diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/Arrays/arrays.xml b/Doc/Sd1/Arrays/arrays.xml
index b8bc746125ec2edf414412a0fb3922d04b0d9367..dea7baf82e3d797dd17ba706560ae7f59253529e 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/Arrays/arrays.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/Arrays/arrays.xml
@@ -911,7 +911,8 @@ Mark|frequency
-        <para>Holding either primitive types or object references.</para>
+        <para>Holding either primitive types or object references (Class
+        instance or array).</para>
@@ -919,8 +920,8 @@ Mark|frequency
-        <para>Arbitrary dimensions: One-dimensional, two-dimensional
-        etc.</para>
+        <para>Arbitrary array dimensions by virtue of nesting:
+        One-dimensional, two-dimensional etc.</para>
@@ -942,19 +943,18 @@ Mark|frequency
   <figure xml:id="sd1_array_fig_arrayTypeDefinition">
     <title>Array instances are special!</title>
-    <programlisting language="java">...println("        String: " + "".getClass().getName());
-...println("         int[]: " + new int[]{}.getClass().getName());
-...println("      double[]: " + new double[]{}.getClass().getName());
-...println("     boolean[]: " + new boolean[]{}.getClass().getName());
-...println("      String[]: " + new String[]{}.getClass().getName());
-...println("StringBuffer[]: " + new StringBuffer[]{}.getClass().getName());</programlisting>
+    <programlisting language="java">...println("        String: " + "".getClass().getTypeName());
+...println("         int[]: " + new int[]{}.getClass().getTypeName());
+...println("      double[]: " + new double[]{}.getClass().getTypeName());
+...println("     boolean[]: " + new boolean[]{}.getClass().getTypeName());
+...println("StringBuffer[]: " + new StringBuffer[]{}.getClass().getTypeName());</programlisting>
     <screen>        String: java.lang.String
-         int[]: [I
-      double[]: [D
-     boolean[]: [Z
-      String[]: [Ljava.lang.String;
-StringBuffer[]: [Ljava.lang.StringBuffer;</screen>
+         int[]: int[]
+      double[]: double[]
+     boolean[]: boolean[]
+      String[]: java.lang.String[]
+StringBuffer[]: java.lang.StringBuffer[]</screen>
   <figure xml:id="sd1_array_fig_arrayDefMemoryDetails">
@@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ StringBuffer[]: [Ljava.lang.StringBuffer;</screen>
   * Initialize array with default value.
   * @param values Array to be initialized.
-  * @param common Common value for all array elements.
+  * @param common New value for all array elements.
 static void fill(final int[] values, final int common) {
   for (int i = 0; i &lt; values.length; i++) {
@@ -1231,14 +1231,36 @@ sort|find(Mandyer): -4</screen>
-            <para>Read the <xref linkend="glo_Javadoc"/> of <classname
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Arrays.html">Arrays</classname>.<methodname
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Arrays.html#binarySearch(java.lang.Object%5B%5D,java.lang.Object)">binarySearch(...)</methodname>and
-            explain the three integer search result values in <xref
-            linkend="sd1_array_fig_arraysBinarySearch"/>.</para>
-            <para>In particular give a detailed account explaining the two
-            negative values -3 and -4.</para>
+            <para>In <xref linkend="sd1_array_fig_arraysBinarySearch"/> the
+            result reads:</para>
+            <screen>sort|find(Mand): -3
+sort|find(Mandy): 2
+sort|find(Mandyer): -4</screen>
+            <orderedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>What does the positive value 2 in return to <code
+                language="java">"Mandy"</code> indicate?</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>Why do we get negative values -3 and -4 for <code
+                language="java">"Mand"</code> and <code
+                language="java">"Mandyer"</code> respectively?</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>What is the exact meaning of -3 and -4 besides being
+                just negative?</para>
+              </listitem>
+            </orderedlist>
+            <tip>
+              <para>Read <classname
+              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Arrays.html">Arrays</classname>.<methodname
+              xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Arrays.html#binarySearch(java.lang.Object%5B%5D,java.lang.Object)">binarySearch(...).</methodname></para>
+            </tip>
@@ -1277,64 +1299,50 @@ sort|find(Mandyer): -4</screen>
-            <para>A positive return value conveys:</para>
-                <para>The value is present within the array.</para>
+                <para>A positive value indicates an exact match: The string
+                <code language="java">"Mandy"</code> does exist within the
+                array at index position 2.</para>
-                <para>The return value is equal to the array element's
-                index.</para>
+                <para>A negative value indicates a value not being found: Both
+                <code language="java">"Mand"</code> and <code
+                language="java">"Mandyer"</code> do not exist in the
+                array</para>
-            </orderedlist>
-            <para>Searching for <code language="java">"Mandy"</code> thus
-            returns the index value 2 corresponding to the third array
-            element.</para>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>The exact value of a negative integer being returned
+                defines the hypothetical insertion position keeping the
+                resulting array sorted. Regarding <code
+                language="java">"Mandyer"</code> the insertion index would be
+                3 squeezing <code language="java">"Paul"</code> one step to
+                the right:</para>
-            <para>Negative return values actually also provide two types of
-            information:</para>
+                <programlisting language="none">   {"Aaron", "Eva", "Mandy", <emphasis
+                    role="red">"Mandyer"</emphasis>, "Paul"} 
+/* Index 0      1        2          3      4 /*
-            <orderedlist>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>The value is not present in the given array.</para>
-              </listitem>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>The position where the element would be inserted to
-                become part of an ordered list.</para>
+                <para>The observed return value of -4 when searching for
+                <emphasis role="red">"Mandyer"</emphasis> thus corresponds to
+                insertion index 3. Hence we have the following rule:</para>
+                <para>Negate the return value and subsequently subtract
+                1.</para>
+                <remark>Ratio: Subtracting 1 is being required for conveying
+                the «not in list» information under all circumstances.
+                Otherwise not finding and hypothetically inserting e.g. <code
+                language="java">"A"</code> at the list's beginning would
+                result in 0. This could not be disambiguated from an array
+                featuring an existing value<code language="java">"A"</code> at
+                its leftmost start position.</remark>
-            <para>In the given example hypothetically inserting the string
-            <code language="java"><emphasis
-            role="red">"Mand"</emphasis></code> retaining a sorted list
-            results in:</para>
-            <programlisting language="none">{"Aaron", "Eva", <emphasis
-                role="red">"Mand"</emphasis>, "Mandy", "Paul"}</programlisting>
-            <para>This insertion point's index is 2 corresponding to the third
-            array element. According to the <methodname
-            xlink:href="https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Arrays.html#binarySearch(java.lang.Object%5B%5D,java.lang.Object)">binarySearch(...)</methodname>
-            method's documentation this corresponds to a return value of -2 -
-            1 == -3.</para>
-            <para>The observed return value of -4 when searching for <emphasis
-            role="red">"Mandyer"</emphasis> corresponds to insertion index
-            3:</para>
-            <programlisting language="none">{"Aaron", "Eva", "Mandy", <emphasis
-                role="red">"Mandyer"</emphasis>, "Paul"}</programlisting>
-            <remark>Subtracting -1 is being required for conveying the «not in
-            list» information under all circumstances. Otherwise not finding
-            and hypothetically inserting e.g. <code language="java">"A"</code>
-            at the list's beginning would result in 0. This could not be
-            disambiguated from an array featuring <code
-            language="java">"A"</code> at its front position.</remark>