of a polymorphic query yielding a
+          heterogeneous result set<coref
+          linkend="resultSetHeterogeneous"/>.</para>
+        </section>
+        <section xml:id="sect_InheritTablePerClassHierarchieNullProblem">
+          <title>Null values</title>
+          <para>Our current mapping strategy limits our means to specify data
+          integrity constraints. It is no longer possible to disallow
+          <code>null</code> values for properties belonging to derived
+          classes. We might want to disallow <code>null</code> values in the
+          <code>bankName</code> property. Hibernate will generate a
+          corresponding database attribute <coref
+          linkend="require_bankNameNotNullDb"/>:</para>
+          <informaltable border="1">
+            <colgroup width="6%"/>
+            <colgroup width="94%"/>
+            <tr>
+              <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+              <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.v2;
+	      ...
+	      @Entity @DiscriminatorValue(value = "Bank account")
+	      public class BankAccount extends BillingDetails {
+	      String bankName;
+	      @Column(<emphasis role="bold">nullable=false</emphasis>) <co
+                    xml:id="require_bankNameNotNull"/>
+	      public String getBankName() {return bankName;} ...</programlisting></td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
+              <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">CREATE TABLE BillingDetails (
+	      bankName varchar(255) <emphasis role="bold">NOT NULL</emphasis>, <co
+                    xml:id="require_bankNameNotNullDb"/>
+	      ...</programlisting></td>
+            </tr>
+          </informaltable>
+          <para>Looks good? Unfortunately the attempt to save a bank account
+          <coref linkend="saveBankAccount"/> yields a runtime exception <coref
+          linkend="saveBankAccountException"/>:</para>
+          <informaltable border="1">
+            <colgroup width="6%"/>
+            <colgroup width="94%"/>
+            <tr>
+              <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+              <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.v2;
+	      ...
+	      public class Persist {
+	      ...
+	      final CreditCard creditCard = new CreditCard("4412 8334 4512 9416", 1, "05/18/15");
+	      session.save(creditCard);
+	      final BankAccount bankAccount = new BankAccount("1107 2 31", "Lehman Brothers", "BARCGB22");
+	      session.save(bankAccount) <co xml:id="saveBankAccount"/>; ...</programlisting></td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
+              <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">...
+	      Feb 19, 2013 10:28:00 AM org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate execute
+	      INFO: HHH000232: Schema update complete
+	      Hibernate: 
+	      insert 
+	      into
+              BillingDetails
+              (created, number, cardType, expiration, dataType) 
+	      values
+              (?, ?, ?, ?, 'Credit card')
+	      Feb 19, 2013 10:28:00 AM org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper logExceptions
+	      WARN: SQL Error: 1364, SQLState: HY000
+	      Feb 19, 2013 10:28:00 AM org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper logExceptions
+	      <emphasis role="bold">ERROR: Field 'bankName' doesn't have a default value 
+	      Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: 
+	      Field 'bankName' doesn't have a default value</emphasis> <co
+                    xml:id="saveBankAccountException"/>
+	      ...
+	      at inherit.v2.Persist.main(Persist.java:28)
+	      Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Field 'bankName' doesn't have a default value</programlisting></td>
+            </tr>
+          </informaltable>
+          <para>Conclusion: A table per class hierarchy mapping does not allow
+          to specify not null constraints for properties of derived
+          classes.</para>
+          <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
+                    xml:id="quandaentry_MappingFigureInherit">
+            <title>Mapping figures</title>
+            <qandadiv>
+              <qandaentry>
+                <question>
+                  <para>Map the following model to a database:</para>
+                  <figure xml:id="modelFigureInheritance">
+                    <title>Figure subclasses</title>
+                    <mediaobject>
+                      <imageobject>
+                        <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/figureInherit.fig"/>
+                      </imageobject>
+                    </mediaobject>
+                  </figure>
+                  <para>The two properties <code>xCenter</code> and
+                  <code>yCenter</code> in the abstract base class
+                  <code>Figure</code> represent the coordinates of the
+                  concrete figure's center of gravity. In a drawing
+                  application this would be considered the placement of the
+                  respective object.</para>
+                  <para>The abstract method <code>getArea()</code> is meant to
+                  be implemented without interfering with your database
+                  mapping. Choose an integer discriminator. Test your
+                  application by storing and loading objects.</para>
+                </question>
+                <answer>
+                  <para>The main difference to the current
+                  <classname>inherit.v1.BillingDetails</classname> example is
+                  the <classname>javax.persistence.Transient</classname>
+                  annotation of the <code>area</code> property in
+                  <classname>inherit.v3.Figure</classname>,
+                  <classname>inherit.v3.Circle</classname> and
+                  <classname>inherit.v3.Rectangle</classname>. The storage ant
+                  retrieval applications are
+                  <classname>inherit.v3.Persist</classname>,
+                  <classname>inherit.v3.RetrieveRectangles</classname> and
+                  <classname>inherit.v3.RetrieveAll</classname> are
+                  straightforward.</para>
+                </answer>
+              </qandaentry>
+            </qandadiv>
+          </qandaset>
+        </section>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="joinedSubclass">
+        <title>Joined subclasses</title>
+        <para>The basic idea is to generate a normalized schema implementing
+        inheritance relationships by foreign keys:</para>
+        <figure xml:id="joindSubclassMapping">
+          <title>Joined subclass mapping.</title>
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject>
+              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/billingMapJoined.fig"/>
+            </imageobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </figure>
+        <para>The inheritance strategy of joined subclasses <coref
+        linkend="strategyJoinedSubclass"/> is being defined in the abstract
+        base class
+        <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname>:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">package inherit.joined.v1;
+	...
+	@Entity
+	@Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) <co
+            xml:id="strategyJoinedSubclass"/>
+	public abstract class BillingDetails { ... }</programlisting>
+        <para>The derived classes need to provide an implementation hint in
+        order to identify the required foreign key <coref
+        linkend="referenceParentClass"/> to the parent class
+        <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname>:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">package inherit.joined.v1;
+	...
+	@Entity
+	@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="parent" <co xml:id="referenceParentClass"/>, referencedColumnName="id")
+	public class CreditCard extends BillingDetails {
+	int cardType;
+	@Column(nullable=false) <co xml:id="tpcNotNullCardType"/>
+	public int getCardType() {return cardType;}
+	public void setCardType(int cardType) {this.cardType = cardType;}
+	Date expiration;
+	@Column(nullable=false) <co xml:id="tpcNotNullexpiration"/>
+	public Date getExpiration() {return expiration;}
+	public void setExpiration(Date expiration) {this.expiration = expiration;}
+	...
+	}</programlisting>
+        <para>Notice the ability to exclude null values in <coref
+        linkend="tpcNotNullCardType"/> and <coref
+        linkend="tpcNotNullexpiration"/>.</para>
+        <section xml:id="joinedSubclassRetrieve">
+          <title>Retrieving Objects</title>
+          <para>On the database server side object retrieval results in a more
+          expensive operation: A query for root class instances
+          of<classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname> <coref
+          linkend="joinedQueryBillingDetails"/> of our inheritance hierarchy
+          results in joining all three tables <code>BillingDetails</code>
+          <coref linkend="joinFromBillingDetails"/>, <code>BankAccount</code>
+          <coref linkend="joinFromBankAccount"/> and <code>CreditCard</code>
+          <coref linkend="joinFromCreditCard"/>:</para>
+          <informaltable border="1">
+            <colgroup width="6%"/>
+            <colgroup width="94%"/>
+            <tr>
+              <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
+              <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.joined.v1;
+	      ...
+	      public class RetrieveAll {
+	      ...
+	      final Query searchBilling = session.createQuery("<emphasis role="bold">from inherit.tpc.v1.BillingDetails</emphasis>" <co
+                    xml:id="joinedQueryBillingDetails"/>);
+	      ...</programlisting></td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
+              <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">Hibernate: 
+	      select
+              billingdet0_.id as id0_,
+              billingdet0_.created as created0_,
+              billingdet0_.number as number0_,
+              billingdet0_1_.bankName as bankName1_,
+              billingdet0_1_.swiftcode as swiftcode1_,
+              billingdet0_2_.cardType as cardType2_,
+              billingdet0_2_.expiration as expiration2_,
+              case 
+              when billingdet0_1_.id is not null then 1 
+              when billingdet0_2_.id is not null then 2 
+              when billingdet0_.id is not null then 0 
+              end as clazz_ 
+	      from
+              <emphasis role="bold">BillingDetails</emphasis> billingdet0_ <co
+                    xml:id="joinFromBillingDetails"/>
+	      left outer join
+              <emphasis role="bold">BankAccount</emphasis> billingdet0_1_ <co
+                    xml:id="joinFromBankAccount"/>
+              on billingdet0_.id=billingdet0_1_.id
+	      left outer join
+              <emphasis role="bold">CreditCard</emphasis> billingdet0_2_ <co
+                    xml:id="joinFromCreditCard"/>
+              on billingdet0_.id=billingdet0_2_.id </programlisting></td>
+            </tr>
+          </informaltable>
+          <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
+                    xml:id="quandaentry_IntegrityGenerate">
+            <title><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> constraints and database
+            integrity.</title>
+            <qandadiv>
+              <qandaentry>
+                <question>
+                  <para>Explain all integrity constraints of the Hibernate
+                  generated schema. Will it implement the constraints corectly
+                  on database level corresponding to the inheritance related
+                  <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> objects? On contrary: Are there
+                  possible database states which do not correspond to the
+                  domain model's object constraints?</para>
+                </question>
+                <answer>
+                  <para>We take a look to the database schema:</para>
+                  <programlisting language="java">CREATE TABLE BillingDetails (
+                      linkends="inheritJoinSqlJava-1"
+                      xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-1-co"/>,
+		  created datetime NOT NULL,
+		  number varchar(32) NOT NULL
+		  );
+		  CREATE TABLE CreditCard (
+		  id bigint(20) NOT NULL  PRIMARY KEY <co linkends="inheritJoinSqlJava-2"
+                      xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-2-co"/> REFERENCES <co
+                      linkends="inheritJoinSqlJava-3"
+                      xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-3-co"/> BillingDetails,
+		  cardType int(11) NOT NULL,
+		  expiration datetime NOT NULL
+		  );
+		  CREATE TABLE BankAccount (
+		  id bigint(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY <co linkends="inheritJoinSqlJava-4"
+                      xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-4-co"/> REFERENCES <co
+                      linkends="inheritJoinSqlJava-4"
+                      xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-5-co"/> BillingDetails,
+		  bankName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+		  swiftcode varchar(255) NOT NULL
+		  );</programlisting>
+                  <calloutlist>
+                    <callout arearefs="inheritJoinSqlJava-1-co"
+                             xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-1">
+                      <para>The table implementing the root class
+                      <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname>
+                      of the inheritance hierarchy will be referenced both by
+                      <code>CreditCard</code> and <code>BankAccount</code>
+                      datasets and thus requires a key to become addressable.
+                      Moreover the corresponding
+                      <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname>
+                      class requires this attribute to be the primary key
+                      anyway.</para>
+                    </callout>
+                    <callout arearefs="inheritJoinSqlJava-2-co"
+                             xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-2">
+                      <para>Each <code>CreditCard</code> specific set of
+                      attributes belongs to exactly one
+                      <code>BillingDetails</code> instance and hence the id
+                      within our table <code>CreditCard</code> must be
+                      unique.</para>
+                    </callout>
+                    <callout arearefs="inheritJoinSqlJava-3-co"
+                             xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-3">
+                      <para>As stated in <coref
+                      linkend="inheritJoinSqlJava-2-co"/> each
+                      <code>CreditCard</code> dataset must refer to its parent
+                      <code>BillingDetails</code> instance.</para>
+                    </callout>
+                    <callout arearefs="inheritJoinSqlJava-4-co inheritJoinSqlJava-5-co"
+                             xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-4">
+                      <para>These constraints likewise describe <coref
+                      linkend="inheritJoinSqlJava-2-co"/> and <coref
+                      linkend="inheritJoinSqlJava-3-co"/> for
+                      <code>BankAccount</code> datasets.</para>
+                    </callout>
+                  </calloutlist>
+                  <para>The NOT NULL constraints implement their counterpart
+                  properties in the corresponding <xref linkend="glo_Java"/>
+                  objects.</para>
+                  <para>The mapping does not cover one important integrity
+                  constraint of our domain model: The base class
+                  <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname> is
+                  abstract. Thus each entry in the database must refer either
+                  to a <classname>inherit.joined.v1.CreditCard</classname> or
+                  a <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BankAccount</classname>
+                  instance. But the above database schema allows for datasets
+                  to appear in the <code>BillingDetails</code> table not being
+                  referenced by either <code>BankAccount</code> or
+                  <code>CreditCard</code> datasets.</para>
+                  <para>So the current database schema actually refers to a
+                  domain model having a <emphasis
+                  role="bold">concrete</emphasis> base class
+                  <code>BillingDetails</code>.</para>
+                </answer>
+              </qandaentry>
+            </qandadiv>
+          </qandaset>
+          <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
+                    xml:id="quandaentry_FigureJoinedSubclass">
+            <title>Implementing figures by joined subclasses</title>
+            <qandadiv>
+              <qandaentry>
+                <question>
+                  <para>Implement the model being given in <xref
+                  linkend="modelFigureInheritance"/> by joined
+                  subclasses.</para>
+                </question>
+                <answer>
+                  <para>See
+                  <classname>inherit.joined.v2.Figure</classname>.</para>
+                </answer>
+              </qandaentry>
+            </qandadiv>
+          </qandaset>
+        </section>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="inheritTablePerConcrete">
+        <title>Table per concrete class</title>
+        <para/>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="jpaAssociations">
+      <title>Mapping related Components and entities</title>
+      <section xml:id="primaryKeyRevisit">
+        <title>Primary keys revisited</title>
+        <para>Following <xref linkend="bib_Bauer15"/> (p.88) we list important
+        properties of primary keys with respect to <quote>best
+        practices</quote> on top of their relational counterparts:</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>A primary key's values never change</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Primary key values should not have a business meaning</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Primary keys should be chosen to have proper indexing
+            support with respect to the database product in question.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>Regarding persistence we have three different concepts related
+        to object identity:</para>
+        <glosslist>
+          <glossentry>
+            <glossterm>Java Object identity</glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+              <para>The operator == checks whether two identifiers point to
+              the same memory address.</para>
+            </glossdef>
+          </glossentry>
+          <glossentry>
+            <glossterm>Java Object equality</glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+              <para>The <methodname>Object.equals(Object)</methodname>.</para>
+            </glossdef>
+          </glossentry>
+          <glossentry>
+            <glossterm>Database identity</glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+              <para>Two distinct datasets (tuples) are identical if all
+              primary key attributes have the same value.</para>
+              <para>In other words: Two distinct database objects differ at
+              least in one of their primary key attribute values.</para>
+            </glossdef>
+          </glossentry>
+        </glosslist>
+        <para>We recommend <xref linkend="bib_Bloch08"/> regarding Java
+        identity and equality of objects.</para>
+        <section xml:id="objectEqualityByPrimaryKey">
+          <title>Defining object equality by primary key</title>
+          <para>Consider the following code:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">package session1;
+	  ...
+	  public class LoadUser {
+	  ...
+	  final User user;
+	  {
+          final Session session = HibernateUtil.createSessionFactory("session1/hibernate.cfg.xml").openSession();
+          final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
+          user = (User) session.load(User.class, 1L);
+          final User user1 = (User) session.load(User.class, 1L);
+          System.out.println("first transaction: user.equals(user1):" + user.equals(user1)); <co
+              xml:id="rereadInstance_1"/>
+          transaction.commit();
+          session.close();
+	  }
+	  {
+          final Session session = HibernateUtil.createSessionFactory("session1/hibernate.cfg.xml").openSession();
+          final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
+          final User user2 = (User) session.load(User.class, 1L);
+          System.out.println("second transaction: user.equals(user2):" + user.equals(user2)); <co
+              xml:id="rereadInstance_2"/>
+          transaction.commit();
+          session.close();
+	  } ...</programlisting>
+          <para>At first we compare two <classname>session1.User</classname>
+          instances being read by the same session manager <coref
+          linkend="rereadInstance_1"/>. Subsequently we compare a detached
+          <classname>session1.User</classname> instance with a second instance
+          being read by a different session <coref
+          linkend="rereadInstance_2"/>. This yields the following
+          result:</para>
+          <screen>first transaction: user.equals(user1):true <coref
+              linkend="rereadInstance_1"/>
+second transaction: user.equals(user2):false <coref linkend="rereadInstance_2"/></screen>
+          <para>The two instances in question definitely represent the same
+          database entity. The two entity managers referring to different
+          sessions create two distinct instances within a given <xref
+          linkend="glo_Java"/> runtime.</para>
+          <para>Since <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> entities require an
+          <code>@javax.persistence.Id</code> attribute we may generally define
+          object equality solely based on this at tribute's value:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">package session2;
+	  ...
+	  public class User {
+	  @Id @GeneratedValue
+	  private Long id;
+	  ...
+	  @Override public boolean equals(Object other) {
+	  if (this == other) <co linkends="equalByPrimaryKey-1"
+              xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-1-co"/>{
+	  return true;
+	  } else if (other instanceof User) {
+	  return getId().equals(((User) other).getId()) <co
+              linkends="equalByPrimaryKey-2" xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-2-co"/>;
+	  } else {
+	  return false;
+	  }
+	  }
+	  @Override public int hashCode() { <co linkends="equalByPrimaryKey-3"
+              xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-3-co"/>
+	  if (null == id) {
+	  return System.identityHashCode(this);
+	  } else {
+	  return getId().hashCode();
+	  }
+	  }
+	  }</programlisting>
+          <para>This way of defining
+          <methodname>session2.User.equals(java.lang.Object)</methodname>
+          implies that either or both of the following two conditions must be
+          met:</para>
+          <calloutlist>
+            <callout arearefs="equalByPrimaryKey-1-co"
+                     xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-1">
+              <para>Both instances must be identical.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="equalByPrimaryKey-2-co"
+                     xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-2">
+              <para>Both instances must have the same
+              <methodname>session2.User.getId()</methodname> value. It is not
+              necessary to prepend <emphasis role="bold"><code>null != other
+              </code></emphasis><code>&amp;&amp; other instanceof User</code>
+              since the operator <code>instanceof</code> evaluates to
+              <code>false</code> if its left side is <code>null</code>.</para>
+            </callout>
+          </calloutlist>
+          <caution>
+            <para>Do not forget to implement
+            <methodname>Object.hashCode()</methodname> <coref
+            linkend="equalByPrimaryKey-3-co" xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-3"/>
+            accordingly: Two instances <code>a</code> and <code>b</code>
+            returning <code>a.equals(b) == true</code> equal must return an
+            identical hash code value <code>a.hashCode() ==
+            b.hashCode()</code> in order to satisfy a collection's
+            contract.</para>
+            <para><xref linkend="bib_Bloch08"/> covers the contract of
+            <methodname>Object.hashCode()</methodname> and its close relation
+            to <methodname>Object.equals(Object)</methodname> in
+            detail.</para>
+          </caution>
+        </section>
+        <section xml:id="objectEqualityByNaturalKey">
+          <title>Object equality by natural key</title>
+          <para>Defining entity equality based on database identity suffers
+          from a severe deficiency: Newly created instances invariably differ
+          from any foreign non-identical instance regardless whether it does
+          have a database identity or not. We consider an example:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">package session2;
+	  ...
+	  public class CompareNewlyCreated { ...
+	  // Create two transient instances
+	  final User a = new User(123, "goik", "Martin Goik"), <co
+              linkends="compareTransientById-1_2"
+              xml:id="compareTransientById-1-co"/>
+          b = new User(123, "goik", "Martin Goik"); <co
+              linkends="compareTransientById-1_2"
+              xml:id="compareTransientById-2-co"/>
+	  System.out.println("a.equals(b):" + a.equals(b)); <co
+              linkends="compareTransientById-3"
+              xml:id="compareTransientById-3-co"/>
+	  {
+	  final Session session = HibernateUtil.createSessionFactory("session2/hibernate.cfg.xml").openSession();
+	  final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
+	  // previously saved as  new User(123, "goik", "Martin Goik");
+	  final User user = (User) session.load(User.class, 1L); <co
+              linkends="compareTransientById-4"
+              xml:id="compareTransientById-4-co"/>
+	  System.out.println("a.equals(user)):" + a.equals(user)); <co
+              linkends="compareTransientById-5"
+              xml:id="compareTransientById-5-co"/>
+	  transaction.commit();
+	  session.close();
+	  } ...</programlisting>
+          <calloutlist>
+            <callout arearefs="compareTransientById-1-co compareTransientById-2-co"
+                     xml:id="compareTransientById-1_2">
+              <para><!--1 + 2-->Create two transient instances being identical
+              by value.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="compareTransientById-3-co"
+                     xml:id="compareTransientById-3">
+              <para><!--3-->Both instances are defined to differ by
+              value.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="compareTransientById-4-co"
+                     xml:id="compareTransientById-4">
+              <para><!--4-->Load a persistent entity from the database.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="compareTransientById-5-co"
+                     xml:id="compareTransientById-5">
+              <para><!--5-->Transient and persistent instances are defined to
+              differ by value.</para>
+            </callout>
+          </calloutlist>
+          <para>Apparently this is definitely wrong: We do have unique
+          database index definitions. All objects in question do have common
+          values 123 and <code>"goik"</code> on these respective keys.</para>
+        </section>
+        <section xml:id="equalityByNaturalKey">
+          <title>Implementing <methodname>Object.equals(Object)</methodname>
+          by natural keys</title>
+          <para>The last section's result actually provides a hint to
+          implement <methodname>Object.equals(Object)</methodname> in a more
+          meaningful way. The problem comparing transient instances occurs
+          since a surrogate key's value is being provided by the database
+          server only at the time an entity is being persisted. If at least
+          one natural key (sometimes referred to as <quote>business
+          key</quote>) is being defined this one may be used instead:</para>
+          <figure xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey">
+            <title>Implementing <methodname>Object.equals(Object)</methodname>
+            by natural keys</title>
+            <programlisting language="java">package session3;
+	    @Entity
+	    @Table(uniqueConstraints={@<emphasis role="bold">UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"uid"}</emphasis>)<co
+                linkends="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-1"
+                xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-1-co"/> ,
+	    @UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"uidNumber"})})
+	    public class User {
+	    ...
+	    String uid;
+	    @Column(nullable=false)
+	    public String getUid() {return uid;}
+	    public void setUid(String uid) {this.uid = uid;}
+	    ...
+	    @Override
+	    public boolean equals(Object other) {
+	    if (this == other) {
+	    return true;
+	    } else if (other instanceof User) {
+	    return <emphasis role="bold">getUid().equals(((User) other).getUid())</emphasis>; <co
+                linkends="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-2"
+                xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-2-co"/>
+	    } else {
+	    return false;
+	    }
+	    }
+	    @Override
+	    public int hashCode() {
+	    if (null == getUid()) {
+	    return System.identityHashCode(this);
+	    } else {
+	    return <emphasis role="bold">getUid().hashCode()</emphasis>; <co
+                linkends="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-3"
+                xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-3-co"/>
+	    }
+	    }
+	    }</programlisting>
+            <calloutlist>
+              <callout arearefs="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-1-co"
+                       xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-1">
+                <para>Definition of property
+                <methodname>session3.User.getUid()</methodname> to become a
+                natural key.</para>
+              </callout>
+              <callout arearefs="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-2-co"
+                       xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-2">
+                <para>Two <classname>session3.User</classname> instances
+                having identical
+                <methodname>session3.User.getUid()</methodname> values will be
+                considered equal.</para>
+              </callout>
+              <callout arearefs="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-3-co"
+                       xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-3">
+                <para>The <methodname>session3.User.hashCode()</methodname>
+                implementation has to be changed accordingly.</para>
+              </callout>
+            </calloutlist>
+          </figure>
+          <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
+                    xml:id="quandaentry_MethodFieldAccess">
+            <title>Method and field access</title>
+            <qandadiv>
+              <qandaentry>
+                <question>
+                  <para>Consider <xref
+                  linkend="implementEqualsByNaturalKey"/>. You may get a
+                  different runtime behaviour when using <emphasis
+                  role="bold"><code>this.uid().equals( that.uid()
+                  )</code></emphasis> at <coref
+                  linkend="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-2-co"/>. Execute the
+                  corresponding <emphasis
+                  role="bold">session3.CompareNewlyCreated</emphasis> and
+                  <emphasis role="bold">session3.LoadUser</emphasis>
+                  applications and explain the result.</para>
+                </question>
+                <answer>
+                  <para><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> allows lazy fetch mode
+                  typically enabled by default. So the <code>uid</code>
+                  attribute's initialization will be deferred until
+                  <methodname>session3.User.getUid()</methodname> is being
+                  called for the first time.</para>
+                </answer>
+              </qandaentry>
+            </qandadiv>
+          </qandaset>
+        </section>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="entityValueTypes">
+        <title>Entity and value types</title>
+        <para>From the viewpoint of <xref linkend="glo_ORM"/> we distinguish
+        two distinct types of database objects:</para>
+        <glosslist>
+          <glossentry>
+            <glossterm>Value type</glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+              <para>An object of value type has no database identity. It will
+              appear in a database as a composite of a parent entity type. Its
+              life cycle is completely dependent on its parent.</para>
+            </glossdef>
+          </glossentry>
+          <glossentry>
+            <glossterm>Entity type</glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+              <para>Objects of this type do have their own database identity
+              and may exist independently of other (database) entities.</para>
+            </glossdef>
+          </glossentry>
+        </glosslist>
+      </section>
+      <section xml:id="sect_MappingComponents">
+        <title>Mapping components</title>
+        <para>We consider a simple example. We may add an email property to
+        <classname>session3.User</classname>:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">...
+public class User {
+  ...
+  private Email address; ...</programlisting>
+        <para>Why do we use a separate class Email rather than a simple
+        <emphasis role="bold"><code>private String email</code></emphasis>
+        declaration? The answer is quite simple: We want Email instances to be
+        extensible and allow for method definitions like
+        <code>sendEmail(...)</code>:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">public class Email {
+  private String emailAddress;
+  ...
+  void sendEmail(final String subject, final String content) {}
+        <para>Our <code>Email</code> class may of course have more than just
+        one property. We don't want to email addresses to be database entities
+        themselves. Instead they are meant to be components of User instances.
+        This is achieved by:</para>
+        <glosslist>
+          <glossentry>
+            <glossterm>Annotate class Email to be embeddable:</glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+              <programlisting language="java">package component.email;
+<emphasis role="bold">@Embeddable</emphasis> public class Email {
+    private String emailAddress;
+    ...
+            </glossdef>
+          </glossentry>
+          <glossentry>
+            <glossterm>Annotate <code>emailAddress</code> to become an
+            embedded property:</glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+              <programlisting language="java">package component.email;
+     ...
+public class User {
+     private Email address;
+     <emphasis role="bold">@Embedded</emphasis>
+     public Email getEmailAddress() { return address;}
+     ...</programlisting>
+            </glossdef>
+          </glossentry>
+        </glosslist>
+        <para>We may now persist <classname>component.email.User</classname>
+        instances:</para>
+        <programlisting language="java">em.getTransaction().begin();
+   final User u = new User(123, "goik", "Martin Goik");
+   u.setEmailAddress(new Email("goik@hdm-stuttgart.de"));
+   em.persist(u);
+        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_HomeWorAddress">
+          <title>Home and work address</title>
+          <qandadiv>
+            <qandaentry>
+              <question>
+                <para>Consider the following sketch of an
+                <classname>Address</classname> class:</para>
+                <programlisting language="java">public class Address {
+  private String street;
+  private String city;
+  private String zipcode;
+  ...
+                <para>Extend this example to allow for two properties
+                <code>homeAddress</code> and <code>workAddress</code> of type
+                Address. You will encounter a problem concerning conflicting
+                database attribute names. Resolution is possible using
+                <code>@javax.persistence.AttributeOverrides</code>
+                declarations.</para>
+              </question>
+              <answer>
+                <para>See <classname>component.address.Address</classname> and
+                <classname>component.address.User</classname>.</para>
+              </answer>
+            </qandaentry>
+            <qandaentry xml:id="quandaentry_PersistChange">
+              <question>
+                <para>Load a User instance from your database and demonstrate
+                that changes to this existing persistent object component's
+                values get persisted.</para>
+              </question>
+              <answer>
+                <para>See
+                <classname>component.address.ModifyWorkAddress</classname>.</para>
+              </answer>
+            </qandaentry>
+          </qandadiv>
+        </qandaset>
+        <section xml:id="valueSets">
+          <title>Sets and lists</title>
+          <para>Users may have multiple email addresses:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">public class User {
+	  Set&lt;Email&gt; email;
+	  ...</programlisting>
+          <para>Using embedded values we need an
+          <code>@ElementCollection</code> declaration to achieve a proper
+          mapping:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">package component.emails;
+	  ...
+	  public class User {
+	  ...
+	  private Set&lt;Email&gt; emails = new HashSet&lt;Email&gt;();
+	  <emphasis role="bold">@ElementCollection </emphasis>
+	  public Set&lt;Email&gt; getEmails() { return emails; }
+	  ...</programlisting>
+          <para>This will map <classname>component.emails.Email</classname>
+          entries in a separate table:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">package component.emails;
+	  ...
+	  public class PersistUser {
+	  public static void main(String[] args) {
+	  final Session session = HibernateUtil.createSessionFactory("component/emails/hibernate.cfg.xml").openSession();
+	  {
+          final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
+          final User u = new User(123, "goik", "Martin Goik");
+          u.getEmails().add(new Email("goik@hdm-stuttgart.de"));
+          u.getEmails().add(new Email("goma@someserver.org"));
+          session.save(u);
+          transaction.commit();
+	  } ...</programlisting>
+          <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_HqlSearchEmail">
+            <title>Searching users by email components</title>
+            <qandadiv>
+              <qandaentry>
+                <question>
+                  <para>Create a <xref linkend="glo_HQL"/> query searching
+                  for:</para>
+                  <itemizedlist>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>All Users having an email address
+                      <email>goma@someserver.org</email>.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>All users having at least two email
+                      addresses.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </itemizedlist>
+                  <para>You may want to use a Hibernate Console to develop the
+                  appropriate queries.</para>
+                </question>
+              </qandaentry>
+            </qandadiv>
+          </qandaset>
+          <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_EmbeddedPostal">
+            <title>Embedded postal addresses</title>
+            <qandadiv>
+              <qandaentry>
+                <question>
+                  <para>Construct a corresponding example allowing
+                  <classname>session3.User</classname> instances to have a set
+                  of embedded <classname>component.address.Address</classname>
+                  elements.</para>
+                </question>
+              </qandaentry>
+            </qandadiv>
+          </qandaset>
+          <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
+                    xml:id="quandaentry_ComponentLifecycleDepend">
+            <title>Life cycle of parents and components</title>
+            <qandadiv>
+              <qandaentry>
+                <question>
+                  <para>What happens, if an owning User instance gets deleted?
+                  Are composed Email or Address values are implicitly being
+                  deleted as well?</para>
+                </question>
+              </qandaentry>
+            </qandadiv>
+          </qandaset>
+          <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
+                    xml:id="quandaentry_OrderedComponents">
+            <title>Ordered components</title>
+            <qandadiv>
+              <qandaentry>
+                <question>
+                  <para>Replace <classname>java.util.Set</classname> by
+                  <classname>java.util.List</classname> and assure that the
+                  order of components is being preserved in a <xref
+                  linkend="glo_JPA"/> 2 compliant manner.</para>
+                </question>
+              </qandaentry>
+            </qandadiv>
+          </qandaset>
+        </section>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="cache">
+      <title>Caching</title>
+      <figure xml:id="sda2FigJpaCacheIntro">
+        <title><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> caches.</title>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject>
+            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/jpacache.svg"/>
+          </imageobject>
+        </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="cacheTesting">
+        <title>Testing caches</title>
+        <qandadiv>
+          <qandaentry>
+            <question>
+              <para>Import the following Hibernate based project:</para>
+              <annotation role="make">
+                <para role="eclipse">Sda2/Jpa/HibernateCacheDemo</para>
+              </annotation>
+              <orderedlist>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>Insert 10000 randomly generated
+                  <classname>Person</classname> entries into your
+                  database.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>Measure time differences for loading 1000 entities in
+                  different sessions.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para>Measure time differences for attribute based queries
+                  both with query cache enabled and disabled.</para>
+                </listitem>
+              </orderedlist>
+            </question>
+          </qandaentry>
+        </qandadiv>
+      </qandaset>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="orphanRemoval">
+      <title>orphanRemoval vs. CascadeType.DELETE</title>
+      <para>Describe the difference and construct an example.</para>
+    </section>
+  </chapter>
diff --git a/Doc/Sda2/jpa.xml b/Doc/Sda2/jpa.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index de3e65b8e8cf27f4e81df0238537fc39c8ab7375..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Doc/Sda2/jpa.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2967 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter version="5.1" xml:id="jpa" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
-         xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/transclusion"
-         xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
-         xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
-         xmlns:db="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">
-  <title><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/></title>
-  <remark>Mapping tools should be used only by someone familiar with
-  relational technology. O-R mapping is not meant to save developers from
-  understanding mapping problems or to hide them altogether. It is meant for
-  those who have an understanding of the issues and know what they need, but
-  who don't want to have to write thousands of lines of code to deal with a
-  problem that has already been solved.<xref linkend="bib_Keith09"/>.</remark>
-  <section xml:id="configureEclipseMaven">
-    <title>Configuring a Maven based Eclipse <xref linkend="glo_Java"/>
-    project with Hibernate</title>
-    <para>We will use Maven for several purposes:</para>
-    <figure xml:id="fig_reasonsUsingMaven">
-      <title>Reasons for using Maven</title>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/mavenIntro.fig" scale="65"/>
-        </imageobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </figure>
-    <para>We do explain the problem of managing transitive dependencies in
-    projects:</para>
-    <figure xml:id="fig_transitiveDependencies">
-      <title>Transitive dependencies</title>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/transitiveDep.fig" scale="65"/>
-        </imageobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </figure>
-    <section xml:id="sect_createHibernateConfiguration">
-      <title>Creating a <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> configuration</title>
-      <para><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> is intended to provide persistence
-      services saving transient <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> instances to a
-      database. For this purpose we have to provide:</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>The type of database (Oracle, DB2, <xref
-          linkend="glo_Soft_Mysql"/>,...)</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> driver class name.</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> connection parameters</para>
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Server name</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>port</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>user name</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>password</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>A list of classes to be mapped</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Parameters defining the log level, whether generated SQL code
-          shall be logged etc.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-      <para><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> offers an XML based configuration syntax
-      typically residing in
-      <filename>src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml</filename>. We
-      show a toy example of a <filename>hibernate.cfg.xml</filename>
-      configuration file mapping just one class
-      <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> to a <xref
-      linkend="glo_Soft_Mysql"/> database server:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="hibernateConfigurationFile">
-        <title>A basic <filename>persistence.xml</filename> <xref
-        linkend="glo_JPA"/> configuration file.</title>
-        <programlisting language="xml">&lt;persistence
-    version="2.1"
-    xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence"
-    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
-    xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence 
-    http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_2_1.xsd"&gt;
-    &lt;!-- 
-         The &lt;code&gt;persistence.xml&lt;/code&gt; file configures at least one persistence unit;
-         each unit must have a unique name.
-    --&gt;
-    &lt;persistence-unit name="entitytemplatePU"&gt;
-        &lt;!-- 
-            Hibernate will scan your classpath for mapped classes and add them automatically
-            to your persistence unit.
-             &lt;exclude-unlisted-classes&gt;false&lt;/exclude-unlisted-classes&gt;
-        --&gt;
-        &lt;exclude-unlisted-classes&gt;false&lt;/exclude-unlisted-classes&gt;
-        &lt;!-- 
-            Disabling the previous option "exclude-unlisted-classes" requires entity classes to
-            be listed explicitely. You may want to uncomment the following definition.
-            &lt;class&gt;my.base.url.Airline&lt;/class&gt;
-        --&gt;
-        &lt;!-- 
-            Standard or vendor-specific options can be set as properties on a persistence unit.
-            Any standard properties have the &lt;code&gt;javax.persistence&lt;/code&gt; name prefix, Hibernate's
-            settings use &lt;code&gt;hibernate&lt;/code&gt;
-        --&gt;
-        &lt;properties&gt;
-            &lt;!-- 
-                JDBC database connection parameter
-            --&gt;
-            &lt;property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/&gt;
-            &lt;property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hdm?useSSL=false"/&gt;
-            &lt;property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="hdmuser"/&gt;
-            &lt;property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="XYZ"/&gt;
-            &lt;!-- 
-                The JPA engine should drop and re-create the SQL schema in the database
-                automatically when it boots. This is ideal for automated testing, when
-                you want to work with a clean database for every test run.
-            --&gt;
-            &lt;property
-                name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action"
-                value="drop-and-create"/&gt;
-            &lt;!-- 
-                When printing SQL in logs, let Hibernate format the SQL nicely and generate
-                comments into the SQL string so we know why Hibernate executed the SQL statement.
-            --&gt;
-            &lt;property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true"/&gt;
-            &lt;property name="hibernate.use_sql_comments" value="true"/&gt;
-            &lt;!-- Enable Hibernate scanning for entity classes and adding them automatically
-                but not for hbm.xml files. --&gt;
-            &lt;property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class"/&gt;
-        &lt;/properties&gt;
-    &lt;/persistence-unit&gt;
-      </figure>
-      <para>This file may be edited with a simple text editor. Note the
-      <filename>persistence_2_1.xsd</filename> schema which allows for
-      validation.</para>
-      <para>The Eclipse <productname
-      xlink:href="https://www.jboss.org/tools">Jboss Tools</productname>
-      Eclipse plugin provides a configuration editor simplifying this task.
-      They may be installed on top of Eclipse <link
-      xlink:href="https://www.jboss.org/tools/download">in several
-      ways</link>. The following video shows some of its features.</para>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <videoobject>
-          <videodata fileref="Ref/Video/hibernateConfig.mp4"/>
-        </videoobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </section>
-  </section>
-  <section xml:id="sect_hibernateBasics">
-    <title>A round trip working with objects</title>
-    <para>Hibernate may be regarded as a persistence provider to <xref
-    linkend="glo_JPA"/>:</para>
-    <figure xml:id="jpaPersistProvider">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> persistence provider</title>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/persistProvider.fig"/>
-        </imageobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </figure>
-    <para>The following class <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname>
-    will be used as a starting example to be mapped to a database. Notice the
-    <classname>javax.persistence.Entity</classname> <link
-    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/annotations.html">annotation</link>
-    <coref linkend="entityAnnotation"/>:</para>
-    <figure xml:id="mappingUserInstances">
-      <title>Mapping <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> instances
-      to a database.</title>
-      <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1;
-import javax.persistence.Entity;
-import javax.persistence.Id;
- * A simple class intended to be mapped to a database server
- *
- */
-@Entity <co xml:id="entityAnnotation"/>
-public class User {
-  String uid;
-  /**
-   * @return  The user's unique login name e.g. "goik"
-   */
-  @Id
-  public String getUid() {
-    return uid;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
-   */
-  public void setUid(String uid) {
-    this.uid = uid;
-  }
-  String cname;
-  /**
-   * @return The user's common name e.g. "Martin Goik"
-   */
-  public String getCname() {
-    return cname;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param cname See {@link #getCname()}.
-   */
-  public void setCname(String cname) {
-    this.cname = cname;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Hibernate/JPA require a default constructor. It has has to be
-   * implemented if any non-default constructor has been defined
-   */
-  public User() {}
-  /**
-   * @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
-   * @param cname See {@link #getCname()}.
-   */
-  public User(String uid, String cname) {
-    this.uid = uid;
-    this.cname = cname;
-  }
-    </figure>
-    <para>With respect to <xref linkend="hibernateConfigurationFile"/> we
-    notice our class <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> being
-    referenced:</para>
-    <programlisting language="xml">&lt;persistence ... &gt;
-    &lt;persistence-unit name="hibintroV1PU"&gt;
-        <emphasis role="bold">&lt;class&gt;<classname>hibintro.v1.User</classname>&lt;/class&gt;</emphasis>
-        ...
-    &lt;/persistence-unit&gt;
-     ...</programlisting>
-    <para>This line tells Hibernate to actually map
-    <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> to the database.</para>
-    <section xml:id="persistingObjects">
-      <title>Persisting objects</title>
-      <para>Persisting transient objects may be achieved in various ways.
-      <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/> allows to store and retrieved object
-      values.</para>
-      <para>Having larger projects these tasks become increasingly tedious. It
-      is thus desired to automate these tasks while still using <trademark
-      xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jdbc">JDBC</trademark>
-      for the low level transport layer.</para>
-      <para>The following sections start with a single class
-      <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname>:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="fig_BasicUser">
-        <title>A basic <code>User</code> class.</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/classUser.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <para>Object relational mapping (ORM) denotes the process of mapping
-      instances of classes to relational table data. In our current example we
-      may draw a simple implementation sketch:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="mappingProperties2attributes">
-        <title>Mapping properties to attributes.</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/mapUser.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <para>This is far too simplistic. What about integrity
-      constraints?</para>
-      <figure xml:id="mappingIntegrityConstraints">
-        <title>Annotating integrity constraints</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/mapUserIntegrity.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <para>We start with the following
-      <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> class lacking integrity
-      constraints completely:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.model;
-	@Entity
-	public class User {
-	String uid;
-	public String getUid() {return uid;}
-	public void setUid(String uid) {this.uid = uid;}
-	String cname;
-	public String getCname() {return cname;}
-	public void setCname(String cname) {this.cname = cname;}
-	/**
-	* Hibernate/JPA require a default constructor. It has has to be implemented
-	* if any non-default constructor has been defined
-	*/
-	public User() {}
-	/**
-	* @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
-	* @param cname See {@link #getCname()}.
-	*/
-	public User(String uid, String cname) {
-	this.uid = uid;
-	this.cname = cname;
-	}
-	}</programlisting>
-      <para>Persisting objects with Hibernate requires a
-      <classname>org.hibernate.Session</classname> instance <coref
-      linkend="sessionInstance"/>. It happens between the start <coref
-      linkend="startTransaction"/> and commit <coref
-      linkend="commitTransaction"/> of a transaction being derived from that
-      session:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.run;
-	...
-	public class PersistSingleUser {
-	public static void main(String[] args) {
-	final <classname>org.hibernate.Session</classname> session <co
-          xml:id="sessionInstance"/>= HibernateUtil.createSessionFactory("hibernate.cfg.xml").openSession();
-	final <classname>org.hibernate.Transaction</classname> transaction = session.beginTransaction();<co
-          xml:id="startTransaction"/>
-	final <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> u = new User("goik", "Martin Goik");
-	session.save(u);
-	transaction.commit(); <co xml:id="commitTransaction"/>
-	}
-	}</programlisting>
-      <para>Executing the above code yields a runtime exception:</para>
-      <screen>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
-	at myhibernate.intro.run.PersistUser.main(PersistUser.java:14)
-	Caused by: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: <emphasis role="bold">No identifier specified for entity: myhibernate.intro.model.User</emphasis>
-	...
-	at myhibernate.intro.util.HibernateUtil.buildConfiguration(HibernateUtil.java:17)
-	at myhibernate.intro.util.HibernateUtil.&lt;clinit&gt;(HibernateUtil.java:9)</screen>
-      <para>This runtime error is a little bit cryptic. The missing
-      <quote>identifier</quote> refers to the absence of a primary key
-      definition already mentioned in <xref
-      linkend="mappingIntegrityConstraints"/>. We define a key by annotating
-      the <code>uid</code> property with a
-      <classname>javax.persistence.Id</classname> annotation <coref
-      linkend="primaryKeyDefinition"/>:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.model;
-	import javax.persistence.Entity;
-	<emphasis role="bold">import javax.persistence.Id;</emphasis>
-	...
-	@Entity public class User {...
-	<emphasis role="bold">@Id</emphasis> <co xml:id="primaryKeyDefinition"/>
-	public String getUid() {
-	return uid;
-	} ...</programlisting>
-      <para>The careful reader will have noticed that we've annotated the
-      getter method rather than the property <code>uid</code> itself.
-      Hibernate / <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> can work both ways. Annotating a
-      getter however offers additional support e.g. when logging for debugging
-      purposes is required.</para>
-      <para>This time we are successful. Since we enabled the logging of SQL
-      statements in <xref linkend="hibernateConfigurationFile"/> Hibernate
-      shows us the corresponding <code>INSERT</code> statement:</para>
-      <programlisting language="sql">Hibernate: 
-	insert 
-	into
-        User
-        (cname, uid) sky
-	values
-        (?, ?)</programlisting>
-      <para>Notice the (?,?) part of our log: This indicates the internal
-      usage of <trademark
-      xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jdbc">JDBC</trademark>
-      <classname>java.sql.PreparedStatement</classname> instances. Hibernate
-      generates the following create table statement:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="fig_createTableV1User">
-        <title>Database schema mapping instances of
-        <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname>.</title>
-        <programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
-	  cname VARCHAR(255)
-	  ) </programlisting>
-      </figure>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="loadingObjectsByPrimaryKey">
-      <title>Loading Objects by primary key</title>
-      <para>Having persisted a single
-      <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> instance by means of
-      <classname>hibintro.v1.run.PersistSingleUser</classname> we may now load
-      the database object. The easiest way is based on both the requested
-      object's type <coref linkend="specLoadType"/> and its primary key value
-      <coref linkend="specLoadPrimaryKey"/>:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="loadByClassAndPrimaryKey">
-        <title>Loading a single object by a primary key value.</title>
-        <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.run;
-	  ...
-	  public class RetrieveSingleUser {
-	  ...
-	  final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
-	  final User u = (User) session.load(<emphasis role="bold">User.class</emphasis> <co
-            xml:id="specLoadType"/>, "<emphasis role="bold">goik</emphasis>" <co
-            xml:id="specLoadPrimaryKey"/>);
-	  if (null == u ) {
-	  System.out.println("No such user 'goik'");
-	  } else {
-	  System.out.println("Found user '" + u.getCname() + "'");
-	  }
-	  transaction.commit();...</programlisting>
-      </figure>
-      <para>This retrieves the expected result. Buried in other log messages
-      we find the following SQL <quote>background</quote> statement:</para>
-      <screen>...
-	INFO: HHH000232: Schema update complete
-	Hibernate: 
-	<emphasis role="bold">select
-        user0_.uid as uid0_0_,
-        user0_.cname as cname0_0_ 
-	from
-        User user0_ 
-	where
-        user0_.uid=?</emphasis>
-	Found user 'Martin Goik'</screen>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_MetodNullIfNoexist">
-        <title>Choosing the correct method</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>Actually the code in <xref
-              linkend="loadByClassAndPrimaryKey"/> is not quite correct.
-              Execute it with a non-existing primary key value i.e.
-              <quote>goik2</quote>. What do you observe? Can you explain that
-              behaviour?</para>
-              <para>Read the documentation of the
-              <classname>org.hibernate.Session</classname>.<code>load()</code>
-              method and correct the code snippet.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>If there is no corresponding database object we receive a
-              <classname>org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException</classname>
-              :<coref linkend="loadUserObjectNotFoundException"/></para>
-              <screen>Hibernate: 
-		select
-		user0_.uid as uid0_0_,
-		user0_.cname as cname0_0_ 
-		from
-		User user0_ 
-		where
-		user0_.uid=?
-		Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException: <co
-                  xml:id="loadUserObjectNotFoundException"/>No row with the given identifier exists: [hibintro.v1.model.User#goik2]
-		...
-		at org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.javassist.JavassistLazyInitializer.invoke(JavassistLazyInitializer.java:185)
-		at hibintro.v1.model.User_$$_javassist_0.getCname(User_$$_javassist_0.java)
-		at hibintro.v1.run.RetrieveSingleUser.main(<emphasis role="bold">RetrieveSingleUser.java:35</emphasis>)<co
-                  xml:id="exceptionOnGetCname"/>
-		</screen>
-              <para>Due to <coref linkend="exceptionOnGetCname"/> the
-              exception is being triggered by the <code>getCname()</code>
-              call. The documentation of <code>load()</code> tells us that
-              method calls may be delegated to proxy objects which is being
-              implemented by byte code instrumentation. If however no matching
-              database object exists calling the proxy instance yields a
-              <classname>org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException</classname>.</para>
-              <para>The documentation also tells us to use the corresponding
-              <methodname>org.hibernate.Session.get(Class,Serializable)</methodname>
-              method which actually returns <code>null</code> in case a
-              primary key value does not exist:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">... final User u = (User) session.get(User.class, "goik2");
-		if (null == u ) {
-		System.out.println("No such user having key value 'goik2'");
-		...</programlisting>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="loadingObjectsByQuery">
-      <title>Loading objects by queries</title>
-      <para>Often we are interested in a (sub)set of results. We populate our
-      database with additional <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname>
-      instances:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.run;
-	...
-	public class PersistUsers {
-	...
-	final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
-	final User users[] = {new User("wings", "Fred Wings"),
-        new User("eve", "Eve Briggs")} ;
-	for (final User u : users ) {session.save(u);}
-	transaction.commit(); ...</programlisting>
-      <para>Now we'd like to retrieve these objects. Hibernate offers the
-      <emphasis role="bold">H</emphasis>ibernate <emphasis
-      role="bold">Q</emphasis>uery <emphasis role="bold">L</emphasis>anguage
-      (<xref linkend="glo_HQL"/>) for object queries. As we will see <xref
-      linkend="glo_HQL"/> extends <acronym linkend="glo_SQL">SQL</acronym>
-      with respect to polymorphic queries. The current example does not use
-      inheritance leaving us with a simple <xref linkend="glo_HQL"/> query
-      <coref linkend="hqlFromUser"/> in
-      <classname>hibintro.v1.run.RetrieveAll</classname>:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="retrieveAllUserByHql">
-        <title>Retrieving <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname>
-        instances by <abbrev
-        xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch16.html">HQL</abbrev>.</title>
-        <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.run;
-	  ...
-	  public class RetrieveAll {
-	  ...
-	  final Query searchUsers = session.createQuery("<emphasis role="bold">from User</emphasis>");<co
-            xml:id="hqlFromUser"/>
-	  final List&lt;User&gt; users = (List&lt;User&gt;) searchUsers.list();
-	  for (final User u: users) {
-	  System.out.println("uid=" + u.getUid() + ", " + u.getCname());
-	  }</programlisting>
-      </figure>
-      <para>Being used to <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/>we notice the absence of a
-      SELECT clause in <coref linkend="hqlFromUser"/>: The ratio behind is
-      having a focus on objects rather than on attribute sets. Thus our <xref
-      linkend="glo_HQL"/> query returns a set of
-      <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> instances:</para>
-      <screen>uid=eve, Eve Briggs
-uid=goik, Martin Goik
-uid=wings, Fred Wings</screen>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_AnalyzeHqlResult">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_HQL"/> and <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/>,
-        analyzing results.</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>We may actually retrieve attributes rather than objects.
-              For this purpose our query actually resembles standard <xref
-              linkend="glo_SQL"/> <coref linkend="hqlWithSelect"/>:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">final Query searchUsers = session.createQuery("<emphasis
-                  role="bold">select uid, cname from User</emphasis>" <co
-                  xml:id="hqlWithSelect"/>);
-		final Object queryResult <co xml:id="queryResultFromSelect"/>= searchUsers.list();</programlisting>
-              <para>Use the <methodname>Class.getSimpleName()</methodname>
-              reflection method to iteratively analyze the
-              <code>queryResult</code> <coref
-              linkend="queryResultFromSelect"/> instance's structure. This
-              guides you in finding suitable casts to add code similar as in
-              <xref linkend="retrieveAllUserByHql"/> in order to write user's
-              attribute values to standard output.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>A possible implementation reads:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v1.run;
-		...
-		public class GetUsersAsAttributes {
-		...
-		final Query searchUsers = session.createQuery("<emphasis role="bold">select uid, cname from User</emphasis>");
-		@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-		final Object queryResult = searchUsers.list();
-		System.out.println("queryResult type:" + queryResult.getClass().getSimpleName()); <co
-                  xml:id="typeOfHqlResult"/>
-		final List&lt;Object&gt; usersAttributes = (List&lt;Object&gt;) queryResult;
-		for (final Object o: usersAttributes) {
-		System.out.println("result set element type:" + o.getClass().getSimpleName()); <co
-                  xml:id="typeOfEmbeddedObjects"/>
-		final Object attributes[] = (Object []) o;
-		for (Object attribute: attributes) {
-		System.out.println("attribute value:" + attribute);
-		}
-		}...</programlisting>
-              <para>Actually the two lines <coref linkend="typeOfHqlResult"/>
-              and <coref linkend="typeOfEmbeddedObjects"/> are only needed
-              during the development process to discover the result set's
-              object structure.</para>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-      <para>The careful reader may already expect <abbrev
-      xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch16.html">HQL</abbrev>
-      to offer additional features namely predicate based queries. Following
-      <classname>hibintro.v1.run.SelectUser</classname> we may restrict our
-      result set by an <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> style <code>WHERE</code>
-      clause:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">    final List&lt;User&gt; users = (List&lt;User&gt;) session.createQuery(
-        "<emphasis role="bold">from User u where u.cname like '%e%'</emphasis>").list();
-	for (final User u: users) {
-	System.out.println("Found user '" + u.getCname() + "'");
-	}</programlisting>
-      <para>This time we receive a true subset of
-      <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname> instances:</para>
-      <screen>Found user 'Eve Briggs'
-	Found user 'Fred Wings'</screen>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="criteriaBasedQueries">
-      <title>Criteria based queries</title>
-      <para>Selecting Objects by <abbrev
-      xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch16.html">HQL</abbrev>c
-      queries technically means parsing <abbrev
-      xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch16.html">HQL</abbrev>
-      and transforming it into some sort of abstract syntax tree. We may
-      instead create corresponding structures by using
-      <trademark>Hibernate</trademark>'s criteria API:</para>
-    </section>
-  </section>
-  <section xml:id="mappingSingleClasses">
-    <title>Mapping single entities and database tables</title>
-    <section xml:id="transientProperties">
-      <title>Transient properties</title>
-      <para>We take a closer look at <xref linkend="mappingUserInstances"/>
-      assuming that Instances of <classname>hibintro.v1.model.User</classname>
-      need an additional <emphasis role="bold">GUI related</emphasis> property
-      <code>selected</code> <coref linkend="propertyIsSelected"/>:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v2;
-import javax.persistence.Entity;
-import javax.persistence.Id;
- * A simple class intended to be mapped to a database server
- */
-public class User {
-  String uid;
-  /**
-   * @return  The user's unique login name e.g. "goik"
-   */
-  @Id
-  public String getUid() {
-    return uid;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
-   */
-  public void setUid(String uid) {
-    this.uid = uid;
-  }
-  String cname;
-  /**
-   * @return The user's common name e.g. "Martin Goik"
-   */
-  public String getCname() {
-    return cname;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param cname See {@link #getCname()}.
-   */
-  public void setCname(String cname) {
-    this.cname = cname;
-  }
-  boolean selected = false; <co xml:id="propertyIsSelected"/>
-  public boolean isSelected() {
-   return selected;
-  }
-  public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
-     this.selected = selected;
-  }
-  protected User() {}
-  /**
-   * @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
-   * @param cname See {@link #getCname()}.
-   */
-  public User(String uid, String cname) {
-    this.uid = uid;
-    this.cname = cname;
-  }
-      <para>Hibernates produces the following <abbrev
-      xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_definition_language">DDL</abbrev>
-      statements containing an attribute <code>selected</code> <coref
-      linkend="attributeSelected"/>:</para>
-      <programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
-  cname VARCHAR(255),
-  <emphasis role="bold">selected</emphasis> <co xml:id="attributeSelected"/> BIT NOT NULL,
-) </programlisting>
-      <para>If we just annotate a Java class with an
-      <classname>javax.persistence.Entity</classname> Annotation all
-      properties of the class in question will be mapped. A <xref
-      linkend="glo_JPA"/> framework of course cannot distinguish between
-      transient and persistent properties. If we want a property to be
-      transient we have to add a <classname
-      xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Transient.html">javax.persistence.Transient</classname>
-      annotation:</para>
-      <informaltable border="1">
-        <colgroup width="6%"/>
-        <colgroup width="94%"/>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v3;
-public class User {
-       ...
-  boolean selected = false;
-  @Transient <co xml:id="transientAnnotation"/>
-  public boolean isSelected() { return selected; }
-  public void setSelected(boolean selected) { this.selected = selected; }
-       ...
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">SQL</emphasis></td>
-          <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User ( 
-    cname VARCHAR(255)
-) </programlisting></td>
-        </tr>
-      </informaltable>
-      <para>The <classname
-      xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Transient.html">javax.persistence.Transient</classname>
-      annotation inhibits the mapping of our property
-      <code>selected</code>.</para>
-      <caution>
-        <para>When loading a <classname>hibintro.v3.User</classname> instance
-        from a database all transient property values are of course entirely
-        determined by the default constructor.</para>
-      </caution>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="sect_mappingNullValues">
-      <title>Properties and NULL values</title>
-      <para>In <xref linkend="fig_createTableV1User"/> the primary key
-      <code>uid</code> property's value must not be <code>NULL</code>. This is
-      an immediate consequence of the
-      <classname>javax.persistence.Id</classname> annotation and the fact that
-      databases don't allow NULL values for key attributes.</para>
-      <para>The <code>cname</code> property however may be null. Sometimes we
-      want to ensure the corresponding database attributes to be set, at least
-      carrying an empty string value. This can be achieved by adding a
-      <classname
-      xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html">javax.persistence.Column</classname>
-      <option
-      xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html#nullable--">(nullable
-      = false)</option> annotation:</para>
-      <informaltable border="1">
-        <colgroup width="6%"/>
-        <colgroup width="94%"/>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v4;
-    ...
-@Entity public class User {
-  ...
-   String cname;
-   <emphasis role="bold"><classname
-                  xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html">@Column</classname>(<option
-                  xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html#nullable--">nullable</option> = false)</emphasis> public String getCname() {
-   return cname;
-  }
-     ...</programlisting></td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">SQL</emphasis></td>
-          <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
-   cname VARCHAR(255) <emphasis role="bold">NOT NULL</emphasis> <co
-                xml:id="cnameDatabaseNotNull"/>
-        </tr>
-      </informaltable>
-      <para>This results in a corresponding database constraint <coref
-      linkend="cnameDatabaseNotNull"/>. Attempts to store instances with null
-      values now fail:</para>
-      <informaltable border="1">
-        <colgroup width="6%"/>
-        <colgroup width="94%"/>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v4;
-	    ...
-	    public class PersistSingleUser {
-     em.getTransaction().begin();
-     {
-        em.persist(new User("goik", "Martin Goik"));
-     }
-     em.getTransaction().commit();</programlisting></td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Log</emphasis></td>
-          <td><screen>Exception in thread "main" javax.persistence.PersistenceException: 
-  org.hibernate.PropertyValueException: <emphasis role="bold">not-null property references a null or transient value</emphasis> : 
- at org.hibernate.jpa.spi.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.convert(AbstractEntityManagerImpl.java:1692)
-   ...
- at hibintro.v4.PersistSingleUser.main(PersistSingleUser.java:22)</screen></td>
-        </tr>
-      </informaltable>
-      <para>The database constraint violation causes the <trademark
-      xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/jdbc">JDBC</trademark>
-      driver to throw this exception.</para>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="mappingKeys">
-      <title>Defining keys</title>
-      <para>Frequently we need more than just a primary key. Starting from
-      <classname>hibintro.v4.User</classname> we may want to add a property
-      <code>uidNumber</code> adding a common requirement: On UNIX type
-      operation systems each user does have both a unique login name (like
-      <quote>goik</quote>) and a unique numerical value (like
-      <quote>123</quote>). We choose our primary key to be numeric <coref
-      linkend="uidNumberIsPrimaryKey"/>and the login name to become a second
-      candidate key <coref linkend="uidIsUnique"/>:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v5;
-import javax.persistence.Column;
-import javax.persistence.Entity;
-import javax.persistence.Id;
-import javax.persistence.Table;
-import javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint;
-          xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/UniqueConstraint.html">@UniqueConstraint</classname>(<option
-          xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/UniqueConstraint.html#columnNames--">columnNames</option>={"uid"})}) <co
-          xml:id="uidIsUnique"/>
-public class User {
-  int uidNumber;
-  @Id <co xml:id="uidNumberIsPrimaryKey"/>
-  public int getUidNumber() { return uidNumber; }
-  public void setUidNumber(int uidNumber) { this.uidNumber = uidNumber; }
-  String uid;
-  /**
-   * @return The user's unique login name e.g. "goik"
-   */
-  @Column(nullable=false)
-  public String getUid() { return uid; }
-  /**
-   * @param uid, See {@link #getUid()}.
-   */
-  public void setUid(String uid) { this.uid = uid; }
-  ...
-      <para>Notice the slight difference: The property <code>uid</code> may
-      need a
-      <code>@</code><code><classname>javax.persistence.Column</classname>(nullable=false)</code>
-      annotation to become a candidate key. This is <emphasis>not</emphasis>
-      automatically inferred by the
-      <classname>javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint</classname> definition
-      <coref linkend="uidIsUnique"/>. In contrast the property
-      <code>uidNumber</code> is not being referenced by the preceding
-      <classname>javax.persistence.Table</classname> annotation but annotated
-      by <classname>javax.persistence.Id</classname>. Hence a
-      <code>nullable=false</code> is not needed.</para>
-      <para>This is in accordance with <abbrev
-      xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_definition_language">DDL</abbrev>:
-      Attributes composing a primary key must not allow <code>NULL</code>
-      values but attributes only appearing in UNIQUE declarations may become
-      <code>NULL</code>.</para>
-      <para>The resulting <abbrev
-      xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_definition_language">DDL</abbrev>
-      reads:</para>
-      <programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
-  cname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="sect_ComposedKeys">
-      <title>Composed keys</title>
-      <para>Composed candidate keys are often business keys. The underlying
-      logic defines which objects are considered to be identical based on
-      their values.</para>
-      <para>As an example, we consider a company having several departments.
-      Regarding projects he following business rules shall apply:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="projectBusinessRules">
-        <title>Business rules for projects</title>
-        <orderedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Each department must have a unique name.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>A project's name must be unique within the set of all
-            projects belonging to the same department.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>A project must be assigned to exactly one department.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </orderedlist>
-      </figure>
-      <para>Right now we defer considerations of the n:1 relationship between
-      departments and projects to a later chapter. Instead we focus just on
-      project instances and represent departments just by their integer id
-      values which will later become foreign keys.</para>
-      <para>In addition each project receives a unique integer id value as
-      well. This is in accordance with the <quote>best practice</quote> rule
-      of defining a <link
-      xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogate_key">surrogate
-      key</link> <coref linkend="projectPrimaryKeyDefinition"/> to be used as
-      (primary) object identifier. This immutable key will then become the
-      target in foreign key definitions:</para>
-      <informaltable border="1">
-        <colgroup width="6%"/>
-        <colgroup width="94%"/>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v6;
-   ...
-                xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/UniqueConstraint.html">@UniqueConstraint</classname>(columnNames={"name", "department"})}) <co
-                xml:id="projectBusinessKey"/>
-public class Project {
-  int id;
-  @Id <co xml:id="projectPrimaryKeyDefinition"/>
-  public int getId() { return id; }
-  protected void setId(int id) { this.id = id; }
-  String name;
-  @Column(nullable=false)
-  public String getName() { return name; }
-  public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
-  int department;
-  @Column(nullable=false)
-  public int getDepartment() { return department; }
-  public void setDepartment(int department) { this.department = department; }
-  ...
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
-          <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE Project (
-  id int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY <coref linkend="projectPrimaryKeyDefinition"/>,
-  department int(11) NOT NULL,
-  name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-  UNIQUE KEY name (name,department) <coref linkend="projectBusinessKey"/>
-        </tr>
-      </informaltable>
-      <calloutlist>
-        <callout arearefs="projectPrimaryKeyDefinition">
-          <para>Defining the surrogate primary key.</para>
-        </callout>
-        <callout arearefs="projectBusinessKey">
-          <para>Defining a business key composed of a project's
-          <code>name</code> and <code>department</code> number. This
-          implements our second business rule in <xref
-          linkend="projectBusinessRules"/>.</para>
-        </callout>
-      </calloutlist>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_IdGetterProtected">
-        <title><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> <code language="java">id</code>
-        getter visibility.</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>The setter void <methodname
-              annotations="nojavadoc">setId(int)</methodname>in
-              <classname>hibintro.v6.Project</classname> has protected write
-              access. Explain this choice.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>From an application developer's point of view the setter
-              should be absent: The <code>id</code> property is immutable and
-              should not be accessed at all.</para>
-              <para>When loading an instance from a database a persistence
-              provider however has to set its value. Hibernate uses the
-              reflection-API to override the restriction being imposed by the
-              <code>protected</code> modifier. So why not declare it private?
-              Doing so may cause our IDE to flag a warning about an unused
-              private method.</para>
-              <para>So choosing <code>protected</code> is a compromise: An
-              application developer cannot modify the property (unless
-              deriving a class) and our persistence provider can still set its
-              value to the database's primary key attribute value.</para>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="nonUniqueIndexes">
-      <title>Indexes (non-unique)</title>
-      <para>From the viewpoint of software modelling non-unique indexes are
-      not part of the business logic but refer to database optimization.
-      Consequently <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> has no support for non-unique
-      indexes.</para>
-      <para>On the other hand performance matters. Hibernate and other
-      persistence providers offer vendor specific <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/>
-      extensions. We may find it useful to access
-      <classname>hibintro.v5.User</classname> instances having a specific
-      <code>cname</code> quickly. This can be achieved by adding a Hibernate
-      specific
-      <code>org.hibernate.annotations.</code><classname>org.hibernate.annotations.Table</classname>
-      index generating annotation <coref linkend="hibernateExtensionIndex"/>
-      which works on top of <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/>'s
-      <code>javax.persistence.</code><classname>javax.persistence.Table</classname>:</para>
-      <informaltable border="1">
-        <colgroup width="6%"/>
-        <colgroup width="94%"/>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v7;
-@Table(uniqueConstraints={@UniqueConstraint(name="uidKey", columnNames={"uid"})},
-      <emphasis role="bold">indexes = {<classname
-                  xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Index.html">@Index</classname>(<option
-                  xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Index.html#name--">name</option> = "byCname", <option
-                  xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Index.html#columnList--">columnList</option>="cname", <option
-                  xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Index.html#unique--">unique</option> = false)}</emphasis> <co
-                xml:id="hibernateExtensionIndex"/>
-public class User {
-  int uidNumber;
-  @Id
-  public int getUidNumber() { return uidNumber; }
-  public void setUidNumber(int uidNumber) { this.uidNumber = uidNumber; }
-  String uid;
-  /**
-   * @return The user's unique login name e.g. "goik"
-   */
-  @Column(nullable=false)
-  public String getUid() { return uid; }
-  /**
-   * @param uid See {@link #getUid()}.
-   */
-  public void setUid(String uid) { this.uid = uid; }
-   ...
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
-          <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
-  cname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
-CREATE INDEX findCname ON User (cname ASC);</programlisting></td>
-        </tr>
-      </informaltable>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="sect_RenameTablesAndAttributes">
-      <title>Renaming tables and attributes</title>
-      <para>So far we assumed that we map classes to database tables having
-      identical names: A <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> class <code>User</code> is
-      being mapped to a relational table with identical name
-      <code>User</code>. Sometimes a renaming is desired. We may for example
-      want to access a legacy database by a newly implemented <xref
-      linkend="glo_Java"/> application. Choosing meaningful names may conflict
-      with decisions being taken when the original database design took
-      place.</para>
-      <para>In the following example we change the database tables name from
-      its default User to Person <coref linkend="renameUserToPerson"/>. The
-      properties <code>uidNummbe</code>r and <code>cname</code> are changed to
-      attribute names <code>numericUid</code> <coref
-      linkend="renameUidNumberToNumericUid"/>and <code>fullName</code> <coref
-      linkend="renameCnameToFullName"/> respectively:</para>
-      <informaltable border="1">
-        <colgroup width="6%"/>
-        <colgroup width="94%"/>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v8;
-   ...
-<classname xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Table.html">@Table</classname>(<option
-                xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Table.html#name--">name</option>="Person") <co
-                xml:id="renameUserToPerson"/>
-public class User {
-    int uidNumber;
-    @Id
-    <classname xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html">@Column</classname>(<option
-                xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html#name--">name</option>="numericUid") <co
-                xml:id="renameUidNumberToNumericUid"/>
-    public int getUidNumber() {return uidNumber;}
-    public void setUidNumber(int uidNumber) {this.uidNumber = uidNumber;}
-    String uid;
-    @Column(nullable=false)
-    public String getUid() {return uid;}
-    public void setUid(String uid) {this.uid = uid;}
-    String cname;
-    <classname xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html">@Column</classname>(<option
-                xlink:href="http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/Column.html#name--">name</option>="fullName", nullable = false) <co
-                xml:id="renameCnameToFullName"/>
-    public String getCname() {return cname;}
-    public void setCname(String cname) {this.cname = cname;}
-    ...</programlisting></td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
-          <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE Person <coref
-                linkend="renameUserToPerson"/> (
-   numericUid <coref linkend="renameUidNumberToNumericUid"/> int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
-   fullName <coref linkend="renameCnameToFullName"/> varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-   uid varchar(255) NOT NULL
-        </tr>
-      </informaltable>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="sectChangeDefaultTypeMapping">
-      <title>Changing the default type mapping</title>
-      <para>Sometimes we are interested in changing <xref
-      linkend="glo_JPA"/>'s default type mapping strategy. For example
-      <trademark
-      xlink:href="https://www.mysql.com/about/legal/trademark.html">Mysql</trademark>
-      versions prior to 5.0 lack an appropriate type representing boolean
-      values. It was therefore quite common mapping boolean properties to
-      <code>CHAR(1)</code> with possible values being <code>'Y'</code> and
-      <code>'N'</code>. Hibernate will map boolean values to
-      <code>tinyint(1)</code>. Supporting older software may require to tweak
-      the standard mapping.</para>
-      <para>Unfortunately <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> itself does not offer any
-      interface for this purpose. The persistence provider may offer a
-      solution though. Hibernate for example allows to remap <coref
-      linkend="remapBooleanChar"/> types . We assume our
-      <classname>hibintro.v9.User</classname> class to have a
-      <code>boolean</code> property <code>active</code>:</para>
-      <informaltable border="1">
-        <colgroup width="6%"/>
-        <colgroup width="94%"/>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package hibintro.v9;
-import org.hibernate.type.Type;
-    ...
-public class User {
-    ...
-   public void setCname(String cname) {this.cname = cname;}
-   boolean active = false;
-   @Type(type="yes_no") <co xml:id="remapBooleanChar"/>
-   public boolean isActive() {return active;}
-   public void setActive(boolean active) {this.active = active;}
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
-          <td><programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE User (
-   uidNumber int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
-   active char(1) NOT NULL,
-   cname varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
-   uid varchar(255) NOT NULL
-        </tr>
-      </informaltable>
-      <para>Readers being interested in more sophisticated strategies like
-      mapping user defined data types to database types are advised to read
-      the <link
-      xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch05.html#mapping-types">manual
-      section on Hibernate types</link>.</para>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="sda2SectObjectStates">
-      <title>Object states and transitions</title>
-      <figure xml:id="sda2FigObjectStates">
-        <title>Persistence related object states</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/persistentStates.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="sectionXmlJpaJaxb">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_XML"/> to <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> using
-      <xref linkend="glo_JAXB"/></title>
-      <para>Consider the following <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> dataset
-      example:</para>
-      <programlisting language="xml">&lt;catalog xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="cd.xsd"&gt;
-&lt;cd id="12"&gt;
-  &lt;title&gt;Empire Burlesque&lt;/title&gt;
-  &lt;artist&gt;Bob Dylan&lt;/artist&gt;
-  &lt;country&gt;USA&lt;/country&gt;
-  &lt;company&gt;Columbia&lt;/company&gt;
-  &lt;price&gt;10.90&lt;/price&gt;
-  &lt;year&gt;1985&lt;/year&gt;
-&lt;cd id="34"&gt;
-  &lt;title&gt;Hide your heart&lt;/title&gt;
-  &lt;artist&gt;Bonnie Tylor&lt;/artist&gt;
-  &lt;country&gt;UK&lt;/country&gt;
-  &lt;company&gt;CBS Records&lt;/company&gt;
-  &lt;price&gt;9.90&lt;/price&gt;
-  &lt;year&gt;1988&lt;/year&gt;
- ...</programlisting>
-      <section xml:id="sectionXmlJpaJaxbSchema">
-        <title>Supplying a schema</title>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandaXmlJpaJaxbSchema">
-          <title>Integrity constraints</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Create a suitable XML schema enforcing the following
-                integrity constraints:</para>
-                <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>All elements are required.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>The element <tag class="starttag">price</tag> is of
-                    decimal type having two fractional digits.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>The elements <tag class="starttag">year</tag> and
-                    <code>@id</code> are of integer type.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>The attribute <code>@id</code> defines a key.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <programlisting language="xml">&lt;xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified"&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:simpleType name="money"&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:fractionDigits value="2"/&gt;
-		  &lt;/xs:restriction&gt;
-		  &lt;/xs:simpleType&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:element name="catalog"&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:complexType&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:sequence&gt;
-                  &lt;xs:element ref="cd" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/&gt;
-		  &lt;/xs:sequence&gt;
-		  &lt;/xs:complexType&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:key name="uniqueId"&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:selector xpath="cd"/&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:field xpath="@id"/&gt;
-		  &lt;/xs:key&gt;
-		  &lt;/xs:element&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:element name="cd"&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:complexType&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:sequence&gt;
-                  &lt;xs:element name="title" type="xs:string"/&gt;
-                  &lt;xs:element name="artist" type="xs:string"/&gt;
-                  &lt;xs:element name="country" type="xs:string"/&gt;
-                  &lt;xs:element name="company" type="xs:string"/&gt;
-                  &lt;xs:element name="price" type="money"/&gt;
-                  &lt;xs:element name="year" type="xs:int"/&gt;
-		  &lt;/xs:sequence&gt;
-		  &lt;xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:int" use="required"/&gt;
-		  &lt;/xs:complexType&gt;
-		  &lt;/xs:element&gt;
-		  &lt;/xs:schema&gt;</programlisting>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-      <section xml:id="sectionXmlJpaJaxbImport">
-        <title>Importing <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> data to a RDBMS</title>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandaXmlJpaJaxbImport">
-          <title>Reading XML, write using <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/></title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Read the given XML data example using <xref
-                linkend="glo_JAXB"/> and persist the corresponding objects to
-                a RDBMS. This requires the following steps:</para>
-                <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Use the <xref linkend="glo_JAXB"/> schema compiler
-                    <command
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/unix/xjc.html"><xref
-                    linkend="glo_xjc"/></command> accordingly to create domain
-                    classes corresponding to <tag
-                    class="starttag">catalog</tag> and <tag
-                    class="starttag">cd</tag> .</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Create a <classname
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/javax/xml/bind/JAXBContext.html">JAXBContext</classname>
-                    and an <classname
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html">Unmarshaller</classname>
-                    instance to parse valid <tag
-                    class="starttag">catalog</tag> instances
-                    accordingly.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Supply <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> annotations to the
-                    <command
-                    xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/unix/xjc.html"><xref
-                    linkend="glo_xjc"/></command> generated
-                    <classname>de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sda2.jpa.cd.domain.Catalog</classname>
-                    class.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-                <para>Hint: The Maven archetype <link
-                xlink:href="https://maven-repository.com/artifact/com.github.lalyos/standalone-jpa-eclipselink-archetype">standalone-jpa-eclipselink-archetype</link>
-                may help getting started with <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/>
-                configuration issues. You may want to add <link
-                xlink:href="https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/archetype-catalog.xml">http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/archetype-catalog.xml</link>
-                to your list of archetype repositories.</para>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <annotation role="make">
-                  <para role="eclipse">Sda2/Jpa/Cd</para>
-                </annotation>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-  </section>
-  <section xml:id="jpaInheritance">
-    <title>Inheritance</title>
-    <figure xml:id="sda2FigMapInheritIntro">
-      <title>Introducing inheritance mapping</title>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/mapInherit.svg"/>
-        </imageobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </figure>
-    <para>Mapping inheritance hierarchies to relational databases means
-    bridging the gap between object <link
-    xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_impedance_mismatch">oriented
-    and relational models</link>. We start with a slightly modified example
-    from <xref linkend="bib_Bauer15"/>:</para>
-    <figure xml:id="fig_BillingDetails">
-      <title>Modelling payment.</title>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/billing.fig"/>
-        </imageobject>
-        <caption>
-          <para>Simplified Billing details example derived from <xref
-          linkend="bib_Bauer15"/>. Notice
-          <classname>inherit.v1.BillingDetails</classname> being an abstract
-          parent class of two concrete classes
-          <classname>inherit.v1.CreditCard</classname> and
-          <classname>inherit.v1.BankAccount</classname>. The attribute
-          <code>number</code> applies both to bank account and credit card
-          payments.</para>
-        </caption>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </figure>
-    <para>Since the relational model lacks inheritance completely we have to
-    implement a database schema ourselves. We subsequently explore three main
-    approaches each of which having its own advantages and
-    disadvantages.</para>
-    <section xml:id="sect_InheritTablePerClassHierarchie">
-      <title>Single table per class hierarchy</title>
-      <para>This approach may be considered the most simple: We just create
-      one database table for storing instances of arbitrary classes belonging
-      to the inheritance hierarchy in question:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="fig_TablePerClassHierarchyData">
-        <title>A single relation mapping.</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/billingData.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-          <caption>
-            <para>Fitting both <classname>inherit.v1.CreditCard</classname>
-            and <classname>inherit.v1.BankAccount</classname> instances into a
-            single relation.</para>
-          </caption>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <para>The relation may be created by the following <abbrev
-      xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_definition_language">DDL</abbrev>:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="fig_TablePerClassHierarchyMapping">
-        <title>Mapping the inheritance hierarchy.</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/billingSql.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <para>We take a closer look at the generated relation. Since</para>
-      <informaltable border="1">
-        <colgroup width="6%"/>
-        <colgroup width="94%"/>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-          <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.v1;
-            ...
-	    @Entity
-	    @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.<emphasis role="bold">SINGLE_TABLE</emphasis>) <co
-                linkends="billingMapSingleTableCallout"
-                xml:id="billingMapSingleTable"/>
-	    @DiscriminatorColumn(name="dataType", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING) <co
-                linkends="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorCallout"
-                xml:id="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminator"/>
-	    abstract class BillingDetails {
-	    @Id @GeneratedValue <co
-                linkends="billingMapSingleTableIdGeneratedCallout"
-                xml:id="billingMapSingleTableIdGenerated"/> public Long getId() ...
-	    @Column(nullable = false, length = 32)public final String getNumber() ...
-	    @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
-	    @Column(nullable = false) public Date getCreated() ...</programlisting>
-          <programlisting language="java">package inherit.v1;
-	    ...
-	    @Entity
-	    @DiscriminatorValue(value = "Credit card" <co
-                xml:id="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorCredit"/>)
-	    public class CreditCard extends BillingDetails {
-	    ... //Nothing JPA related happens here</programlisting> <programlisting
-          language="java">package inherit.v1;
-	    ...
-	    @Entity
-	    @DiscriminatorValue(value = "Bank account" <co
-                xml:id="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorBank"/>)
-	    public class BankAccount extends BillingDetails {
-	    ... //Nothing JPA related happens here</programlisting></td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
-          <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">CREATE TABLE BillingDetails <co
-                linkends="billingMapSingleTableCallout"
-                xml:id="BillingDetailsGeneratedRelationName"/> (
-	    dataType varchar(31) NOT NULL,
-	    number varchar(255) NOT NULL, <co
-                linkends="billingMapSingleTableBaseNotNull"
-                xml:id="billingMapSingleTableCalloutNumberNotNull"/>
-	    created datetime NOT NULL, <co
-                linkends="billingMapSingleTableBaseNotNull"
-                xml:id="billingMapSingleTableCalloutCreatedNotNull"/>
-	    cardType int(11) DEFAULT NULL, <co
-                linkends="billingMapSingleTableDerivedNull"
-                xml:id="billingMapSingleTableCardTypeNull"/>
-	    expiration datetime DEFAULT NULL, <co
-                linkends="billingMapSingleTableDerivedNull"
-                xml:id="billingMapSingleTableExpirationNull"/>
-	    bankName varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, <co
-                linkends="billingMapSingleTableDerivedNull"
-                xml:id="billingMapSingleTableBankNameNull"/>
-	    swiftcode varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL <co
-                linkends="billingMapSingleTableDerivedNull"
-                xml:id="billingMapSingleTableSwiftCodeNull"/>
-	    )</programlisting></td>
-        </tr>
-      </informaltable>
-      <calloutlist>
-        <callout arearefs="billingMapSingleTable"
-                 xml:id="billingMapSingleTableCallout">
-          <para>All classes of the inheritance hierarchy will be mapped to a
-          single table. Unless stated otherwise the <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/>
-          provider will choose the root class' name
-          (<code>BillingDetails</code>) as default value for the generated
-          relation's name <coref
-          linkend="BillingDetailsGeneratedRelationName"/>.</para>
-        </callout>
-        <callout arearefs="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminator"
-                 xml:id="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorCallout">
-          <para>The <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> provider needs a column to
-          distinguish the different types of database objects. We've chosen
-          the discriminator attribute <code>dataType</code> values to be
-          simple strings. Due to the definitions in <coref
-          linkend="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorCredit"/> and <coref
-          linkend="billingMapSingleTableDiscriminatorBank"/> database object
-          types are being identified by either of the two values:</para>
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><code>Credit card</code>: object will be mapped to
-              <classname>inherit.v1.CreditCard</classname>.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><code>Bank account</code>: object will be mapped to
-              <classname>inherit.v1.BankAccount</classname>.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
-          <para>In a productive system the
-          <classname>javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType</classname> setting
-          will typically favour
-          <classname>javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType</classname><code>.INTEGER</code>
-          over
-          <classname>javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType</classname><code>.STRING</code>
-          unless the application in question has to deal with a legacy
-          database schema.</para>
-        </callout>
-        <callout arearefs="billingMapSingleTableIdGenerated"
-                 xml:id="billingMapSingleTableIdGeneratedCallout">
-          <para>This one is unrelated to inheritance: Our primary key values
-          will be auto generated by the database server e.g. by
-          <code>SEQUENCE</code> or <code>IDENTITY</code> mechanisms if
-          available.</para>
-        </callout>
-        <callout arearefs="billingMapSingleTableCalloutNumberNotNull billingMapSingleTableCalloutCreatedNotNull"
-                 xml:id="billingMapSingleTableBaseNotNull">
-          <para>Only the base class' attributes may exclude <code>NULL</code>
-          values.</para>
-        </callout>
-        <callout arearefs="billingMapSingleTableCardTypeNull billingMapSingleTableExpirationNull billingMapSingleTableBankNameNull billingMapSingleTableSwiftCodeNull"
-                 xml:id="billingMapSingleTableDerivedNull">
-          <para>All derived classes' attributes must allow <code>NULL</code>
-          values.</para>
-        </callout>
-      </calloutlist>
-      <para>We may now insert instances of
-      <classname>inherit.v1.BankAccount</classname> or
-      <classname>inherit.v1.CreditCard</classname>:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="insertCreditBank">
-        <title>Inserting payment information</title>
-        <programlisting language="java">package inherit.v1;
-	  ...
-	  public class Persist {
-	  public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
-	  ... final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
-	  {
-          final CreditCard creditCard = new CreditCard("4412 8334 4512 9416", 1, "05/18/15");
-          session.save(creditCard);
-          final BankAccount bankAccount = new BankAccount("1107 2 31", "Lehman Brothers", "BARCGB22");
-          session.save(bankAccount);
-	  }
-	  transaction.commit(); ...</programlisting>
-      </figure>
-      <section xml:id="sect_InheritTablePerClassHierarchieLoad">
-        <title>Database object retrieval</title>
-        <para>As in <xref linkend="retrieveAllUserByHql"/> objects being
-        stored by <xref linkend="insertCreditBank"/> may be queried using
-        <abbrev
-        xlink:href="https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.1/manual/en-US/html/ch16.html">HQL</abbrev>.</para>
-        <informaltable border="1">
-          <colgroup width="6%"/>
-          <colgroup width="94%"/>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.v1;
-	      ...
-	      public class RetrieveCredit {
-	      public static void main(String[] args) {
-	      ...
-	      final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
-	      final Query searchCreditPayments = session.createQuery("<emphasis
-                  role="bold">from inherit.v1.CreditCard</emphasis>"); <co
-                  xml:id="hqlQueryCreditCard"/>
-	      final List&lt;CreditCard&gt; creditCardList = (List&lt;CreditCard&gt;) searchCreditPayments.list();
-	      for (final CreditCard c: creditCardList) {
-	      System.out.println(c);
-	      } ...</programlisting></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
-            <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">INFO: HHH000232: Schema update complete
-	      Hibernate: 
-	      select
-              creditcard0_.id as id0_,
-              creditcard0_.created as created0_,
-              creditcard0_.number as number0_,
-              creditcard0_.cardType as cardType0_,
-              creditcard0_.expiration as expiration0_ 
-	      from
-              BillingDetails creditcard0_ 
-	      where
-              creditcard0_.<emphasis role="bold">dataType</emphasis> <co
-                  xml:id="hqlQueryCreditCard_dataType"/>='<emphasis
-                  role="bold">Credit card</emphasis>'
-	      <emphasis role="bold">CreditCard: number=4412 8334 4512 9416, created 2013-02-19 13:09:22.0,
-              cardType=1, expiration=2015-05-18 00:00:00.</emphasis> <co
-                  xml:id="hqlQueryCreditCardResultSet"/></programlisting></td>
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-        <para>Some Remarks: Our query asks for instances of
-        <classname>inherit.v2.CreditCard</classname> <coref
-        linkend="hqlQueryCreditCard"/>. This gets implemented as an <xref
-        linkend="glo_SQL"/> <code>SELECT</code> choosing datasets whose
-        discriminator attribute <code>value of dataType</code> <coref
-        linkend="hqlQueryCreditCard_dataType"/> equals <quote><code>Credit
-        card</code></quote>. The current result set contains just one element
-        <coref linkend="hqlQueryCreditCardResultSet"/> in accordance with
-        <xref linkend="insertCreditBank"/>.</para>
-        <para>Retrieving both <classname>inherit.v1.CreditCard</classname> and
-        <classname>inherit.v1.BankAccount</classname> instances is
-        accomplished by querying for the common base class
-        <classname>inherit.v1.BillingDetails</classname>:</para>
-        <informaltable border="1">
-          <colgroup width="6%"/>
-          <colgroup width="94%"/>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.v1;
-	      ...
-	      public class RetrieveAll {
-	      ...
-	      final Query searchBilling = session.createQuery("from <emphasis
-                  role="bold">inherit.v1.BillingDetails</emphasis>");
-	      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-	      final List&lt;BillingDetails&gt; billingDetailsList = (List&lt;BillingDetails&gt;) searchBilling.list();
-	      for (final BillingDetails c: billingDetailsList) {
-	      System.out.println(c);
-	      } ...</programlisting></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
-            <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">INFO: HHH000232: Schema update complete
-	      Hibernate: 
-	      select
-              billingdet0_.id as id0_,
-              ...
-              billingdet0_.dataType as dataType0_ 
-	      from
-              BillingDetails billingdet0_
-	      CreditCard: number=4412 8334 4512 9416, created 2013-02-19 13:09:22.0, <co
-                  xml:id="resultSetHeterogeneous"/>
-              cardType=1, expiration=2015-05-18 00:00:00.0
-	      BankAccount: number=1107 2 31, created 2013-02-19 13:09:22.0,
-              bankName=Lehman Brothers, swiftcode=BARCGB22</programlisting></td>
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-        <para>This is the first example of a polymorphic query yielding a
-        heterogeneous result set<coref
-        linkend="resultSetHeterogeneous"/>.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section xml:id="sect_InheritTablePerClassHierarchieNullProblem">
-        <title>Null values</title>
-        <para>Our current mapping strategy limits our means to specify data
-        integrity constraints. It is no longer possible to disallow
-        <code>null</code> values for properties belonging to derived classes.
-        We might want to disallow <code>null</code> values in the
-        <code>bankName</code> property. Hibernate will generate a
-        corresponding database attribute <coref
-        linkend="require_bankNameNotNullDb"/>:</para>
-        <informaltable border="1">
-          <colgroup width="6%"/>
-          <colgroup width="94%"/>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.v2;
-	      ...
-	      @Entity @DiscriminatorValue(value = "Bank account")
-	      public class BankAccount extends BillingDetails {
-	      String bankName;
-	      @Column(<emphasis role="bold">nullable=false</emphasis>) <co
-                  xml:id="require_bankNameNotNull"/>
-	      public String getBankName() {return bankName;} ...</programlisting></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
-            <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">CREATE TABLE BillingDetails (
-	      bankName varchar(255) <emphasis role="bold">NOT NULL</emphasis>, <co
-                  xml:id="require_bankNameNotNullDb"/>
-	      ...</programlisting></td>
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-        <para>Looks good? Unfortunately the attempt to save a bank account
-        <coref linkend="saveBankAccount"/> yields a runtime exception <coref
-        linkend="saveBankAccountException"/>:</para>
-        <informaltable border="1">
-          <colgroup width="6%"/>
-          <colgroup width="94%"/>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.v2;
-	      ...
-	      public class Persist {
-	      ...
-	      final CreditCard creditCard = new CreditCard("4412 8334 4512 9416", 1, "05/18/15");
-	      session.save(creditCard);
-	      final BankAccount bankAccount = new BankAccount("1107 2 31", "Lehman Brothers", "BARCGB22");
-	      session.save(bankAccount) <co xml:id="saveBankAccount"/>; ...</programlisting></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
-            <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">...
-	      Feb 19, 2013 10:28:00 AM org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate execute
-	      INFO: HHH000232: Schema update complete
-	      Hibernate: 
-	      insert 
-	      into
-              BillingDetails
-              (created, number, cardType, expiration, dataType) 
-	      values
-              (?, ?, ?, ?, 'Credit card')
-	      Feb 19, 2013 10:28:00 AM org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper logExceptions
-	      WARN: SQL Error: 1364, SQLState: HY000
-	      Feb 19, 2013 10:28:00 AM org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper logExceptions
-	      <emphasis role="bold">ERROR: Field 'bankName' doesn't have a default value 
-	      Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: 
-	      Field 'bankName' doesn't have a default value</emphasis> <co
-                  xml:id="saveBankAccountException"/>
-	      ...
-	      at inherit.v2.Persist.main(Persist.java:28)
-	      Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Field 'bankName' doesn't have a default value</programlisting></td>
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-        <para>Conclusion: A table per class hierarchy mapping does not allow
-        to specify not null constraints for properties of derived
-        classes.</para>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
-                  xml:id="quandaentry_MappingFigureInherit">
-          <title>Mapping figures</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Map the following model to a database:</para>
-                <figure xml:id="modelFigureInheritance">
-                  <title>Figure subclasses</title>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/figureInherit.fig"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                </figure>
-                <para>The two properties <code>xCenter</code> and
-                <code>yCenter</code> in the abstract base class
-                <code>Figure</code> represent the coordinates of the concrete
-                figure's center of gravity. In a drawing application this
-                would be considered the placement of the respective
-                object.</para>
-                <para>The abstract method <code>getArea()</code> is meant to
-                be implemented without interfering with your database mapping.
-                Choose an integer discriminator. Test your application by
-                storing and loading objects.</para>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <para>The main difference to the current
-                <classname>inherit.v1.BillingDetails</classname> example is
-                the <classname>javax.persistence.Transient</classname>
-                annotation of the <code>area</code> property in
-                <classname>inherit.v3.Figure</classname>,
-                <classname>inherit.v3.Circle</classname> and
-                <classname>inherit.v3.Rectangle</classname>. The storage ant
-                retrieval applications are
-                <classname>inherit.v3.Persist</classname>,
-                <classname>inherit.v3.RetrieveRectangles</classname> and
-                <classname>inherit.v3.RetrieveAll</classname> are
-                straightforward.</para>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="joinedSubclass">
-      <title>Joined subclasses</title>
-      <para>The basic idea is to generate a normalized schema implementing
-      inheritance relationships by foreign keys:</para>
-      <figure xml:id="joindSubclassMapping">
-        <title>Joined subclass mapping.</title>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/billingMapJoined.fig"/>
-          </imageobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </figure>
-      <para>The inheritance strategy of joined subclasses <coref
-      linkend="strategyJoinedSubclass"/> is being defined in the abstract base
-      class <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname>:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">package inherit.joined.v1;
-	...
-	@Entity
-	@Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) <co
-          xml:id="strategyJoinedSubclass"/>
-	public abstract class BillingDetails { ... }</programlisting>
-      <para>The derived classes need to provide an implementation hint in
-      order to identify the required foreign key <coref
-      linkend="referenceParentClass"/> to the parent class
-      <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname>:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">package inherit.joined.v1;
-	...
-	@Entity
-	@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="parent" <co xml:id="referenceParentClass"/>, referencedColumnName="id")
-	public class CreditCard extends BillingDetails {
-	int cardType;
-	@Column(nullable=false) <co xml:id="tpcNotNullCardType"/>
-	public int getCardType() {return cardType;}
-	public void setCardType(int cardType) {this.cardType = cardType;}
-	Date expiration;
-	@Column(nullable=false) <co xml:id="tpcNotNullexpiration"/>
-	public Date getExpiration() {return expiration;}
-	public void setExpiration(Date expiration) {this.expiration = expiration;}
-	...
-	}</programlisting>
-      <para>Notice the ability to exclude null values in <coref
-      linkend="tpcNotNullCardType"/> and <coref
-      linkend="tpcNotNullexpiration"/>.</para>
-      <section xml:id="joinedSubclassRetrieve">
-        <title>Retrieving Objects</title>
-        <para>On the database server side object retrieval results in a more
-        expensive operation: A query for root class instances
-        of<classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname> <coref
-        linkend="joinedQueryBillingDetails"/> of our inheritance hierarchy
-        results in joining all three tables <code>BillingDetails</code> <coref
-        linkend="joinFromBillingDetails"/>, <code>BankAccount</code> <coref
-        linkend="joinFromBankAccount"/> and <code>CreditCard</code> <coref
-        linkend="joinFromCreditCard"/>:</para>
-        <informaltable border="1">
-          <colgroup width="6%"/>
-          <colgroup width="94%"/>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Java</emphasis></td>
-            <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">package inherit.joined.v1;
-	      ...
-	      public class RetrieveAll {
-	      ...
-	      final Query searchBilling = session.createQuery("<emphasis role="bold">from inherit.tpc.v1.BillingDetails</emphasis>" <co
-                  xml:id="joinedQueryBillingDetails"/>);
-	      ...</programlisting></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><emphasis role="bold">Sql</emphasis></td>
-            <td><programlisting continuation="continues" language="sql">Hibernate: 
-	      select
-              billingdet0_.id as id0_,
-              billingdet0_.created as created0_,
-              billingdet0_.number as number0_,
-              billingdet0_1_.bankName as bankName1_,
-              billingdet0_1_.swiftcode as swiftcode1_,
-              billingdet0_2_.cardType as cardType2_,
-              billingdet0_2_.expiration as expiration2_,
-              case 
-              when billingdet0_1_.id is not null then 1 
-              when billingdet0_2_.id is not null then 2 
-              when billingdet0_.id is not null then 0 
-              end as clazz_ 
-	      from
-              <emphasis role="bold">BillingDetails</emphasis> billingdet0_ <co
-                  xml:id="joinFromBillingDetails"/>
-	      left outer join
-              <emphasis role="bold">BankAccount</emphasis> billingdet0_1_ <co
-                  xml:id="joinFromBankAccount"/>
-              on billingdet0_.id=billingdet0_1_.id
-	      left outer join
-              <emphasis role="bold">CreditCard</emphasis> billingdet0_2_ <co
-                  xml:id="joinFromCreditCard"/>
-              on billingdet0_.id=billingdet0_2_.id </programlisting></td>
-          </tr>
-        </informaltable>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_IntegrityGenerate">
-          <title><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> constraints and database
-          integrity.</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Explain all integrity constraints of the Hibernate
-                generated schema. Will it implement the constraints corectly
-                on database level corresponding to the inheritance related
-                <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> objects? On contrary: Are there
-                possible database states which do not correspond to the domain
-                model's object constraints?</para>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <para>We take a look to the database schema:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">CREATE TABLE BillingDetails (
-                    linkends="inheritJoinSqlJava-1"
-                    xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-1-co"/>,
-		  created datetime NOT NULL,
-		  number varchar(32) NOT NULL
-		  );
-		  CREATE TABLE CreditCard (
-		  id bigint(20) NOT NULL  PRIMARY KEY <co linkends="inheritJoinSqlJava-2"
-                    xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-2-co"/> REFERENCES <co
-                    linkends="inheritJoinSqlJava-3"
-                    xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-3-co"/> BillingDetails,
-		  cardType int(11) NOT NULL,
-		  expiration datetime NOT NULL
-		  );
-		  CREATE TABLE BankAccount (
-		  id bigint(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY <co linkends="inheritJoinSqlJava-4"
-                    xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-4-co"/> REFERENCES <co
-                    linkends="inheritJoinSqlJava-4"
-                    xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-5-co"/> BillingDetails,
-		  bankName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-		  swiftcode varchar(255) NOT NULL
-		  );</programlisting>
-                <calloutlist>
-                  <callout arearefs="inheritJoinSqlJava-1-co"
-                           xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-1">
-                    <para>The table implementing the root class
-                    <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname> of
-                    the inheritance hierarchy will be referenced both by
-                    <code>CreditCard</code> and <code>BankAccount</code>
-                    datasets and thus requires a key to become addressable.
-                    Moreover the corresponding
-                    <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname>
-                    class requires this attribute to be the primary key
-                    anyway.</para>
-                  </callout>
-                  <callout arearefs="inheritJoinSqlJava-2-co"
-                           xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-2">
-                    <para>Each <code>CreditCard</code> specific set of
-                    attributes belongs to exactly one
-                    <code>BillingDetails</code> instance and hence the id
-                    within our table <code>CreditCard</code> must be
-                    unique.</para>
-                  </callout>
-                  <callout arearefs="inheritJoinSqlJava-3-co"
-                           xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-3">
-                    <para>As stated in <coref
-                    linkend="inheritJoinSqlJava-2-co"/> each
-                    <code>CreditCard</code> dataset must refer to its parent
-                    <code>BillingDetails</code> instance.</para>
-                  </callout>
-                  <callout arearefs="inheritJoinSqlJava-4-co inheritJoinSqlJava-5-co"
-                           xml:id="inheritJoinSqlJava-4">
-                    <para>These constraints likewise describe <coref
-                    linkend="inheritJoinSqlJava-2-co"/> and <coref
-                    linkend="inheritJoinSqlJava-3-co"/> for
-                    <code>BankAccount</code> datasets.</para>
-                  </callout>
-                </calloutlist>
-                <para>The NOT NULL constraints implement their counterpart
-                properties in the corresponding <xref linkend="glo_Java"/>
-                objects.</para>
-                <para>The mapping does not cover one important integrity
-                constraint of our domain model: The base class
-                <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BillingDetails</classname> is
-                abstract. Thus each entry in the database must refer either to
-                a <classname>inherit.joined.v1.CreditCard</classname> or a
-                <classname>inherit.joined.v1.BankAccount</classname> instance.
-                But the above database schema allows for datasets to appear in
-                the <code>BillingDetails</code> table not being referenced by
-                either <code>BankAccount</code> or <code>CreditCard</code>
-                datasets.</para>
-                <para>So the current database schema actually refers to a
-                domain model having a <emphasis
-                role="bold">concrete</emphasis> base class
-                <code>BillingDetails</code>.</para>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
-                  xml:id="quandaentry_FigureJoinedSubclass">
-          <title>Implementing figures by joined subclasses</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Implement the model being given in <xref
-                linkend="modelFigureInheritance"/> by joined
-                subclasses.</para>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <para>See
-                <classname>inherit.joined.v2.Figure</classname>.</para>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="inheritTablePerConcrete">
-      <title>Table per concrete class</title>
-      <para/>
-    </section>
-  </section>
-  <section xml:id="jpaAssociations">
-    <title>Mapping related Components and entities</title>
-    <section xml:id="primaryKeyRevisit">
-      <title>Primary keys revisited</title>
-      <para>Following <xref linkend="bib_Bauer15"/> (p.88) we list important
-      properties of primary keys with respect to <quote>best practices</quote>
-      on top of their relational counterparts:</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>A primary key's values never change</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Primary key values should not have a business meaning</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Primary keys should be chosen to have proper indexing support
-          with respect to the database product in question.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-      <para>Regarding persistence we have three different concepts related to
-      object identity:</para>
-      <glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm>Java Object identity</glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>The operator == checks whether two identifiers point to the
-            same memory address.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm>Java Object equality</glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>The <methodname>Object.equals(Object)</methodname>.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm>Database identity</glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Two distinct datasets (tuples) are identical if all primary
-            key attributes have the same value.</para>
-            <para>In other words: Two distinct database objects differ at
-            least in one of their primary key attribute values.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-      </glosslist>
-      <para>We recommend <xref linkend="bib_Bloch08"/> regarding Java identity
-      and equality of objects.</para>
-      <section xml:id="objectEqualityByPrimaryKey">
-        <title>Defining object equality by primary key</title>
-        <para>Consider the following code:</para>
-        <programlisting language="java">package session1;
-	  ...
-	  public class LoadUser {
-	  ...
-	  final User user;
-	  {
-          final Session session = HibernateUtil.createSessionFactory("session1/hibernate.cfg.xml").openSession();
-          final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
-          user = (User) session.load(User.class, 1L);
-          final User user1 = (User) session.load(User.class, 1L);
-          System.out.println("first transaction: user.equals(user1):" + user.equals(user1)); <co
-            xml:id="rereadInstance_1"/>
-          transaction.commit();
-          session.close();
-	  }
-	  {
-          final Session session = HibernateUtil.createSessionFactory("session1/hibernate.cfg.xml").openSession();
-          final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
-          final User user2 = (User) session.load(User.class, 1L);
-          System.out.println("second transaction: user.equals(user2):" + user.equals(user2)); <co
-            xml:id="rereadInstance_2"/>
-          transaction.commit();
-          session.close();
-	  } ...</programlisting>
-        <para>At first we compare two <classname>session1.User</classname>
-        instances being read by the same session manager <coref
-        linkend="rereadInstance_1"/>. Subsequently we compare a detached
-        <classname>session1.User</classname> instance with a second instance
-        being read by a different session <coref linkend="rereadInstance_2"/>.
-        This yields the following result:</para>
-        <screen>first transaction: user.equals(user1):true <coref
-            linkend="rereadInstance_1"/>
-second transaction: user.equals(user2):false <coref linkend="rereadInstance_2"/></screen>
-        <para>The two instances in question definitely represent the same
-        database entity. The two entity managers referring to different
-        sessions create two distinct instances within a given <xref
-        linkend="glo_Java"/> runtime.</para>
-        <para>Since <xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> entities require an
-        <code>@javax.persistence.Id</code> attribute we may generally define
-        object equality solely based on this at tribute's value:</para>
-        <programlisting language="java">package session2;
-	  ...
-	  public class User {
-	  @Id @GeneratedValue
-	  private Long id;
-	  ...
-	  @Override public boolean equals(Object other) {
-	  if (this == other) <co linkends="equalByPrimaryKey-1"
-            xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-1-co"/>{
-	  return true;
-	  } else if (other instanceof User) {
-	  return getId().equals(((User) other).getId()) <co
-            linkends="equalByPrimaryKey-2" xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-2-co"/>;
-	  } else {
-	  return false;
-	  }
-	  }
-	  @Override public int hashCode() { <co linkends="equalByPrimaryKey-3"
-            xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-3-co"/>
-	  if (null == id) {
-	  return System.identityHashCode(this);
-	  } else {
-	  return getId().hashCode();
-	  }
-	  }
-	  }</programlisting>
-        <para>This way of defining
-        <methodname>session2.User.equals(java.lang.Object)</methodname>
-        implies that either or both of the following two conditions must be
-        met:</para>
-        <calloutlist>
-          <callout arearefs="equalByPrimaryKey-1-co"
-                   xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-1">
-            <para>Both instances must be identical.</para>
-          </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="equalByPrimaryKey-2-co"
-                   xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-2">
-            <para>Both instances must have the same
-            <methodname>session2.User.getId()</methodname> value. It is not
-            necessary to prepend <emphasis role="bold"><code>null != other
-            </code></emphasis><code>&amp;&amp; other instanceof User</code>
-            since the operator <code>instanceof</code> evaluates to
-            <code>false</code> if its left side is <code>null</code>.</para>
-          </callout>
-        </calloutlist>
-        <caution>
-          <para>Do not forget to implement
-          <methodname>Object.hashCode()</methodname> <coref
-          linkend="equalByPrimaryKey-3-co" xml:id="equalByPrimaryKey-3"/>
-          accordingly: Two instances <code>a</code> and <code>b</code>
-          returning <code>a.equals(b) == true</code> equal must return an
-          identical hash code value <code>a.hashCode() == b.hashCode()</code>
-          in order to satisfy a collection's contract.</para>
-          <para><xref linkend="bib_Bloch08"/> covers the contract of
-          <methodname>Object.hashCode()</methodname> and its close relation to
-          <methodname>Object.equals(Object)</methodname> in detail.</para>
-        </caution>
-      </section>
-      <section xml:id="objectEqualityByNaturalKey">
-        <title>Object equality by natural key</title>
-        <para>Defining entity equality based on database identity suffers from
-        a severe deficiency: Newly created instances invariably differ from
-        any foreign non-identical instance regardless whether it does have a
-        database identity or not. We consider an example:</para>
-        <programlisting language="java">package session2;
-	  ...
-	  public class CompareNewlyCreated { ...
-	  // Create two transient instances
-	  final User a = new User(123, "goik", "Martin Goik"), <co
-            linkends="compareTransientById-1_2"
-            xml:id="compareTransientById-1-co"/>
-          b = new User(123, "goik", "Martin Goik"); <co
-            linkends="compareTransientById-1_2"
-            xml:id="compareTransientById-2-co"/>
-	  System.out.println("a.equals(b):" + a.equals(b)); <co
-            linkends="compareTransientById-3"
-            xml:id="compareTransientById-3-co"/>
-	  {
-	  final Session session = HibernateUtil.createSessionFactory("session2/hibernate.cfg.xml").openSession();
-	  final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
-	  // previously saved as  new User(123, "goik", "Martin Goik");
-	  final User user = (User) session.load(User.class, 1L); <co
-            linkends="compareTransientById-4"
-            xml:id="compareTransientById-4-co"/>
-	  System.out.println("a.equals(user)):" + a.equals(user)); <co
-            linkends="compareTransientById-5"
-            xml:id="compareTransientById-5-co"/>
-	  transaction.commit();
-	  session.close();
-	  } ...</programlisting>
-        <calloutlist>
-          <callout arearefs="compareTransientById-1-co compareTransientById-2-co"
-                   xml:id="compareTransientById-1_2">
-            <para><!--1 + 2-->Create two transient instances being identical
-            by value.</para>
-          </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="compareTransientById-3-co"
-                   xml:id="compareTransientById-3">
-            <para><!--3-->Both instances are defined to differ by
-            value.</para>
-          </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="compareTransientById-4-co"
-                   xml:id="compareTransientById-4">
-            <para><!--4-->Load a persistent entity from the database.</para>
-          </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="compareTransientById-5-co"
-                   xml:id="compareTransientById-5">
-            <para><!--5-->Transient and persistent instances are defined to
-            differ by value.</para>
-          </callout>
-        </calloutlist>
-        <para>Apparently this is definitely wrong: We do have unique database
-        index definitions. All objects in question do have common values 123
-        and <code>"goik"</code> on these respective keys.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section xml:id="equalityByNaturalKey">
-        <title>Implementing <methodname>Object.equals(Object)</methodname> by
-        natural keys</title>
-        <para>The last section's result actually provides a hint to implement
-        <methodname>Object.equals(Object)</methodname> in a more meaningful
-        way. The problem comparing transient instances occurs since a
-        surrogate key's value is being provided by the database server only at
-        the time an entity is being persisted. If at least one natural key
-        (sometimes referred to as <quote>business key</quote>) is being
-        defined this one may be used instead:</para>
-        <figure xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey">
-          <title>Implementing <methodname>Object.equals(Object)</methodname>
-          by natural keys</title>
-          <programlisting language="java">package session3;
-	    @Entity
-	    @Table(uniqueConstraints={@<emphasis role="bold">UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"uid"}</emphasis>)<co
-              linkends="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-1"
-              xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-1-co"/> ,
-	    @UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"uidNumber"})})
-	    public class User {
-	    ...
-	    String uid;
-	    @Column(nullable=false)
-	    public String getUid() {return uid;}
-	    public void setUid(String uid) {this.uid = uid;}
-	    ...
-	    @Override
-	    public boolean equals(Object other) {
-	    if (this == other) {
-	    return true;
-	    } else if (other instanceof User) {
-	    return <emphasis role="bold">getUid().equals(((User) other).getUid())</emphasis>; <co
-              linkends="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-2"
-              xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-2-co"/>
-	    } else {
-	    return false;
-	    }
-	    }
-	    @Override
-	    public int hashCode() {
-	    if (null == getUid()) {
-	    return System.identityHashCode(this);
-	    } else {
-	    return <emphasis role="bold">getUid().hashCode()</emphasis>; <co
-              linkends="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-3"
-              xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-3-co"/>
-	    }
-	    }
-	    }</programlisting>
-          <calloutlist>
-            <callout arearefs="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-1-co"
-                     xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-1">
-              <para>Definition of property
-              <methodname>session3.User.getUid()</methodname> to become a
-              natural key.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-2-co"
-                     xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-2">
-              <para>Two <classname>session3.User</classname> instances having
-              identical <methodname>session3.User.getUid()</methodname> values
-              will be considered equal.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-3-co"
-                     xml:id="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-3">
-              <para>The <methodname>session3.User.hashCode()</methodname>
-              implementation has to be changed accordingly.</para>
-            </callout>
-          </calloutlist>
-        </figure>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_MethodFieldAccess">
-          <title>Method and field access</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Consider <xref linkend="implementEqualsByNaturalKey"/>.
-                You may get a different runtime behaviour when using <emphasis
-                role="bold"><code>this.uid().equals( that.uid()
-                )</code></emphasis> at <coref
-                linkend="implementEqualsByNaturalKey-2-co"/>. Execute the
-                corresponding <emphasis
-                role="bold">session3.CompareNewlyCreated</emphasis> and
-                <emphasis role="bold">session3.LoadUser</emphasis>
-                applications and explain the result.</para>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <para><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> allows lazy fetch mode
-                typically enabled by default. So the <code>uid</code>
-                attribute's initialization will be deferred until
-                <methodname>session3.User.getUid()</methodname> is being
-                called for the first time.</para>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="entityValueTypes">
-      <title>Entity and value types</title>
-      <para>From the viewpoint of <xref linkend="glo_ORM"/> we distinguish two
-      distinct types of database objects:</para>
-      <glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm>Value type</glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>An object of value type has no database identity. It will
-            appear in a database as a composite of a parent entity type. Its
-            life cycle is completely dependent on its parent.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm>Entity type</glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Objects of this type do have their own database identity and
-            may exist independently of other (database) entities.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-      </glosslist>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="sect_MappingComponents">
-      <title>Mapping components</title>
-      <para>We consider a simple example. We may add an email property to
-      <classname>session3.User</classname>:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">...
-public class User {
-  ...
-  private Email address; ...</programlisting>
-      <para>Why do we use a separate class Email rather than a simple
-      <emphasis role="bold"><code>private String email</code></emphasis>
-      declaration? The answer is quite simple: We want Email instances to be
-      extensible and allow for method definitions like
-      <code>sendEmail(...)</code>:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">public class Email {
-  private String emailAddress;
-  ...
-  void sendEmail(final String subject, final String content) {}
-      <para>Our <code>Email</code> class may of course have more than just one
-      property. We don't want to email addresses to be database entities
-      themselves. Instead they are meant to be components of User instances.
-      This is achieved by:</para>
-      <glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm>Annotate class Email to be embeddable:</glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <programlisting language="java">package component.email;
-<emphasis role="bold">@Embeddable</emphasis> public class Email {
-    private String emailAddress;
-    ...
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm>Annotate <code>emailAddress</code> to become an embedded
-          property:</glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <programlisting language="java">package component.email;
-     ...
-public class User {
-     private Email address;
-     <emphasis role="bold">@Embedded</emphasis>
-     public Email getEmailAddress() { return address;}
-     ...</programlisting>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-      </glosslist>
-      <para>We may now persist <classname>component.email.User</classname>
-      instances:</para>
-      <programlisting language="java">em.getTransaction().begin();
-   final User u = new User(123, "goik", "Martin Goik");
-   u.setEmailAddress(new Email("goik@hdm-stuttgart.de"));
-   em.persist(u);
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_HomeWorAddress">
-        <title>Home and work address</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>Consider the following sketch of an
-              <classname>Address</classname> class:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">public class Address {
-  private String street;
-  private String city;
-  private String zipcode;
-  ...
-              <para>Extend this example to allow for two properties
-              <code>homeAddress</code> and <code>workAddress</code> of type
-              Address. You will encounter a problem concerning conflicting
-              database attribute names. Resolution is possible using
-              <code>@javax.persistence.AttributeOverrides</code>
-              declarations.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>See <classname>component.address.Address</classname> and
-              <classname>component.address.User</classname>.</para>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-          <qandaentry xml:id="quandaentry_PersistChange">
-            <question>
-              <para>Load a User instance from your database and demonstrate
-              that changes to this existing persistent object component's
-              values get persisted.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>See
-              <classname>component.address.ModifyWorkAddress</classname>.</para>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-      <section xml:id="valueSets">
-        <title>Sets and lists</title>
-        <para>Users may have multiple email addresses:</para>
-        <programlisting language="java">public class User {
-	  Set&lt;Email&gt; email;
-	  ...</programlisting>
-        <para>Using embedded values we need an <code>@ElementCollection</code>
-        declaration to achieve a proper mapping:</para>
-        <programlisting language="java">package component.emails;
-	  ...
-	  public class User {
-	  ...
-	  private Set&lt;Email&gt; emails = new HashSet&lt;Email&gt;();
-	  <emphasis role="bold">@ElementCollection </emphasis>
-	  public Set&lt;Email&gt; getEmails() { return emails; }
-	  ...</programlisting>
-        <para>This will map <classname>component.emails.Email</classname>
-        entries in a separate table:</para>
-        <programlisting language="java">package component.emails;
-	  ...
-	  public class PersistUser {
-	  public static void main(String[] args) {
-	  final Session session = HibernateUtil.createSessionFactory("component/emails/hibernate.cfg.xml").openSession();
-	  {
-          final Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
-          final User u = new User(123, "goik", "Martin Goik");
-          u.getEmails().add(new Email("goik@hdm-stuttgart.de"));
-          u.getEmails().add(new Email("goma@someserver.org"));
-          session.save(u);
-          transaction.commit();
-	  } ...</programlisting>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_HqlSearchEmail">
-          <title>Searching users by email components</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Create a <xref linkend="glo_HQL"/> query searching
-                for:</para>
-                <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>All Users having an email address
-                    <email>goma@someserver.org</email>.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>All users having at least two email
-                    addresses.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-                <para>You may want to use a Hibernate Console to develop the
-                appropriate queries.</para>
-              </question>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_EmbeddedPostal">
-          <title>Embedded postal addresses</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Construct a corresponding example allowing
-                <classname>session3.User</classname> instances to have a set
-                of embedded <classname>component.address.Address</classname>
-                elements.</para>
-              </question>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
-                  xml:id="quandaentry_ComponentLifecycleDepend">
-          <title>Life cycle of parents and components</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>What happens, if an owning User instance gets deleted?
-                Are composed Email or Address values are implicitly being
-                deleted as well?</para>
-              </question>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="quandaentry_OrderedComponents">
-          <title>Ordered components</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Replace <classname>java.util.Set</classname> by
-                <classname>java.util.List</classname> and assure that the
-                order of components is being preserved in a <xref
-                linkend="glo_JPA"/> 2 compliant manner.</para>
-              </question>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-  </section>
-  <section xml:id="cache">
-    <title>Caching</title>
-    <figure xml:id="sda2FigJpaCacheIntro">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_JPA"/> caches.</title>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/jpacache.svg"/>
-        </imageobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </figure>
-    <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="cacheTesting">
-      <title>Testing caches</title>
-      <qandadiv>
-        <qandaentry>
-          <question>
-            <para>Import the following Hibernate based project:</para>
-            <annotation role="make">
-              <para role="eclipse">Sda2/Jpa/HibernateCacheDemo</para>
-            </annotation>
-            <orderedlist>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>Insert 10000 randomly generated
-                <classname>Person</classname> entries into your
-                database.</para>
-              </listitem>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>Measure time differences for loading 1000 entities in
-                different sessions.</para>
-              </listitem>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>Measure time differences for attribute based queries
-                both with query cache enabled and disabled.</para>
-              </listitem>
-            </orderedlist>
-          </question>
-        </qandaentry>
-      </qandadiv>
-    </qandaset>
-  </section>
-  <section xml:id="orphanRemoval">
-    <title>orphanRemoval vs. CascadeType.DELETE</title>
-    <para>Describe the difference and construct an example.</para>
-  </section>
diff --git a/Doc/Sda2/sampleDbOverview.xml b/Doc/Sda2/sampleDbOverview.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 23d8d7ce218215fc17d48bb2d5a38a07c3a4b341..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Doc/Sda2/sampleDbOverview.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,778 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<part version="5.1" xml:id="sda2" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-      xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-      xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-      xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
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-      xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
-      xmlns:db="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">
-  <title>Structured Data and Applications 2</title>
-  <chapter xml:id="ldap">
-    <title><link linkend="glo_LDAP">Ldap</link> and <link
-    linkend="glo_JDBC">JDBC</link></title>
-    <section xml:id="ldapIntro">
-      <title>Getting started with <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/></title>
-      <para>Resources:</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><link
-          xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ch3">Schema,
-          objectclasses and attributes</link></para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><link xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/apd">LDAP
-          Glossary</link></para>
-        </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="ldapSetup">
-      <title>Setting up an <productname
-      xlink:href="http://www.openldap.org">Openldap</productname>
-      server</title>
-      <para>The MI department provides an <productname
-      xlink:href="http://www.openldap.org">Openldap</productname> server at
-      each workstation (<productname
-      xlink:href="http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop">Ubuntu</productname> / Linux
-      only). The <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/> manager credentials are:</para>
-      <glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm>Bind <xref linkend="glo_DN"/>:</glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para><code>cn=admin,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</code></para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm>Bind password:</glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para><code>XYZ</code></para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-      </glosslist>
-      <para>In addition <xref linkend="glo_Soft_ApacheDirectoryStudio"/> is in
-      place and may serve as a means to conveniently establish <xref
-      linkend="glo_LDAP"/> communications. Console geeks may use <command
-      xlink:href="http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LDAP-HOWTO/utilities.html">ldapmodify</command>
-      and friends.</para>
-      <task>
-        <title>Set up a connection to your local <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/>
-        server</title>
-        <procedure>
-          <step>
-            <para>Open <xref
-            linkend="glo_Soft_ApacheDirectoryStudio"/>.</para>
-          </step>
-          <step>
-            <para>Activate the <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/> perspective.</para>
-          </step>
-          <step>
-            <para>In the <quote>Connections</quote> window right click
-            <quote>New Connection ...</quote> like in <uri
-            xlink:href="https://directory.apache.org/studio/users-guide/ldap_browser/gettingstarted_create_connection.html">http://directory.apache.org/studio/users-guide/ldap_browser/gettingstarted_create_connection.html</uri>.</para>
-          </step>
-          <step>
-            <para>Configure a connection to <parameter
-            xlink:href="http://www.techterms.com/definition/localhost">localhost</parameter>
-            using the above bind parameters.</para>
-          </step>
-        </procedure>
-      </task>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="ldapSimpleInserts">
-      <title>Adding some sample data using <xref
-      linkend="glo_Soft_ApacheDirectoryStudio"/></title>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandaPopulateLdap">
-        <title>Populating the <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/></title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>Add two departments <code>billing</code> and
-              <code>research</code>. Then supply corresponding user entries to
-              both departments by using the <link
-              xlink:href="https://directory.apache.org/studio/users-guide/ldap_browser/gettingstarted_browse.html">LDAP
-              browser view</link>. (As being mentioned previously hardcore
-              hackers take <link
-              xlink:href="http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LDAP-HOWTO/utilities.html">this
-              track</link> neglecting time consuming <xref linkend="glo_GUI"/>
-              stuff).</para>
-              <para>Hint: If you do have limited understanding of <xref
-              linkend="glo_LDAP"/> classes an schemata you may want to create
-              entries containing the following <parameter
-              xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/apd/index.html#objectclass">objectClass</parameter>
-              values:</para>
-              <glosslist>
-                <glossentry>
-                  <glossterm>Departments <code>billing</code> and
-                  <code>research</code>:</glossterm>
-                  <glossdef>
-                    <itemizedlist>
-                      <listitem>
-                        <para><code
-                        xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ape/#organizationalunit">organizationalUnit</code>
-                        (structural)</para>
-                      </listitem>
-                    </itemizedlist>
-                  </glossdef>
-                </glossentry>
-                <glossentry>
-                  <glossterm>Child user entries below <code>billing</code> and
-                  <code>research</code>:</glossterm>
-                  <glossdef>
-                    <itemizedlist>
-                      <listitem>
-                        <para><code
-                        xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ape/#organizationalperson">organizationalPerson</code>
-                        (structural) and <code
-                        xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ape/#posixaccount">posixAccount</code>
-                        (auxiliary)</para>
-                      </listitem>
-                    </itemizedlist>
-                  </glossdef>
-                </glossentry>
-              </glosslist>
-              <para>Note that required parent <parameter
-              xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/apd/index.html#objectclass">objectClass</parameter>
-              definitions like <code>top</code> and <code
-              xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ape/#person">person</code>
-              are being omitted here. <xref
-              linkend="glo_Soft_ApacheDirectoryStudio"/> will gracefully add
-              missing objectClasses on behalf of you automatically. The
-              subsequent <xref linkend="glo_LDIF"/> dump may serve as a
-              hint:</para>
-              <programlisting language="ldif">...
-	      <emphasis role="bold">dn: ou=billing,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</emphasis>
-	      objectClass: top
-	      objectClass: organizationalUnit
-	      ou: billing
-	      <emphasis role="bold">dn: ou=research,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</emphasis>
-	      objectClass: top
-	      objectClass: organizationalUnit
-	      ou: research
-	      <emphasis role="bold">dn: uid=lapinski,ou=billing,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</emphasis>
-	      objectClass: posixAccount
-	      objectClass: top
-	      objectClass: person
-	      objectClass: organizationalPerson
-	      cn: Mee Lapinski
-	      gidNumber: 100
-	      homeDirectory: /home/lapinski
-	      sn: Lapinski
-	      uid: lapinski
-	      uidNumber: 1023
-	      ...</programlisting>
-              <para>Question: What is the ratio behind adding the
-              <code>objectClass</code> value <code>posixAccount</code>? Hint:
-              Try to create a corresponding dataset having two persons with
-              identical names within the same department.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>Your result may look like:</para>
-              <figure xml:id="figureLdapTwoDepartments">
-                <title>Two departments billing and research populated with
-                sample user entries</title>
-                <screenshot>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="Ref/Screen/ldapSampleUsers.png"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                </screenshot>
-              </figure>
-              <para>Without having the <code>objectClass</code> value
-              <code>posixAccount</code> the attribute <code>uid</code> would
-              be disallowed and could thus not be part of our <xref
-              linkend="glo_DN"/> values. This would leave us with solutions
-              like:</para>
-              <programlisting language="ldif"><emphasis role="bold">dn: cn=Mee Lapinski,ou=billing,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</emphasis></programlisting>
-              <para>This in turn disallows identical common names (e.g. a
-              second <personname>Mee Lapinski</personname>) within the same
-              department. Thus the auxiliary objectClass posixAccount enables
-              us to introduce additional mandatory <code>uid</code> attribute
-              being the unique identifier within a given parent scope.</para>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="ldifImportExport">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_LDIF"/> export and import</title>
-      <para>This section is intended to get acquainted with <xref
-      linkend="glo_LDIF"/> representation of <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/> data
-      and requires successful completion of <xref
-      linkend="qandaPopulateLdap"/> as a prerequisite. You may want to read
-      <uri
-      xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ch8">http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ch8</uri>.</para>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qanda_ldifExportImport">
-        <title>Exporting, modifying and importing <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/>
-        data using the <xref linkend="glo_LDIF"/> interchange
-        representation.</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>Export your current database state being left from <xref
-              linkend="qandaPopulateLdap"/> to an <xref linkend="glo_LDIF"/>
-              text file.</para>
-              <para>Subsequently use this database dump file as a starting
-              point to create a <xref linkend="glo_LDIF"/> import file adding
-              a department <quote>pr</quote> (public relations) containing a
-              user <quote>Paul Simon</quote> with suitable attribute values to
-              the dataset.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <para>Adding the new entries in question requires:</para>
-              <screen>version: 1
-	      dn: ou=pr,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de
-	      objectClass: top
-	      objectClass: organizationalUnit
-	      ou: pr
-	      dn: uid=simon,ou=pr,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de
-	      objectClass: posixAccount
-	      objectClass: top
-	      objectClass: person
-	      objectClass: organizationalPerson
-	      cn: Paul Simon
-	      gidNumber: 130
-	      homeDirectory: /home/tauras
-	      sn: Svetlana
-	      uid: tauras
-	      uidNumber: 1028</screen>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="ditSearch">
-      <title>Searching the <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/></title>
-      <para>Like relational and other database types <xref
-      linkend="glo_LDAP"/> provides a <link
-      xlink:href="http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/apa/search.html">query
-      language</link> to filter result entries.</para>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qanda_firstLdapQuery">
-        <title>Filtering child elements</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>Create <xref linkend="glo_LDAP"/> queries corresponding to
-              the following descriptions:</para>
-              <orderedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>All users entries within the whole <xref
-                  linkend="glo_DIT"/> having a gidNumber value of 100.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>All user entries belonging to the billing department
-                  having a <code>uid</code> value greater than 1023.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>All user entries within the whole <xref
-                  linkend="glo_DIT"/> having a common name containing the
-                  substring <quote>ei</quote>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>All user entries within the whole <xref
-                  linkend="glo_DIT"/> belonging to gidNumber == 100 or having
-                  a <code>uid</code> value starting with letter
-                  <quote>t</quote>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-              </orderedlist>
-              <para>Hint: <xref linkend="glo_Soft_ApacheDirectoryStudio"/>
-              allows both for <link
-              xlink:href="https://directory.apache.org/studio/users-guide/ldap_browser/tools_filter_editor_dialog.html">filtering</link>
-              and <link
-              xlink:href="https://directory.apache.org/studio/users-guide/ldap_browser/gettingstarted_search.html">searching</link>
-              providing nifty features like attribute name completion and
-              syntax highlighting. For regular searches you may define:</para>
-              <itemizedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>The <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/> entry to start from
-                  being identified by its <xref linkend="glo_DN"/>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>The search scope being either of object, one level or
-                  subtree.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Boolean expressions based on attribute values.</para>
-                </listitem>
-              </itemizedlist>
-              <para>But yes, I forgot to mention <link
-              xlink:href="http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LDAP-HOWTO/utilities.html">something</link>.</para>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <orderedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para><emphasis role="bold">All users entries within the
-                  whole </emphasis><xref linkend="glo_DIT"/><emphasis
-                  role="bold"> having a gidNumber value of
-                  100.</emphasis></para>
-                  <para>Solution: <code>(gidNumber=100)</code>, starting from
-                  top of <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/> having subtree
-                  scope.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para><emphasis role="bold">All user entries belonging to
-                  the billing department having a <code>uid</code> value
-                  greater than 1023.</emphasis></para>
-                  <para>Solution: <code>(uidNumber&gt;=1024)</code> starting
-                  from <xref linkend="glo_DN"/>
-                  <code>ou=billing,dc=hdm-stuttgart,dc=de</code> and scope
-                  <code>one level</code>.</para>
-                  <para>Notice the expression
-                  <code>(uidNumber&gt;=1024)</code> in favour of the seemingly
-                  equivalent but syntactically illegal counterpart
-                  <code>(uidNumber&gt;1023)</code>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para><emphasis role="bold">All user entries within the
-                  whole </emphasis><xref linkend="glo_DIT"/><emphasis
-                  role="bold"> having a common name containing the substring
-                  <quote>ei</quote>.</emphasis></para>
-                  <para>Solution: <code>(cn=*ei*)</code>, starting from top of
-                  <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/> having subtree scope.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para><emphasis role="bold">All user entries within the
-                  whole </emphasis><xref linkend="glo_DIT"/><emphasis
-                  role="bold"> belonging to gidNumber == 100 or having a
-                  <code>uid</code> value starting with letter
-                  <quote>t</quote>.</emphasis></para>
-                  <para>Solution: <code>(|(gidNumber=100)(uid=t*))</code>,
-                  starting from top of <xref linkend="glo_DIT"/> having
-                  subtree scope.</para>
-                </listitem>
-              </orderedlist>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="unix2sql2ldap">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_UNIX"/> to <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> to <xref
-      linkend="glo_LDAP"/></title>
-      <para><xref linkend="glo_UNIX"/> type operating systems manage users,
-      groups and their respective relationships in three different text
-      files:</para>
-      <glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><filename>/etc/passwd</filename></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Users being defined on the system:</para>
-            <literallayout>root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
-            <para>We illustrate the meaning of this <xref linkend="glo_CSV"/>
-            (actually **character** separated) by examining the first
-            row:</para>
-            <glosslist>
-              <glossentry>
-                <glossterm>Column 1, <code>root</code>:</glossterm>
-                <glossdef>
-                  <para>The user's unique system name as being entered at
-                  login.</para>
-                </glossdef>
-              </glossentry>
-              <glossentry>
-                <glossterm>Column 2, x<code>:</code></glossterm>
-                <glossdef>
-                  <para>This field is not being used on current <xref
-                  linkend="glo_UNIX"/> implementations. Historically either
-                  the user's clear text password or its hash value was present
-                  here. For security reasons this attribute has been moved to
-                  a third file <filename>/etc/shadow</filename> being read
-                  access protected to non-administrator users.</para>
-                </glossdef>
-              </glossentry>
-              <glossentry>
-                <glossterm>Column 3, <code>0</code>:</glossterm>
-                <glossdef>
-                  <para>The user's unique integer numerical
-                  <parameter>uid</parameter> number value.</para>
-                </glossdef>
-              </glossentry>
-              <glossentry>
-                <glossterm>Column 4, <code>0</code>:</glossterm>
-                <glossdef>
-                  <para>The user's unique primary group integer numerical
-                  <parameter>gid</parameter> number value. The value
-                  <quote>0</quote> here refers to a group root of identical
-                  name being defined in <filename>/etc/group</filename>, see
-                  next section.</para>
-                </glossdef>
-              </glossentry>
-              <glossentry>
-                <glossterm>Column 5, <code>root</code>:</glossterm>
-                <glossdef>
-                  <para>The user's common name. For a regular user account
-                  this might be <quote>Jim Beam</quote> for example.</para>
-                </glossdef>
-              </glossentry>
-              <glossentry>
-                <glossterm>Column 6, <filename>/root</filename>:</glossterm>
-                <glossdef>
-                  <para>The user's home directory. Might be /home/beam for a
-                  user <quote>Jim Beam</quote>.</para>
-                </glossdef>
-              </glossentry>
-              <glossentry>
-                <glossterm>Column 7, <command>/bin/bash</command>:</glossterm>
-                <glossdef>
-                  <para>The user's login shell (command interpreter. This
-                  attribute contains a reference to a command interpreter like
-                  <command>/bin/(t)csh</command>, <command>/bin/ksh</command>
-                  and so on.</para>
-                </glossdef>
-              </glossentry>
-            </glosslist>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><filename>/etc/group</filename></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>This file contains all groups being defined on the
-            system:</para>
-            <literallayout>root:x:0:
-adm:x:4:syslog,mi <co xml:id="secondaryGroupmembership"/>
-            <glosslist>
-              <glossentry>
-                <glossterm>Column1,root:</glossterm>
-                <glossdef>
-                  <para>The group's name</para>
-                </glossdef>
-              </glossentry>
-              <glossentry>
-                <glossterm>Column 2, x:</glossterm>
-                <glossdef>
-                  <para>Not used</para>
-                </glossdef>
-              </glossentry>
-              <glossentry>
-                <glossterm>Column 3, 4:</glossterm>
-                <glossdef>
-                  <para>The group's unique <parameter>gid</parameter>
-                  number</para>
-                </glossdef>
-              </glossentry>
-              <glossentry>
-                <glossterm>Column 4, <code>syslog,mi</code>:</glossterm>
-                <glossdef>
-                  <para>The set <code>{syslog,mi}</code> <coref
-                  linkend="secondaryGroupmembership"/> defines secondary group
-                  memberships: These two users will belong to the group
-                  <code>adm</code> in addition to their respective primary
-                  group definition.</para>
-                </glossdef>
-              </glossentry>
-            </glosslist>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-      </glosslist>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandUnixToSqlToLdap">
-        <title>Exporting and importing data</title>
-        <qandadiv>
-          <qandaentry>
-            <question>
-              <para>Write two applications being able to perform the following
-              tasks:</para>
-              <orderedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Import the previously described UNIX user and group
-                  data ton an RDBMS using <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/>. You will
-                  have to define a suitable SQL schema first.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                  <para>Transfer RDBMS data to your local <xref
-                  linkend="glo_LDAP"/> server using <link
-                  xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/jndi/tutorial/ldap/misc/url.html">JNDI</link>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-              </orderedlist>
-            </question>
-            <answer>
-              <annotation role="make">
-                <para role="eclipse">Sda2/UnixSqlLdap/Jndi/Unix2Rdbms</para>
-              </annotation>
-              <annotation role="make">
-                <para role="eclipse">Sda2/UnixSqlLdap/Jndi/Rdbms2Ldap</para>
-              </annotation>
-            </answer>
-          </qandaentry>
-        </qandadiv>
-      </qandaset>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="transactionsInJdbc">
-      <title>Transactions in <xref linkend="glo_JDBC"/></title>
-      <para>You may review some remarks on SQL standard isolation level
-      definitions:</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><xref linkend="glo_Javadoc"/>:</para>
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><link
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED">TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED</link></para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><link
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED">TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED</link></para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><link
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ">TRANSACTION_READ_REPEATABLE_READ</link></para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><link
-              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE">TRANSACTION_READ_SERIALIZABLE</link></para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><link
-          xlink:href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/issue-archive/2005/05-nov/o65asktom-082389.html">On
-          Transaction Isolation Levels (Oracle)</link></para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><link
-          xlink:href="https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms378149(v=sql.110).aspx">Understanding
-          Isolation Levels (Microsoft)</link></para>
-        </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-      <section xml:id="accountTransferPessimistic">
-        <title>Account Transfer using pessimistic concurrency control</title>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandaJdbcIsolation">
-          <title>Accounts and balances</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Consider the following simple schema of accounts keeping
-                customer balances:</para>
-                <programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE Account (
-	      ,balance INT NOT NULL
-	      )</programlisting>
-                <para>Write two GUI applications to:</para>
-                <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Transfer amounts from one account to another</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Get the sum of all balances</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-                <informalfigure>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                    <imageobject>
-                      <imagedata fileref="Ref/Screen/accountTransferSum.png"/>
-                    </imageobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-                </informalfigure>
-              </question>
-              <answer>
-                <annotation role="make">
-                  <para role="eclipse">Sda2/account</para>
-                </annotation>
-              </answer>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-      <section xml:id="accountTransferOptimistic">
-        <title>Account Transfer using optimistic concurrency control</title>
-        <figure xml:id="fig_optimisticConcurrencyControl">
-          <title>Optimistic concurrency control</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/concurrentOptimistic.svg"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure>
-        <para>An interfering transaction obeying the protocol causes a
-        transaction failure:</para>
-        <figure xml:id="concurrentObtimisticFail">
-          <title>Failure with optimistic transactions</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/concurrentOptimisticFail.svg"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure>
-        <para>Considerations:</para>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Race conditions, time of check to time of use</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-        <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="qandaTransferOptimistic">
-          <title>Optimistic account transfer</title>
-          <qandadiv>
-            <qandaentry>
-              <question>
-                <para>Implement your (pessimistic) account transfer
-                application <xref linkend="qandaJdbcIsolation"/> in an
-                optimistic manner:</para>
-                <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Make sure both source and destination accounts get
-                    protected against interfering transactions.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Provide a means to definitely avoid deadlocks during
-                    the second transaction section of a balance transfer
-                    operation.</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para>Supply a suitable message in case of an interfering
-                    second balance transfer</para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-              </question>
-            </qandaentry>
-          </qandadiv>
-        </qandaset>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-  </chapter>
-  <xi:include href="jpa.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
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@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
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   <part annotations="forumId=7;" xml:id="sd1">
-    <title>Software development 1</title>
+    <title>113105 Software development 1</title>
     <xi:include href="Sd1/gettingStarted.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
@@ -182,11 +182,7 @@
     <xi:include href="Tdoc/projects.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
-    <xi:include href="Sda2/sampleDbOverview.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
-    <xi:include href="Sda2/jpa.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
+  <xi:include href="DbDevel/dbDevel.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
   <part annotations="forumId=13;" xml:id="sdi">
     <title>Software defined Infrastructure</title>