# General
Working in this Project I've learned a lot of things. The most important have its own seccion below such as Helm and Kubernetes, but there are a lot of things that I've learned. These things are worth a mention here. Now I have a better understanding of virtual maschines and Virtualistion. I'd expanded my knowlage about UNIX, Networking and IP's. Also I've learnt how to automatize a deployment with Gitlab CI/CD using helm that was the principal objective of this project.Accidentally I've learnt how to install a Gitlab runner and how to make it run in a kuberentes cluster. There are many more things that I've learnt. The greatest lesson was reafirming that: to understan what things do helps you a lot if you are thinking how this things could be aplied in your Project. It sounds oviouse, but sometimes I've forget this maxime.
# Helm
After this project I can say that I understand how Helm works and what it does, at least for simple applications. In this project I had to build my own Helm chart for my Restaurant API and also I had to use the gitlab preexisting chart. I took a look to the Gitlab chart and I saw it was more complex and more things were changed from the Chart that Helm provides as start. But I was able to understand what it does and that was a great realisation for me.
# Kubernetes
Before taking Software developing for Cloud Computing I didn't had used Kubernetes. I only knew it by name and more or less what it does. Through this project I had to use it in order to deploy my helm chart and also in order to Instal the Gitlab chart and last but not least when I had to install a Gitlab Runner in the Cluster. I've noticed how important it is to have a good general view of the project and also that I had to always keep in mind the Variables persistence, because if not the service couuld not work or even crash.
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