From 228a61e6325f85a7e75d62128aa51ae876895343 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Dr. Martin Goik" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 19:18:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] qandaset and all figures linked to forum, exercise icon,

 Doc/Sd1/arrays.xml                            |  292 ++--
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 Doc/Sd1/coreClasses.xml                       |  207 +--
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 Doc/Sd1/streams.xml                           |  126 +-
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 .../webhelp/common/images/yoga-exercise.svg   |  297 ++++
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 17 files changed, 2640 insertions(+), 2027 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ws/Docbook/CustomLayer/webhelp/common/images/yoga-exercise.svg

diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/arrays.xml b/Doc/Sd1/arrays.xml
index 9973f11cb..e88ad18ab 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/arrays.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/arrays.xml
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ primes[4] = 11;
-    };</programlisting>
           <para>An application is supposed to generate the following
@@ -327,34 +327,34 @@ primes[4] = 11;
           <para>A given route will be defined by an array of segments:</para>
-          <programlisting language="java">      final Segment[] route = new Segment[] {
-            new Segment(2.4, 50)
-            ,new Segment(5, 100)
-            ,new Segment(3.1, 50)
-            ,new Segment(0.8, 30)
-      };</programlisting>
+          <programlisting language="java">final Segment[] route = new Segment[] {
+   new Segment(2.4, 50)
+  ,new Segment(5, 100)
+  ,new Segment(3.1, 50)
+  ,new Segment(0.8, 30)
           <para>Implement a method <methodname>duration(...)</methodname>
           which allows for calculation the minimum expected time required with
           respect to speed limits along a given route.</para>
-          <programlisting language="java">   /**
-    * Minimal time required when consequently traveling with the minimum of
-    * official speed limits and the driver's personal maximum speed. If a
-    * leg does not have any speed limit the value of personalSpeedLimit will
-    * be used for calculation instead.
-    *
-    * @param route The array of segments composing a route.
-    *
-    * @param personalSpeedLimit The drivers personal speed limit whether or
-    *        not official limits apply. Must be greater than 0.
-    *
-    * @return The minimal duration in (rounded) minutes with respect to all
-    *         speed limits. Must be a positive (non-zero) value.
-    */
-   static public long duration(Segment[] route, int personalSpeedLimit) {
-      return 0; // TODO
-   }
+          <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Minimal time required when consequently traveling with the minimum of
+ * official speed limits and the driver's personal maximum speed. If a
+ * leg does not have any speed limit the value of personalSpeedLimit will
+ * be used for calculation instead.
+ *
+ * @param route The array of segments composing a route.
+ *
+ * @param personalSpeedLimit The drivers personal speed limit whether or
+ *        not official limits apply. Must be greater than 0.
+ *
+ * @return The minimal duration in (rounded) minutes with respect to all
+ *         speed limits. Must be a positive (non-zero) value.
+static public long duration(Segment[] route, int personalSpeedLimit) {
+  return 0; // TODO
           <para>Write <xref linkend="glo_Junit"/> tests to cover different
@@ -2117,32 +2117,33 @@ x..</screen></td>
               <programlisting language="java">public enum Player {
-      PLAYER1("Jim", 'O'), PLAYER2("Eve", 'X');
+  PLAYER1("Jim", 'O'), PLAYER2("Eve", 'X');
-      public final String nickname;
-      public final char representation;
+  public final String nickname;
+  public final char representation;
-      Player(final String nickname, final char representation) {
-         this.nickname = nickname;
-         this.representation = representation;
-      }
+  Player(final String nickname, final char representation) {
+    this.nickname = nickname;
+    this.representation = representation;
+  }
-      public Player getOtherPlayer() {
-         switch (this) {
-         case PLAYER1:
-            return PLAYER2;
-         case PLAYER2:
-            return PLAYER1;
-         default:
+  public Player getOtherPlayer() {
+    switch (this) {
+      case PLAYER1:
+        return PLAYER2;
+      case PLAYER2:
+        return PLAYER1;
+      default:
             return null;
-         }
-      }
+    }
+  }
-      @Override
-      public String toString() {
-         return "" + representation;
-      }
-   }</programlisting>
+  @Override
+  public String toString() {
+    return "" + representation;
+  }
               <para>A <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> <code
               language="java">enum</code> essentially is a specialized class.
@@ -2151,53 +2152,53 @@ x..</screen></td>
               <programlisting language="java">public class Player {
-      final public static Player
-          PLAYER1 = new Player ("Jim", 'O'),
-          PLAYER2 = new Player("Eve", 'X');
+  final public static Player
+    PLAYER1 = new Player ("Jim", 'O'),
+    PLAYER2 = new Player("Eve", 'X');
-      public final String nickname;
-      public final char representation;
+    public final String nickname;
+    public final char representation;
-      Player(final String nickname, final char representation) {
-         this.nickname = nickname;
-         this.representation = representation;
-      }
+    Player(final String nickname, final char representation) {
+      this.nickname = nickname;
+      this.representation = representation;
+    }
-      public Player getOtherPlayer() {
+    public Player getOtherPlayer() {
-        if (PLAYER1 == this) {
-          return PLAYER2;
-        } else if (PLAYER2 == this) {
-          return PLAYER1;
-        } else {
-          return null;
-        }
+      if (PLAYER1 == this) {
+        return PLAYER2;
+      } else if (PLAYER2 == this) {
+        return PLAYER1;
+      } else {
+        return null;
+    }
-      @Override
-      public String toString() {
-         return "" + representation;
-      }
-   }</programlisting>
+    @Override
+    public String toString() {
+      return "" + representation;
+    }
               <para>It is possible to wrap this solution into an executable
               <xref linkend="glo_Jar"/> archive by adding:</para>
-              <programlisting language="xml">      &lt;plugin&gt;
-        &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.maven.plugins&lt;/groupId&gt;
-        &lt;artifactId&gt;maven-jar-plugin&lt;/artifactId&gt;
-        &lt;version&gt;2.6&lt;/version&gt;
-        &lt;configuration&gt;
-          &lt;archive&gt;
-            &lt;manifest&gt;
-              &lt;addClasspath&gt;true&lt;/addClasspath&gt;
-              &lt;!--  Class containing desired entry method public
-                     static void main(String[] args) --&gt;
-              &lt;mainClass&gt;de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1.tictactoe.TicTacToe&lt;/mainClass&gt;
-            &lt;/manifest&gt;
-          &lt;/archive&gt;
-        &lt;/configuration&gt;
-      &lt;/plugin&gt;</programlisting>
+              <programlisting language="xml">&lt;plugin&gt;
+  &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.maven.plugins&lt;/groupId&gt;
+  &lt;artifactId&gt;maven-jar-plugin&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+  &lt;version&gt;2.6&lt;/version&gt;
+  &lt;configuration&gt;
+    &lt;archive&gt;
+      &lt;manifest&gt;
+        &lt;addClasspath&gt;true&lt;/addClasspath&gt;
+        &lt;!--  Class containing desired entry method public
+               static void main(String[] args) --&gt;
+        &lt;mainClass&gt;de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1.tictactoe.TicTacToe&lt;/mainClass&gt;
+      &lt;/manifest&gt;
+    &lt;/archive&gt;
+  &lt;/configuration&gt;
               <para>This allows for console execution rather than using your
               <xref linkend="glo_IDE"/>:</para>
@@ -2532,23 +2533,22 @@ public void testApp() {
               given <code language="java">long</code> number is prime or
-              <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   * Test, whether a given number is prime.
-   * @param candidate The number to be assessed
-   * @return true if candidate is prime, false otherwise
-   * &lt;dl&gt;
-      &lt;dt&gt;Precondition:&lt;/dt&gt;
-      &lt;dd&gt;2 &amp;lt;= candidate&lt;/dd&gt;
-    &lt;/dl&gt;
-   */
-  public static boolean isPrime(final long candidate) {
-    for (long i = 2; i * i &lt; candidate; i++) { // Just test up to square
-      if (0 == candidate % i) {                 // root of candidate.
-        return false;
-      }
+              <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Test, whether a given number is prime.
+ * @param candidate The number to be assessed
+ * @return true if candidate is prime, false otherwise
+ * &lt;dl&gt;
+ *   &lt;dt&gt;Precondition:&lt;/dt&gt;
+ *   &lt;dd&gt;2 &amp;lt;= candidate&lt;/dd&gt;
+ * &lt;/dl&gt;
+ **/
+public static boolean isPrime(final long candidate) {
+  for (long i = 2; i * i &lt; candidate; i++) { // Just test up to square
+    if (0 == candidate % i) {                 // root of candidate.
+      return false;
-    return true;
+  return true;
@@ -2634,9 +2634,9 @@ public void testApp() {
                   is due to the chosen limit <code language="java">i * i &lt;
                   candidate</code> in:</para>
-                  <programlisting language="java">  public static boolean isPrime(final long candidate) {
-    for (long i = 2; i * i &lt; candidate; i++) {
-  ...</programlisting>
+                  <programlisting language="java">public static boolean isPrime(final long candidate) {
+  for (long i = 2; i * i &lt; candidate; i++) {
+    ...</programlisting>
                   <para>This is wrong: Having <code language="java">candidate
                   == 49</code> the last value of i to be considered will be 6.
@@ -2646,9 +2646,9 @@ public void testApp() {
                   language="java">i * i <emphasis role="red">&lt;=</emphasis>
                   candidate</code> instead:</para>
-                  <programlisting language="none">  public static boolean isPrime(final long candidate) {
-    for (long i = 2; i * i <emphasis role="bold"><emphasis role="red">&lt;=</emphasis></emphasis> candidate; i++) {
-  ...</programlisting>
+                  <programlisting language="none">public static boolean isPrime(final long candidate) {
+  for (long i = 2; i * i <emphasis role="bold"><emphasis role="red">&lt;=</emphasis></emphasis> candidate; i++) {
+     ...</programlisting>
                   <para>This way <code language="java">49 % 7</code> will be
                   evaluated to zero thus returning <code
@@ -2791,13 +2791,13 @@ public void testApp() {
                 provide an additional method returning the array of values
                 being added so far:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   * @return The array of values entered so far
-   */
-  public int[] getValues() {
+                <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * @return The array of values entered so far
+ */
+public int[] getValues() {
-    return ...;
-  }</programlisting>
+  return ...;
                   <para>Do not just return your internal array <code
@@ -2931,18 +2931,18 @@ values newArray  | 1| 2| F| 7| 9|  | ...</screen>
                 one element in order to be able returning a meaningful
-                <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   *&lt;dl&gt;
-      &lt;dt&gt;&lt;b&gt;Precondition:&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/dt&gt;
-       &lt;dd&gt;There must be at least one element.&lt;/dd&gt;
-     &lt;/dl&gt;
-   *
-   * @return The sample's median.
-   */
-  public double getMedian() {
+                <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * &lt;dl&gt;
+ *  &lt;dt&gt;&lt;b&gt;Precondition:&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/dt&gt;
+ *  &lt;dd&gt;There must be at least one element.&lt;/dd&gt;
+ * &lt;/dl&gt;
+ *
+ * @return The sample's median.
+ */
+public double getMedian() {
-      return ... ;
-  }</programlisting>
+  return ... ;
@@ -3082,9 +3082,9 @@ values newArray  | 1| 2| F| 7| 9|  | ...</screen>
                 method thus adding each array value one by one. Consider an
                 alternative naive implementation:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">  public IntegerStore(final int[] values) {
-    this.values = values;
-    }</programlisting>
+                <programlisting language="java">public IntegerStore(final int[] values) {
+  this.values = values;
                 <para>This will fail in most cases since the array parameter
                 typically contains unsorted values.</para>
@@ -3093,11 +3093,11 @@ values newArray  | 1| 2| F| 7| 9|  | ...</screen>
                 <programlisting language="java">...
-  @Test
-  public void testMedian() {
-    IntegerStore store = new IntegerStore(new int[] {2, 7, 0, -3, 4});
-    assertArrayEquals(new int[] {-3, 0, 2, 4, 7}, store.getValues());
-    assertTrue(Math.abs(2. - store.getMedian()) &lt; 1.E-10);
+public void testMedian() {
+  IntegerStore store = new IntegerStore(new int[] {2, 7, 0, -3, 4});
+  assertArrayEquals(new int[] {-3, 0, 2, 4, 7}, store.getValues());
+  assertTrue(Math.abs(2. - store.getMedian()) &lt; 1.E-10);
@@ -3106,24 +3106,24 @@ values newArray  | 1| 2| F| 7| 9|  | ...</screen>
-                <programlisting language="java">  @Test
-  public void testMedian() {
-    IntegerStore store = new IntegerStore(new int[] {2, 7, 0, -3, 4});
-    assertArrayEquals(new int[] {-3, 0, 2, 4, 7}, store.getValues());
-    assertTrue(Math.abs(2. - store.getMedian()) &lt; 1.E-10);
-    store.addValue(7);
-    assertArrayEquals(new int[] {-3, 0, 2, 4, 7, 7}, store.getValues());
-    assertTrue(Math.abs(3. - store.getMedian()) &lt; 1.E-10);
-    store.addValue(7);
-    assertArrayEquals(new int[] {-3, 0, 2, 4, 7, 7, 7}, store.getValues());
-    assertTrue(Math.abs(4. - store.getMedian()) &lt; 1.E-50);
-    store.addValue(6);
-    assertArrayEquals(new int[] {-3, 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 7, 7}, store.getValues());
-    assertTrue(Math.abs(5. - store.getMedian()) &lt; 1.E-50);
-  }</programlisting>
+                <programlisting language="java">@Test
+public void testMedian() {
+  IntegerStore store = new IntegerStore(new int[] {2, 7, 0, -3, 4});
+  assertArrayEquals(new int[] {-3, 0, 2, 4, 7}, store.getValues());
+  assertTrue(Math.abs(2. - store.getMedian()) &lt; 1.E-10);
+  store.addValue(7);
+  assertArrayEquals(new int[] {-3, 0, 2, 4, 7, 7}, store.getValues());
+  assertTrue(Math.abs(3. - store.getMedian()) &lt; 1.E-10);
+  store.addValue(7);
+  assertArrayEquals(new int[] {-3, 0, 2, 4, 7, 7, 7}, store.getValues());
+  assertTrue(Math.abs(4. - store.getMedian()) &lt; 1.E-50);
+  store.addValue(6);
+  assertArrayEquals(new int[] {-3, 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 7, 7}, store.getValues());
+  assertTrue(Math.abs(5. - store.getMedian()) &lt; 1.E-50);
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/collections.xml b/Doc/Sd1/collections.xml
index b0f604c42..bc45fbc84 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/collections.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/collections.xml
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@
               and write each value to <code
-              <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+              <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final Set&lt;String&gt;  names =  new HashSet&lt;String&gt;();
-    names.add(...
+  final Set&lt;String&gt;  names =  new HashSet&lt;String&gt;();
+  names.add(...
-    // Iterate over all inserted coordinates
-    for (...
-  }</programlisting>
+  // Iterate over all inserted coordinates
+  for (...
@@ -117,21 +117,21 @@
               for-each loop allows iterating over the set to write its content
               to standard output:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+              <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final Set&lt;String&gt;  names =  new HashSet&lt;String&gt;();
+  final Set&lt;String&gt;  names =  new HashSet&lt;String&gt;();
-    names.add("Eve");
-    names.add("Jim");
-    names.add("Tom");
-    names.add("Jim");
+  names.add("Eve");
+  names.add("Jim");
+  names.add("Tom");
+  names.add("Jim");
-    // Iterate over all inserted coordinates
-    System.out.println("The set contains " + names.size() + " elements:");
-    for (final String s : names) {
-      System.out.println(s);
-    }
-  }</programlisting>
+  // Iterate over all inserted coordinates
+  System.out.println("The set contains " + names.size() + " elements:");
+  for (final String s : names) {
+    System.out.println(s);
+  }
               <para>Notice the duplicate name <code
               language="java">"Jim"</code>: Since our collection does have set
@@ -166,40 +166,40 @@ Eve</screen>
               and write each value to <code
-              <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+              <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final List&lt;String&gt;  names =  ...;
+  final List&lt;String&gt;  names =  ...;
-    names.add(...
+  names.add(...
-    // Iterate over all inserted strings
-    System.out.println("The list contains " + names.size() + " elements:");
-    for (final String s : names) {
-      System.out.println(s);
-    }
-  }</programlisting>
+  // Iterate over all inserted strings
+  System.out.println("The list contains " + names.size() + " elements:");
+  for (final String s : names) {
+    System.out.println(s);
+  }
               <para>Our code closely resembles <xref
-              <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+              <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final List&lt;String&gt;  names =  new Vector&lt;String&gt;();
+  final List&lt;String&gt;  names =  new Vector&lt;String&gt;();
-    names.add("Eve");
-    names.add("Jim");
-    names.add("Tom");
-    names.add("Jim");
+  names.add("Eve");
+  names.add("Jim");
+  names.add("Tom");
+  names.add("Jim");
-    // Iterate over all inserted strings
-    System.out.println("The list contains " + names.size() + " elements:");
-    for (final String s : names) {
-      System.out.println(s);
-    }
-  }</programlisting>
+  // Iterate over all inserted strings
+  System.out.println("The list contains " + names.size() + " elements:");
+  for (final String s : names) {
+    System.out.println(s);
+  }
               <para>This time the duplicate actually shows up:</para>
@@ -239,19 +239,19 @@ Jim</screen>
               to allow execution of:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">    // Defining and testing integer coordinates
-    final Coordinate
-               c12 = new Coordinate(1, 2),
-               c52 = new Coordinate(5, 0),
-      c12Duplicate = new Coordinate(1, 2);
+              <programlisting language="java">// Defining and testing integer coordinates
+final Coordinate
+  c12 = new Coordinate(1, 2),
+  c52 = new Coordinate(5, 0),
+  c12Duplicate = new Coordinate(1, 2);
-    System.out.println("c12:"+ c12);
-    System.out.println("c12.equals(c52):"+ c12.equals(c52));
-    System.out.println("c12.equals(c12Duplicate):"+ c12.equals(c12Duplicate));
-    System.out.println("c12.equals(\"dummy\"):"+ c12.equals("dummy"));
+System.out.println("c12:"+ c12);
+System.out.println("c12.equals(c52):"+ c12.equals(c52));
+System.out.println("c12.equals(c12Duplicate):"+ c12.equals(c12Duplicate));
+System.out.println("c12.equals(\"dummy\"):"+ c12.equals("dummy"));
-    System.out.println(c12);</programlisting>
               <para>This should yield the expected output:</para>
@@ -330,17 +330,17 @@ c12.equals("dummy"):false
               <para>Our code is very similar to <xref
-              <programlisting language="java">    final Set&lt;Coordinate&gt;  points =  new HashSet&lt;Coordinate&gt;();
+              <programlisting language="java">final Set&lt;Coordinate&gt;  points =  new HashSet&lt;Coordinate&gt;();
-    points.add(new Coordinate(1,  2));
-    points.add(new Coordinate(4,  1));
-    points.add(new Coordinate(1,  2)); // Equal to first Object
+points.add(new Coordinate(1,  2));
+points.add(new Coordinate(4,  1));
+points.add(new Coordinate(1,  2)); // Equal to first Object
-    // Iterate over all inserted coordinates
-    System.out.println("The set contains " + points.size() + " elements:");
-    for (final Coordinate c : points) {
-      System.out.println(c.toString());
-    }</programlisting>
+// Iterate over all inserted coordinates
+System.out.println("The set contains " + points.size() + " elements:");
+for (final Coordinate c : points) {
+  System.out.println(c.toString());
               <para>Since we do have set semantics we expect the duplicate
               coordinate value <code>(1|2)</code> to be dropped and thus to
@@ -359,12 +359,12 @@ c12.equals("dummy"):false
               method. Consider:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">    final Coordinate
-               c12 = new Coordinate(1, 2),
-      c12Duplicate = new Coordinate(1, 2);
+              <programlisting language="java">final Coordinate
+  c12 = new Coordinate(1, 2),
+  c12Duplicate = new Coordinate(1, 2);
-    System.out.println("c12.hashCode() and c12Duplicate.hashCode():"+
-           c12.hashCode() + "," + c12Duplicate.hashCode());</programlisting>
+System.out.println("c12.hashCode() and c12Duplicate.hashCode():"+
+  c12.hashCode() + "," + c12Duplicate.hashCode());</programlisting>
               <para>This yields the following output:</para>
@@ -525,18 +525,18 @@ c12.equals("dummy"):false
               <para>The input file smalltest.txt may be used to define a <xref
               linkend="glo_Junit"/> test:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">  @Test
-  public void testWordSet() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
+              <programlisting language="java">@Test
+public void testWordSet() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
-    final Set&lt;String&gt; expectedStrings =
-        new HashSet &lt;String&gt;(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
+  final Set&lt;String&gt; expectedStrings =
+    new HashSet &lt;String&gt;(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
             "A", "simple", "collection", "of", "words",
             "Some", "may", "appear", "multiple", "times"
-        }));
+  }));
-    final TextFileHandler tfh = new TextFileHandler("smalltest.txt");
-    Assert.assertTrue(tfh.getWords().equals(expectedStrings));
-  }</programlisting>
+  final TextFileHandler tfh = new TextFileHandler("smalltest.txt");
+  Assert.assertTrue(tfh.getWords().equals(expectedStrings));
@@ -566,10 +566,10 @@ c12.equals("dummy"):false
               by a <classname
-              <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   * The set of words found so far.
-   */
-  final SortedSet&lt;String&gt; words = new TreeSet&lt;String&gt;();</programlisting>
+              <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * The set of words found so far.
+ */
+final SortedSet&lt;String&gt; words = new TreeSet&lt;String&gt;();</programlisting>
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/coreClasses.xml b/Doc/Sd1/coreClasses.xml
index 99d8e2f2d..8164ce7ad 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/coreClasses.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/coreClasses.xml
@@ -269,12 +269,13 @@ equals: true</screen></td>
             linkend="sd1QandaSquareNumberTableFormatted"/> and other
             exercises. Consider the following snippet:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">      int value = 33;
-      double secondValue = 114.317;
+            <programlisting language="java">int value = 33;
+double secondValue = 114.317;
-      System.out.format("Just a single integer %3d\n", value);
-      System.out.format("An integer %3d and a double value %6.2f\n",
-                                    value,                 secondValue);</programlisting>
+System.out.format("Just a single integer %3d\n", value);
+System.out.format("An integer %3d and a double value %6.2f\n",
+                              value,                 secondValue);</programlisting>
             <para>Something seems to be odd here: The format() method is being
             called with a different number of arguments. Actually we may call
@@ -328,11 +329,11 @@ equals: true</screen></td>
             <para>Consider the following snippet:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">      final int v = 33;
-      final double d = 114.317;
-      final short color = 255;
+            <programlisting language="java">final int v = 33;
+final double d = 114.317;
+final short color = 255;
-      System.out.format("v=%d, d=%5.2f, color=%2x\n", v, d, color);</programlisting>
+System.out.format("v=%d, d=%5.2f, color=%2x\n", v, d, color);</programlisting>
             <para>This generates the following output:</para>
@@ -341,8 +342,8 @@ equals: true</screen></td>
             <para>We may prettify our code to better reflect the one to one
             correspondence between format strings and variables:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">      System.out.format("v=%d, d=%5.2f, color=%2x\n",
-                           v,    d,           color);</programlisting>
+            <programlisting language="java">System.out.format("v=%d, d=%5.2f, color=%2x\n",
+                      v,    d,           color);</programlisting>
               <para>A failure in providing appropriate numbers of arguments
@@ -386,12 +387,12 @@ java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: <emphasis role="bold">d != java.lang
             <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      double radius = 2.31;         // A circle having a radius (given e.g. in mm).
-      final double pi = 3.1415926;  // Creating pi as a constant (non-modifiable/
-                                    // assignable) variable.
+  double radius = 2.31;         // A circle having a radius (given e.g. in mm).
+  final double pi = 3.1415926;  // Creating pi as a constant (non-modifiable/
+                                // assignable) variable.
-      final double area = pi * radius * radius;
-      System.out.println(area);
+  final double area = pi * radius * radius;
+  System.out.println(area);
             <para>You may have wondered why you had to punch in the value of
@@ -418,10 +419,10 @@ java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: <emphasis role="bold">d != java.lang
             <programlisting language="java" linenumbering="numbered">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      double radius = 2.31;       // A circle having a radius (given e.g. in mm).
+  double radius = 2.31;       // A circle having a radius (given e.g. in mm).
-      final double area = Math.PI * radius * radius;
-      System.out.println(area);
+  final double area = Math.PI * radius * radius;
+  System.out.println(area);
             <para>In case you bother about using the somewhat clumsy <varname
@@ -698,17 +699,16 @@ public class CircleAreaCalculator {
             <para>We need two nested loops creating the desired table by
             traversing the <xref linkend="glo_unicode"/> block:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-      for (int i = 0x1F600; i &lt; 0x1F650; i += 0x10) { // 1F600, 1F610, ..., 1F640
-         for (int j = 0; j &lt; 0x10; j++) {             // 0, 1, 2, ..., 15
-            sb.appendCodePoint(i + j).append(' ');
-         }
-         sb.append("\n"); // line break
-      }
-      System.out.println(sb);
-   }
+  final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+  for (int i = 0x1F600; i &lt; 0x1F650; i += 0x10) { // 1F600, 1F610, ..., 1F640
+    for (int j = 0; j &lt; 0x10; j++) {             // 0, 1, 2, ..., 15
+      sb.appendCodePoint(i + j).append(' ');
+    }
+    sb.append("\n"); // line break
+  }
+  System.out.println(sb);
@@ -805,8 +805,8 @@ public class CircleAreaCalculator {
             substring(...)</methodname> allows for accessing the set of all
             substrings of 13 adjacent digits:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
-      final String
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
+  final String
       input = "73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934"
             + "96983520312774506326239578318016984801869478851843"
             + "85861560789112949495459501737958331952853208805511"
@@ -827,13 +827,13 @@ public class CircleAreaCalculator {
             + "84580156166097919133875499200524063689912560717606"
             + "05886116467109405077541002256983155200055935729725";
-      final int numOfDigits = 13;   // The intended number of adjacent digits
+  final int numOfDigits = 13;   // The intended number of adjacent digits
-      for (int i = 0; i &lt; input.length() - numOfDigits + 1; i++) {
-         final String fourDigitWord = input.substring(i, i + numOfDigits);
-         System.out.println(fourDigitWord);
-      }
-   }</programlisting>
+  for (int i = 0; i &lt; input.length() - numOfDigits + 1; i++) {
+    final String fourDigitWord = input.substring(i, i + numOfDigits);
+    System.out.println(fourDigitWord);
+  }
             <para>This creates the following output:</para>
@@ -854,37 +854,38 @@ public class CircleAreaCalculator {
             character '4' equals its ASCII value which is just 52. Thus we
             need a translation like:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   private static int getDigitValue (final char digit) {
-      switch(digit) {
-      case '0': return 0;
-      case '1': return 1;
-      case '2': return 2;
-      case '3': return 3;
-      case '4': return 4;
-      case '5': return 5;
-      case '6': return 6;
-      case '7': return 7;
-      case '8': return 8;
-      case '9': return 9;
-      default:
+            <programlisting language="java">private static int getDigitValue (final char digit) {
+  switch(digit) {
+    case '0': return 0;
+    case '1': return 1;
+    case '2': return 2;
+    case '3': return 3;
+    case '4': return 4;
+    case '5': return 5;
+    case '6': return 6;
+    case '7': return 7;
+    case '8': return 8;
+    case '9': return 9;
+    default:
          System.err.println("Character '" + digit + "' is no digit, exiting");
          return 0;
-      }
-   }</programlisting>
+  }
             <para>Next we must compute a given string's product of digits.
             Taking the first value <code>7316717653133</code> from above we
             are looking for 7 × 3 ×1 × 6 ×7 × 1 ×7 × 6 × 5 × 3 × 1 × 3 × 3 =
             5000940. We define:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   private static int getDigitProduct(final String digitWord) {
-      int product = 1;
-      for (int i = 0; i &lt; digitWord.length(); i++) {
-         product *= getDigitValue(digitWord.charAt(i));
-      }
-      return product;
-   }</programlisting>
+            <programlisting language="java">private static int getDigitProduct(final String digitWord) {
+  int product = 1;
+  for (int i = 0; i &lt; digitWord.length(); i++) {
+    product *= getDigitValue(digitWord.charAt(i));
+  }
+  return product;
             <para>Unfortunately this method sometimes returns weird results:
             The argument <code language="java">"5397536978179"</code> for
@@ -907,21 +908,21 @@ public class CircleAreaCalculator {
             from <code language="java">int</code> to <code
-            <programlisting language="java">   private static <emphasis
+            <programlisting language="java">private static <emphasis
                 role="bold">long</emphasis> getDigitProduct(final String digitWord) {
-      <emphasis role="bold">long</emphasis> product = 1;
-      for (int i = 0; i &lt; digitWord.length(); i++) {
-         product *= getDigitValue(digitWord.charAt(i));
-      }
-      return product;
-   }</programlisting>
+<emphasis role="bold">  long</emphasis> product = 1;
+  for (int i = 0; i &lt; digitWord.length(); i++) {
+    product *= getDigitValue(digitWord.charAt(i));
+  }
+  return product;
             <para>Assembling these pieces leaves us with the following <code
             language="java">main(...)</code> method:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      final String
+  final String
       input = "73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934"
             + "96983520312774506326239578318016984801869478851843"
             + "85861560789112949495459501737958331952853208805511"
@@ -944,21 +945,21 @@ public class CircleAreaCalculator {
             + "84580156166097919133875499200524063689912560717606"
             + "05886116467109405077541002256983155200055935729725";
-      final int numOfDigits = 13;   // The intended number of adjacent digits
-      long maximumDigitProduct = 0;
-      String maxDigitString = null;
-      for (int i = 0; i &lt; input.length() - numOfDigits + 1; i++) {
-         final String digitWord = input.substring(i, i + numOfDigits);
-         final long productOfDigits = getDigitProduct(digitWord);
-         if (maximumDigitProduct &lt; productOfDigits) {
-            maximumDigitProduct = productOfDigits;
-            maxDigitString = digitWord;
-         }
-      }
-      System.out.println("The substring '" + maxDigitString +
-            "' yields the largest product value " + getDigitProduct(maxDigitString) + ".");
-   }</programlisting>
+  final int numOfDigits = 13;   // The intended number of adjacent digits
+  long maximumDigitProduct = 0;
+  String maxDigitString = null;
+  for (int i = 0; i &lt; input.length() - numOfDigits + 1; i++) {
+    final String digitWord = input.substring(i, i + numOfDigits);
+    final long productOfDigits = getDigitProduct(digitWord);
+    if (maximumDigitProduct &lt; productOfDigits) {
+      maximumDigitProduct = productOfDigits;
+      maxDigitString = digitWord;
+    }
+  }
+  System.out.println("The substring '" + maxDigitString +
+        "' yields the largest product value " + getDigitProduct(maxDigitString) + ".");
             <para>The largest product of 13 successive digits stems from the
             substring <code>"5576689664895</code>" <coref
@@ -1108,20 +1109,20 @@ b1.equals(b2): true</programlisting>
             <para>Consider the following code snippet:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      final String reference = "Anton";
+  final String reference = "Anton";
-      final String name = "An" + "ton";
+  final String name = "An" + "ton";
-      System.out.println("Content:" + name);
+  System.out.println("Content:" + name);
-      if (name == reference) {
-         System.out.println("Instances are equal");
-      } else {
-         System.out.println("Instances are not equal");
-      }
-   }</programlisting>
+  if (name == reference) {
+    System.out.println("Instances are equal");
+  } else {
+    System.out.println("Instances are not equal");
+  }
             <para>Execute the above code.</para>
@@ -1129,21 +1130,21 @@ b1.equals(b2): true</programlisting>
             <varname>name</varname> <coref
             linkend="sd1CoNamedefByConcatMethod"/> is being defined:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      final String reference = "Anton";
+  final String reference = "Anton";
-      <emphasis role="bold">final String name = "An".concat("ton");</emphasis> <co
+  <emphasis role="bold">final String name = "An".concat("ton");</emphasis> <co
-      System.out.println("Content:" + name);
+  System.out.println("Content:" + name);
-      if (name == reference) {
-         System.out.println("Instances are equal");
-      } else {
-         System.out.println("Instances are not equal");
-      }
-   }</programlisting>
+  if (name == reference) {
+    System.out.println("Instances are equal");
+  } else {
+    System.out.println("Instances are not equal");
+  }
             <para>Explain the results.</para>
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/deployment.xml b/Doc/Sd1/deployment.xml
index d59234833..ce63f6421 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/deployment.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/deployment.xml
@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@
             <para>The following Maven project contains a series of yet
             unimplemented methods and corresponding tests currently being
-            excluded by an <interfacename xlink:href="">@Disabled</interfacename> annotation:</para>
+            excluded by an <interfacename
+            xlink:href="">@Disabled</interfacename>
+            annotation:</para>
             <annotation role="make">
               <para role="eclipse">Sd1/Array/arraycalcExercise</para>
@@ -57,15 +59,15 @@ public class ArrayMethodTest {
                   <para>This effectively requires extending the concept of
                   swapping just two integer values within a block</para>
-                  <programlisting language="java">  int a = 3, b = 5;
+                  <programlisting language="java">int a = 3, b = 5;
-  // Other code ...
+// Other code ...
-  {// Swap values of a and b
-    final int tmp = a;
-    a = b;
-    b = tmp;
-  }</programlisting>
+{// Swap values of a and b
+  final int tmp = a;
+  a = b;
+  b = tmp;
@@ -105,27 +107,30 @@ public class ArrayMethodTest {
-                  <para>You may copy <code language="java">int[] b</code> array to a
-                  <quote>shadow</quote> array and then subsequently erase all
-                  elements of <code language="java">int[] a</code> from this copy. The method
-                  <link
+                  <para>You may copy <code language="java">int[] b</code>
+                  array to a <quote>shadow</quote> array and then subsequently
+                  erase all elements of <code language="java">int[] a</code>
+                  from this copy. The method <link
                   is quite helpful.</para>
-                  <para>Consider for example <code language="java">int[] bCopy = {1, 3, 4, 3,
-                  7}</code> containing 5 elements. Suppose our array
-                  <code language="java">a</code> contains the value 3 which exists at index
-                  position 1 in <code language="java">bCopy</code>. We may override the value
+                  <para>Consider for example <code language="java">int[] bCopy
+                  = {1, 3, 4, 3, 7}</code> containing 5 elements. Suppose our
+                  array <code language="java">a</code> contains the value 3
+                  which exists at index position 1 in <code
+                  language="java">bCopy</code>. We may override the value
                   index position 1 by the last array value 7 and thereby
                   keeping track of reducing the number of array elements to 4
                   like {1, 7, 4, 3}.</para>
-                  <para>Off course the array <code language="java">bCopy</code> cannot shrink.
-                  But we may introduce an integer variable to account for the
-                  effective number of array elements still to be considered.
-                  If and only if all elements from <code language="java">a</code> are
-                  subsequently found within <code language="java">bCopy</code> the two arrays
-                  <code language="java">a</code> and <code language="java">b</code> are equal.</para>
+                  <para>Off course the array <code
+                  language="java">bCopy</code> cannot shrink. But we may
+                  introduce an integer variable to account for the effective
+                  number of array elements still to be considered. If and only
+                  if all elements from <code language="java">a</code> are
+                  subsequently found within <code language="java">bCopy</code>
+                  the two arrays <code language="java">a</code> and <code
+                  language="java">b</code> are equal.</para>
@@ -170,17 +175,18 @@ Your sample's median is: 6.0</screen>
               <listitem xml:id="sd1OlMedianCmdLineStep1">
                 <para>Using command line values means entering strings rather
                 then e.g. integer values: In the current example the Java
-                runtime will pass an array of strings <code language="java">{"2", "6",
-                "7"}</code> on behalf of the user's input <quote><code language="java">2 6
-                7</code></quote> to your <code language="java">main(String [] args)</code>
-                method. These strings must be converted to integer values.
-                This may be achieved by means of <methodname
+                runtime will pass an array of strings <code
+                language="java">{"2", "6", "7"}</code> on behalf of the user's
+                input <quote><code language="java">2 6 7</code></quote> to
+                your <code language="java">main(String [] args)</code> method.
+                These strings must be converted to integer values. This may be
+                achieved by means of <methodname
-                <para>Depending on inconsistent user input like
-                <quote><code language="java">three</code></quote> instead of
-                <quote><code language="java">3</code></quote> you may decide to terminate your
-                application thereby providing a meaningful error
+                <para>Depending on inconsistent user input like <quote><code
+                language="java">three</code></quote> instead of <quote><code
+                language="java">3</code></quote> you may decide to terminate
+                your application thereby providing a meaningful error
                 <screen>goik &gt;java -jar statistics-1.0.jar 1 2 three
@@ -260,12 +266,13 @@ public class InputValidator {
   public InputValidator(final String[] userInput) {...}
-                <para>You may then create an instance by supplying your
-                <code language="java">main(String[] args)</code> command line values:</para>
+                <para>You may then create an instance by supplying your <code
+                language="java">main(String[] args)</code> command line
+                values:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+                <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final InputValidator userInput = new InputValidator(args);
+  final InputValidator userInput = new InputValidator(args);
                 <para>Choose your implementation with testing in mind.</para>
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/errorHandling.xml b/Doc/Sd1/errorHandling.xml
index e595929e2..d5509799d 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/errorHandling.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/errorHandling.xml
@@ -536,23 +536,23 @@ static public String convert(final String input) {
     <figure xml:id="sd1_errorHandling_fig_cardinalThrowErrorStep3">
       <title>Step 3: Throwing <classname>CardinalException</classname></title>
-      <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   * Translate {"one", "two", "three"} to {"first", "second", "third"}
-   * @param input The input String to be translated.
-   * @return See above explanation.
-   * @throws CardinalException If input not from list.
-   */
-  static public String convert(final String input)
-    throws CardinalException {
-    switch (input) {
-      case "one": return "first";
-      case "two": return "second";
-      case "three": return "third";
-    }
-    throw new CardinalException(
+      <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Translate {"one", "two", "three"} to {"first", "second", "third"}
+ * @param input The input String to be translated.
+ * @return See above explanation.
+ * @throws CardinalException If input not from list.
+ */
+static public String convert(final String input)
+  throws CardinalException {
+  switch (input) {
+    case "one": return "first";
+    case "two": return "second";
+    case "three": return "third";
+  }
+  throw new CardinalException(
             "Sorry, no translation for '" + input + "' on offer");
-  }</programlisting>
     <figure xml:id="sd1_errorHandling_fig_cardinalThrowErrorStep4">
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/gettingStarted.xml b/Doc/Sd1/gettingStarted.xml
index f2281e6a9..0aa0fc9e0 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/gettingStarted.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/gettingStarted.xml
@@ -1940,19 +1940,19 @@ Binary files HelloWorld.class.1 and HelloWorld.class.2 differ</screen>
-              <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+              <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      int a = 3,
-          b = 87;
+  int a = 3,
+  b = 87;
-      if (a &lt; b) {
-         System.out.println("a is smaller than b");
-      } else if (b &lt; a) {
-         System.out.println("b is smaller than a");
-      } else {
-         System.out.println("b equals a");
-      }
-   }</programlisting>
+  if (a &lt; b) {
+    System.out.println("a is smaller than b");
+  } else if (b &lt; a) {
+    System.out.println("b is smaller than a");
+  } else {
+    System.out.println("b equals a");
+  }
               <para>Test different values for <code language="java">a</code>
               and <code language="java">b</code> reaching all three
@@ -1970,16 +1970,16 @@ Binary files HelloWorld.class.1 and HelloWorld.class.2 differ</screen>
-              <para>Execute:</para>
+              <para>Execute</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+              <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      int i = 0;
-      while ( i &lt; 5) {
-         System.out.println("loop # " + i);
-         i = i + 1;
-      }
-   }</programlisting>
+  int i = 0;
+  while ( i &lt; 5) {
+    System.out.println("loop # " + i);
+    i = i + 1;
+  }
               <para>Examine the result and implement the following
@@ -2711,7 +2711,7 @@ Generating /ma/goik/First/target/site/apidocs/help-doc.html...
-                    <option>mi-maven-archetype-quickstart</option> </para>
+                    <option>mi-maven-archetype-quickstart</option></para>
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/inheritance.xml b/Doc/Sd1/inheritance.xml
index 3f49aa771..22f897d61 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/inheritance.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/inheritance.xml
@@ -70,40 +70,40 @@
-  <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-    <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-1-co"
-             xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-1">
-      <para>The center coordinate (<code language="java">x</code>|<code
-      language="java">y)</code> appears both in
-      <classname>Rectangle</classname> and
-      <classname>Circle</classname>.</para>
-    </callout>
-    <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-2-co"
-             xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-2">
-      <para>The move(...) method is being defined <emphasis
-      role="bold">identically</emphasis> both in
-      <classname>Rectangle</classname> and
-      <classname>Circle</classname>!</para>
-    </callout>
-    <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-3-co"
-             xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-3">
-      <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><property>width</property> and <property>height</property>
-          only appear in class <classname>Rectangle</classname>.</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><property>radius</property> only appears in class
-          Circle.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-    </callout>
-  </calloutlist>
-  </figure>
+    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-1-co"
+               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-1">
+        <para>The center coordinate (<code language="java">x</code>|<code
+        language="java">y)</code> appears both in
+        <classname>Rectangle</classname> and
+        <classname>Circle</classname>.</para>
+      </callout>
+      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-2-co"
+               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-2">
+        <para>The move(...) method is being defined <emphasis
+        role="bold">identically</emphasis> both in
+        <classname>Rectangle</classname> and
+        <classname>Circle</classname>!</para>
+      </callout>
+      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-3-co"
+               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_DuplicateCode-3">
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><property>width</property> and <property>height</property>
+            only appear in class <classname>Rectangle</classname>.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><property>radius</property> only appears in class
+            Circle.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+      </callout>
+    </calloutlist>
+  </figure>
   <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_ideaFactorOutCommonCode">
     <title>Idea: Centralize common code</title>
@@ -312,10 +312,10 @@ public Shape(double x,double y) {
     <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_createRectangle">
       <title>Creating <classname>Rectangle</classname> instances</title>
-      <programlisting language="java">final Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x, y <co
-          linkends="sda_inherit_fig_createRectangle-1"
+      <programlisting language="java">final Rectangle r = 
+   new Rectangle(x, y <co linkends="sda_inherit_fig_createRectangle-1"
-                              width, height <co
+                 width, height <co
@@ -354,23 +354,24 @@ public Rectangle(double x, double y,
-    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor-1-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor-1">
-        <para>Passing center coordinate to superclass constructor.</para>
-        <note>
-          <para>This must be the first statement.</para>
-        </note>
-      </callout>
+      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor-1-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor-1">
+          <para>Passing center coordinate to superclass constructor.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor-2-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor-2">
-        <para>Processing <code language="java">width</code> and <code
-        language="java">height</code> in <quote>current</quote>
-        subclass.</para>
-      </callout>
-    </calloutlist>
+          <note>
+            <para>This must be the first statement.</para>
+          </note>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor-2-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleConstructor-2">
+          <para>Processing <code language="java">width</code> and <code
+          language="java">height</code> in <quote>current</quote>
+          subclass.</para>
+        </callout>
+      </calloutlist>
     <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_RectangleLogging">
@@ -571,34 +572,35 @@ for (final Shape s : shapes) {
       <screen>Circle at (1.0|1.0), radius= 2.0: <emphasis role="red">area = 12.566370614359172</emphasis>
 Rectangle at (1.0|-1.0), width= 2.0, height=3.0: <emphasis role="red">area = 6.0</emphasis></screen>
-    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-1-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-1">
-        <para>An array of <classname>Shape</classname> references.</para>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-2-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-2">
-        <para>A <classname>Rectangle</classname> <quote>is a</quote>
-        <classname>Shape</classname> and likewise is
-        <classname>Circle</classname>. We can thus assign both
-        <classname>Circle</classname> and <classname>Rectangle</classname>
-        instances to variables (or array elements) of type
-        <classname>Shape</classname> by means of upcasting.</para>
-      </callout>
+      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-1-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-1">
+          <para>An array of <classname>Shape</classname> references.</para>
+        </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-3-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-3">
-        <para>Polymorphic dispatch: Depending on the object's type the <xref
-        linkend="glo_Java"/> runtime will automatically choose either
-        <classname>Rectangle</classname>.<methodname>toString()</methodname>/
-        <classname>Rectangle</classname>.<methodname>getArea()</methodname> or
-        <classname>Circle</classname>.<methodname>getArea()</methodname> /
-        <classname>Circle</classname>.<methodname>toString()</methodname>/
-        <classname>Circle</classname>.<methodname>getArea()</methodname>
-        respectively.</para>
-      </callout>
-    </calloutlist>
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-2-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-2">
+          <para>A <classname>Rectangle</classname> <quote>is a</quote>
+          <classname>Shape</classname> and likewise is
+          <classname>Circle</classname>. We can thus assign both
+          <classname>Circle</classname> and <classname>Rectangle</classname>
+          instances to variables (or array elements) of type
+          <classname>Shape</classname> by means of upcasting.</para>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-3-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapePolymorphicAreaCall-3">
+          <para>Polymorphic dispatch: Depending on the object's type the <xref
+          linkend="glo_Java"/> runtime will automatically choose either
+          <classname>Rectangle</classname>.<methodname>toString()</methodname>/
+          <classname>Rectangle</classname>.<methodname>getArea()</methodname>
+          or <classname>Circle</classname>.<methodname>getArea()</methodname>
+          / <classname>Circle</classname>.<methodname>toString()</methodname>/
+          <classname>Circle</classname>.<methodname>getArea()</methodname>
+          respectively.</para>
+        </callout>
+      </calloutlist>
     <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_getAreaPolymorphicProblem">
@@ -667,50 +669,51 @@ Rectangle at (1.0|-1.0), width= 2.0, height=3.0: <emphasis role="red">area = 6.0
   } ...</programlisting></td>
-    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-1-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-1">
-        <para>Superclass <classname>Shape</classname> contains an <code
-        language="java">abstract</code> method and must thus itself be
-        declared <code language="java">abstract</code> as well.</para>
-        <note>
-          <para>You cannot create instances of <code
-          language="java">abstract</code> classes. You may however create
-          instances of derived non-<code language="java">abstract</code>
-          classes.</para>
-        </note>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-2-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-2">
-        <para>Method <classname>getArea()</classname> cannot be implemented in
-        a meaningful way. Its <code language="java">abstract</code> modifier
-        is a promise that some concrete (= non-<code
-        language="java">abstract</code>) subclass will either offer an
-        implementation of <classname>getArea()</classname> or will have an
-        intermediate parent class doing so.</para>
-        <para>In other words: The <code language="java">abstract</code>
-        keyword requires a corresponding implementation in some derived
-        non-<code language="java">abstract</code> subclass.</para>
-      </callout>
+      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-1-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-1">
+          <para>Superclass <classname>Shape</classname> contains an <code
+          language="java">abstract</code> method and must thus itself be
+          declared <code language="java">abstract</code> as well.</para>
+          <note>
+            <para>You cannot create instances of <code
+            language="java">abstract</code> classes. You may however create
+            instances of derived non-<code language="java">abstract</code>
+            classes.</para>
+          </note>
+        </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-3-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-3">
-        <para>An <code language="java">abstract</code> method must not have an
-        implementing body <code language="java">{...}</code>.</para>
-      </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-2-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-2">
+          <para>Method <classname>getArea()</classname> cannot be implemented
+          in a meaningful way. Its <code language="java">abstract</code>
+          modifier is a promise that some concrete (= non-<code
+          language="java">abstract</code>) subclass will either offer an
+          implementation of <classname>getArea()</classname> or will have an
+          intermediate parent class doing so.</para>
+          <para>In other words: The <code language="java">abstract</code>
+          keyword requires a corresponding implementation in some derived
+          non-<code language="java">abstract</code> subclass.</para>
+        </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-4-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-4">
-        <para>Both <classname>Rectangle</classname> and
-        <classname>Circle</classname> are concrete (=non-<code
-        language="java">abstract</code>) classes and are thus obliged to
-        provide an implementation of <methodname>double
-        getArea()</methodname>.</para>
-      </callout>
-    </calloutlist>
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-3-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-3">
+          <para>An <code language="java">abstract</code> method must not have
+          an implementing body <code language="java">{...}</code>.</para>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-4-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_implementAbstractGetArea-4">
+          <para>Both <classname>Rectangle</classname> and
+          <classname>Circle</classname> are concrete (=non-<code
+          language="java">abstract</code>) classes and are thus obliged to
+          provide an implementation of <methodname>double
+          getArea()</methodname>.</para>
+        </callout>
+      </calloutlist>
     <figure xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_shapeGetAreaAbstract">
@@ -908,11 +911,11 @@ double p = c.move(1, 5).move(-3, 7).getPrimeter();</programlisting>
                 <programlisting language="java">/**
-    *
-    * @param factor Scale the current shape by this value.
-    * @return The current object.
-    */
-   public abstract Shape scale(double factor);</programlisting>
+  *
+  * @param factor Scale the current shape by this value.
+  * @return The current object.
+  */
+public abstract Shape scale(double factor);</programlisting>
                 <para>This method has to be implemented in our two concrete
                 classes <classname>Circle</classname> and
@@ -949,11 +952,11 @@ double p = c.move(1, 5).move(-3, 7).getPrimeter();</programlisting>
-                <programlisting language="java">      final Circle c = new Circle(-2, -1, 3.5);
-      final Rectangle r = new Rectangle(3, 1, 1.5, 4.4);
+                <programlisting language="java">final Circle c = new Circle(-2, -1, 3.5);
+final Rectangle r = new Rectangle(3, 1, 1.5, 4.4);
-      System.out.println(c);
-      System.out.println(r);</programlisting>
                 <para>This creates the following output:</para>
@@ -1023,33 +1026,34 @@ public class Rectangle <co linkends="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-3"
     return width * height;
   } ...
-    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-1-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-1">
-        <para>Defining superclass <classname>Shape</classname> in package
-        <code language="java">model</code>.</para>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-2-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-2">
-        <para>Defining a <code language="java">protected</code> instance
-        attribute <property>creationTime</property> in superclass
-        <classname>Shape</classname>.</para>
-      </callout>
+      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-1-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-1">
+          <para>Defining superclass <classname>Shape</classname> in package
+          <code language="java">model</code>.</para>
+        </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-3-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-3">
-        <para>Deriving class <classname>Rectangle</classname> in different
-        package <code language="java">model.sub</code> from superclass <code
-        language="java">Shape</code>.</para>
-      </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-2-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-2">
+          <para>Defining a <code language="java">protected</code> instance
+          attribute <property>creationTime</property> in superclass
+          <classname>Shape</classname>.</para>
+        </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-4-co"
-               xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-4">
-        <para>Accessing superclass attribute <property>creationTime</property>
-        across package boundary.</para>
-      </callout>
-    </calloutlist>
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-3-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-3">
+          <para>Deriving class <classname>Rectangle</classname> in different
+          package <code language="java">model.sub</code> from superclass <code
+          language="java">Shape</code>.</para>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-4-co"
+                 xml:id="sda_inherit_fig_protectedCreationTime-4">
+          <para>Accessing superclass attribute
+          <property>creationTime</property> across package boundary.</para>
+        </callout>
+      </calloutlist>
     <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sd1_qanda_protectedPackagePrivate">
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/languageFundamentals.xml b/Doc/Sd1/languageFundamentals.xml
index 7d7cfa441..5b5848363 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/languageFundamentals.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/languageFundamentals.xml
@@ -1721,14 +1721,14 @@ System.out.println("Result: " + i);</programlisting></td>
             minimum and maximum possible value to standard output.</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      int minumum = ... , //TODO: provide values by
-          maximum = ...;  // binary int literals
+  int minumum = ... , //TODO: provide values by
+  maximum = ...;  // binary int literals
-      System.out.println("Minimum:" + minumum);
-      System.out.println("Maximum:" + maximum);
-   }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Minimum:" + minumum);
+  System.out.println("Maximum:" + maximum);
@@ -1740,12 +1740,12 @@ System.out.println("Result: " + i);</programlisting></td>
             <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      int minumum = 0B10000000_00000000_00000000_00000000,
-          maximum = 0B01111111_11111111_11111111_11111111;
+  int minumum = 0B10000000_00000000_00000000_00000000,
+      maximum = 0B01111111_11111111_11111111_11111111;
-      System.out.println("Minimum int value:" + minumum);
-      System.out.println("Maximum int value:" + maximum);
-   }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Minimum int value:" + minumum);
+  System.out.println("Maximum int value:" + maximum);
             <para>BTW: The <xref linkend="glo_JDK"/> does provide maximum
             value, minimum value and related information for <code
@@ -1767,11 +1767,11 @@ System.out.println("Result: " + i);</programlisting></td>
             classes. You may want to execute:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">    System.out.println("int minimum:" + Integer.MIN_VALUE);
-    System.out.println("int maximum:" + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+            <programlisting language="java">System.out.println("int minimum:" + Integer.MIN_VALUE);
+System.out.println("int maximum:" + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-    System.out.println("int bytes:" + Integer.BYTES);
-    System.out.println("int size:" + Integer.SIZE);</programlisting>
+System.out.println("int bytes:" + Integer.BYTES);
+System.out.println("int size:" + Integer.SIZE);</programlisting>
@@ -1935,7 +1935,7 @@ int a = 20,
     System.out.println(a + " + " + b + " + " + c + " = " + (a + b + c));
-   }</programlisting>
             <para>This will run smoothly producing the expected output:</para>
@@ -1945,14 +1945,14 @@ int a = 20,
             right aligning numbers thereby padding leading positions with
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      int a = 20,
-          b = 03,
-          <emphasis role="bold">c = 09; // Compiler error: The literal 09 of type int is out of  range</emphasis>
+  int a = 20,
+      b = 03,
+      <emphasis role="bold">c = 09; // Compiler error: The literal 09 of type int is out of  range</emphasis>
-      System.out.println(a + " + " + b + " + " + c + " = " + (a + b + c));
-   }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println(a + " + " + b + " + " + c + " = " + (a + b + c));
             <para>The above code does not compile due to a compiler error when
             defining variable <code language="java">c</code>.</para>
@@ -2707,7 +2707,7 @@ System.out.println(intensity);</programlisting>
                                      + 128
                                         + 32
                                             + 4));
-   }</programlisting>
                 <para>This yields:</para>
@@ -4945,15 +4945,15 @@ System.out.println("Difference: " + difference);</programlisting><screen>Differe
             <para>In Exercise <xref linkend="sw1QandaCircleArea"/> you
             calculated a given circle's area:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      double radius = 2.31;   // A circle having a radius (given e.g. in mm).
-      double pi = 3.1415926;  // Constant relating a circle's radius, perimeter
+  double radius = 2.31;   // A circle having a radius (given e.g. in mm).
+  double pi = 3.1415926;  // Constant relating a circle's radius, perimeter
                               //and area.
-      double area = pi * radius * radius;
-      System.out.println(area);
-   }</programlisting>
+  double area = pi * radius * radius;
+  System.out.println(area);
             <para>Though there is nothing wrong with this approach it is error
             prone: In a similar program a careless programmer accidentally
@@ -5247,31 +5247,31 @@ System.out.println("A circle of radius " + radius + " will cover an area of " +
             <para>Write an application converting temperature values being
             represented as degree centigrade to kelvin and Fahrenheit:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    double temperatureCelsius = 23.2;
+  double temperatureCelsius = 23.2;
-    System.out.println("Celsius: " + temperatureCelsius);
-    System.out.println("Kelvin: " + temperatureKelvin);
-    System.out.println("Fahrenheit: " + temperatureFahrenheit);
-  }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Celsius: " + temperatureCelsius);
+  System.out.println("Kelvin: " + temperatureKelvin);
+  System.out.println("Fahrenheit: " + temperatureFahrenheit);
-            <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    double temperatureCelsius = 23.2;
+  double temperatureCelsius = 23.2;
-    double
+  double
       temperatureKelvin = temperatureCelsius + 273.15,
       temperatureFahrenheit = 9 * temperatureCelsius / 5 + 32;
-    System.out.println("Celsius: " + temperatureCelsius);
-    System.out.println("Kelvin: " + temperatureKelvin);
-    System.out.println("Fahrenheit: " + temperatureFahrenheit);
-  }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Celsius: " + temperatureCelsius);
+  System.out.println("Kelvin: " + temperatureKelvin);
+  System.out.println("Fahrenheit: " + temperatureFahrenheit);
@@ -5290,17 +5290,17 @@ System.out.println("A circle of radius " + radius + " will cover an area of " +
                 <para>Write an application converting a (seconds, minutes
                 ,hours) time specification to seconds:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+                <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final int
+  final int
       seconds = 31,
       minutes = 16,
       hours = 4;
-    int timeInSeconds ...
+  int timeInSeconds ...
-    System.out.println("Time in seconds:" + timeInSeconds);
-  }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Time in seconds:" + timeInSeconds);
                 <para>The expected output reads:</para>
@@ -5312,16 +5312,16 @@ System.out.println("A circle of radius " + radius + " will cover an area of " +
                 time specification in seconds to (seconds, minutes ,hours) as
-                <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+                <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final int timeInSeconds = 15391;
+  final int timeInSeconds = 15391;
-    System.out.println("Hours:" +  hours);
-    System.out.println("Minutes:" +  minutes);
-    System.out.println("Seconds:" +  seconds);
-  }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Hours:" +  hours);
+  System.out.println("Minutes:" +  minutes);
+  System.out.println("Seconds:" +  seconds);
                 <para>The expected output reads:</para>
@@ -5343,34 +5343,34 @@ Seconds:31</screen>
                 <para>A straightforward solution reads:</para>
-                <para><programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+                <para><programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final int
-      seconds = 31,
-      minutes = 16,
-      hours = 4;
+  final int
+    seconds = 31,
+    minutes = 16,
+    hours = 4;
-    final int timeInSeconds = seconds + 60 * (minutes + 60 * hours);
+  final int timeInSeconds = seconds + 60 * (minutes + 60 * hours);
-    System.out.println("Time in seconds:" + timeInSeconds);
-  }</programlisting></para>
+  System.out.println("Time in seconds:" + timeInSeconds);
-                <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+                <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final int timeInSeconds = 15391;
+  final int timeInSeconds = 15391;
-    final int minutesRemaining = timeInSeconds / 60;
-    final int seconds = timeInSeconds % 60;
+  final int minutesRemaining = timeInSeconds / 60;
+  final int seconds = timeInSeconds % 60;
-    final int hours = minutesRemaining / 60;
-    final int minutes = minutesRemaining % 60;
+  final int hours = minutesRemaining / 60;
+  final int minutes = minutesRemaining % 60;
-    System.out.println("Hours:" +  hours);
-    System.out.println("Minutes:" +  minutes);
-    System.out.println("Seconds:" +  seconds);
-  }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Hours:" +  hours);
+  System.out.println("Minutes:" +  minutes);
+  System.out.println("Seconds:" +  seconds);
@@ -5388,18 +5388,18 @@ Seconds:31</screen>
             an initial capital, a given annual interest rate and a duration of
             three years. Consider the following code fragment:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final double initialCapital = 223.12;
-    final double interestRate = 1.5;
+  final double initialCapital = 223.12;
+  final double interestRate = 1.5;
-    System.out.println("Initial capital:" + initialCapital);
-    System.out.println("Annual interest rate:" + interestRate);
+  System.out.println("Initial capital:" + initialCapital);
+  System.out.println("Annual interest rate:" + interestRate);
-    // TODO ...
+  // TODO ...
-    System.out.println("Capital after three years:" + ...);
-  }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Capital after three years:" + ...);
             <para>The expected output is:</para>
@@ -5437,41 +5437,41 @@ Capital after three years:233.31175902999993</screen>
             <para>Since we have not yet introduced loops this multiplication
             has to be repeated three times:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final double initialCapital = 223.12;
-    final double interestRate = 1.5;
+  final double initialCapital = 223.12;
+  final double interestRate = 1.5;
-    System.out.println("Initial capital:" + initialCapital);
-    System.out.println("Annual interest rate:" + interestRate);
+  System.out.println("Initial capital:" + initialCapital);
+  System.out.println("Annual interest rate:" + interestRate);
-    final double factor = 1. + interestRate/100.;
-    double capitalAtThreeYears = initialCapital;
+  final double factor = 1. + interestRate/100.;
+  double capitalAtThreeYears = initialCapital;
-    capitalAtThreeYears *= factor; // Year 1
-    capitalAtThreeYears *= factor; // Year 2
-    capitalAtThreeYears *= factor; // Year 3
+  capitalAtThreeYears *= factor; // Year 1
+  capitalAtThreeYears *= factor; // Year 2
+  capitalAtThreeYears *= factor; // Year 3
-    System.out.println("Capital after three years:" + capitalAtThreeYears);
-  }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Capital after three years:" + capitalAtThreeYears);
             <para>We might as well use a single arithmetic expression to
             achieve the same result:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final double initialCapital = 223.12;
-    final double interestRate = 1.5;
+  final double initialCapital = 223.12;
+  final double interestRate = 1.5;
-    System.out.println("Initial capital:" + initialCapital);
-    System.out.println("Annual interest rate:" + interestRate);
+  System.out.println("Initial capital:" + initialCapital);
+  System.out.println("Annual interest rate:" + interestRate);
-    final double factor = 1. + interestRate/100.;
-    final double capitalAtThreeYears =
+  final double factor = 1. + interestRate/100.;
+  final double capitalAtThreeYears =
         initialCapital * factor * factor * factor;
-    System.out.println("Capital after three years:" + capitalAtThreeYears);
-  }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Capital after three years:" + capitalAtThreeYears);
             <para>In <xref linkend="sd1InterestCalculator"/> we will present a
             more elaborate solution based on loops and class methods.</para>
@@ -5682,25 +5682,25 @@ System.out.println("e=" + e);</programlisting>
             <para>The rest is just obeying the <quote>due diligence</quote>
             rule set:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">      int a = 3;
-      a++;          //Incrementing a by 1 --&gt; a==4
+            <programlisting language="java">int a = 3;
+a++;          //Incrementing a by 1 --&gt; a==4
-      int b = a;    // Assigning value of a --&gt; b==4
+int b = a;    // Assigning value of a --&gt; b==4
-      b--;          // Decrementing b by 1 --&gt; b==3
-      --b;          // Decrementing b by 1 --&gt; b==2
+b--;          // Decrementing b by 1 --&gt; b==3
+--b;          // Decrementing b by 1 --&gt; b==2
-      int c = b;    // c == 2;
+int c = b;    // c == 2;
-      b = ++a;      // Incrementing a by 1 --&gt;a==5, then assigning to b --&gt; b == 5
-      int e = a++;  // Assigning a to e --&gt; e==5, then incrementing a --&gt; a==6
+b = ++a;      // Incrementing a by 1 --&gt;a==5, then assigning to b --&gt; b == 5
+int e = a++;  // Assigning a to e --&gt; e==5, then incrementing a --&gt; a==6
-      a *= b;       // Multiplying a with b and assigning the result to a --&gt; a==30
+a *= b;       // Multiplying a with b and assigning the result to a --&gt; a==30
-      System.out.println("a=" + a);
-      System.out.println("b=" + b);
-      System.out.println("c=" + c);
-      System.out.println("e=" + e);</programlisting>
+System.out.println("a=" + a);
+System.out.println("b=" + b);
+System.out.println("c=" + c);
+System.out.println("e=" + e);</programlisting>
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/objectsClasses.xml b/Doc/Sd1/objectsClasses.xml
index bc87ebafe..2980308da 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/objectsClasses.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/objectsClasses.xml
@@ -326,43 +326,43 @@ public class Q {<lineannotation>Class def</lineannotation>
-    <informaltable  role="slideExclude" border="0">
-      <tr>
-        <th>Fully qualified class name</th>
+      <informaltable border="0" role="slideExclude">
+        <tr>
+          <th>Fully qualified class name</th>
-        <th>Using <code language="java">import</code></th>
-      </tr>
+          <th>Using <code language="java">import</code></th>
+        </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td valign="top"><calloutlist>
-            <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-1.2-co"
-                     xml:id="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-1.2">
-              <para>Using the fully qualified class name for defining a
-              variable.</para>
-            </callout>
+        <tr>
+          <td valign="top"><calloutlist>
+              <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-1.2-co"
+                       xml:id="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-1.2">
+                <para>Using the fully qualified class name for defining a
+                variable.</para>
+              </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-2.2-co"
-                     xml:id="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-2.2">
-              <para>Creating an instance by using the fully qualified class
-              name again.</para>
-            </callout>
-          </calloutlist></td>
+              <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-2.2-co"
+                       xml:id="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-2.2">
+                <para>Creating an instance by using the fully qualified class
+                name again.</para>
+              </callout>
+            </calloutlist></td>
-        <td valign="top"><calloutlist>
-            <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-3.2-co"
-                     xml:id="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-3.2">
-              <para>Importing the <classname>Scanner</classname> class
-              once.</para>
-            </callout>
+          <td valign="top"><calloutlist>
+              <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-3.2-co"
+                       xml:id="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-3.2">
+                <para>Importing the <classname>Scanner</classname> class
+                once.</para>
+              </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-4.2-co"
-                     xml:id="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-4.2">
-              <para>Unqualified class use due to <code
-              language="java">import</code>.</para>
-            </callout>
-          </calloutlist></td>
-      </tr>
-    </informaltable>
+              <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-4.2-co"
+                       xml:id="sd1_callout_importVsQualifying-4.2">
+                <para>Unqualified class use due to <code
+                language="java">import</code>.</para>
+              </callout>
+            </calloutlist></td>
+        </tr>
+      </informaltable>
     <figure xml:id="sd1_fig_importByWildcard">
@@ -422,31 +422,31 @@ public class Q {
-    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-1.2-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-1.2">
-        <para>Classes belonging to the <package
-        xlink:href="">java.lang</package>
-        package are being imported automatically.</para>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-2.2-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-2.2">
-        <para>The <classname
-        xlink:href="">Scanner</classname>
-        class belongs to the <package
-        xlink:href="">java.util</package>
-        package and must thus be imported.</para>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-3-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-3">
-        <para>Without the import <classname>java.util.Scanner</classname>
-        statement we need the fully qualified class name:</para>
-        <programlisting language="java">java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(;</programlisting>
-      </callout>
-    </calloutlist>
+      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-1.2-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-1.2">
+          <para>Classes belonging to the <package
+          xlink:href="">java.lang</package>
+          package are being imported automatically.</para>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-2.2-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-2.2">
+          <para>The <classname
+          xlink:href="">Scanner</classname>
+          class belongs to the <package
+          xlink:href="">java.util</package>
+          package and must thus be imported.</para>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-3-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_fig_javaDotLangNoImportRequired-3">
+          <para>Without the import <classname>java.util.Scanner</classname>
+          statement we need the fully qualified class name:</para>
+          <programlisting language="java">java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(;</programlisting>
+        </callout>
+      </calloutlist>
     <figure xml:id="sd1_fig_package2directory">
@@ -632,64 +632,64 @@ height=44</screen></td>
-    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-1-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-1">
-        <para>Optional <link
-        xlink:href="">access
-        control</link> modifier either of <code language="java">public</code>,
-        <code language="java">protected</code> or <code
-        language="java">private</code>.</para>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-2-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-2">
-        <para>The method's return type either of:</para>
+      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-1-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-1">
+          <para>Optional <link
+          xlink:href="">access
+          control</link> modifier either of <code
+          language="java">public</code>, <code
+          language="java">protected</code> or <code
+          language="java">private</code>.</para>
+        </callout>
-        <glosslist>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm><code language="java">void</code></glossterm>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-2-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-2">
+          <para>The method's return type either of:</para>
-            <glossdef>
-              <para>The method will not return a value on completion.</para>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
+          <glosslist>
+            <glossentry>
+              <glossterm><code language="java">void</code></glossterm>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>A data type <abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> <code
-            language="java">int</code>, <code language="java">double</code>,
-            ...</glossterm>
+              <glossdef>
+                <para>The method will not return a value on completion.</para>
+              </glossdef>
+            </glossentry>
-            <glossdef>
-              <para>The method will return a value of the given type to its
-              caller.</para>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-        </glosslist>
-      </callout>
+            <glossentry>
+              <glossterm>A data type <abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> <code
+              language="java">int</code>, <code language="java">double</code>,
+              ...</glossterm>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-3-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-3">
-        <para>The method's name.</para>
-      </callout>
+              <glossdef>
+                <para>The method will return a value of the given type to its
+                caller.</para>
+              </glossdef>
+            </glossentry>
+          </glosslist>
+        </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-4-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-4">
-        <para>Arguments being required for execution.</para>
-      </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-3-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-3">
+          <para>The method's name.</para>
+        </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-5-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-5">
-        <para>Start of method's body.</para>
-      </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-4-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-4">
+          <para>Arguments being required for execution.</para>
+        </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-6-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-6">
-        <para>The method's implementation.</para>
-      </callout>
-    </calloutlist>
-        </figure>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-5-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-5">
+          <para>Start of method's body.</para>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-6-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_methodSyntax-6">
+          <para>The method's implementation.</para>
+        </callout>
+      </calloutlist>
+    </figure>
     <figure xml:id="fig_rectangleGetPerimeter">
       <title>A rectangle's perimeter</title>
@@ -1055,20 +1055,20 @@ public class Circle {
             <para>Instances of this class shall be usable in the following
-            <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
-    final Circle c = new Circle(2.3);
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
+  final Circle c = new Circle(2.3);
-    System.out.println("Radius:" + c.getRadius());
-    System.out.println("Perimeter:" + c.getPerimeter());
-    System.out.println("Area:" + c.getArea());
+  System.out.println("Radius:" + c.getRadius());
+  System.out.println("Perimeter:" + c.getPerimeter());
+  System.out.println("Area:" + c.getArea());
-    // Changing the circle's radius to a different value
-    c.setRadius(4.7);
+  // Changing the circle's radius to a different value
+  c.setRadius(4.7);
-    System.out.println("Radius:" + c.getRadius());
-    System.out.println("Perimeter:" + c.getPerimeter());
-    System.out.println("Area:" + c.getArea());
-  }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Radius:" + c.getRadius());
+  System.out.println("Perimeter:" + c.getPerimeter());
+  System.out.println("Area:" + c.getArea());
             <para>Hint: Obviously you'll have to define an instance variable
             within Circle to keep track of its current radius value. All
@@ -1089,9 +1089,9 @@ public class Circle {
             <para>Next we implement our method to change a circle's
-            <programlisting language="java">  public void setRadius(double r) {
-    radius = r;
-  }</programlisting>
+            <programlisting language="java">public void setRadius(double r) {
+  radius = r;
             <para>Note that we have chosen a different value for the method's
             formal radius parameter to be <quote>r</quote> rather than
@@ -1099,9 +1099,9 @@ public class Circle {
             making it easier for a programmer to recognize the expected name
             in the generated <xref linkend="glo_Javadoc"/>:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  public void setRadius(double radius) {
-    <emphasis role="bold">this.</emphasis>radius = radius;
-  }</programlisting>
+            <programlisting language="java">public void setRadius(double radius) {
+<emphasis role="red">  this.</emphasis>radius = radius;
             <para>This requires the usage of the <code
             language="java">this</code> keyword to distinguish the formal
@@ -1184,18 +1184,18 @@ public class Circle {
                   translation vector with respect to the origin (0,0). The
                   following hint may be helpful:</para>
-                  <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   * @param x The circle's x center coordinate value
-   */
-  public void setX(double x) {
-    // TODO
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param y The circle's y center coordinate value
-   */
-  public void setY(double y) {
-    // TODO
-  }</programlisting>
+                  <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * @param x The circle's x center coordinate value
+ */
+public void setX(double x) {
+  // TODO
+ * @param y The circle's y center coordinate value
+ */
+public void setY(double y) {
+  // TODO
                   <para>You may as well extend the constructors of
                   <classname>Rectangle</classname> and
@@ -1447,17 +1447,17 @@ public void writeSvg() {
-      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_publicPrivateInterface-1-co"
-                 xml:id="sd1_callout_publicPrivateInterface-1">
-          <para>Private attributes only accessible inside class.</para>
-        </callout>
-        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_publicPrivateInterface-2-co"
-                 xml:id="sd1_callout_publicPrivateInterface-2">
-          <para>Public interface accessible by arbitrary classes.</para>
-        </callout>
-      </calloutlist>
+        <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+          <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_publicPrivateInterface-1-co"
+                   xml:id="sd1_callout_publicPrivateInterface-1">
+            <para>Private attributes only accessible inside class.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_publicPrivateInterface-2-co"
+                   xml:id="sd1_callout_publicPrivateInterface-2">
+            <para>Public interface accessible by arbitrary classes.</para>
+          </callout>
+        </calloutlist>
       <figure xml:id="sd1_fig_timeAccessViolation">
@@ -2468,21 +2468,21 @@ a = 33;</programlisting></td>
-      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-        <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_rectangle_constructorCallsConstructor-1-co"
-                 xml:id="sd1_fig_rectangle_constructorCallsConstructor-1">
-          <para>Reusing constructor <methodname>Rectangle(int width, int
-          height)</methodname> with parameters <code language="java">width =
-          height = 1</code>.</para>
-        </callout>
-        <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_rectangle_constructorCallsConstructor-2-co"
-                 xml:id="sd1_fig_rectangle_constructorCallsConstructor-2">
-          <para>Reusing constructor <methodname>Rectangle(int width, int
-          height)</methodname> with parameters <code language="java">width =
-          height = widthAndHeight</code>.</para>
-        </callout>
-      </calloutlist>
+        <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+          <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_rectangle_constructorCallsConstructor-1-co"
+                   xml:id="sd1_fig_rectangle_constructorCallsConstructor-1">
+            <para>Reusing constructor <methodname>Rectangle(int width, int
+            height)</methodname> with parameters <code language="java">width =
+            height = 1</code>.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_rectangle_constructorCallsConstructor-2-co"
+                   xml:id="sd1_fig_rectangle_constructorCallsConstructor-2">
+            <para>Reusing constructor <methodname>Rectangle(int width, int
+            height)</methodname> with parameters <code language="java">width =
+            height = widthAndHeight</code>.</para>
+          </callout>
+        </calloutlist>
       <figure xml:id="sd1_fig_rectangleThreeConstructorsInstances">
@@ -2572,30 +2572,30 @@ Rectangle individual = new Rectangle(2, 7); // 2 x 7</programlisting></td>
-                  <programlisting language="java">   /**
-    * Raise the employee's salary by the given percentage.
-    *
-    * Example: If the current annual salary is 30000 € then
-    * raising by 2,5% will result in 30750 €
-    *
-    * @param percentage Raise the current salary by this percentage.
-    *
-    */
-   public void raiseSalary(double percentage) {
-      <emphasis role="bold">// TODO: implement me!</emphasis>
-   }</programlisting>
+                  <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Raise the employee's salary by the given percentage.
+ *
+ * Example: If the current annual salary is 30000 € then
+ * raising by 2,5% will result in 30750 €
+ *
+ * @param percentage Raise the current salary by this percentage.
+ *
+ */
+public void raiseSalary(double percentage) {
+<emphasis role="bold">  // TODO: implement me!</emphasis>
-                  <programlisting language="java">   /**
-    * Print the employee's current state to standard output like e.g.:
-    *
-    * &lt;pre&gt;Age:25
+                  <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Print the employee's current state to standard output like e.g.:
+ *
+ * &lt;pre&gt;Age:25
-    */
-   public void print() {
-      <emphasis role="bold">// TODO: implement me!</emphasis>
-   }</programlisting>
+ */
+public void print() {
+<emphasis role="bold">  // TODO: implement me!</emphasis>
@@ -2628,29 +2628,29 @@ Salary:30600.00</screen>
-              <programlisting language="java">   /**
-    * Raise the employee's salary by the given percentage.
-    *
-    * Example: If the current annual salary is 30000 € then
-    * raising by 2,5% will result in 30750 €
-    *
-    * @param percentage Raise the current salary by this percentage.
-    *
-    */
-   public void raiseSalary(double percentage) {
-      salary *= (1 + percentage / 100);
-   }
+              <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Raise the employee's salary by the given percentage.
+ *
+ * Example: If the current annual salary is 30000 € then
+ * raising by 2,5% will result in 30750 €
+ *
+ * @param percentage Raise the current salary by this percentage.
+ *
+ */
+public void raiseSalary(double percentage) {
+  salary *= (1 + percentage / 100);
-   /**
-    * Print the employee's current state to standard output like e.g.:
-    *
-    * &lt;pre&gt;Age:25
+ * Print the employee's current state to standard output like e.g.:
+ *
+ * &lt;pre&gt;Age:25
-    */
-   public void print() {
-      System.out.println("Age:" + age);
-      System.out.format("Salary:%6.2f\n", salary);
-   }</programlisting>
+public void print() {
+  System.out.println("Age:" + age);
+  System.out.format("Salary:%6.2f\n", salary);
@@ -2917,14 +2917,14 @@ public class Driver {
               <para>There is however one apparent benefit: Developers do have
               better bug tracking options on offer:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">   public void setSalary(double salary) {
-      if (salary &lt; 0) {
-         <emphasis role="bold">System.err.println("This is odd: A salary may not become negative!" +
-                            " Ask your union about minimum wages.");</emphasis>
-      } else {
-         this.salary = salary;
-      }
-   }</programlisting>
+              <programlisting language="java">public void setSalary(double salary) {
+  if (salary &lt; 0) {
+  <emphasis role="bold">System.err.println("This is odd: A salary may not become negative!" +
+                     " Ask your union about minimum wages.");</emphasis>
+  } else {
+    this.salary = salary;
+  }
@@ -2938,10 +2938,10 @@ public class Driver {
               <para>Currently our constructor is being implemented as:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">   public Employee(int ageValue, double salaryValue) {
-      age = ageValue;
-      salary = salaryValue;
-   }</programlisting>
+              <programlisting language="java">public Employee(int ageValue, double salaryValue) {
+  age = ageValue;
+  salary = salaryValue;
               <para>This imposes problems with respect to proper
               documentation. A developer will try to choose reasonable
@@ -3025,11 +3025,11 @@ public class Driver {
               represented by the <code language="java">this</code>
-              <programlisting language="java">   public Employee(int age, double salary) {
-      // The "this" keyword refers to class scope
-      this.age = age;
-      this.salary = salary;
-   }</programlisting>
+              <programlisting language="java">public Employee(int age, double salary) {
+  // The "this" keyword refers to class scope
+  this.age = age;
+  this.salary = salary;
@@ -3575,47 +3575,48 @@ seconds = 23</screen></td>
-    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-1-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-1">
-        <para>The keyword <code language="java">static</code> defines <code
-        language="java">memberCount</code> as a <emphasis
-        xlink:href="">class
-        variable</emphasis> keeping track of the club's overall member
-        count.</para>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-2-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-2">
-        <para><code language="java">memberNumber</code> and <code
-        language="java">name</code> being defined as instance
-        variables.</para>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-3-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-3">
-        <para>Whenever a new instance of <classname>ClubMember</classname> is
-        being created two things happen:</para>
-        <orderedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>The overall <varname>memberCount</varname> variable is being
-            incremented.</para>
-          </listitem>
+      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-1-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-1">
+          <para>The keyword <code language="java">static</code> defines <code
+          language="java">memberCount</code> as a <emphasis
+          xlink:href="">class
+          variable</emphasis> keeping track of the club's overall member
+          count.</para>
+        </callout>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>The new club's member count is being assigned to the current
-            instance.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </orderedlist>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-4-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-4">
-        <para>Accessing an instance's membership number.</para>
-      </callout>
-    </calloutlist>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-2-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-2">
+          <para><code language="java">memberNumber</code> and <code
+          language="java">name</code> being defined as instance
+          variables.</para>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-3-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-3">
+          <para>Whenever a new instance of <classname>ClubMember</classname>
+          is being created two things happen:</para>
+          <orderedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>The overall <varname>memberCount</varname> variable is
+              being incremented.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>The new club's member count is being assigned to the
+              current instance.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </orderedlist>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-4-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_clubStaticMembercount-4">
+          <para>Accessing an instance's membership number.</para>
+        </callout>
+      </calloutlist>
     <figure xml:id="sd1_fig_staticMembershipNumberInfo">
       <title>Showing membership numbers.</title>
@@ -3651,20 +3652,20 @@ seconds = 23</screen></td>
-    <calloutlist role="slideExclude" >
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubMembershipAccessHeadcount-1-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_clubMembershipAccessHeadcount-1">
-        <para><methodname>getMemberCount()</methodname> being defined as
-        <emphasis role="bold">class method</emphasis> by virtue of the <code
-        language="java">static</code> keyword.</para>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubMembershipAccessHeadcount-2-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_callout_clubMembershipAccessHeadcount-2">
-        <para>Class (static) methods can only access class (static)
-        variables.</para>
-      </callout>
-    </calloutlist>
+      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubMembershipAccessHeadcount-1-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_clubMembershipAccessHeadcount-1">
+          <para><methodname>getMemberCount()</methodname> being defined as
+          <emphasis role="bold">class method</emphasis> by virtue of the <code
+          language="java">static</code> keyword.</para>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_callout_clubMembershipAccessHeadcount-2-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_callout_clubMembershipAccessHeadcount-2">
+          <para>Class (static) methods can only access class (static)
+          variables.</para>
+        </callout>
+      </calloutlist>
     <figure xml:id="sd1_fig_staticAccessMemberCountImplement">
@@ -3703,8 +3704,8 @@ Club's member count:3</screen>
           <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">final Helper help = new Helper();
-  System.out.println("Maximum: " +
-        help.maximum(-3, 5));</programlisting><screen>Maximum: 5</screen></td>
+System.out.println("Maximum: " +
+            help.maximum(-3, 5));</programlisting><screen>Maximum: 5</screen></td>
@@ -3832,13 +3833,13 @@ model/ error: non-static variable memberNumber
                 <para>Instance methods may access class variables. However
                 calling the method now requires an instance:</para>
-                <programlisting language="none">    final ClubMember
-         john = new ClubMember("John"),
-        karen = new ClubMember("Karen"),
-        petra = new ClubMember("Petra");
+                <programlisting language="none">final ClubMember
+   john = new ClubMember("John"),
+  karen = new ClubMember("Karen"),
+  petra = new ClubMember("Petra");
-    System.out.println(karen.getDetails());
-    System.out.println("Club's headcount:" + <emphasis role="red">john.</emphasis>getMemberCount());</programlisting>
+System.out.println("Club's headcount:" + <emphasis role="red">john.</emphasis>getMemberCount());</programlisting>
                 <para>This is actually a regression with respect to the <code
                 language="java">static</code> class method variant since the
@@ -3861,16 +3862,16 @@ model/ error: non-static variable memberNumber
             leap year related exercise. This exercise is about wrapping your
             implementation into a method:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   * Characterizing a given year either as leap year or
-   * non- leap year
-   *
-   * @param year The year in question.
-   * @return true if the year parameter is a leap year, false otherwise.
-   */
-  public static boolean isLeapYear(int year) {
+            <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Characterizing a given year either as leap year or
+ * non- leap year
+ *
+ * @param year The year in question.
+ * @return true if the year parameter is a leap year, false otherwise.
+ */
+public static boolean isLeapYear(int year) {
-  }</programlisting>
             <para>Write unit tests prior to actually implementing
             <methodname>boolean isLeapYear(int year)</methodname>!</para>
@@ -3878,11 +3879,11 @@ model/ error: non-static variable memberNumber
             <para>After finishing you should also be able to test your
             implementation manually:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
-    System.out.println("Is 1800 a leap year? " + isLeapYear(1800));
-    System.out.println("Is 2000 a leap year? " + isLeapYear(2000));
-    System.out.println("Is 2016 a leap year? " + isLeapYear(2016));
-  }</programlisting>
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
+  System.out.println("Is 1800 a leap year? " + isLeapYear(1800));
+  System.out.println("Is 2000 a leap year? " + isLeapYear(2000));
+  System.out.println("Is 2016 a leap year? " + isLeapYear(2016));
             <para>This should produce the following output:</para>
@@ -3931,28 +3932,28 @@ public class <link
             <para>Obviously all negative tests will fail. We now implement the
             desired method:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  <link
+            <programlisting language="java"><link
                 xlink:href="P/Sd1/leapYear/target/site/apidocs/de/hdm_stuttgart/sd1/leap/LeapYear.html#isLeapYear-int-">public static boolean isLeapYear(int year)</link> {
-     if (year % 400 == 0) {                    // Every 400 years we do have a leap year.
-       return true;
-     } else if (year % 4 == 0 &amp;&amp;  0 != year % 100) { // Every 4 years we do have a leap
-       return true;                                  // year unless the year in
-                                                     // question is a multiple of 100.
-     } else {
-       return false;
-     }
-  }</programlisting>
+  if (year % 400 == 0) {                    // Every 400 years we do have a leap year.
+    return true;
+   } else if (year % 4 == 0 &amp;&amp;  0 != year % 100) { // Every 4 years we do have a leap
+     return true;                                  // year unless the year in
+                                                   // question is a multiple of 100.
+   } else {
+     return false;
+   }
             <para>This one is easy to read. Experienced programmers however
             prefer compact code:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  <link
+            <programlisting language="java"><link
                 xlink:href="P/Sd1/leapYear/target/site/apidocs/de/hdm_stuttgart/sd1/leap/LeapYearCompact.html#isLeapYear-int-">public static boolean isLeapYear(int year)</link> {
-    return
-        year % 400 == 0 ||                  // Every 400 years we do have a leap year.
-        year % 4 == 0 &amp;&amp;  0 != year % 100;  // Every 4 years we do have a leap year
-                                            // unless the year in question ...
-  }</programlisting>
+  return
+    year % 400 == 0 ||                  // Every 400 years we do have a leap year.
+    year % 4 == 0 &amp;&amp;  0 != year % 100;  // Every 4 years we do have a leap year
+                                        // unless the year in question ...
@@ -4003,14 +4004,14 @@ public class <link
                 <programlisting language="java">  ...
-  public static void while_squareNumbers(final int limit) {
-    System.out.println("Computing square numbers");
+public static void while_squareNumbers(final int limit) {
+  System.out.println("Computing square numbers");
-    while (...) {
+  while (...) {
-    }
-    System.out.println("Finished computing square numbers");
-  } ...</programlisting>
+  }
+  System.out.println("Finished computing square numbers");
+} ...</programlisting>
@@ -4018,15 +4019,15 @@ public class <link
                 <programlisting language="java">  ...
-  public static void while_squareNumbers(final int limit) {
-    System.out.println("Computing square numbers");
+public static void while_squareNumbers(final int limit) {
+  System.out.println("Computing square numbers");
-    do {
-    } while(...);
+  do {
+   ...
+  } while(...);
-    System.out.println("Finished computing square numbers");
-  } ...</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Finished computing square numbers");
+} ...</programlisting>
@@ -4079,18 +4080,18 @@ public class <link
             To avoid this error the loop has to be enclosed by an if-
-            <programlisting language="java">  public static void <link
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void <link
                 xlink:href="P/Sd1/loop/answer/target/site/apidocs/de/hdm_stuttgart/sd1/loop/LoopExample.html#doWhile_squareNumbers-int-">doWhile_squareNumbers</link>(final int limit) {
-    System.out.println("Computing square numbers");
-    int i = 4;
-    if (i &lt; limit) { // Needed !!!
-      do {
-        System.out.println("i = " + i + ", i * i = " + i * i);
-        i += 3;
-      } while (i &lt; limit);
-    }
-    System.out.println("Finished computing square numbers");
-  }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("Computing square numbers");
+  int i = 4;
+  if (i &lt; limit) { // Needed !!!
+    do {
+      System.out.println("i = " + i + ", i * i = " + i * i);
+      i += 3;
+    } while (i &lt; limit);
+  }
+  System.out.println("Finished computing square numbers");
             <para>This required if-clause reminds us that a <code
             language="java">do {...} while (...)</code> is an ill-suited
@@ -4277,16 +4278,16 @@ public class <link
             <glossterm>Formal parameter names and variable scopes</glossterm>
-              <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   * Setting the interest rate common to all accounts.
-   *
-   * @param z
-   *            the desired (global) interest rate.
-   */
-  public static void setInterestRate(double z) {  // Scope of variable "z" limited to
-                                                  // just the current block {...},
-    interestRate = z;                             // in contrast interestRate has
-  }                                               // class scope.</programlisting>
+              <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Setting the interest rate common to all accounts.
+ *
+ * @param z
+ *            the desired (global) interest rate.
+ */
+public static void setInterestRate(double z) {  // Scope of variable "z" limited to
+                                                // just the current block {...},
+  interestRate = z;                             // in contrast interestRate has
+}                                               // class scope.</programlisting>
               <para>The formal variable's name <quote><code
               language="java">z</code></quote> may be
@@ -4294,9 +4295,9 @@ public class <link
               non-conflicting value like <quote><code
-              <programlisting language="java">  public static void setInterestRate(double myFunnyVariableName) {
-    interestRate = myFunnyVariableName;
-  }</programlisting>
+              <programlisting language="java">public static void setInterestRate(double myFunnyVariableName) {
+  interestRate = myFunnyVariableName;
               <para>Alternatively name shadowing conflicts may be resolved by
               using the keyword <emphasis><code
@@ -4425,45 +4426,45 @@ public class <link
                 language="java">defaultInterestRate</code> to cover negative
                 balance values:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">  private static double
-  interestRate = 1.5,           // applied to positive balances
-  <emphasis role="bold">defaultInterestRate = 15.;    // applied to negative balances</emphasis></programlisting>
+                <programlisting language="java">private static double
+interestRate = 1.5,           // applied to positive balances
+<emphasis role="bold">defaultInterestRate = 15.;    // applied to negative balances</emphasis></programlisting>
                 <para>We need the appropriate getter and setter methods in
-                <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   * @return
-   *     the current default interest rate value.
-   */
-  public static double <link
+                <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * @return
+ *     the current default interest rate value.
+ */
+public static double <link
                     xlink:href="P/Sd1/interest/V2/target/site/apidocs/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/interest/Account.html#getDefaultInterestRate--">getDefaultInterestRate()</link> {
-    return defaultInterestRate;
-  }
+  return defaultInterestRate;
-  /**
-   * This interest rate will be applied to negative balances. In contrast
-   * {{@link #setInterestRate(double)} will handle positive balance values.
-   *
-   * @param defaultInterestRate
-   *                         the desired default interest rate value.
-   */
-  public static void <link
+ * This interest rate will be applied to negative balances. In contrast
+ * {{@link #setInterestRate(double)} will handle positive balance values.
+ *
+ * @param defaultInterestRate
+ *                         the desired default interest rate value.
+ */
+public static void <link
                     xlink:href="P/Sd1/interest/V2/target/site/apidocs/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/interest/Account.html#setDefaultInterestRate-double-">setDefaultInterestRate(double defaultInterestRate)</link> {
-    Account.defaultInterestRate = defaultInterestRate;
-  }</programlisting>
+  Account.defaultInterestRate = defaultInterestRate;
                 <para>The computed interest depends on positive or negative
                 balance values:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">  public void applyInterest(int years) {
-    if (0 &lt; balance) {
-      balance = balance * Math.pow((1 + interestRate / 100), years) ;
-    } else if (balance &lt; 0){
-      balance = balance * Math.pow((1 + defaultInterestRate / 100), years) ;
-    }
-  }</programlisting>
+                <programlisting language="java">public void applyInterest(int years) {
+  if (0 &lt; balance) {
+    balance = balance * Math.pow((1 + interestRate / 100), years) ;
+  } else if (balance &lt; 0){
+    balance = balance * Math.pow((1 + defaultInterestRate / 100), years) ;
+  }
@@ -4579,12 +4580,12 @@ long sum = (long)a + b;</programlisting>
                 <para>Consider the following code fragment:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">    int a = 6,
-        b = 7,
-        c = -3,
-        result = 0;
+                <programlisting language="java">int a = 6,
+    b = 7,
+    c = -3,
+    result = 0;
-    result += ++a - b++ + --c;</programlisting>
+result += ++a - b++ + --c;</programlisting>
                 <para>Rewrite this code by decomposing the last line into
                 several lines to make the code easier to understand.</para>
@@ -4605,14 +4606,15 @@ long sum = (long)a + b;</programlisting>
                 language="java">result</code> (postfix notation). The
                 following code snippet is thus equivalent:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">    int a = 6,
-        b = 7,
-        c = -3,
-        result = 0;
-    ++a;
-    --c;
-    result += a - b + c; // or even: result = result + a - b + c;
-    b++;</programlisting>
+                <programlisting language="java">int a = 6,
+    b = 7,
+    c = -3,
+    result = 0;
+result += a - b + c; // or even: result = result + a - b + c;
@@ -4815,11 +4817,11 @@ long sum = (long)a + b;</programlisting>
                 </inlineequation> ?</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">    // Numerator product n (n - 1) ... (n - k + 1)
-    long numerator = 1;
-    for (int i = n - k + 1; i &lt;= n; i++) {
-      numerator *= i;
-    }</programlisting>
+              <programlisting language="java">// Numerator product n (n - 1) ... (n - k + 1)
+long numerator = 1;
+for (int i = n - k + 1; i &lt;= n; i++) {
+  numerator *= i;
               <para>In this case our numerator variable of type <code
               language="java">long</code> will be set to a value 22!
@@ -4834,14 +4836,14 @@ long sum = (long)a + b;</programlisting>
-                  <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
-    long factorial = 1;
+                  <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
+  long factorial = 1;
-    for (int i = 2; i &lt; 22; i++) {
-      factorial *= i;
-      System.out.println(factorial);
-    }
-  }</programlisting></td>
+  for (int i = 2; i &lt; 22; i++) {
+    factorial *= i;
+    System.out.println(factorial);
+  }
@@ -5045,19 +5047,19 @@ Largest long value:9223372036854775807</screen></td>
                 </inlineequation> having identical value:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">  public static long binomial(int n, int k) {
+              <programlisting language="java">public static long binomial(int n, int k) {
-    // Trying to avoid arithmetic overflow using:
-    //             n        n
-    //           (   ) =  (   )
-    //             k       n-k
-    //
-    if (n - k &lt; k) {
-      k = n - k;
-    }
+  // Trying to avoid arithmetic overflow using:
+  //             n        n
+  //           (   ) =  (   )
+  //             k       n-k
+  //
+  if (n - k &lt; k) {
+    k = n - k;
+  }
-    // Numerator product n (n - 1) ... (n - k + 1)
-    long numerator = 1;
+  // Numerator product n (n - 1) ... (n - k + 1)
+  long numerator = 1;
               <para>Finally our lottery code from <xref
@@ -5072,15 +5074,15 @@ Largest long value:9223372036854775807</screen></td>
-                  <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">    final int
-      totalNumberCount = 49,
-      drawnNumberCount = 6;
+                  <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">final int
+  totalNumberCount = 49,
+  drawnNumberCount = 6;
-    System.out.println(
-        "Your chance to win when drawing " + drawnNumberCount +
-        " out of " + totalNumberCount +
-        " is 1 : " + <emphasis role="bold">Binomial.binomial(totalNumberCount, drawnNumberCount))</emphasis>;
-  }</programlisting></td>
+  "Your chance to win when drawing " + drawnNumberCount +
+  " out of " + totalNumberCount +
+  " is 1 : " + <emphasis role="bold">Binomial.binomial(totalNumberCount, drawnNumberCount))</emphasis>;
@@ -5135,11 +5137,11 @@ Largest long value:9223372036854775807</screen></td>
               getGcd(long, long) inside a class
-              <programlisting language="java">  public static long getGcd(long a, long b) <co
+              <programlisting language="java">public static long getGcd(long a, long b) <co
                   xml:id="sd1ListEuclidNeg"/> {
-    // Following
-     return ??;
-  }</programlisting>
+  // Following
+  return ??; <emphasis role="red">//TODO</emphasis>
               <para>With respect to fractions one or both parameters <code
               language="java">a</code> and <code language="java">b</code>
@@ -5195,22 +5197,22 @@ Largest long value:9223372036854775807</screen></td>
               <para>Implementing <methodname
-              <programlisting language="java">  public static long <link
+              <programlisting language="java">public static long <link
                   xlink:href="P/Sd1/Gcd/V1/target/site/apidocs/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/gcd/Math.html#getCommonMultiple-long-long-">getGcd(long a, long b)</link> {
-    // Following
-    if (a &lt; b) { // Swap the values of a and b
-      long tmp = a;
-      a = b;
-      b = tmp;
-    }
-    while (0 != b) {
-      long r = a % b;
-      a = b;
-      b = r;
-    }
-    return a;
-  }</programlisting>
+  // Following
+  if (a &lt; b) { // Swap the values of a and b
+    final long tmp = a;
+    a = b;
+    b = tmp;
+  }
+  while (0 != b) {
+    final long r = a % b;
+    a = b;
+    b = r;
+  }
+  return a;
               <para>Knowing the the <acronym>gcd</acronym> of two values a and
               b the common multiple may be obtained by <inlineequation>
@@ -5251,15 +5253,15 @@ Largest long value:9223372036854775807</screen></td>
                 </inlineequation>. Thus we have:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">  public static long <link
+              <programlisting language="java">public static long <link
                   xlink:href="P/Sd1/Gcd/V1/target/site/apidocs/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/gcd/Math.html#getGcd-long-long-">getLeastCommonMultiple(long a, long b)</link> {
-    final long gcd = getGcd(a, b);
-    if (1 == gcd) {
-      return a * b;
-    } else {
-      return (a / gcd) * b;
-    }
-  }</programlisting>
+  final long gcd = getGcd(a, b);
+  if (1 == gcd) {
+    return a * b;
+  } else {
+    return (a / gcd) * b;
+  }
@@ -5577,21 +5579,21 @@ Archive:  .../.m2/repository/.../sd1/helper/0.9/helper-0.9.jar
               a fraction we simply divide both numerator and denominator by
               the <acronym>GCD</acronym> value:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">  <link
+              <programlisting language="java"><link
                   xlink:href="P/Sd1/fraction/V2/target/site/apidocs/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/fraction/Fraction.html#Fraction-long-long-">public Fraction(long numerator, long denominator)</link> {
-    final long gcd = Math.getGcd(numerator, denominator);
+  final long gcd = Math.getGcd(numerator, denominator);
-    setNumerator(numerator / gcd);
-    setDenominator(denominator / gcd);
-  }</programlisting>
+  setNumerator(numerator / gcd);
+  setDenominator(denominator / gcd);
               <para>Its tempting to implement
               <methodname>mult(...)</methodname> in a simple fashion:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">  public Fraction mult2(Fraction f) {
-    return new Fraction(numerator * f.numerator,
+              <programlisting language="java">public Fraction mult2(Fraction f) {
+  return new Fraction(numerator * f.numerator,
         denominator * f.denominator);
-  }</programlisting>
               <para>This is however too shortsighted. Consider the example
@@ -5660,14 +5662,14 @@ Archive:  .../.m2/repository/.../sd1/helper/0.9/helper-0.9.jar
                 </inlineequation>. We should thus implement:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">  public Fraction <link
+              <programlisting language="java">public Fraction <link
                   xlink:href="P/Sd1/fraction/V2/target/site/apidocs/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/fraction/Fraction.html#mult-de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1.fraction.Fraction-">mult(Fraction f)</link> {
-    final Fraction f1 = new Fraction(f.numerator, denominator),
-                   f2 = new Fraction(numerator, f.denominator);
+  final Fraction f1 = new Fraction(f.numerator, denominator),
+                 f2 = new Fraction(numerator, f.denominator);
-    return new Fraction(f1.numerator * f2.numerator,
-        f1.denominator * f2.denominator);
-  }</programlisting>
+  return new Fraction(f1.numerator * f2.numerator,
+      f1.denominator * f2.denominator);
               <para>Similar reflections lead to the clue decomposing the
               denominators when implementing
@@ -5675,35 +5677,35 @@ Archive:  .../.m2/repository/.../sd1/helper/0.9/helper-0.9.jar
               if your task was adding two fractions by hand trying to avoid
               large numbers:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">  public Fraction <link
+              <programlisting language="java">public Fraction <link
                   xlink:href="P/Sd1/fraction/V2/target/site/apidocs/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/fraction/Fraction.html#add-de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1.fraction.Fraction-">add(Fraction f)</link> {
-    final long gcd = Math.getGcd(denominator, f.denominator);
+  final long gcd = Math.getGcd(denominator, f.denominator);
-    return new Fraction( numerator * (f.denominator / gcd) +
-        (denominator / gcd) * f.numerator, (denominator / gcd) * f.denominator);
-  }</programlisting>
+  return new Fraction( numerator * (f.denominator / gcd) +
+      (denominator / gcd) * f.numerator, (denominator / gcd) * f.denominator);
               <para>See complete <link
               here</link>. We may re-use out test:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">  public static void <link
+              <programlisting language="java">public static void <link
                   xlink:href="P/Sd1/fraction/V2/target/site/apidocs/de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/fraction/Driver.html#main-java.lang.String:A-">main(String[] args)</link> {
-    // Input
-    final Fraction
-      twoThird = new Fraction(2, 3),          // Construct a fraction object (2/3)
-      threeSeven = new Fraction(3, 7);        // Construct a fraction object (3/7)
+  // Input
+  final Fraction
+    twoThird = new Fraction(2, 3),          // Construct a fraction object (2/3)
+    threeSeven = new Fraction(3, 7);        // Construct a fraction object (3/7)
-    // Computed results
-    final Fraction
-      sum = twoThird.add(threeSeven),         // (2/3) + (3/7)
-      product = twoThird.mult(threeSeven);    // (2/3) * (3/7)
+  // Computed results
+  final Fraction
+    sum = twoThird.add(threeSeven),         // (2/3) + (3/7)
+    product = twoThird.mult(threeSeven);    // (2/3) * (3/7)
-    System.out.println("(2/3) + (3/7) = (23/21) = " + sum.getValue());
-    System.out.println("(2/3) * (3/7) = (2/7) = " + product.getValue());
-  }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("(2/3) + (3/7) = (23/21) = " + sum.getValue());
+  System.out.println("(2/3) * (3/7) = (2/7) = " + product.getValue());
@@ -5828,20 +5830,19 @@ public class Math {
                 <para>Implement the following method:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   * Computing the factorial of a given argument.
-   *
-   * @param n
-   *  Zero or any positive integer
-   *
-   * @return
-   *  The product 1 x 2 x 3 x ... x n or 1 in case of n == 0. In case of an
-   *  arithmetic overflow a value of {@link Long#MAX_VALUE} is being returned.
-   */
-  static public long factorial(int n) {
-    // TODO: implement me!
-  }</programlisting>
+                <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Computing the factorial of a given argument.
+ *
+ * @param n
+ *  Zero or any positive integer
+ *
+ * @return
+ *  The product 1 x 2 x 3 x ... x n or 1 in case of n == 0. In case of an
+ *  arithmetic overflow a value of {@link Long#MAX_VALUE} is being returned.
+ */
+static public long factorial(int n) {
+  // TODO: implement me!
@@ -5881,21 +5882,22 @@ public class Math {
                     among the <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> built-in integer
                     types. Consider the following example code:</para>
-                    <programlisting language="java">    public static void main(String[] args) {
+                    <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      System.out.println("Max long value:" + Long.MAX_VALUE + "\n");
-      for (int i = 15; i &lt; 23; i++) {
-        System.out.println(i + ":" + factorial(i));
-      }
-    }
-    static public long factorial(int n) {
+  System.out.println("Max long value:" + Long.MAX_VALUE + "\n");
+  for (int i = 15; i &lt; 23; i++) {
+    System.out.println(i + ":" + factorial(i));
+  }
-      long ret = 1;
-      for (int i = n; 1 &lt; i; i--) {
-          ret *= i;
-      }
-      return ret;
-    }</programlisting>
+static public long factorial(int n) {
+  long ret = 1;
+  for (int i = n; 1 &lt; i; i--) {
+    ret *= i;
+  }
+  return ret;
                     <para>This yields:</para>
@@ -6299,19 +6301,19 @@ System.out.println(factorial(3));</programlisting>
                 <para>The implementation is surprisingly simple:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">  static public long factorialRecurse(int n) {
-    if (0 == n) {
-        return 1;                         // Termination condition
-    } else {
-      return n * factorialRecurse(n - 1); // Reducing step: n! = n * (n - 1)!
-    }</programlisting>
+                <programlisting language="java">static public long factorialRecurse(int n) {
+  if (0 == n) {
+    return 1;                           // Termination condition
+  } else {
+    return n * factorialRecurse(n - 1); // Reducing step: n! = n * (n - 1)!
                 <para>If you fancy <quote>compact</quote> code you may as well
-                <programlisting language="java">  static public long factorialRecurse(int n) { return 0 == n ? 1: n * f(n - 1);}</programlisting>
+                <programlisting language="java">static public long factorialRecurse(int n) { return 0 == n ? 1: n * f(n - 1);}</programlisting>
-                <para>Beware: The latter sacrifies both readability and the
+                <para>Beware: The latter sacrifices both readability and the
                 ability to debug for brevity. Your mileage may vary.</para>
@@ -6603,14 +6605,14 @@ System.out.println(factorial(3));</programlisting>
                 <para>The implementation is surprisingly simple:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">  public static long binomial(int n, int k) {
+                <programlisting language="java">public static long binomial(int n, int k) {
-    if (0 == k || n == k) { // End of recursion
-      return 1;
-    } else { // 0 &lt; k  &lt; n holds true, so continue reducing
-      return binomial(n - 1, k) + binomial(n - 1, k - 1);
-    }
-  }</programlisting>
+  if (0 == k || n == k) { // End of recursion
+    return 1;
+  } else { // 0 &lt; k  &lt; n holds true, so continue reducing
+    return binomial(n - 1, k) + binomial(n - 1, k - 1);
+  }
                 <para>For the purpose of comparison we rename the
                 <quote>traditional</quote> loop based implementation as
@@ -6625,33 +6627,33 @@ System.out.println(factorial(3));</programlisting>
-                    <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
-    long recursiveTime = 0, loopTime = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++) {
-      {
-        final long start = System.nanoTime();
-        System.out.println(Binomial.binomial(90, 6));
-        final long duration = (System.nanoTime() - start);
-        recursiveTime += duration;
-        System.out.println("Recursive: Elapsed time:" + duration);
-      }
-      {
-        final long start = System.nanoTime();
-        System.out.println(Binomial.binomialLoop(90, 6));
-        final long duration = (System.nanoTime() - start);
-        loopTime += duration;
-        System.out.println("Loop: Elapsed time:" + duration);
-      }
-      System.out.println("           End of run #" + i +
-                            " -------------------------------");
+                    <td valign="top"><programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
+  long recursiveTime = 0, loopTime = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++) {
+    {
+      final long start = System.nanoTime();
+      System.out.println(Binomial.binomial(90, 6));
+      final long duration = (System.nanoTime() - start);
+      recursiveTime += duration;
+      System.out.println("Recursive: Elapsed time:" + duration);
-    System.out.println("Aggregated loop time: " + loopTime);
-    System.out.println("Aggregated recursion time: " + recursiveTime);
-    System.out.println("Ratio Recursive / Loop: " +
-          (recursiveTime / loopTime));
-  }</programlisting></td>
+    {
+      final long start = System.nanoTime();
+      System.out.println(Binomial.binomialLoop(90, 6));
+      final long duration = (System.nanoTime() - start);
+      loopTime += duration;
+      System.out.println("Loop: Elapsed time:" + duration);
+    }
+    System.out.println("           End of run #" + i +
+                          " -------------------------------");
+  }
+  System.out.println("Aggregated loop time: " + loopTime);
+  System.out.println("Aggregated recursion time: " + recursiveTime);
+  System.out.println("Ratio Recursive / Loop: " +
+                   (recursiveTime / loopTime));
@@ -7140,16 +7142,16 @@ Ratio Recursive / Loop: 65554</screen></td>
                 <para>Calculating values by a finite series requires a
-                <programlisting language="java">  public static double exp(double x) {
-    double currentTerm = 1.,  // the first (i == 0) term x^0/0!
-        sum = currentTerm;    // initialize to the power series' first term
+                <programlisting language="java">public static double exp(double x) {
+  double currentTerm = 1.,  // the first (i == 0) term x^0/0!
+         sum = currentTerm;    // initialize to the power series' first term
-    for (int i = 1; i &lt;= seriesLimit; i++) {  // i = 0 has already been completed.
-      currentTerm *= x / i;
-      sum += currentTerm;
-    }
-    return sum;
-  }</programlisting>
+  for (int i = 1; i &lt;= seriesLimit; i++) {  // i = 0 has already been completed.
+    currentTerm *= x / i;
+    sum += currentTerm;
+  }
+  return sum;
                 <para>You may also view the <productname>Javadoc</productname>
                 and the implementation of <link
@@ -7157,18 +7159,18 @@ Ratio Recursive / Loop: 65554</screen></td>
                 Math.exp(double)</link>. We may use the subsequent code
                 snippet for testing and comparing our implementation:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">    Math.setSeriesLimit(6);
+                <programlisting language="java">Math.setSeriesLimit(6);
-    double byPowerSeries = Math.exp(1.);
-    System.out.println("e^1=" + byPowerSeries + ", difference=" +
+double byPowerSeries = Math.exp(1.);
+System.out.println("e^1=" + byPowerSeries + ", difference=" +
                  (byPowerSeries - java.lang.Math.exp(1.)));
-    byPowerSeries = Math.exp(2.);
-    System.out.println("e^2=" + byPowerSeries + ", difference=" +
+byPowerSeries = Math.exp(2.);
+System.out.println("e^2=" + byPowerSeries + ", difference=" +
                  (byPowerSeries - java.lang.Math.exp(2.)));
-    byPowerSeries = Math.exp(3.);
-    System.out.println("e^3=" + byPowerSeries + ", difference=" +
+byPowerSeries = Math.exp(3.);
+System.out.println("e^3=" + byPowerSeries + ", difference=" +
                  (byPowerSeries - java.lang.Math.exp(3.)));</programlisting>
                 <para>In comparison with a professional implementation we have
@@ -7944,12 +7946,12 @@ sin(4 * PI)=4518.2187229323445, difference=4518.2187229323445</screen>
                 value can only be approximated by an in memory representation
                 of eight bytes. Consider the following example:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">    double one = 1.,
-        a = 0.000000000000200,
-        b = 0.000000000000201;
+                <programlisting language="java">double one = 1.,
+       a = 0.000000000000200,
+       b = 0.000000000000201;
-    System.out.println("(1 + (a - b)) - 1:" + ((one + (a - b)) - one));
-    System.out.println("((1 + a) - b) - 1:" + (((one + a) - b) -  one));</programlisting>
+System.out.println("(1 + (a - b)) - 1:" + ((one + (a - b)) - one));
+System.out.println("((1 + a) - b) - 1:" + (((one + a) - b) -  one));</programlisting>
                 <para>This produces the following output:</para>
@@ -8798,23 +8800,23 @@ sin(4 * PI)=4518.2187229323445, difference=4518.2187229323445</screen>
                 <para>Now we need two steps mapping our argument:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">  public static double sin(double x) {
-    // Step 1: Normalize x to [-PI, +PI[
-    final long countTimes2PI = (long) java.lang.Math.rint(x / 2 / PI);
-    if (countTimes2PI != 0) {
-      x -= 2 * PI * countTimes2PI;
-    }
+                <programlisting language="java">public static double sin(double x) {
+  // Step 1: Normalize x to [-PI, +PI[
+  final long countTimes2PI = (long) java.lang.Math.rint(x / 2 / PI);
+  if (countTimes2PI != 0) {
+    x -= 2 * PI * countTimes2PI;
+  }
-    // Step 2: Normalize x to [-PI/2, +PI/2]
-    // Since sin(x) = sin (PI - x) we continue to normalize
-    // having x in [-PI/2, +PI/2]
-    if (PI/2 &lt; x) {
-      x = PI - x;
-    } else if (x &lt; -PI/2) {
-      x = -x - PI;
-    }
+  // Step 2: Normalize x to [-PI/2, +PI/2]
+  // Since sin(x) = sin (PI - x) we continue to normalize
+  // having x in [-PI/2, +PI/2]
+  if (PI/2 &lt; x) {
+    x = PI - x;
+  } else if (x &lt; -PI/2) {
+    x = -x - PI;
+  }
-    // Step 3: Continue with business as usual
+  // Step 3: Continue with business as usual
                 <para>This yet sows only the result from applying the first
@@ -9352,26 +9354,26 @@ After printDuplicateValue: <emphasis role="red">6</emphasis></screen></td>
-    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_callStackCircleAreaIdea-1-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_fig_callStackCircleAreaIdea-1">
-        <para>Three call stack frames corresponding to
-        <methodname>main()</methodname> calling
-        <methodname>circleArea(2)</methodname> calling
-        <methodname>square(2)</methodname>.</para>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_callStackCircleAreaIdea-2-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_fig_callStackCircleAreaIdea-2">
-        <para>Local variables corresponding to selected stack frame.</para>
-        <tip>
-          <para>In the above example you may select stack frame
-          <quote>circleArea</quote> showing its local variables while leaving
-          your debugger resting at line 3.</para>
-        </tip>
-      </callout>
-    </calloutlist>
+      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_callStackCircleAreaIdea-1-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_fig_callStackCircleAreaIdea-1">
+          <para>Three call stack frames corresponding to
+          <methodname>main()</methodname> calling
+          <methodname>circleArea(2)</methodname> calling
+          <methodname>square(2)</methodname>.</para>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_callStackCircleAreaIdea-2-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_fig_callStackCircleAreaIdea-2">
+          <para>Local variables corresponding to selected stack frame.</para>
+          <tip>
+            <para>In the above example you may select stack frame
+            <quote>circleArea</quote> showing its local variables while
+            leaving your debugger resting at line 3.</para>
+          </tip>
+        </callout>
+      </calloutlist>
@@ -9661,21 +9663,21 @@ java.lang.AssertionError
-    <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_testSkeletonImplementation-1-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_fig_testSkeletonImplementation-1">
-        <para>Test <methodname>test_1_isNotPrime()</methodname> accidentally
-        failing due to dummy implementation <xref
-        linkend="sd1_fig_UnitTestingStep_1"/>.</para>
-      </callout>
-      <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_testSkeletonImplementation-2-co"
-               xml:id="sd1_fig_testSkeletonImplementation-2">
-        <para>Test <methodname>test_2_isPrime()</methodname> accidentally
-        succeeding due to dummy implementation <xref
-        linkend="sd1_fig_UnitTestingStep_1"/>.</para>
-      </callout>
-    </calloutlist>
+      <calloutlist role="slideExclude">
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_testSkeletonImplementation-1-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_fig_testSkeletonImplementation-1">
+          <para>Test <methodname>test_1_isNotPrime()</methodname> accidentally
+          failing due to dummy implementation <xref
+          linkend="sd1_fig_UnitTestingStep_1"/>.</para>
+        </callout>
+        <callout arearefs="sd1_fig_testSkeletonImplementation-2-co"
+                 xml:id="sd1_fig_testSkeletonImplementation-2">
+          <para>Test <methodname>test_2_isPrime()</methodname> accidentally
+          succeeding due to dummy implementation <xref
+          linkend="sd1_fig_UnitTestingStep_1"/>.</para>
+        </callout>
+      </calloutlist>
     <para>Before replacing the skeleton implementation <xref
@@ -9765,13 +9767,13 @@ Results :
       <title>Changing the implementation</title>
       <programlisting language="none">public static boolean isPrime(int value) {
-    for (int i = 2; <emphasis role="red">i * i</emphasis> &lt; value; i++) {
-      if (0 == value % i) {
-        return false;
-      }
+  for (int i = 2; <emphasis role="red">i * i</emphasis> &lt; value; i++) {
+    if (0 == value % i) {
+      return false;
-    return value != 1;
-  }</programlisting>
+  }
+  return value != 1;
     <figure xml:id="sd1_fig_primeRegressionTest">
@@ -9789,13 +9791,13 @@ Results :
       <programlisting language="none">public static boolean <link
           xlink:href="">isPrime</link>(int value) {
-    for (int i = 2; i * i <emphasis role="red">&lt;=</emphasis> value; i++) {
-      if (0 == value % i) {
-        return false;
-      }
+  for (int i = 2; i * i <emphasis role="red">&lt;=</emphasis> value; i++) {
+    if (0 == value % i) {
+      return false;
-    return value != 1;
-  }</programlisting>
+  }
+  return value != 1;
     <figure xml:id="sd1_fig_primeRegressionTestFinal">
@@ -9910,16 +9912,16 @@ at qq.doubleCompareTest.test1_3(<emphasis role="red"></
             <para>Implement the following method by using a loop:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  /**
-   * Summing up all integers starting from 0 up to and including a given limit
-   * Example: Let the limit be 5, then the result is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
-   *
-   * @param limit The last number to include into the computed sum
-   * @return The sum of 1 + 2 + ... + limit
-   */
-  public static long getSum (int limit) {
-    ...
-  }</programlisting>
+            <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Summing up all integers starting from 0 up to and including a given limit
+ * Example: Let the limit be 5, then the result is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
+ *
+ * @param limit The last number to include into the computed sum
+ * @return The sum of 1 + 2 + ... + limit
+ */
+public static long getSum (int limit) {
+   ...
             <para>For the sake of getting used to it write some unit tests
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/statements.xml b/Doc/Sd1/statements.xml
index c41c92cde..f1ca42a2d 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/statements.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/statements.xml
@@ -1057,18 +1057,18 @@ You entered 1234567</screen>
             number of points to the variable <code
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      int pointsReached = 1;
-      int maximumPoints = 12;
-      int pointsToAdd = 3;
+  int pointsReached = 1;
+  int maximumPoints = 12;
+  int pointsToAdd = 3;
-      final int newResult;
+  final int newResult;
-      // TODO: Assignment to variable newResult
+  // TODO: Assignment to variable newResult
-      System.out.println("New Result:" + newResult);
-   }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("New Result:" + newResult);
@@ -1077,40 +1077,39 @@ You entered 1234567</screen>
             language="java">pointsToAdd</code>. When exceeding the limit we
             just assign the limit itself:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      int pointsReached = 1;
-      int maximumPoints = 12;
-      int pointsToAdd = 3;
+  final int pointsReached = 1;
+  final int maximumPoints = 12;
+  final int pointsToAdd = 3;
-      final int newResult;
+  final int newResult;
-      if (maximumPoints &lt;= pointsReached + pointsToAdd) {
-         newResult = maximumPoints;
-      } else {
-         newResult = pointsReached + pointsToAdd;
-      }
+  if (maximumPoints &lt;= pointsReached + pointsToAdd) {
+    newResult = maximumPoints;
+  } else {
+    newResult = pointsReached + pointsToAdd;
+  }
-      System.out.println("New Result:" + newResult);
-   }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("New Result:" + newResult);
             <para>This basically means calculating the minimum of the two
             expressions <code language="java">pointsReached +
             pointsToAdd</code> and <code language="java">maximumPoints</code>.
             This may as well be be implemented by:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      int pointsReached = 1;
-      int maximumPoints = 12;
-      int pointsToAdd = 3;
+  final int pointsReached = 1;
+  final int maximumPoints = 12;
+  final int pointsToAdd = 3;
-      final int newResult = <link
+  final int newResult = <link
                 xlink:href=",int)">Math.min</link>(maximumPoints, pointsReached + pointsToAdd);
-      System.out.println("New Result:" + newResult);
-   }</programlisting>
+  System.out.println("New Result:" + newResult);
             <para>You will fully understand the above expression <classname
@@ -1899,21 +1898,21 @@ public class LeapYear {
             combining the first and third <code language="java">if</code>
             branch into one resolves the issue:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+            <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      final Scanner scan = new Scanner(; // Read user input
-      System.out.print("Enter a year:&gt;");
-      final int year = scan.nextInt();
-      scan.close();
+  final Scanner scan = new Scanner(; // Read user input
+  System.out.print("Enter a year:&gt;");
+  final int year = scan.nextInt();
+  scan.close();
-      if (0 == year % 400 ||              <emphasis role="bold">// Every 400 years we do have a leap year.</emphasis>
-          (0 == year % 4 &amp;&amp;               <emphasis role="bold">// Every 4 years we do have a leap year</emphasis>
-           0 != year % 100)) {            <emphasis role="bold">// unless year is a multiple of 100.</emphasis>
-         System.out.println("Year " + year + " is a leap year");
-       } else {
-          System.out.println("Year " + year + " is no leap year");
-       }
-   }</programlisting>
+  if (0 == year % 400 ||              <emphasis role="bold">// Every 400 years we do have a leap year.</emphasis>
+    (0 == year % 4 &amp;&amp;               <emphasis role="bold">// Every 4 years we do have a leap year</emphasis>
+     0 != year % 100)) {            <emphasis role="bold">// unless year is a multiple of 100.</emphasis>
+     System.out.println("Year " + year + " is a leap year");
+  } else {
+    System.out.println("Year " + year + " is no leap year");
+  }
             <para>Some enthusiasts prefer compact expressions at the expense
             of readability (»Geek syndrome«). The following code is fully
@@ -2651,59 +2650,59 @@ for (int row = 0; row &lt; numberOfRows; row++) {
-              <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
-      // Example: 6 rows, tree's body loop index ranging from 0 to 5
-      //
-      //           X            The tree's top.
-      //  0        *
-      //  1       ***
-      //  2      *****
-      //  3     *******         The tree's body.
-      //  4    *********
-      //  5   ***********
-      //          III           The tree's two bottom trunk lines.
-      //          III
-      final int numberOfRows = 6;                // You may easily change this value.
-      // Part one: The tree's top
-      //
-      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRows; x++) {   // Printing the tree's top. We need
-         System.out.print(' ');                  // numberOfRows preceeding spaces
-      }                                          // before printing the
-      System.out.println("X");                   // 'X' (top) character.
-      // Part two: The tree's body
-      //
-      for (int row = 0; row &lt; numberOfRows ; row++) {    // Outer loop printing the
-                                                         // tree's body.
-         for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRows - row;x++) {   // Starting each line with
-            System.out.print(' ');                       // (numberOfRows - row)
-         }                                               // space characters ...
-         for (int x = 0; x &lt; 2 * row + 1; x ++) {        // .. then printing (2*row+1)
-                                                         // body ('*') characters ...
-         System.out.print('*');                  // May try <xref
+              <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
+  // Example: 6 rows, tree's body loop index ranging from 0 to 5
+  //
+  //           X            The tree's top.
+  //  0        *
+  //  1       ***
+  //  2      *****
+  //  3     *******         The tree's body.
+  //  4    *********
+  //  5   ***********
+  //          III           The tree's two bottom trunk lines.
+  //          III
+  final int numberOfRows = 6;                // You may easily change this value.
+  // Part one: The tree's top
+  //
+  for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRows; x++) {   // Printing the tree's top. We need
+    System.out.print(' ');                   // numberOfRows preceeding spaces
+  }                                          // before printing the
+  System.out.println("X");                   // 'X' (top) character.
+  // Part two: The tree's body
+  //
+  for (int row = 0; row &lt; numberOfRows ; row++) {    // Outer loop printing the
+                                                     // tree's body.
+    for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRows - row;x++) {    // Starting each line with
+      System.out.print(' ');                         // (numberOfRows - row)
+    }                                                // space characters ...
+    for (int x = 0; x &lt; 2 * row + 1; x ++) {         // .. then printing (2*row+1)
+                                                     // body ('*') characters ...
+      System.out.print('*');                         // May try <xref
                   linkend="glo_unicode"/> 'â–²' instead
-         }
-         System.out.print("\n");               // ... and finally terminating the
-      }                                        // current body row.
+    }
+    System.out.print("\n");                          // ... and finally terminating the
+  }                                                  // current body row.
-      // Part three: The tree's bottom trunk
-      //
-      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRows-1; x++) {         // Preparing the first line
+  // Part three: The tree's bottom trunk
+  //
+  for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRows-1; x++) {         // Preparing the first line
-         System.out.print(' ');                          // of bottom trunk part ...
-      }
-      System.out.println("###");                         // ... finished.
+    System.out.print(' ');                           // of bottom trunk part ...
+  }
+  System.out.println("###");                         // ... finished.
-      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRows-1; x++) {         // Preparing the second
-         System.out.print(' ');                          // line of bottom trunk
-      }                                                  //part ...
-      System.out.println("###");                         // ... finished.
-   }</programlisting>
+  for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRows-1; x++) {         // Preparing the second
+    System.out.print(' ');                           // line of bottom trunk
+  }                                                  // part ...
+  System.out.println("###");                         // ... finished.
@@ -2744,84 +2743,84 @@ for (int row = 0; row &lt; numberOfRows; row++) {
               <para>We start from a version being fully covered by our current
-              <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
-      // Example: 5 row groups, tree's body loop index ranging from 0 to 4
-      //          \ /           The tree's top.
-      //        --&gt;*&lt;--
-      //          /_\
-      //  0      /_\_\          Start of tree's body
-      //        /_/_/_\
-      //  1     /_\_\_\
-      //       /_/_/_/_\
-      //  2    /_\_\_\_\
-      //      /_/_/_/_/_\
-      //  3   /_\_\_\_\_\
-      //     /_/_/_/_/_/_\
-      //  4  /_\_\_\_\_\_\
-      //    /_/_/_/_/_/_/_\     End of tree's body
-      //         [___]          Bottom trunk line.
-      final int numberOfRowGroups = 5;                  // You may easily change this
-                                                        // value.
-      // Part one: The tree's top
-      //
-      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRowGroups + 1; x++) { // Printing the tree's very
-                                                        // top. We need numberOfRows+1
-         System.out.print(' ');                         // preceding spaces
-      }                                                 // before printing the
-      System.out.println("\\ /");                       // "\ /" String.
-      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRowGroups - 1; x++) { // Printing the tree's top '*'
-                                                        // We need numberOfRows-1
-         System.out.print(' ');                         // preceding spaces
-      }                                                 // before printing the
-      System.out.println("--&gt;*&lt;--");                    // "--&gt;*&lt;--" string.
-      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRowGroups + 1; x++) { // The tree's lower top "/ \".
-         System.out.print(' ');                         // We need again numberOfRows+1
-      }                                                 // preceding spaces.
-      System.out.println("/_\\");
-      // Part two: The tree's body
-      //
-      for (int rowGroup = 0;                            // Outer loop printing the
-           rowGroup &lt; numberOfRowGroups; rowGroup++) {  //  tree's body.
-         // First body line of current group
-         //
-         for (int x = 0;                                // Starting first line
-              x &lt; numberOfRowGroups - rowGroup;x++) {   // of row group with
+              <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
+  // Example: 5 row groups, tree's body loop index ranging from 0 to 4
+  //          \ /           The tree's top.
+  //        --&gt;*&lt;--
+  //          /_\
+  //  0      /_\_\          Start of tree's body
+  //        /_/_/_\
+  //  1     /_\_\_\
+  //       /_/_/_/_\
+  //  2    /_\_\_\_\
+  //      /_/_/_/_/_\
+  //  3   /_\_\_\_\_\
+  //     /_/_/_/_/_/_\
+  //  4  /_\_\_\_\_\_\
+  //    /_/_/_/_/_/_/_\     End of tree's body
+  //         [___]          Bottom trunk line.
+  final int numberOfRowGroups = 5;                  // You may easily change this
+                                                    // value.
+  // Part one: The tree's top
+  //
+  for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRowGroups + 1; x++) { // Printing the tree's very
+                                                    // top. We need numberOfRows+1
+    System.out.print(' ');                          // preceding spaces
+  }                                                 // before printing the
+  System.out.println("\\ /");                       // "\ /" String.
+  for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRowGroups - 1; x++) { // Printing the tree's top '*'
+                                                    // We need numberOfRows-1
+    System.out.print(' ');                          // preceding spaces
+  }                                                 // before printing the
+  System.out.println("--&gt;*&lt;--");                    // "--&gt;*&lt;--" string.
+  for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRowGroups + 1; x++) { // The tree's lower top "/ \".
+    System.out.print(' ');                          // We need again numberOfRows+1
+  }                                                 // preceding spaces.
+  System.out.println("/_\\");
+  // Part two: The tree's body
+  //
+  for (int rowGroup = 0;                            // Outer loop printing the
+       rowGroup &lt; numberOfRowGroups; rowGroup++) {  //  tree's body.
+    // First body line of current group
+    //
+    for (int x = 0;                                 // Starting first line
+         x &lt; numberOfRowGroups - rowGroup;x++) {    // of row group with
                                                         // (numberOfRows - row)
-            System.out.print(' ');                      // space characters ...
-         }
-         System.out.print("/");                         // Start of current row group's
-         for (int x = 0; x &lt; rowGroup + 2;x++) {        // first line tree body content
-            System.out.print("_\\");                    // finishing.
-         }
-         System.out.println();
-         // Second body line of current group
-         //
-         for (int x = 0;                                // Starting second line of row
-            x &lt; numberOfRowGroups - rowGroup - 1; x++) {// group with (numberOfRows -
-            System.out.print(' ');                      // row - 1) space characters ...
-         }
-         for (int x = 0; x &lt; rowGroup + 3;x++) {        // tree body content
-            System.out.print("/_");
-         }
-         System.out.println("\\");                      // finishing.
-      }
+       System.out.print(' ');                       // space characters ...
+     }
+     System.out.print("/");                         // Start of current row group's
+     for (int x = 0; x &lt; rowGroup + 2;x++) {        // first line tree body content
+       System.out.print("_\\");                     // finishing.
+     }
+     System.out.println();
+     // Second body line of current group
+     //
+     for (int x = 0;                                // Starting second line of row
+       x &lt; numberOfRowGroups - rowGroup - 1; x++) { // group with (numberOfRows -
+       System.out.print(' ');                       // row - 1) space characters ...
+     }
+     for (int x = 0; x &lt; rowGroup + 3;x++) {        // tree body content
+       System.out.print("/_");
+     }
+     System.out.println("\\");                      // finishing.
+  }
-      // Part three: The tree's bottom trunk
-      //
-      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRowGroups; x++) {     // Indenting the bottom trunk ...
-         System.out.print(' ');
-      }
-      System.out.println("[___]");                      // printing the trunk.
-   }</programlisting>
+  // Part three: The tree's bottom trunk
+  //
+  for (int x = 0; x &lt; numberOfRowGroups; x++) {     // Indenting the bottom trunk ...
+    System.out.print(' ');
+  }
+  System.out.println("[___]");                      // printing the trunk.
               <para>This solution is a bit cumbersome: It involves a repeating
               task namely indenting lines by a given amount of spaces.</para>
@@ -3135,36 +3134,36 @@ for (int row = 0; row &lt; numberOfRows; row++) {
-                <programlisting language="java">  public static void main(String[] args) {
+                <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      final int limit = 20;               // The number of records to be printed
+  final int limit = 20;               // The number of records to be printed
-      System.out.print(
-            ""    + "&lt;html xmlns=''&gt;\n"
-                  + "  &lt;head&gt;\n"
-                  + "    &lt;title&gt;A square table&lt;/title&gt;\n"
-                  + "  &lt;/head&gt;\n"
-                  + "  &lt;body&gt;\n"
-                  + "    &lt;table&gt;\n");
+  System.out.print(
+        ""    + "&lt;html xmlns=''&gt;\n"
+              + "  &lt;head&gt;\n"
+              + "    &lt;title&gt;A square table&lt;/title&gt;\n"
+              + "  &lt;/head&gt;\n"
+              + "  &lt;body&gt;\n"
+              + "    &lt;table&gt;\n");
-      System.out.println("      &lt;tr&gt;");
-      System.out.println("        &lt;th&gt;n&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;n * n&lt;/th&gt;");
-      System.out.println("      &lt;/tr&gt;");
+  System.out.println("      &lt;tr&gt;");
+  System.out.println("        &lt;th&gt;n&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;n * n&lt;/th&gt;");
+  System.out.println("      &lt;/tr&gt;");
-      for (int i = 0; i &lt;= limit; i++) {  // Printing the table's body
+  for (int i = 0; i &lt;= limit; i++) {  // Printing the table's body
-         System.out.println("      &lt;tr&gt;");
-         System.out.println("        &lt;td style='text-align: right;'&gt;" + i +
+    System.out.println("      &lt;tr&gt;");
+    System.out.println("        &lt;td style='text-align: right;'&gt;" + i +
                        "&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td style='text-align: right;'&gt;" + i * i + "&lt;/td&gt;");
-         System.out.println("      &lt;/tr&gt;");
+    System.out.println("      &lt;/tr&gt;");
-      }
-      System.out.print(
-            ""    + "    &lt;/table&gt;\n"
-                  + "  &lt;/body&gt;\n"
-                  + "&lt;/html&gt;\n");
-  }</programlisting>
+    }
+  System.out.print(
+              ""    + "    &lt;/table&gt;\n"
+                    + "  &lt;/body&gt;\n"
+                    + "&lt;/html&gt;\n");
@@ -3213,31 +3212,31 @@ for (int row = 0; row &lt; numberOfRows; row++) {
-                <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+                <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      final int limit = 10;                     // Parameter is subject to change.
+  final int limit = 10;                     // Parameter is subject to change.
-      System.out.print(" * |  ");
+  System.out.print(" * |  ");
-      for (int col = 1; col &lt;= limit; col++) {   // Header line of columns ranging
-         System.out.format("%3d  ", col);        // from 1 to limit.
-      }
-      System.out.println();
+  for (int col = 1; col &lt;= limit; col++) {   // Header line of columns ranging
+    System.out.format("%3d  ", col);        // from 1 to limit.
+  }
+  System.out.println();
-      System.out.print("---+");                   // Header / table body separator.
-      for (int col = 1; col &lt;= limit; col++) {
-         System.out.print("-----");
-      }
-      System.out.println();
+  System.out.print("---+");                   // Header / table body separator.
+  for (int col = 1; col &lt;= limit; col++) {
+    System.out.print("-----");
+  }
+  System.out.println();
-      for (int row = 1; row &lt;= limit; row++) {    // Printing rows.
-         System.out.format("%3d|  ", row);
-         for (int col = 1; col &lt;= limit; col++) { // Printing columns.
-            System.out.format("%3d  ", row * col);
-         }
-         System.out.println();
-      }
-   }</programlisting>
+  for (int row = 1; row &lt;= limit; row++) {    // Printing rows.
+    System.out.format("%3d|  ", row);
+    for (int col = 1; col &lt;= limit; col++) { // Printing columns.
+      System.out.format("%3d  ", row * col);
+    }
+    System.out.println();
+  }
@@ -3273,28 +3272,27 @@ for (int row = 0; row &lt; numberOfRows; row++) {
                 exercise is tiny: The <quote>inner</quote> loop must end when
                 reaching the current row's index:</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">      final int limit = 10;                        // Parameter is subject to change.
+                <programlisting language="java">final int limit = 10;                        // Parameter is subject to change.
-      for (int row = 1; row &lt;= limit; row++) {     // Printing rows.
-         System.out.format("%3d|  ", row);
+for (int row = 1; row &lt;= limit; row++) {     // Printing rows.
+  System.out.format("%3d|  ", row);
-         for (int col = 1; <emphasis role="bold">col &lt;= row;</emphasis> col++) { // Printing column values until row index only.
-            System.out.format("%3d  ", row * col);
-         }
-         System.out.println();
-      }
-      System.out.print("---+");                    // Header / table body separator.
-      for (int col = 1; col &lt;= limit; col++) {
-         System.out.print("-----");
-      }
-      System.out.println();
-      System.out.print(" * |  ");
+  for (int col = 1; <emphasis role="bold">col &lt;= row;</emphasis> col++) { // Printing column values until row index only.
+    System.out.format("%3d  ", row * col);
+  }
+  System.out.println();
+System.out.print("---+");                    // Header / table body separator.
+  for (int col = 1; col &lt;= limit; col++) {
+    System.out.print("-----");
+  }
+  System.out.println();
+  System.out.print(" * |  ");
-      for (int col = 1; col &lt;= limit; col++) {     // Header line of columns ranging
-         System.out.format("%3d  ", col);          // from 1 to limit.
-      }
-      System.out.println();
+  for (int col = 1; col &lt;= limit; col++) {     // Header line of columns ranging
+    System.out.format("%3d  ", col);          // from 1 to limit.
+  }
@@ -3360,42 +3358,42 @@ for (int row = 0; row &lt; numberOfRows; row++) {
-                <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+                <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      final int
-            numBlocksHorizontal = 5,
-            numBlocksVertical = 2,
-            entriesPerBlock = 10;
+final int
+  numBlocksHorizontal = 5,
+  numBlocksVertical = 2,
+  entriesPerBlock = 10;
-      final int numRows = numBlocksVertical * entriesPerBlock;
+  final int numRows = numBlocksVertical * entriesPerBlock;
-      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) { // Creating the overall
-                                                      // table's head section
-         System.out.print("  n |  n*n     ");
+  for (int x = 0; x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) {       // Creating the overall
+                                                        // table's head section
+    System.out.print("  n |  n*n     ");
+  }
+  System.out.println();
+  for (int y = 0;                                        // Blocks stacked below
+           y &lt; numBlocksVertical; y++) {                 // another
+    for (int x = 0;                                      // Supplementary separator
+          x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) {                // between two vertically
+                                                         // adjacent blocks
+      System.out.print("----+----------");
+    }
+    System.out.println();
+    for (int yBlock = 0;                                 // Stepping through values
+               yBlock &lt; entriesPerBlock; yBlock++) {     // vertically ...
+      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) {    // and horizontally
+                                                         // within each line.
+        final int cellValue = y * entriesPerBlock
+                           + x * numRows + yBlock;       // The individual value
+                                                         // to be squared.
+        System.out.format("%3d | %4d     ",              // Pretty print output
+                      cellValue, cellValue * cellValue); // values.
-      for (int y = 0;                                  // Blocks stacked below
-            y &lt; numBlocksVertical; y++) {              // another
-         for (int x = 0;                               // Supplementary separator
-               x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) {         // between two vertically
-                                                       // adjacent blocks
-            System.out.print("----+----------");
-         }
-         System.out.println();
-         for (int yBlock = 0;                          // Stepping through values
-               yBlock &lt; entriesPerBlock; yBlock++) {   // vertically ...
-            for (int x = 0; x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) { // and horizontally
-                                                            // within each line.
-               final int cellValue = y * entriesPerBlock
-                     + x * numRows + yBlock;                // The individual value
-                                                            // to be squared.
-               System.out.format("%3d | %4d     ",          // Pretty print output
-                     cellValue, cellValue * cellValue);     // values.
-            }
-            System.out.println();
-         }
-      }
-   }</programlisting>
+    }
+  }
@@ -3468,13 +3466,13 @@ for (int row = 0; row &lt; numberOfRows; row++) {
                 style definitions in the generated HTML's header section being
                 referenced from the document's body.</para>
-                <programlisting language="java">   public static void main(String[] args) {
+                <programlisting language="java">public static void main(String[] args) {
-      final int numBlocksHorizontal = 5, numBlocksVertical = 2, entriesPerBlock = 10;
+  final int numBlocksHorizontal = 5, numBlocksVertical = 2, entriesPerBlock = 10;
-      final int numRows = numBlocksVertical * entriesPerBlock;
+  final int numRows = numBlocksVertical * entriesPerBlock;
-      System.out.print("" + "&lt;html xmlns=''&gt;\n"
+  System.out.print("" + "&lt;html xmlns=''&gt;\n"
             + "  &lt;head&gt;\n" + "    &lt;title&gt;A square table&lt;/title&gt;\n" + "    &lt;style&gt;\n"
             + "      table, th, td {border: 1px solid black;}\n"
             + "      table {border-collapse: collapse;}\n"
@@ -3483,50 +3481,49 @@ for (int row = 0; row &lt; numberOfRows; row++) {
             + "      &lt;/style&gt;\n" + "  &lt;/head&gt;\n" + "  &lt;body&gt;\n" + "    &lt;table&gt;\n"
             + "      &lt;colgroup&gt;\n");
-      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) { // Creating the overall
-                                                      // table's head section
-         if (0 == x % 2) {
-            System.out.println("        &lt;col span='2'/&gt;");
-         } else {
-            System.out.println("        &lt;col span='2' class='greyColumn'/&gt;");
-         }
-      }
-      System.out.println("      &lt;/colgroup&gt;");
+  for (int x = 0; x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) {               // Creating the overall
+                                                                // table's head section
+    if (0 == x % 2) {
+      System.out.println("        &lt;col span='2'/&gt;");
+    } else {
+      System.out.println("        &lt;col span='2' class='greyColumn'/&gt;");
+    }
+  }
+  System.out.println("      &lt;/colgroup&gt;");
-      System.out.println("      &lt;tr&gt;");
-      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) { // Creating the overall
-                                                      // table's head section
-         System.out.println("        &lt;th&gt;n&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;n * n&lt;/th&gt;");
-      }
-      System.out.println("      &lt;/tr&gt;");
+  System.out.println("      &lt;tr&gt;");
+  for (int x = 0; x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) {             // n | n^2 header line    
+    System.out.println("        &lt;th&gt;n&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;n * n&lt;/th&gt;");
+  }
+  System.out.println("      &lt;/tr&gt;");
-      System.out.println();
-      for (int y = 0; y &lt; numBlocksVertical; y++) { // Blocks stacked below
-                                                    // another
+  System.out.println();
+  for (int y = 0; y &lt; numBlocksVertical; y++) {               // Blocks stacked below
+                                                              // another
-         System.out.println(                        // Block separating
-               "      &lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;");         // extra row.
+    System.out.println(                                       // Block separating
+               "      &lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;");                   // extra row.
-         for (int yBlock = 0;
-               yBlock &lt; entriesPerBlock; yBlock++) { // Stepping through
-                                                     // values vertically ...
-            System.out.println("      &lt;tr&gt;");
-            for (int x = 0; x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) { // and horizontally
-                                                            // within each line.
+    for (int yBlock = 0;
+               yBlock &lt; entriesPerBlock; yBlock++) {          // Stepping through
+                                                              // values vertically ...
+      System.out.println("      &lt;tr&gt;");
+      for (int x = 0; x &lt; numBlocksHorizontal; x++) {         // and horizontally
+                                                              // within each line.
-               final int cellValue = 1 + yBlock             // The individual
-                     + x * numRows + y * entriesPerBlock;   // value to be squared.
+        final int cellValue = 1 + yBlock                      // The individual
+                         + x * numRows + y * entriesPerBlock; // value to be squared.
-               System.out.println(                            // Pretty print output
+        System.out.println(                                   // Pretty print output
                      "        &lt;td&gt;" + cellValue + "&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;" // values.
                      + cellValue * cellValue + "&lt;/td&gt;");
-            }
-            System.out.println("      &lt;/tr&gt;");
-         }
-      System.out.print("" + "    &lt;/table&gt;\n" + "  &lt;/body&gt;\n" + "&lt;/html&gt;\n");
-   }</programlisting>
+      System.out.println("      &lt;/tr&gt;");
+    }
+  }
+  System.out.print("" + "    &lt;/table&gt;\n" + "  &lt;/body&gt;\n" + "&lt;/html&gt;\n");
diff --git a/Doc/Sd1/streams.xml b/Doc/Sd1/streams.xml
index 0ff4dcfff..542ec129d 100644
--- a/Doc/Sd1/streams.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sd1/streams.xml
@@ -112,15 +112,15 @@ final BufferedReader inputBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);</prog
             <para>Two test cases deal both with readable and non-existing
             files: and expected exceptions:</para>
-            <programlisting language="java">  @Test
-  public void testReadFileOk() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
-    ReadFile.openStream("Testdata/input.txt"); // Existing file
-  }
-  @Test (expected=FileNotFoundException.class) // We expect this exception to be
-                                               // thrown.
-  public void testReadMissingFile() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
-    ReadFile.openStream("Testdata/"); // Does not exist
-  }</programlisting>
+            <programlisting language="java">@Test
+public void testReadFileOk() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
+  ReadFile.openStream("Testdata/input.txt"); // Existing file
+@Test (expected=FileNotFoundException.class) // We expect this exception to be
+                                             // thrown.
+public void testReadMissingFile() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
+  ReadFile.openStream("Testdata/"); // Does not exist
             <para>Notice the second test which will only succeed if a
@@ -290,46 +290,46 @@ final BufferedReader inputBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);</prog
                 <glossterm>Counting words in a given string:</glossterm>
-                  <programlisting language="java">  @Test
-  public void testNoWord() {
-    Assert.assertEquals("Just white space", 0,
+                  <programlisting language="java">@Test
+public void testNoWord() {
+  Assert.assertEquals("Just white space", 0,
        TextFileStatistics.findNoOfWords(" \t"));
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testSingleWord() {
-    final String s = "We're";
-    Assert.assertEquals("text='" + s + "'", 1,
+public void testSingleWord() {
+  final String s = "We're";
+  Assert.assertEquals("text='" + s + "'", 1,
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testTwoWords() {
-    final String s = "We are";
-    Assert.assertEquals("text='" + s + "'", 2,
+public void testTwoWords() {
+  final String s = "We are";
+  Assert.assertEquals("text='" + s + "'", 2,
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testWordsWhiteHead() {
-    final String s = "\t \tBegin_space";
-    Assert.assertEquals("text='" + s + "'", 1,
+public void testWordsWhiteHead() {
+  final String s = "\t \tBegin_space";
+  Assert.assertEquals("text='" + s + "'", 1,
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testWordsWhiteTail() {
-    final String s = "End_space \t ";
-    Assert.assertEquals("text='" + s + "'", 1,
+public void testWordsWhiteTail() {
+  final String s = "End_space \t ";
+  Assert.assertEquals("text='" + s + "'", 1,
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testWhiteMulti() {
-    final String s = "    some\t\tinterspersed   \t  spaces \t\t ";
-    Assert.assertEquals("text='" + s + "'", 3,
+public void testWhiteMulti() {
+  final String s = "    some\t\tinterspersed   \t  spaces \t\t ";
+  Assert.assertEquals("text='" + s + "'", 3,
-  }</programlisting>
@@ -337,39 +337,39 @@ final BufferedReader inputBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);</prog
                 <glossterm>Analyzing test file data:</glossterm>
-                  <programlisting language="java">  @Test
-  public void testTwoInputFiles() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
+                  <programlisting language="java">@Test
+public void testTwoInputFiles() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
-      final String model_css_filename =
-         "Testdata/model.css",      //  4 lines   5  words  41 character
-          input_html_filename =
-         "Testdata/input.html";     //  9 lines  14  words 137 character
+  final String model_css_filename =
+    "Testdata/model.css",      //  4 lines   5  words  41 character
+      input_html_filename =
+    "Testdata/input.html";     //  9 lines  14  words 137 character
-                              // total 13 lines  19  words 178 character
+                               // total 13 lines  19  words 178 character
-      final TextFileStatistics
-        model_css = new TextFileStatistics(
-          new BufferedReader(new FileReader(model_css_filename)),
+  final TextFileStatistics
+    model_css = new TextFileStatistics(
+      new BufferedReader(new FileReader(model_css_filename)),
-        input_html = new TextFileStatistics(new BufferedReader(
-              new FileReader(input_html_filename)), input_html_filename);
+    input_html = new TextFileStatistics(new BufferedReader(
+        new FileReader(input_html_filename)), input_html_filename);
-      // File Testdata/model.css
-      Assert.assertEquals( 4, model_css.numLines);
-      Assert.assertEquals( 5, model_css.numWords);
-      Assert.assertEquals(41, model_css.numCharacters);
+  // File Testdata/model.css
+  Assert.assertEquals( 4, model_css.numLines);
+  Assert.assertEquals( 5, model_css.numWords);
+  Assert.assertEquals(41, model_css.numCharacters);
-      // File Testdata/input.html
-      Assert.assertEquals(  9, input_html.numLines);
-      Assert.assertEquals( 14, input_html.numWords);
-      Assert.assertEquals(137, input_html.numCharacters);
+  // File Testdata/input.html
+  Assert.assertEquals(  9, input_html.numLines);
+  Assert.assertEquals( 14, input_html.numWords);
+  Assert.assertEquals(137, input_html.numCharacters);
-      // Grand total
-      Assert.assertEquals( 13, TextFileStatistics.getTotalNumLines());
-      Assert.assertEquals( 19, TextFileStatistics.getTotalNumWords());
-      Assert.assertEquals(178, TextFileStatistics.getTotalNumCharacters());
-  }</programlisting>
+  // Grand total
+  Assert.assertEquals( 13, TextFileStatistics.getTotalNumLines());
+  Assert.assertEquals( 19, TextFileStatistics.getTotalNumWords());
+  Assert.assertEquals(178, TextFileStatistics.getTotalNumCharacters());
diff --git a/Doc/Sda1/dom.xml b/Doc/Sda1/dom.xml
index 0c7a6962b..956c4aab4 100644
--- a/Doc/Sda1/dom.xml
+++ b/Doc/Sda1/dom.xml
@@ -1,25 +1,37 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter xmlns="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:html="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:xi="" xmlns:xila="" xmlns:xlink="" annotations="slide" version="5.1" xml:id="dom">
-  <title>The Document Object Model (<acronym xlink:href="">DOM</acronym>)</title>
-  <titleabbrev><acronym xlink:href="">DOM</acronym></titleabbrev>
+<chapter annotations="slide" version="5.1" xml:id="dom"
+         xmlns=""
+         xmlns:xlink=""
+         xmlns:xila=""
+         xmlns:xi=""
+         xmlns:svg=""
+         xmlns:ns=""
+         xmlns:m=""
+         xmlns:html=""
+         xmlns:db="">
+  <title>The Document Object Model (<acronym
+  xlink:href="">DOM</acronym>)</title>
+  <titleabbrev><acronym
+  xlink:href="">DOM</acronym></titleabbrev>
   <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_requiredKnowledge">
     <title>Required knowledge</title>
-        <para>Functional programming basics in <xref linkend="glo_Java" />.</para>
+        <para>Functional programming basics in <xref
+        linkend="glo_Java"/>.</para>
-        <para>Dependency management using <xref linkend="glo_Maven" />.</para>
+        <para>Dependency management using <xref linkend="glo_Maven"/>.</para>
   <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_motivationApiOverview">
-    <title>Important <xref linkend="glo_XML" /> <xref linkend="glo_Java" />
+    <title>Important <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> <xref linkend="glo_Java"/>
     <informaltable border="0">
@@ -32,19 +44,22 @@
         <td valign="top"><itemizedlist>
-              <para><link xlink:href="">SAX</link>
+              <para><link
+              xlink:href="">SAX</link>
-              <para><link xlink:href="">STAX</link>
+              <para><link
+              xlink:href="">STAX</link>
         <td valign="top"><itemizedlist>
-              <para><link xlink:href="">DOM</link></para>
+              <para><link
+              xlink:href="">DOM</link></para>
@@ -52,7 +67,8 @@
-              <para><link xlink:href="">JAXB</link>
+              <para><link
+              xlink:href="">JAXB</link>
               <quote>Schema to classes</quote></para>
@@ -65,7 +81,7 @@
-        <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/saxmodel.pdf" scale="150" />
+        <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/saxmodel.pdf" scale="150"/>
@@ -75,7 +91,7 @@
-        <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/saxapparch.pdf" scale="150" />
+        <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/saxapparch.pdf" scale="150"/>
@@ -85,7 +101,7 @@
-        <imagedata fileref="Ref/Dom/saxAssembly.multi.svg" />
+        <imagedata fileref="Ref/Dom/saxAssembly.multi.svg"/>
@@ -95,9 +111,12 @@
     <titleabbrev>Language independence</titleabbrev>
-    <para>XML documents allow for automated content processing. The <acronym xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> API allows for
-    accessing <xref linkend="glo_XML" /> documents by <xref linkend="glo_Java" /> applications in an event based fashion. There are
-    however situations where <acronym xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> is not
+    <para>XML documents allow for automated content processing. The <acronym
+    xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> API allows for
+    accessing <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> documents by <xref
+    linkend="glo_Java"/> applications in an event based fashion. There are
+    however situations where <acronym
+    xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> is not
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_saxDeficiencies">
@@ -130,9 +149,11 @@
-          <para><xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> objects and operations being defined
-          using <productname xlink:href="">CORBA
-          2.2</productname> Interface Definition Language (<abbrev xlink:href="">IDL</abbrev>)</para>
+          <para><xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> objects and operations being defined
+          using <productname
+          xlink:href="">CORBA
+          2.2</productname> Interface Definition Language (<abbrev
+          xlink:href="">IDL</abbrev>)</para>
@@ -141,7 +162,7 @@
-              <para>A set of <xref linkend="glo_Java" /> interfaces.</para>
+              <para>A set of <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> interfaces.</para>
@@ -161,15 +182,18 @@
-          <para>Instantiation using the<link xlink:href="">
+          <para>Instantiation using the<link
+          xlink:href="">
           abstract factory pattern</link>.</para>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_nodeDomIdl">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> <classname xlink:href="">Node</classname>
-      <productname xlink:href="">CORBA
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> <classname
+      xlink:href="">Node</classname>
+      <productname
+      xlink:href="">CORBA
       2.2</productname> <abbrev>IDL</abbrev></title>
       <programlisting language="C++">interface Node {
@@ -197,7 +221,8 @@
           <para>Using a given language's constructs closely resembling the
-          <productname xlink:href="">CORBA
+          <productname
+          xlink:href="">CORBA
           2.2</productname> <abbrev>IDL</abbrev> specification.</para>
@@ -208,8 +233,9 @@
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_nodaJavaBinding">
-      <title><classname xlink:href="">org.w3c.dom.Node</classname>
-      <xref linkend="glo_Java" /> binding.</title>
+      <title><classname
+      xlink:href="">org.w3c.dom.Node</classname>
+      <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> binding.</title>
       <programlisting language="java">package org.w3c.dom;
@@ -231,7 +257,8 @@ public interface Node {            // Node Types
-    <para>We take <methodname xlink:href="">org.w3c.dom.Node.getChildNodes()</methodname>
+    <para>We take <methodname
+    xlink:href="">org.w3c.dom.Node.getChildNodes()</methodname>
     as an example:</para>
     <figure xml:id="domRetrieveChildren">
@@ -239,13 +266,14 @@ public interface Node {            // Node Types
-          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/domtree.fig" scale="65" />
+          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/domtree.fig" scale="65"/>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_nodeTypes">
-      <title><classname xlink:href="">org.w3c.dom.Node</classname>
+      <title><classname
+      xlink:href="">org.w3c.dom.Node</classname>
@@ -262,7 +290,8 @@ public interface Node {            // Node Types
-          <para>Processing instruction: <code language="xml">&lt;?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
+          <para>Processing instruction: <code
+          language="xml">&lt;?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
@@ -277,44 +306,48 @@ public interface Node {            // Node Types
     <figure xml:id="domJavaNodeInterfaces">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> <xref linkend="glo_Java" /> binding
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> binding
       inheritance interface hierarchy</title>
-          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/nodeHierarchy.svg" />
+          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/nodeHierarchy.svg"/>
-    <para>Current <xref linkend="glo_Java" /> distributions do contain a <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> implementation including parsers, XPath engines etc.
+    <para>Current <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> distributions do contain a <xref
+    linkend="glo_DOM"/> implementation including parsers, XPath engines etc.
-    <para>The <xref linkend="glo_DOM" />'s specification defines a (still
-    growing) set of<link xlink:href="">
+    <para>The <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/>'s specification defines a (still
+    growing) set of<link
+    xlink:href="">
     modules</link>. An implementation may not implement all of these:</para>
     <figure xml:id="figureDomModules">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> modules.</title>
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> modules.</title>
-          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/dom-architecture.screen.png" />
+          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/dom-architecture.screen.png"/>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_jDomVsDomAdvantges">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_Jdom" /> vs. <xref linkend="glo_DOM" />:
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_Jdom"/> vs. <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/>:
-          <para>Alternative to <orgname xlink:href="">org.w3c.dom</orgname>.</para>
+          <para>Alternative to <orgname
+          xlink:href="">org.w3c.dom</orgname>.</para>
-          <para>More Java compatible <abbrev>i.e.</abbrev> using <link xlink:href="">native
+          <para>More Java compatible <abbrev>i.e.</abbrev> using <link
+          xlink:href="">native
           collection interfaces</link></para>
@@ -326,7 +359,7 @@ public interface Node {            // Node Types
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_jDomVsDomDiadvantages">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_Jdom" /> vs. <xref linkend="glo_DOM" />:
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_Jdom"/> vs. <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/>:
@@ -343,7 +376,7 @@ public interface Node {            // Node Types
-          <para>Potential 3-rd party <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> framework
+          <para>Potential 3-rd party <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> framework
@@ -351,13 +384,14 @@ public interface Node {            // Node Types
   <section xml:id="domCreate">
-    <title>Creating a new <classname xlink:href="">Document</classname>
+    <title>Creating a new <classname
+    xlink:href="">Document</classname>
     instance from scratch</title>
     <titleabbrev>New document</titleabbrev>
-    <para>This lecture's exercises are based on <xref linkend="glo_Jdom" /> in
-    favour of a <quote>real</quote> Java <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> language
+    <para>This lecture's exercises are based on <xref linkend="glo_Jdom"/> in
+    favour of a <quote>real</quote> Java <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> language
     binding implementation.</para>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_jdomMavenConfig">
@@ -365,7 +399,8 @@ public interface Node {            // Node Types
       <programlisting language="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;
-  &lt;artifactId&gt;<link xlink:href="">jdom2</link>&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+  &lt;artifactId&gt;<link
+          xlink:href="">jdom2</link>&lt;/artifactId&gt;
@@ -378,27 +413,35 @@ public interface Node {            // Node Types
       <title>Exporting data as XML</title>
-        <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-1-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-1">
-          <para>Create an empty <link xlink:href="">Element</link>
+        <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-1-co"
+                 xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-1">
+          <para>Create an empty <link
+          xlink:href="">Element</link>
           instance to become the document's root.</para>
-        <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-2-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-2">
-          <para>Add a <classname xlink:href="">Text</classname>
+        <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-2-co"
+                 xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-2">
+          <para>Add a <classname
+          xlink:href="">Text</classname>
-        <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-3-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-3">
+        <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-3-co"
+                 xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-3">
           <para>Set a new attribute <code language="xml">date</code> to value
-        <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-4-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-4">
-          <para>Create a serializer instance of <classname xlink:href="">XMLOutputter</classname>
+        <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-4-co"
+                 xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-4">
+          <para>Create a serializer instance of <classname
+          xlink:href="">XMLOutputter</classname>
           providing output prettifying.</para>
-        <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5">
+        <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5-co"
+                 xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5">
           <para>Serialize the result tree to a stream.</para>
@@ -407,20 +450,34 @@ public interface Node {            // Node Types
     <para>The subsequent code illustrates these steps:</para>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_XML" /> document creation from scratch.</title>
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_XML"/> document creation from scratch.</title>
-      <programlisting language="java"><link xlink:href="">final Element titel</link> = new Element("titel"); <co linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-1" xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-1-co" />
+      <programlisting language="java"><link
+          xlink:href="">final Element titel</link> = new Element("titel"); <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-1"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-1-co"/>
-titel.addContent(new Text("First try")); <co linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-2" xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-2-co" />
+titel.addContent(new Text("First try")); <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-2"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-2-co"/>
-titel.setAttribute("date", "23.02.2000"); <co linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-3" xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-3-co" />
+titel.setAttribute("date", "23.02.2000"); <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-3"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-3-co"/>
 final XMLOutputter printer =
-      new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());<co linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-4" xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-4-co" />
-printer.output(titel, System.out); <co linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5" xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5-co" /></programlisting>
-      <screen language="xml">Result: &lt;titel <coref linkend="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-1-co" /> date="23.02.2000"<coref linkend="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-3-co" />&gt;First try<coref linkend="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-2-co" />&lt;/titel&gt;</screen>
+      new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());<co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-4"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-4-co"/>
+printer.output(titel, System.out); <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5-co"/></programlisting>
+      <screen language="xml">Result: &lt;titel <coref
+          linkend="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-1-co"/> date="23.02.2000"<coref
+          linkend="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-3-co"/>&gt;First try<coref
+          linkend="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-2-co"/>&lt;/titel&gt;</screen>
@@ -435,12 +492,15 @@ printer.output(titel, System.out); <co linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5
             <label>Creation of an extended XML document instance</label>
-            <para>In order to run the examples the <filename xlink:href="">jdom2</filename>
+            <para>In order to run the examples the <filename
+            xlink:href="">jdom2</filename>
             library must be configured in your project's
-            <para>The <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> creating example given before
-            may be used as a starting point. Extend the <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> tree created in <xref linkend="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch" /> to produce an extended
+            <para>The <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> creating example given before
+            may be used as a starting point. Extend the <xref
+            linkend="glo_DOM"/> tree created in <xref
+            linkend="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch"/> to produce an extended
             XML document:</para>
             <programlisting language="xml">&lt;title&gt;
@@ -464,14 +524,16 @@ printer.output(titel, System.out); <co linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5
-    <para>JDom uses <acronym xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> for parsing XML
-    documents. Rather than handling <acronym xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> events ourselves we
-    prefer a <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> (in memory) representation of our
+    <para>JDom uses <acronym
+    xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> for parsing XML
+    documents. Rather than handling <acronym
+    xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> events ourselves we
+    prefer a <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> (in memory) representation of our
     document. The <link linkend="simpleCatalog">simple catalog</link> serves
     as an introductory example:</para>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_catalogSampleData">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_XML" /> catalog sample data</title>
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_XML"/> catalog sample data</title>
       <programlisting language="xml">&lt;catalog&gt;
   &lt;item orderNo="3218"&gt;Swinging headset&lt;/item&gt;
@@ -479,92 +541,136 @@ printer.output(titel, System.out); <co linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5
-    <para>We already noticed the need for an <classname xlink:href="">ErrorHandler</classname>
-    instance during <acronym xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> processing. A <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> Parser requires a means to communicate parsing errors
-    in case of <xref linkend="glo_XML" /> related errors. A <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> parser implementor is free to choose his
+    <para>We already noticed the need for an <classname
+    xlink:href="">ErrorHandler</classname>
+    instance during <acronym
+    xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> processing. A <xref
+    linkend="glo_DOM"/> Parser requires a means to communicate parsing errors
+    in case of <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> related errors. A <xref
+    linkend="glo_DOM"/> parser implementor is free to choose his
     implementation but most implementations are based on top of a so called
     <acronym xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> parser. The
     <acronym xlink:href="">SAX</acronym> parser in
-    turn defines a standard <classname xlink:href="">ErrorHandler</classname>
+    turn defines a standard <classname
+    xlink:href="">ErrorHandler</classname>
     interface we may use for the sake of conveying parsing errors:</para>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_SAX" /> error handler</title>
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_SAX"/> error handler</title>
-      <programlisting language="java">public class <link xlink:href="">MySaxErrorHandler</link> implements <link xlink:href="">ErrorHandler</link> {
+      <programlisting language="java">public class <link
+          xlink:href="">MySaxErrorHandler</link> implements <link
+          xlink:href="">ErrorHandler</link> {
-   private PrintStream out; <co linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-1" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-1-co" />//The error handler's output goes here
+   private PrintStream out; <co linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-1"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-1-co"/>//The error handler's output goes here
-   private String getParseExceptionInfo <co linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-2" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-2-co" />(SAXParseException ex) {
+   private String getParseExceptionInfo <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-2"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-2-co"/>(SAXParseException ex) {
      return "Error '" + ex.getMessage() + "' at line " + ex.getLineNumber() +
                   ", column " + ex.getColumnNumber();
-   public MySaxErrorHandler(final PrintStream out <co linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3-co" />) {this.out = out;}
-   @Override public void warning<co linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-4" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-4-co" /> (SAXParseException exception <co linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-5" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-5-co" />) throws SAXException {
+   public MySaxErrorHandler(final PrintStream out <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3-co"/>) {this.out = out;}
+   @Override public void warning<co linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-4"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-4-co"/> (SAXParseException exception <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-5"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-5-co"/>) throws SAXException {
       out.print("Warning:" + getParseExceptionInfo(exception));
-   @Override public void error <co linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-6" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-6-co" />(SAXParseException exception <coref linkend="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3-co" />) throws SAXException {
+   @Override public void error <co linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-6"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-6-co"/>(SAXParseException exception <coref
+          linkend="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3-co"/>) throws SAXException {
       out.print("Error:" + getParseExceptionInfo(exception));
    } @Override
-   public void fatalError <co linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-7" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-7-co" />(SAXParseException exception <coref linkend="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3-co" />) throws SAXException {
+   public void fatalError <co linkends="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-7"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-7-co"/>(SAXParseException exception <coref
+          linkend="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3-co"/>) throws SAXException {
       out.print("Fatal error:" + getParseExceptionInfo(exception));
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-1-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-1">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-1-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-1">
         <para>Error and warning messages go here. The underlying stream may be
         linked <abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> to a file or to standard output.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-2-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-2">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-2-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-2">
         <para>Internal method assembling the actual error or warning message
         containing a line number / column number based file reference.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-3">
         <para>Constructor for defining the respective stream.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-4-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-4">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-4-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-4">
         <para>Callback method being called in case of minor problems i.e. a
         missing mandatory attribute.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-5-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-5">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-5-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-5">
         <para>The exception instance holding a detailed problem
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-6-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-6">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-6-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-6">
         <para>Severe error.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-7-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-7">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-7-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_saxErrorHandler-7">
         <para>Fatal error <abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> indicating improper nesting of
-        elements prohibiting further parsing of the given <xref linkend="glo_XML" /> input.</para>
+        elements prohibiting further parsing of the given <xref
+        linkend="glo_XML"/> input.</para>
-    <para>We use this bit to assemble a <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> based <xref linkend="glo_XML" /> parsing application:.</para>
+    <para>We use this bit to assemble a <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> based <xref
+    linkend="glo_XML"/> parsing application:.</para>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal">
-      <title>Accessing an XML Tree purely by <xref linkend="glo_DOM" />
+      <title>Accessing an XML Tree purely by <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/>
-      <programlisting language="java">public class <link xlink:href="">ReadCatalog</link> {
-   private SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-1.2" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-1.2-co" />
+      <programlisting language="java">public class <link
+          xlink:href="">ReadCatalog</link> {
+   private SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-1.2"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-1.2-co"/>
    public ReadCatalog() {
-      builder.setErrorHandler(new <link xlink:href="">MySaxErrorHandler</link>(System.out)); <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-2.2" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-2.2-co" />
+      builder.setErrorHandler(new <link
+          xlink:href="">MySaxErrorHandler</link>(System.out)); <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-2.2"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-2.2-co"/>
-   public void process(final String filename) <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-3.2" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-3.2-co" /> throws JDOMException <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-4.2" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-4.2-co" />, IOException {
+   public void process(final String filename) <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-3.2"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-3.2-co"/> throws JDOMException <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-4.2"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-4.2-co"/>, IOException {
       final Document docInput =
-            getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(filename) <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-5.2" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-5.2-co" />
+            getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(filename) <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-5.2"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-5.2-co"/>
-      final Element docRoot = docInput.getRootElement(); <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-6.2" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-6.2-co" />
-      docRoot.getChildren().forEach(item -&gt; <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-7" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-7-co" />
+      final Element docRoot = docInput.getRootElement(); <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-6.2"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-6.2-co"/>
+      docRoot.getChildren().forEach(item -&gt; <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-7"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-7-co"/>
             "Article: " + item.getText() +
             ", order number: " + item.getAttributeValue("orderNo")));
@@ -573,48 +679,58 @@ printer.output(titel, System.out); <co linkends="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch-5
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-1.2-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-1.2">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-1.2-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-1.2">
         <para>The parser workhorse.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-2.2-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-2.2">
-        <para>Though an <classname xlink:href="">ErrorHandler</classname>
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-2.2-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-2.2">
+        <para>Though an <classname
+        xlink:href="">ErrorHandler</classname>
         is not strictly being required it allows for localization of XML
         document parsing errors and warnings.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-3.2-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-3.2">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-3.2-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-3.2">
         <para>Descending a catalog till its <tag class="starttag">item</tag>
         elements. For each <tag class="starttag">item</tag> its name and order
         number are being written to the output.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-4.2-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-4.2">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-4.2-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-4.2">
         <para>Parsing error being thrown in <abbrev>i.e.</abbrev> case of non-
         wellformed catalog documents.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-5.2-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-5.2">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-5.2-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-5.2">
         <para>Parsing XML input file relative to the project's
         <filename>src/main/resources</filename> folder.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-6.2-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-6.2">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-6.2-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-6.2">
         <para>Accessing the document's root element &lt;catalog&gt;</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-7-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-7">
-        <para>Streaming all <tag class="starttag">item</tag> children of <tag class="starttag">catalog</tag>.</para>
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-7-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal-7">
+        <para>Streaming all <tag class="starttag">item</tag> children of <tag
+        class="starttag">catalog</tag>.</para>
     <para>Execution of <methodname>process(...)</methodname> requires a driver
-    instance providing an <xref linkend="glo_XML" /> input filename:</para>
+    instance providing an <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> input filename:</para>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_readCatalogDriver">
       <title>Driver class execution entry point</title>
-      <programlisting language="java">public class <link xlink:href="">ReadCatalogDriver</link> {
+      <programlisting language="java">public class <link
+          xlink:href="">ReadCatalogDriver</link> {
   public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
     final ReadCatalog catalogReader = new ReadCatalog();
@@ -629,12 +745,13 @@ Article: 200W Stereo Amplifier, order number: 9921</screen>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_readCatalogSampleProject">
       <title>Project sample code for import</title>
-      <para><uri xlink:href=""></uri></para>
+      <para><uri
+      xlink:href=""></uri></para>
   <section xml:id="sda1SimpleDomProcess">
-    <title>Simple <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> processing</title>
+    <title>Simple <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> processing</title>
     <section xml:id="sda1SectElementVisualize">
       <title>Visualizing XML document elements</title>
@@ -667,8 +784,9 @@ Article: 200W Stereo Amplifier, order number: 9921</screen>
-              <para>Write a <xref linkend="glo_Java" /> application which lists
-              all elements by <link xlink:href="">depth
+              <para>Write a <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> application which lists
+              all elements by <link
+              xlink:href="">depth
               first pre order</link> traversal among with their respective
               nesting depth and attributes.</para>
@@ -706,21 +824,26 @@ Document contains 15 elements and 3 attributes.</screen>
     <section xml:id="sda1SectFunctionalBasics">
-      <title>Reminder to functional programming elements in <xref linkend="glo_Java" />.</title>
+      <title>Reminder to functional programming elements in <xref
+      linkend="glo_Java"/>.</title>
       <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sda1QandaFunctionalBasics">
               <para>As a courtesy we remind all participants to functional
-              programming elements being dealt with in <link xlink:href="" xml:lang="de">Softwareentwicklung 2</link>.</para>
+              programming elements being dealt with in <link
+              xlink:href=""
+              xml:lang="de">Softwareentwicklung 2</link>.</para>
-              <para>This exercise has been derived from <link xlink:href="">Lambda
+              <para>This exercise has been derived from <link
+              xlink:href="">Lambda
               Expressions - The Javaâ„¢ Tutorials</link>. Depending on your own
               personal knowledge you may want to start that trail
-              <para>Import the following project template into <xref linkend="glo_Soft_IntellijIDEA" />:</para>
+              <para>Import the following project template into <xref
+              linkend="glo_Soft_IntellijIDEA"/>:</para>
               <annotation role="make">
                 <para role="eclipse">Sda1/Streams/Template</para>
@@ -732,7 +855,8 @@ Document contains 15 elements and 3 attributes.</screen>
                   <para>Some boilerplate code in
-                  modified from <link xlink:href="">Lambda
+                  modified from <link
+                  xlink:href="">Lambda
                   Expressions - The Javaâ„¢ Tutorials</link>. Execution does
                   make sense when reading Oracle's trail in parallel.</para>
@@ -740,7 +864,8 @@ Document contains 15 elements and 3 attributes.</screen>
                   <para>A unit test class
-                  currently being masked by an <interfacename xlink:href="">@Ignore</interfacename>
+                  currently being masked by an <interfacename
+                  xlink:href="">@Ignore</interfacename>
                   annotation to be removed for enabling tests. This is your
                   place to actually start working.</para>
@@ -763,23 +888,31 @@ Document contains 15 elements and 3 attributes.</screen>
               is intended to serve as a blueprint:</para>
-              <programlisting language="java">   /**
-    * Order all male students by email and create a List&lt;String&gt; of their respective
-    * names in that order eliminating possible duplicates: <co linkends="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-1" xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-1-co" />
-    *
-    *  "Bob", 2, Student.Sex.MALE, ""  <co linkends="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-2" xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-2-co" />
-    *  "Fred", 2, Student.Sex.MALE, ""
-    *  "George", 4, Student.Sex.MALE, ""
-    *  "Jane", 1, Student.Sex.FEMALE, ""
-    *  "Kim", 2, Student.Sex.FEMALE, ""
-    *
-    *  ==&gt; {"Bob", "Fred", "George"} <co linkends="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-3" xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-3-co" />
-    *
-    */
-   @Test
-   public void allMaleDistinctNameOrderedByEmail() {
-      List&lt;String&gt; emails = <co linkends="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-4" xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-4-co" />
+              <programlisting language="java">/**
+ * Order all male students by email and create a List&lt;String&gt; of their respective
+ * names in that order eliminating possible duplicates: <co
+                  linkends="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-1"
+                  xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-1-co"/>
+ *
+ *  "Bob", 2, Student.Sex.MALE, ""  <co
+                  linkends="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-2"
+                  xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-2-co"/>
+ *  "Fred", 2, Student.Sex.MALE, ""
+ *  "George", 4, Student.Sex.MALE, ""
+ *  "Jane", 1, Student.Sex.FEMALE, ""
+ *  "Kim", 2, Student.Sex.FEMALE, ""
+ *
+ *  ==&gt; {"Bob", "Fred", "George"} <co
+                  linkends="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-3"
+                  xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-3-co"/>
+ *
+ */
+public void allMaleDistinctNameOrderedByEmail() {
+  final List&lt;String&gt; emails = <co
+                  linkends="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-4"
+                  xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-4-co"/>
             filter(s -&gt; s.gender == Sex.MALE).
@@ -788,32 +921,38 @@ Document contains 15 elements and 3 attributes.</screen>
-      assertThat(emails,  <co linkends="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-5" xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-5-co" />
-            Matchers.&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt; equalTo(
+  assertThat(emails,  <co linkends="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-5"
+                  xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-5-co"/>
+    Matchers.&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt; equalTo(
                   ImmutableList.of("Bob", "Fred", "George")
-                  )
-            );
-   }</programlisting>
+    )
+  );
-                <callout arearefs="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-1-co" xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-1">
+                <callout arearefs="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-1-co"
+                         xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-1">
                   <para>An informal description of the desired outcome.</para>
-                <callout arearefs="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-2-co" xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-2">
+                <callout arearefs="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-2-co"
+                         xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-2">
                   <para>A list of records illustrating a processing
-                <callout arearefs="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-3-co" xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-3">
+                <callout arearefs="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-3-co"
+                         xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-3">
                   <para>An informal description of the desired output.</para>
-                <callout arearefs="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-4-co" xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-4">
+                <callout arearefs="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-4-co"
+                         xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-4">
                   <para>A stream pipeline yielding the result.</para>
-                <callout arearefs="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-5-co" xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-5">
+                <callout arearefs="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-5-co"
+                         xml:id="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-5">
                   <para>A unit test checking for correctness.</para>
@@ -823,21 +962,31 @@ Document contains 15 elements and 3 attributes.</screen>
                 <para>Unit tests for this type of work frequently require
-                comparing <classname xlink:href="">List</classname>
-                and <classname xlink:href="">Map</classname>
-                objects. The above code <coref linkend="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-5-co" /> uses <link xlink:href="">Guava</link>
-                for creating <link xlink:href="">immutable
+                comparing <classname
+                xlink:href="">List</classname>
+                and <classname
+                xlink:href="">Map</classname>
+                objects. The above code <coref
+                linkend="sda1CalloutFunctionalJunit-5-co"/> uses <link
+                xlink:href="">Guava</link>
+                for creating <link
+                xlink:href="">immutable
                 collections</link> representing expected outcomes.</para>
-                <para>On the other end <productname xlink:href="">Hamcrest</productname>
-                allows for using these collections <link xlink:href="">to
+                <para>On the other end <productname
+                xlink:href="">Hamcrest</productname>
+                allows for using these collections <link
+                xlink:href="">to
                 be compared</link> with actual test outcomes. The test
                 <methodname>public void studentNamesBySex()</methodname>
-                contains a more complex example constructing a <classname xlink:href="">Map</classname>.</para>
+                contains a more complex example constructing a <classname
+                xlink:href="">Map</classname>.</para>
                 <para>Larger numbers of immutable collection items may require
-                using the <methodname xlink:href="">put()</methodname>
-                method being described in the topmost example of <classname xlink:href="">ImmutableMap.Builder</classname>
+                using the <methodname
+                xlink:href="">put()</methodname>
+                method being described in the topmost example of <classname
+                xlink:href="">ImmutableMap.Builder</classname>
                 rather than merely a constructor.</para>
@@ -859,12 +1008,14 @@ Document contains 15 elements and 3 attributes.</screen>
-              <para>Instead of transforming our <link linkend="simpleCatalog">simple catalog</link> into textual
-              output in <xref linkend="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal" /> we may
-              also create <xref linkend="glo_XHTML" /> pages like:</para>
+              <para>Instead of transforming our <link
+              linkend="simpleCatalog">simple catalog</link> into textual
+              output in <xref linkend="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal"/> we may
+              also create <xref linkend="glo_XHTML"/> pages like:</para>
               <programlisting language="xml">&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
-&lt;!-- Static content section--&gt; <co xml:id="sda1CatalogStaticContentSection" />
+&lt;!-- Static content section--&gt; <co
+                  xml:id="sda1CatalogStaticContentSection"/>
 &lt;html xmlns=""&gt;
     &lt;title&gt;Available articles&lt;/title&gt;
@@ -876,12 +1027,15 @@ Document contains 15 elements and 3 attributes.</screen>
         &lt;tr /&gt;
         &lt;th&gt;Article Description&lt;/th&gt;
         &lt;th&gt;Order Number&lt;/th&gt;
-        &lt;!-- End of static, beginning of dynamic section--&gt; <co xml:id="sda1CatalogDynamicContentSection" />
+        &lt;!-- End of static, beginning of dynamic section--&gt; <co
+                  xml:id="sda1CatalogDynamicContentSection"/>
-          &lt;td align="left"&gt;<emphasis role="bold">Swinging headset</emphasis>&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;<emphasis role="bold">3218</emphasis>&lt;/td&gt;
+          &lt;td align="left"&gt;<emphasis role="bold">Swinging headset</emphasis>&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;<emphasis
+                  role="bold">3218</emphasis>&lt;/td&gt;
-          &lt;td align="left"&gt;<emphasis role="bold">200W Stereo Amplifier</emphasis>&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;<emphasis role="bold">9921</emphasis>&lt;/td&gt;
+          &lt;td align="left"&gt;<emphasis role="bold">200W Stereo Amplifier</emphasis>&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;<emphasis
+                  role="bold">9921</emphasis>&lt;/td&gt;
@@ -891,19 +1045,29 @@ Document contains 15 elements and 3 attributes.</screen>
               <para>Rather then just
               statements you are expected to implement a more sophisticated
-              solution: We may combine <xref linkend="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal" /> and <xref linkend="createDocModify" />. The idea is parsing the <link linkend="simpleCatalog">XML catalog instance</link> to a <xref linkend="glo_Java" /> <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> object as before.
-              Then construct a <emphasis>second</emphasis> <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> tree representing the desired HTML output
-              and fill in the article information from the first <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> tree accordingly.</para>
+              solution: We may combine <xref
+              linkend="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal"/> and <xref
+              linkend="createDocModify"/>. The idea is parsing the <link
+              linkend="simpleCatalog">XML catalog instance</link> to a <xref
+              linkend="glo_Java"/> <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> object as before.
+              Then construct a <emphasis>second</emphasis> <xref
+              linkend="glo_DOM"/> tree representing the desired HTML output
+              and fill in the article information from the first <xref
+              linkend="glo_DOM"/> tree accordingly.</para>
-                <para>The desired <xref linkend="glo_HTML" /> output does
-                contain both static <coref linkend="sda1CatalogStaticContentSection" /> and dynamic
-                content <coref linkend="sda1CatalogDynamicContentSection" />
-                with respect to a given <xref linkend="glo_XML" /> <link linkend="simpleCatalog">catalog input</link>.</para>
-                <para>The static content may be implemented as in <xref linkend="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch" />. Regarding dynamic
-                content you'll have to parse your <link linkend="simpleCatalog">catalog input</link> and construct the
-                <xref linkend="glo_HTML" />'s table lines in a similar fashion
+                <para>The desired <xref linkend="glo_HTML"/> output does
+                contain both static <coref
+                linkend="sda1CatalogStaticContentSection"/> and dynamic
+                content <coref linkend="sda1CatalogDynamicContentSection"/>
+                with respect to a given <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> <link
+                linkend="simpleCatalog">catalog input</link>.</para>
+                <para>The static content may be implemented as in <xref
+                linkend="sda1_dom_createXmlFromScratch"/>. Regarding dynamic
+                content you'll have to parse your <link
+                linkend="simpleCatalog">catalog input</link> and construct the
+                <xref linkend="glo_HTML"/>'s table lines in a similar fashion
                 by iterating over <code>&lt;item
                 orderNo="..."&gt;...&lt;/item&gt;</code> elements .</para>
@@ -942,7 +1106,9 @@ public class HtmlTree {
     *   e.g. {"Article Description", "Order Number" }
    public HtmlTree(final String titleText,
-         final String[] tableHeaderFields) { <co linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_htmlskel_co" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_htmlskel" />
+         final String[] tableHeaderFields) { <co
+                  linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_htmlskel_co"
+                  xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_htmlskel"/>
       final DocType doctype =  new DocType("html",
             "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN",
@@ -985,7 +1151,9 @@ public class HtmlTree {
     * @param itemName The item's name (e.g. Tennis racket)
     * @param orderNo The item's order number
-   public void appendItem(final String itemName, final String orderNo) { <co linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_insertproduct_co" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_insertproduct" />
+   public void appendItem(final String itemName, final String orderNo) { <co
+                  linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_insertproduct_co"
+                  xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_insertproduct"/>
       final Element tr = new Element("tr");
       tr.addContent(new Element("td").addContent(new Text(itemName)));
@@ -1018,7 +1186,8 @@ public class HtmlTree {
-                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_htmlskel" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_htmlskel_co">
+                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_htmlskel"
+                         xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_htmlskel_co">
                   <para>A basic HTML skeleton is is being created:</para>
                   <programlisting language="xml">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
@@ -1044,22 +1213,24 @@ public class HtmlTree {
                   this point and thus invalid.</para>
-                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_insertproduct" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_insertproduct_co">
+                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_insertproduct"
+                         xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_insertproduct_co">
                   once per <tag class="starttag">item</tag> completes the
                   creation of our HTML DOM tree:</para>
-                  <programlisting language="xml">...             &lt;/tr&gt;
-                &lt;tr&gt;
-                    &lt;td&gt;Swinging headset&lt;/td&gt;
-                    &lt;td&gt;3218&lt;/td&gt;
-                &lt;/tr&gt;
-                &lt;tr&gt;
-                    &lt;td&gt;200W Stereo Amplifier&lt;/td&gt;
-                    &lt;td&gt;9921&lt;/td&gt;
-                &lt;/tr&gt;
-            &lt;/tbody&gt; ...</programlisting>
+                  <programlisting language="xml">...
+  &lt;/tr&gt;
+  &lt;tr&gt;
+    &lt;td&gt;Swinging headset&lt;/td&gt;
+    &lt;td&gt;3218&lt;/td&gt;
+  &lt;/tr&gt;
+  &lt;tr&gt;
+    &lt;td&gt;200W Stereo Amplifier&lt;/td&gt;
+    &lt;td&gt;9921&lt;/td&gt;
+  &lt;/tr&gt;
+&lt;/tbody&gt; ...</programlisting>
@@ -1084,7 +1255,9 @@ public class Article2Html {
      builder.setErrorHandler(new MySaxErrorHandler(System.out));
-     htmlResult = new HtmlTree("Available articles", new String[] { <co linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_createhtmldom_co" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_createhtmldom" />
+     htmlResult = new HtmlTree("Available articles", new String[] { <co
+                  linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_createhtmldom_co"
+                  xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_createhtmldom"/>
         "Article Description", "Order Number" });
@@ -1104,32 +1277,43 @@ public class Article2Html {
-    for (final Element item : items) { <co linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_prodloop_co" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_prodloop" />
+    for (final Element item : items) { <co
+                  linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_prodloop_co"
+                  xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_prodloop"/>
-                 item.getAttributeValue("orderNo")); <co linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_insertprod_co" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_insertprod" />
+                 item.getAttributeValue("orderNo")); <co
+                  linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_insertprod_co"
+                  xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_insertprod"/>
-    htmlResult.serialize(out); <co linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_serialize_co" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_serialize" />
+    htmlResult.serialize(out); <co
+                  linkends="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_serialize_co"
+                  xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_serialize"/>
-                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_createhtmldom" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_createhtmldom_co">
-                  <para>Create an instance holding a HTML <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> with a table header containing the
+                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_createhtmldom"
+                         xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_createhtmldom_co">
+                  <para>Create an instance holding a HTML <xref
+                  linkend="glo_DOM"/> with a table header containing the
                   strings <emphasis>Article Description</emphasis> and
                   <emphasis>Order Number</emphasis>.</para>
-                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_prodloop" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_prodloop_co">
+                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_prodloop"
+                         xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_prodloop_co">
                   <para>Iterate over all product nodes.</para>
-                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_insertprod" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_insertprod_co">
+                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_insertprod"
+                         xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_insertprod_co">
                   <para>Insert the product's name an order number into the
-                  HTML <xref linkend="glo_DOM" />.</para>
+                  HTML <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/>.</para>
-                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_serialize" xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_serialize_co">
-                  <para>Serialize the completed HTML <xref linkend="glo_DOM" />
+                <callout arearefs="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_serialize"
+                         xml:id="programlisting_catalog2html_glue_serialize_co">
+                  <para>Serialize the completed HTML <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/>
                   tree to the output stream.</para>
@@ -1140,13 +1324,13 @@ public class Article2Html {
     <section xml:id="sda1SectCleanHtml">
-      <title>Cleaning up <xref linkend="glo_HTML" />.</title>
+      <title>Cleaning up <xref linkend="glo_HTML"/>.</title>
       <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sda1QandaCleanHtml">
-              <para>Consider the following <xref linkend="glo_HTML" /> legacy
+              <para>Consider the following <xref linkend="glo_HTML"/> legacy
               <programlisting language="xml">&lt;html xmlns=''&gt;
@@ -1162,9 +1346,10 @@ public class Article2Html {
               <para>The pre-HTML5 <code>align='...'</code>attribute is
-              deprecated and has been replaced by <xref linkend="glo_CSS" />
+              deprecated and has been replaced by <xref linkend="glo_CSS"/>
               <code>style="vertical-align: ...;" or </code><code>style="float:
-              ...;"</code> <link xlink:href="">respectively</link>:</para>
+              ...;"</code> <link
+              xlink:href="">respectively</link>:</para>
               <programlisting language="xml">&lt;html xmlns=""&gt;
@@ -1179,7 +1364,7 @@ public class Article2Html {
               <para>Write a JDom based filter application which transforms
-              these legacy declarations to <xref linkend="glo_CSS" />
+              these legacy declarations to <xref linkend="glo_CSS"/>
@@ -1188,37 +1373,45 @@ public class Article2Html {
                     <para>Start by an identity transformation: Parse your
-                    <xref linkend="glo_HTML" /> document to a <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> tree and simply serialize this tree to
+                    <xref linkend="glo_HTML"/> document to a <xref
+                    linkend="glo_DOM"/> tree and simply serialize this tree to
                     standard output.</para>
-                    <para>Modify the intermediate <xref linkend="glo_DOM" />
-                    tree. The recursive descent method from <xref linkend="sda1SectElementVisualize" /> allows for retrieving
+                    <para>Modify the intermediate <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/>
+                    tree. The recursive descent method from <xref
+                    linkend="sda1SectElementVisualize"/> allows for retrieving
                     all <tag class="emptytag">img ...</tag> elements.</para>
-                    <para>The <methodname xlink:href="">getAttribute(...)</methodname>
-                    method allows for identifying relevant <tag class="emptytag">img align='...'</tag> elements.</para>
+                    <para>The <methodname
+                    xlink:href="">getAttribute(...)</methodname>
+                    method allows for identifying relevant <tag
+                    class="emptytag">img align='...'</tag> elements.</para>
                     <para>You may then modify <tag class="emptytag">img
-                    align='...'</tag> elements using <methodname xlink:href="">removeAttribute(...)</methodname>
-                    and <methodname xlink:href="">setAttribute(...)</methodname>.</para>
+                    align='...'</tag> elements using <methodname
+                    xlink:href="">removeAttribute(...)</methodname>
+                    and <methodname
+                    xlink:href="">setAttribute(...)</methodname>.</para>
-              <para>Optional: Supply an XSLT doing the same job as your <xref linkend="glo_Java" /> application and compare both solution
-              variants. You may want to read <quote xlink:href="">The
+              <para>Optional: Supply an XSLT doing the same job as your <xref
+              linkend="glo_Java"/> application and compare both solution
+              variants. You may want to read <quote
+              xlink:href="">The
               Identity Transform</quote>. This enables you to:</para>
-                  <para>Copy most <xref linkend="glo_HTML" /> from input to
-                  output like in your <xref linkend="glo_Java" />
+                  <para>Copy most <xref linkend="glo_HTML"/> from input to
+                  output like in your <xref linkend="glo_Java"/>
@@ -1239,7 +1432,8 @@ public class Article2Html {
               <code>html2html.xsl</code> style sheet.</para>
-                <para>Both solution variants do not account for elements <tag class="emptytag">img ... align='...' style='...'</tag> already
+                <para>Both solution variants do not account for elements <tag
+                class="emptytag">img ... align='...' style='...'</tag> already
                 defining a <code language="xml">style</code> attribute. Any
                 such existing value will be overridden. It is however
                 straightforward extending the current solution to append to
@@ -1254,10 +1448,10 @@ public class Article2Html {
   <section xml:id="domJavaScript">
-    <title>Using <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> with HTML/Javascript</title>
+    <title>Using <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> with HTML/Javascript</title>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domJavascript">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> and
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> and
@@ -1267,13 +1461,13 @@ public class Article2Html {
-          <para>Full <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> support.</para>
+          <para>Full <xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> support.</para>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domJavascriptExample">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> <productname>Javascript</productname>
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> <productname>Javascript</productname>
       <programlisting language="javascript">function sortables_init() {
@@ -1289,12 +1483,13 @@ public class Article2Html {
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domJavascriptDemo">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> <productname>Javascript</productname>
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> <productname>Javascript</productname>
-          <para><uri xlink:href=""></uri>
+          <para><uri
+          xlink:href=""></uri>
           or <link xlink:href="/Sda1/Ref/src/tablesort.html">local
@@ -1325,14 +1520,15 @@ public class Article2Html {
   <section xml:id="domXpath">
-    <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> and <acronym xlink:href="">XPath</acronym></title>
+    <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> and <acronym
+    xlink:href="">XPath</acronym></title>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_whyXpath">
-      <title>Why using <xref linkend="glo_XPath" /> ?</title>
+      <title>Why using <xref linkend="glo_XPath"/> ?</title>
-          <para><xref linkend="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal" />
+          <para><xref linkend="sda1_dom_fig_TreeTraversal"/>
           cumbersome/error-prone on complex hierarchies.</para>
@@ -1347,43 +1543,50 @@ public class Article2Html {
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_xpathJava">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_XPath" /> and <xref linkend="glo_Jdom" /></title>
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_XPath"/> and <xref
+      linkend="glo_Jdom"/></title>
-          <para>Addressing node sets in <xref linkend="glo_XML" />
+          <para>Addressing node sets in <xref linkend="glo_XML"/>
-          <para>Conceptional <xref linkend="glo_SQL" /> similarity.</para>
+          <para>Conceptional <xref linkend="glo_SQL"/> similarity.</para>
-          <para><link xlink:href="">Collections</link>
+          <para><link
+          xlink:href="">Collections</link>
           representing result sets.</para>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_fig_jdomMavenConfigXpath">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_XPath" /> on top of <xref linkend="glo_Jdom" /></title>
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_XPath"/> on top of <xref
+      linkend="glo_Jdom"/></title>
-      <programlisting language="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;                  <emphasis role="bold">&lt;!-- Jdom itself --&gt;</emphasis>
+      <programlisting language="xml">&lt;dependency&gt;                  <emphasis
+          role="bold">&lt;!-- Jdom itself --&gt;</emphasis>
-  &lt;artifactId&gt;<link xlink:href="">jdom2</link>&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+  &lt;artifactId&gt;<link
+          xlink:href="">jdom2</link>&lt;/artifactId&gt;
 &lt;dependency&gt;                  <emphasis role="bold">&lt;!-- XPath support for Jdom --&gt;</emphasis>
-  &lt;artifactId&gt;<link xlink:href="">jaxen</link>&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+  &lt;artifactId&gt;<link
+          xlink:href="">jaxen</link>&lt;/artifactId&gt;
 &lt;/dependency&gt; ...</programlisting>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_htmlImg">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_HTML" /> containing <tag class="starttag">img</tag> tags.</title>
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_HTML"/> containing <tag
+      class="starttag">img</tag> tags.</title>
       <programlisting language="xml">&lt;html xmlns=""&gt;
   &lt;head&gt;&lt;title&gt;Picture gallery&lt;/title&gt;&lt;/head&gt;
@@ -1415,7 +1618,8 @@ public class Article2Html {
           <para>Possibly additional search restrictions <abbrev>e.g.:</abbrev>
           <quote>searching for <tag class="emptytag">img</tag> elements
-          missing an <varname xlink:href="">alt</varname>
+          missing an <varname
+          xlink:href="">alt</varname>
@@ -1426,9 +1630,9 @@ public class Article2Html {
       script extracting images.</title>
       <informaltable border="1">
-        <colgroup width="64%" />
+        <colgroup width="64%"/>
-        <colgroup width="36%" />
+        <colgroup width="36%"/>
           <td valign="top"><programlisting language="xml">&lt;xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
@@ -1445,13 +1649,15 @@ public class Article2Html {
-          <td valign="top"><para>Result acting on <xref linkend="sda1_dom_fig_htmlImg" />:</para><screen>inline.gif one.gif two.gif</screen></td>
+          <td valign="top"><para>Result acting on <xref
+          linkend="sda1_dom_fig_htmlImg"/>:</para><screen>inline.gif one.gif two.gif</screen></td>
     <para>Note the necessity for <code>html</code> namespace (by prefix)
-    inclusion into the <acronym xlink:href="">XPath</acronym> expression in
+    inclusion into the <acronym
+    xlink:href="">XPath</acronym> expression in
     <code>&lt;xsl:for-each select="//html:img"&gt;</code>. A simple
     <code>select="//img"&gt;</code> results in an empty node set. Executing
     the <abbrev xlink:href="">XSL</abbrev> script
@@ -1459,19 +1665,25 @@ public class Article2Html {
     <code>inline.gif one.gif two.gif</code>.</para>
     <para>As a preparation for an application checking image accessibility we
-    want to rewrite the above <xref linkend="glo_XSL" /> as a <xref linkend="glo_Java" /> application. A simple approach may pipe the <abbrev xlink:href="">XSL</abbrev> output to our
+    want to rewrite the above <xref linkend="glo_XSL"/> as a <xref
+    linkend="glo_Java"/> application. A simple approach may pipe the <abbrev
+    xlink:href="">XSL</abbrev> output to our
     application which then executes the readability checks. Instead we
-    implement an <acronym xlink:href="">XPath</acronym> based search
-    within our <xref linkend="glo_Java" /> application. Trying to resemble the
+    implement an <acronym
+    xlink:href="">XPath</acronym> based search
+    within our <xref linkend="glo_Java"/> application. Trying to resemble the
     <abbrev xlink:href="">XSL</abbrev> actions as
-    closely as possible our application will search for <link xlink:href="">Element</link>
-    nodes using the <acronym xlink:href="">XPath</acronym> expression
+    closely as possible our application will search for <link
+    xlink:href="">Element</link>
+    nodes using the <acronym
+    xlink:href="">XPath</acronym> expression
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domSaxImgParse">
       <title>Setting up the parser</title>
-      <programlisting language="java">public class <link xlink:href="">DomXpath</link> {
+      <programlisting language="java">public class <link
+          xlink:href="">DomXpath</link> {
   private final SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
   public List&lt;Element&gt; process(final String xhtmlFilename)
@@ -1483,50 +1695,67 @@ public class Article2Html {
-        <para>Complete code <link xlink:href="">available
+        <para>Complete code <link
+        xlink:href="">available
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch">
-      <title>Search using <xref linkend="glo_XPath" />
+      <title>Search using <xref linkend="glo_XPath"/>
-      <programlisting language="java">static final Namespace htmlNamespace <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-1" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-1-co" /> =
+      <programlisting language="java">static final Namespace htmlNamespace <co
+          linkends="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-1"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-1-co"/> =
   Namespace.getNamespace("html", "");
 static final XPathExpression&lt;Element&gt; xpathSearchImg =
-    "//html:img" <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-2" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-2-co" />,
-    new ElementFilter()<co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-3" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-3-co" />,
-    null <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-4" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-4-co" />,
-    htmlNamespace <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-5" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-5-co" />);</programlisting>
+    "//html:img" <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-2"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-2-co"/>,
+    new ElementFilter()<co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-3"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-3-co"/>,
+    null <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-4"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-4-co"/>,
+    htmlNamespace <co linkends="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-5"
+          xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-5-co"/>);</programlisting>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-1-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-1">
-        <para>Associating prefix <code>html</code> and <xref linkend="glo_HTML" /> namespace
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-1-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-1">
+        <para>Associating prefix <code>html</code> and <xref
+        linkend="glo_HTML"/> namespace
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-2-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-2">
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-2-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-2">
         <para>Searching <tag class="starttag">img</tag> elements belonging to
         the namespace <code></code> linked by the
         <code>html</code> prefix.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-3-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-3">
-        <para>Selecting only <classname xlink:href="">Element</classname>
-        instances rather than other sub classed objects below <link xlink:href="">Content</link>.</para>
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-3-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-3">
+        <para>Selecting only <classname
+        xlink:href="">Element</classname>
+        instances rather than other sub classed objects below <link
+        xlink:href="">Content</link>.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-4-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-4">
-        <para>Using no parameters. See <link xlink:href="">[jdom-interest]
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-4-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-4">
+        <para>Using no parameters. See <link
+        xlink:href="">[jdom-interest]
         XPath examples</link> for parameterized queries.</para>
-      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-5-co" xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-5">
-        <para>Using previously defined namespace. The ellipsis in <methodname xlink:href=",%20org.jdom2.filter.Filter,%20java.util.Map,%20org.jdom2.Namespace...)">compile</methodname>
+      <callout arearefs="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-5-co"
+               xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathImgSearch-5">
+        <para>Using previously defined namespace. The ellipsis in <methodname
+        xlink:href=",%20org.jdom2.filter.Filter,%20java.util.Map,%20org.jdom2.Namespace...)">compile</methodname>
         supports multiple namespace definitions.</para>
@@ -1554,7 +1783,8 @@ static final XPathExpression&lt;Element&gt; xpathSearchImg =
-            <para>We want to extend the example given in <xref linkend="domFindImages" /> by testing the existence and checking
+            <para>We want to extend the example given in <xref
+            linkend="domFindImages"/> by testing the existence and checking
             for readability of referenced images. The following HTML document
             contains <quote>dead</quote> image references:</para>
@@ -1586,15 +1816,18 @@ static final XPathExpression&lt;Element&gt; xpathSearchImg =
-            <para>Write an application which checks for readability of <abbrev xlink:href="">URL</abbrev>
+            <para>Write an application which checks for readability of <abbrev
+            xlink:href="">URL</abbrev>
             image references to <emphasis>external</emphasis> Servers starting
             either with <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code> ignoring
             other protocol types. Internal image references referring to the
             <quote>current</quote> server typically look like <code>&lt;img
             src="/images/test.gif"</code>. So in order to distinguish these
-            two types of references we may use the XSL built in function <link xlink:href="">starts-with()</link>
+            two types of references we may use the XSL built in function <link
+            xlink:href="">starts-with()</link>
             testing for the <code>http</code> or <code>https</code> protocol
-            definition part of an <abbrev xlink:href="">URL</abbrev>.
+            definition part of an <abbrev
+            xlink:href="">URL</abbrev>.
             <code>ftp</code> addresses shall be ignored completely. A possible
             output corresponding to the above example reads:</para>
@@ -1612,7 +1845,8 @@, HTTP Status: false</screen>
               <para>Moreover a web server may return misleading response codes
               if deciding your user agent is unable to handle the current
               resource's content type in question. You may catch a glimpse of
-              related problems by reading <link xlink:href="">How
+              related problems by reading <link
+              xlink:href="">How
               to check if a URL exists or returns 404 with
@@ -1631,18 +1865,22 @@, HTTP Status: false</screen>
-                  <para><link xlink:href="">Java
+                  <para><link
+                  xlink:href="">Java
                   XML - JDOM2 - Namespaces</link></para>
-                  <para><link xlink:href="">XPath
+                  <para><link
+                  xlink:href="">XPath
-                  <para>For analyzing the accessibility of referenced <xref linkend="glo_HTTP" /> / <acronym>HTTPS</acronym> resources
-                  see the previously mentioned discussion in <link xlink:href="">How
+                  <para>For analyzing the accessibility of referenced <xref
+                  linkend="glo_HTTP"/> / <acronym>HTTPS</acronym> resources
+                  see the previously mentioned discussion in <link
+                  xlink:href="">How
                   to check if a URL exists or returns 404 with
@@ -1652,7 +1890,8 @@, HTTP Status: false</screen>
             <para>We are interested in the set of images within a given HTML
-            document containing an <link xlink:href="">URL</link> reference
+            document containing an <link
+            xlink:href="">URL</link> reference
             starting with either of:</para>
@@ -1669,7 +1908,8 @@, HTTP Status: false</screen>
-            <para>This may be achieved by the following <acronym xlink:href="">XPath</acronym>
+            <para>This may be achieved by the following <acronym
+            xlink:href="">XPath</acronym>
             <programlisting language="xpath">//html:img[starts-with(@src, 'http://') or
@@ -1701,23 +1941,26 @@ break;</programlisting>
     <figure xml:id="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathVariables">
       <title>Parameterized search expressions</title>
-      <programlisting language="none">Map&lt;String, Object&gt; <link xlink:href="">xpathVarsNamespacePrefix</link> = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
+      <programlisting language="none">Map&lt;String, Object&gt; <link
+          xlink:href="">xpathVarsNamespacePrefix</link> = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
 xpathVarsNamespacePrefix.put("cssClass", null) ;
 XPathExpression&lt;Element&gt; searchCssClass = XPathFactory.instance().compile(
   "//html:*[@class = <emphasis role="red">$cssClass</emphasis>]",
   new ElementFilter(), xpathVarsNamespacePrefix, htmlNamespace);
-searchCssClass.setVariable(<emphasis>"<emphasis role="red">cssClass</emphasis>"</emphasis>, "<emphasis role="red">header</emphasis>");
+searchCssClass.setVariable(<emphasis>"<emphasis role="red">cssClass</emphasis>"</emphasis>, "<emphasis
+          role="red">header</emphasis>");
 searchCssClass.evaluate(htmlInput) ...
 // Reuse by changing $cssClass
-searchCssClass.setVariable("<emphasis role="red">cssClass</emphasis>", "<emphasis role="red">footer</emphasis>");
+searchCssClass.setVariable("<emphasis role="red">cssClass</emphasis>", "<emphasis
+          role="red">footer</emphasis>");
 searchCssClass.evaluate(htmlInput) ...</programlisting>
     <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sda1QandaVerifyInternalReferences">
-      <title><xref linkend="glo_HTML" /> internal reference
+      <title><xref linkend="glo_HTML"/> internal reference
@@ -1731,7 +1974,8 @@ searchCssClass.evaluate(htmlInput) ...</programlisting>
   &lt;body&gt;&lt;h1 <emphasis role="red">id="start"</emphasis>&gt;Introduction&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;p&gt;We categorize for &lt;a
-  <emphasis role="red">href="#nativeExec"</emphasis>&gt;native&lt;/a&gt; and &lt;a <emphasis role="red">href="#vmBased"</emphasis>&gt;VM based&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a
+  <emphasis role="red">href="#nativeExec"</emphasis>&gt;native&lt;/a&gt; and &lt;a <emphasis
+                role="red">href="#vmBased"</emphasis>&gt;VM based&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a
   <emphasis role="red">id="languages"</emphasis>&gt;Languages&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;dl&gt;
       &lt;dt <emphasis role="red">id="nativeExec"</emphasis>&gt;Native execution code&lt;/dt&gt;
@@ -1790,9 +2034,12 @@ Error: matching target id 'newSection' not found</screen>
-            <para>Both parts may be implemented using <xref linkend="glo_XPath" /> expressions. For the second task you are
-            asked to reuse your <classname xlink:href="">XPathExpression</classname>
-            using the technique being described in <xref linkend="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathVariables" />.</para>
+            <para>Both parts may be implemented using <xref
+            linkend="glo_XPath"/> expressions. For the second task you are
+            asked to reuse your <classname
+            xlink:href="">XPathExpression</classname>
+            using the technique being described in <xref
+            linkend="sda1_dom_fig_domXpathVariables"/>.</para>
@@ -1800,19 +2047,22 @@ Error: matching target id 'newSection' not found</screen>
               <para role="eclipse">Sda1/VerifyInternalReferences</para>
-            <para><code>h</code> denoting the <xref linkend="glo_HTML" />
+            <para><code>h</code> denoting the <xref linkend="glo_HTML"/>
             namespace prefix we search for local references using:</para>
             <programlisting language="xpath">//h:*[starts-with(@href, '#')]</programlisting>
-            <para>This task is quite similar to <xref linkend="sda1QandaVerifyImgReadable" />. We create a reusable <xref linkend="glo_XPath" /> expression searching for targets:</para>
+            <para>This task is quite similar to <xref
+            linkend="sda1QandaVerifyImgReadable"/>. We create a reusable <xref
+            linkend="glo_XPath"/> expression searching for targets:</para>
             <programlisting language="xpath">//h:*[starts-with(@id, $" + ID_VAR_KEY + ")]</programlisting>
             <para>Resolving the variable <varname>ID_VAR_KEY</varname> this
             actually contains <code>//h:*[starts-with(@id, $targetId)]</code>.
             This latter query parameter <varname>$targetId</varname> will be
-            set each time prior to executing the path expression in <classname xlink:href="">CheckLocalReferences</classname>:</para>
+            set each time prior to executing the path expression in <classname
+            xlink:href="">CheckLocalReferences</classname>:</para>
             <programlisting language="java">searchTargetId.setVariable(ID_VAR_KEY, id);
 final int targetCount = searchTargetId.evaluate(htmlInput).size();</programlisting>
@@ -1823,16 +2073,19 @@ final int targetCount = searchTargetId.evaluate(htmlInput).size();</programlisti
   <section xml:id="domXsl">
-    <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> and <abbrev xlink:href="">XSL</abbrev></title>
-    <para><xref linkend="glo_Java" /> based <xref linkend="glo_XML" />
-    applications may use XSL style sheets for processing. A <xref linkend="glo_DOM" /> tree may for example be transformed into another tree.
-    The package <link xlink:href="">javax.xml.transform</link>
+    <title><xref linkend="glo_DOM"/> and <abbrev
+    xlink:href="">XSL</abbrev></title>
+    <para><xref linkend="glo_Java"/> based <xref linkend="glo_XML"/>
+    applications may use XSL style sheets for processing. A <xref
+    linkend="glo_DOM"/> tree may for example be transformed into another tree.
+    The package <link
+    xlink:href="">javax.xml.transform</link>
     provides interfaces and classes for this purpose. We consider the
     following product catalog example:</para>
     <figure xml:id="climbingCatalog">
-      <title>A simplified <xref linkend="glo_XML" /> product catalog</title>
+      <title>A simplified <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> product catalog</title>
       <programlisting language="xml">&lt;catalog xmlns:xsi=""
@@ -1945,8 +2198,11 @@ final int targetCount = searchTargetId.evaluate(htmlInput).size();</programlisti
-    <para>As a preparation for <xref linkend="sda1SectCatalog2html" /> we now
-    demonstrate the usage of <abbrev xlink:href="">XSL</abbrev> within a <xref linkend="glo_Java" /> application. This is done by a <link xlink:href="">Transformer</link>
+    <para>As a preparation for <xref linkend="sda1SectCatalog2html"/> we now
+    demonstrate the usage of <abbrev
+    xlink:href="">XSL</abbrev> within a <xref
+    linkend="glo_Java"/> application. This is done by a <link
+    xlink:href="">Transformer</link>
     <figure xml:id="xml2xml">
@@ -2013,11 +2269,12 @@ public class Xml2HtmlDriver {
     <section xml:id="sda1SectNamespaceElementStatistics">
       <title>Namespace / elements statistics</title>
-      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda" xml:id="sda1QandaNamespaceElementStatistics">
+      <qandaset defaultlabel="qanda"
+                xml:id="sda1QandaNamespaceElementStatistics">
-              <para>Consider the following <xref linkend="glo_XML" /> document
+              <para>Consider the following <xref linkend="glo_XML"/> document
               <programlisting language="xml">&lt;xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
@@ -2055,9 +2312,9 @@ public class Xml2HtmlDriver {
               <informaltable border="1">
-                <colgroup width="31%" />
+                <colgroup width="31%"/>
-                <colgroup width="69%" />
+                <colgroup width="69%"/>
                   <td valign="top"><para>The above sample document does
@@ -2087,18 +2344,20 @@ public class Xml2HtmlDriver {
                           <para>Having no namespace prefix.</para>
-                    </glosslist><para>Write a <xref linkend="glo_Jdom" />
+                    </glosslist><para>Write a <xref linkend="glo_Jdom"/>
                   application which generates statistical data like being
-                  represented by <xref linkend="glo_HTML" /> to the
+                  represented by <xref linkend="glo_HTML"/> to the
                   right.</para><para>Your application is expected to operate
-                  on <emphasis role="bold">arbitrary</emphasis> <xref linkend="glo_XML" /> input documents.</para><para>Providing
-                  suitable unit tests is an <emphasis role="bold">inherent</emphasis> part of this
+                  on <emphasis role="bold">arbitrary</emphasis> <xref
+                  linkend="glo_XML"/> input documents.</para><para>Providing
+                  suitable unit tests is an <emphasis
+                  role="bold">inherent</emphasis> part of this
-                          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/nspaceElemFrequency.png" />
+                          <imagedata fileref="Ref/Fig/nspaceElemFrequency.png"/>
@@ -2110,7 +2369,8 @@ public class Xml2HtmlDriver {
                 the XPath expression <code>//*</code>. Then construct a
                 <classname>Map&lt;String, Set&lt;...&gt;&gt;</classname>
                 having namespaces as keys and sets of element names among with
-                frequencies as values. Mind an appropriate <methodname xlink:href="">equals()</methodname>
+                frequencies as values. Mind an appropriate <methodname
+                xlink:href="">equals()</methodname>
diff --git a/ws/Docbook/CustomLayer/webhelp/common/images/yoga-exercise.svg b/ws/Docbook/CustomLayer/webhelp/common/images/yoga-exercise.svg
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@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
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+   d="m 1825.348,1633.382 c -22.034,6.624 -39.107,-14.612 -61.301,-18.376 -12.639,-2.144 -21.588,-58.244 -22.411,-65.671 -3.143,-28.376 -19.957,-52.31 -24.517,-80.109 -0.364,-2.221 -3.308,-5.558 -5.301,-5.746 -39.833,-3.751 -58.618,-35.162 -82.297,-60.916 -39.507,-42.969 -60.961,-96.102 -79.906,-149.078 -13.252,-37.057 -40.534,-63.354 -57.501,-96.883 -65.765,-129.96 -36.757,-64.695 -81.912,-129.694 -93.123,-134.051 3.369,-110.118 -81.515,-189.618 -26.008,-24.358 -72.49,50.844 -82.527,75.762 -21.612,53.658 -54.472,99.887 -92.777,141.464 -225.842,245.134 -181.451,309.623 -300.859,432.831 -34.047,35.13 -63.73,18.797 -91.748,10.355 -11.399,-3.434 -24.298,-11.591 -33.939,-0.132 -12.001,14.264 -26.096,28.34 -17.682,51.402 7.102,19.463 7.139,36.642 -24.76,31.401 -77.476,-12.728 -120.019,0.217 -227.877,-8.136 -19.042,-1.474 -11.938,-15.436 -0.331,-15.112 30.232,0.842 51.329,-19.473 75.485,-32.206 3.344,-1.763 109.811,-58.969 114.821,-66.652 25.747,-39.484 56.793,-75.531 76.691,-118.81 9.813,-21.345 23.222,-40.666 37.542,-58.972 55.32,-70.719 5.969,-77.79 10.893,-289.431 0.517,-22.232 2.402,-44.431 3.016,-66.663 0.648,-23.453 -20.792,-75.045 -22.605,-75.591 -26.513,-7.972 -19.359,-32.249 -23.908,-50.406 C 687.086,634.59 703.874,632.239 707.68,490.462 c 1.152,-42.916 -69.083,-16.171 -85.252,-6.412 -50.572,30.525 -134.74,2.785 -171.748,-38.198 -72.357,-80.13 23.1,-199.372 121.103,-166.988 27.136,8.967 105.141,46.117 109.31,27.716 2.959,-13.061 -13.53,-5.684 -86.802,-37.876 -29.7,-13.049 -62.767,-11.973 -92.462,-24.463 C 451.463,223.056 399.935,204.86 346.698,192.664 290.071,179.692 239.108,150.832 184.308,135.128 140.434,122.556 111.908,94.579 79.737,68.188 48.12,42.25 36.595,41.8 40.054,35.45 c 1.856,-3.407 59.703,3.962 96.003,24.934 72.974,42.16 56.453,23.45 94.719,30.428 62.834,11.457 123.525,30.796 185.113,46.838 81.059,21.114 127.393,-0.364 285.566,50.863 135.873,44.005 455.547,61.679 542.382,209.262 3.755,6.381 8.528,11.502 16.269,13.204 113.329,24.919 268.377,224.068 306.348,411.006 0.805,3.964 11.082,75.206 20.017,85.88 50.757,60.638 55.015,193.615 117.643,285.604 18.725,27.504 26.064,60.955 35.922,92.576 39.335,126.177 59.472,119.63 42.238,137.816 -18.72,19.754 -18.502,44.219 0.241,65.086 18.185,20.245 24.568,73.502 65.758,98.24 16.732,10.048 14.484,22.479 10.142,36.936 -3.556,11.842 -9.571,9.259 -33.067,9.259 z M 835.465,1219.507 c 0.06,4.074 -2.644,9.581 2.635,11.92 11.139,4.934 83.6,-83.724 103.361,-184.854 0.78,-3.991 1.68,-7.801 5.265,-9.969 27.72,-16.759 30.563,-78.379 59.459,-122.875 26.124,-40.228 71.584,-138.249 51.564,-179.757 -9.07,-18.806 -11.243,-37.983 -9.797,-58.187 0.389,-5.43 1.661,-11.85 -5.176,-14.301 -21.136,-7.577 -41.013,-17.572 -65.52,-13.719 -31.338,4.926 -63.45,12.309 -94.751,-3.19 -6.077,-3.009 -19.308,-3.625 -15.692,8.522 11.551,38.802 -40.207,62.434 -16.96,115.191 10.01,22.716 -17.02,26.206 -14.049,44.494 45.816,282.024 -3.311,203.347 -0.339,406.725 z"
+   inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
+  </g>
diff --git a/ws/Docbook/CustomLayer/webhelp/hdmextensions.xsl b/ws/Docbook/CustomLayer/webhelp/hdmextensions.xsl
index db5010e38..cacd6a82a 100644
--- a/ws/Docbook/CustomLayer/webhelp/hdmextensions.xsl
+++ b/ws/Docbook/CustomLayer/webhelp/hdmextensions.xsl
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
   <xsl:template match="d:qandaset">
     <xsl:variable name="title" select="(d:blockinfo/d:title|d:info/d:title|d:title)[1]"/>
     <xsl:variable name="preamble" select="*[local-name(.) != 'title'                                           and local-name(.) != 'titleabbrev'                                           and local-name(.) != 'qandadiv'                                           and local-name(.) != 'qandaentry']"/>
     <xsl:variable name="toc">
       <xsl:call-template name="pi.dbhtml_toc"/>
@@ -75,6 +76,8 @@
       <xsl:call-template name="id.attribute">
         <xsl:with-param name="conditional" select="0"/>
+      <img title="Exercise" alt="exercise"  style="vertical-align: middle;" width="40em"  src="common/images/yoga-exercise.svg"/>
       <xsl:apply-templates select="$title"/>
       <xsl:if test="not($title)">
         <!-- andhor is output on title if there is one -->
diff --git a/ws/Docbook/CustomLayer/webhelp/positioning.css.patch b/ws/Docbook/CustomLayer/webhelp/positioning.css.patch
index 1c2ba9025..37556b611 100644
--- a/ws/Docbook/CustomLayer/webhelp/positioning.css.patch
+++ b/ws/Docbook/CustomLayer/webhelp/positioning.css.patch
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
 +/* figure frame */
-+.figure {
++.figure, .qandaset {
 +    border-width: 0.5ex;
 +    border-style: solid;
 +    border-color: grey;
diff --git a/ws/Docbook/Extensions/Tdata/Common/fig.xml b/ws/Docbook/Extensions/Tdata/Common/fig.xml
index 3eb763112..15616014f 100644
--- a/ws/Docbook/Extensions/Tdata/Common/fig.xml
+++ b/ws/Docbook/Extensions/Tdata/Common/fig.xml
@@ -49,20 +49,6 @@
             <para>My first question containing a table:</para>
-            <informaltable border="1">
-              <tr>
-                <th>Key</th>
-                <th>Value</th>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <td>b1</td>
-                <td>b2</td>
-              </tr>
-            </informaltable>
             <table border="1" xml:id="testTable">
               <caption>Test table</caption>
diff --git a/ws/Docbook/Preprocess/Xsl/docbook2html.xsl b/ws/Docbook/Preprocess/Xsl/docbook2html.xsl
index 3ff47988c..00b471b64 100644
--- a/ws/Docbook/Preprocess/Xsl/docbook2html.xsl
+++ b/ws/Docbook/Preprocess/Xsl/docbook2html.xsl
@@ -33,35 +33,34 @@
       <xsl:copy-of select="text()|*"/>
-      <xsl:if test="$slideContainerId">
-        <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
-        <xsl:variable name="htmlPresentationLinkFileBasename">
-          <xsl:text>__figurelink</xsl:text>
-          <xsl:value-of select="generate-id()"/>
-          <xsl:text>.html</xsl:text>
-        </xsl:variable>
-        <xsl:variable name="htmlPresentationLinkFilename">
-          <xsl:if test="ancestor::*/@xml:base">
-            <xsl:call-template name="hdm.get.leftmost.of.separator">
-              <xsl:with-param name="path">
-                <xsl:value-of select="ancestor::*/@xml:base"/>
-              </xsl:with-param>
-              <xsl:with-param name="separator">/</xsl:with-param>
-            </xsl:call-template>
-            <xsl:text>/</xsl:text>
-          </xsl:if>
-          <xsl:value-of select="$htmlPresentationLinkFileBasename"/>
-        </xsl:variable>
-        <!--
-          Hack circumventing docbook XSL bug
-          preventing nesting of <inlinemediaobject> descendants inside <figure>/<title>.
-        -->
-        <xsl:result-document href="target/profile/{$htmlPresentationLinkFilename}" method="html" encoding="utf-8" indent="no">
-          <span>
+      <xsl:variable name="htmlPresentationForumFileBasename">
+        <xsl:text>__figurelink</xsl:text>
+        <xsl:value-of select="generate-id()"/>
+        <xsl:text>.html</xsl:text>
+      </xsl:variable>
+      <xsl:variable name="htmlPresentationForumFilename">
+        <xsl:if test="ancestor::*/@xml:base">
+          <xsl:call-template name="hdm.get.leftmost.of.separator">
+            <xsl:with-param name="path">
+              <xsl:value-of select="ancestor::*/@xml:base"/>
+            </xsl:with-param>
+            <xsl:with-param name="separator">/</xsl:with-param>
+          </xsl:call-template>
+          <xsl:text>/</xsl:text>
+        </xsl:if>
+        <xsl:value-of select="$htmlPresentationForumFileBasename"/>
+      </xsl:variable>
+      <!--
+        Hack circumventing docbook XSL bug
+        preventing nesting of <inlinemediaobject> descendants inside <figure>/<title>.
+      -->
+      <xsl:result-document href="target/profile/{$htmlPresentationForumFilename}" method="html" encoding="utf-8" indent="no"
+        exclude-result-prefixes="#all" xmlns = "">
+        <span>          
+          <xsl:if test="$slideContainerId">                          
               <xsl:attribute name="href">
                 <xsl:call-template name="slideReference">
@@ -69,23 +68,26 @@
                   <xsl:with-param name="slideObjectId" select="parent::db:figure/@xml:id"/>
-              <img style="vertical-align: middle;" src="common/images/presentation.svg" width="30"/>
+              <img title="Slide presentation" alt="Slide presentation" style="vertical-align: middle;" 
+                src="common/images/presentation.svg" width="40em"/>
             <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
-            <!-- Goik: Link to forum -->
-            <xsl:call-template name="bbComment">
-              <xsl:with-param name="elementId" select="parent::db:figure/@xml:id"/>
-            </xsl:call-template>                  
-          </span>
-        </xsl:result-document>
-        <xsl:processing-instruction name="dbhtml-include">
-          <xsl:text>href="</xsl:text>
-          <xsl:value-of select="$htmlPresentationLinkFileBasename"/>
-          <xsl:text>"</xsl:text>
-        </xsl:processing-instruction>
-      </xsl:if>
+          </xsl:if>
+          <!-- Link to forum -->
+          <xsl:call-template name="bbComment">
+            <xsl:with-param name="elementId" select="parent::db:figure/@xml:id"/>
+          </xsl:call-template>                  
+        </span>
+      </xsl:result-document>
+      <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+      <xsl:processing-instruction name="dbhtml-include">
+        <xsl:text>href="</xsl:text>
+        <xsl:value-of select="$htmlPresentationForumFileBasename"/>
+        <xsl:text>"</xsl:text>
+      </xsl:processing-instruction>
     <xsl:if test="not($slideContainerId) and ends-with(parent::db:figure/db:mediaobject/db:imageobject/db:imagedata/@fileref, '.fig')">
@@ -121,6 +123,60 @@
+  <xsl:template match="db:qandaset/db:title">
+    <title>
+      <xsl:copy-of select="text()|*"/>
+      <xsl:variable name="htmlPresentationForumFileBasename">
+        <xsl:text>__figurelink</xsl:text>
+        <xsl:value-of select="generate-id()"/>
+        <xsl:text>.html</xsl:text>
+      </xsl:variable>
+      <xsl:variable name="htmlPresentationForumFilename">
+        <xsl:if test="ancestor::*/@xml:base">
+          <xsl:call-template name="hdm.get.leftmost.of.separator">
+            <xsl:with-param name="path">
+              <xsl:value-of select="ancestor::*/@xml:base"/>
+            </xsl:with-param>
+            <xsl:with-param name="separator">/</xsl:with-param>
+          </xsl:call-template>
+          <xsl:text>/</xsl:text>
+        </xsl:if>
+        <xsl:value-of select="$htmlPresentationForumFileBasename"/>
+      </xsl:variable>
+      <!--
+        Hack circumventing docbook XSL bug
+        preventing nesting of <inlinemediaobject> descendants inside <figure>/<title>.
+      -->
+      <xsl:message>
+        <xsl:text>-----------------------------</xsl:text>
+        <xsl:value-of select="$htmlPresentationForumFilename"/>
+      </xsl:message>
+      <xsl:result-document href="target/profile/{$htmlPresentationForumFilename}" method="html" encoding="utf-8" indent="no"
+        exclude-result-prefixes="#all" xmlns = "">
+        <span>          
+          <!-- Link to forum -->
+          <xsl:call-template name="bbComment">
+            <xsl:with-param name="elementId" select="parent::db:qandaset/@xml:id"/>
+          </xsl:call-template>                  
+        </span>
+      </xsl:result-document>
+      <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+      <xsl:processing-instruction name="dbhtml-include">
+        <xsl:text>href="</xsl:text>
+        <xsl:value-of select="$htmlPresentationForumFileBasename"/>
+        <xsl:text>"</xsl:text>
+      </xsl:processing-instruction>
+    </title>
+  </xsl:template>  
   <xsl:template match="db:imagedata[ends-with(@fileref, '.fig')]">   
       <xsl:attribute name="fileref">
@@ -144,17 +200,17 @@
   <xsl:template name="bbComment">
     <xsl:param name="elementId"/>    
     <xsl:if test="$topicLookup/map/entry[@id = $elementId]">
-        <xsl:variable name="tid" select="$topicLookup/map/entry[@id = $elementId]/@tid"/>
-        <span class="bbForum" data-tid="$tid">
-          <a target="_blank">
-            <xsl:attribute name="href">
-              <xsl:text></xsl:text>
-              <xsl:value-of select="$tid"/>
-            </xsl:attribute>
-            <img src="common/images/comment.svg" width="20ex" alt="Create comment in forum"/>
-            <xsl:text> create comment</xsl:text>
-          </a>
-        </span>
+      <xsl:variable name="tid" select="$topicLookup/map/entry[@id = $elementId]/@tid"/>
+      <span class="bbForum" data-tid="$tid">
+        <a target="_blank">
+          <xsl:attribute name="href">
+            <xsl:text></xsl:text>
+            <xsl:value-of select="$tid"/>
+          </xsl:attribute>
+          <img src="common/images/comment.svg" width="40ex" style="vertical-align: middle;"
+              alt="Create comment in forum" title="Create comment in forum" />          
+        </a>
+      </span>